Page 6 The Portland Observer -August 15, 1990 ■ Portland Observer — — < ENTERTAINMENT 4* NEA CONDEMNS PGA FOR PLANS TO PLAY CHAMPIONSHIP ON COURSE BARRING BLACKS Popular music group Club Nou­ veau earned a Grammy award in 1987 for its rhythmic rendition of the song, "Lean On Me." Two of the group's members, Jay King and Kevin Irving, explain why exploring different types of music breeds staying power in the '90's, and give their opinions on when a singer knows he or she has achieved success in the industry, on this weekend's Ebony/Jet Showcase A Benefit For PIONEER COURTHOUSE SQUARE 7:30 pm FRIDAY, AUG 17 The National Education Association has condemned the Professional G o lf Association for “ its persistence in plan­ ning to play the annual PGA cham pion­ ship in August at a g o lf club that refuses membership to African Americans. * ‘The PGA championship is scheduled at the all-w hite Shoal Creek Country Club near Birmingham , Ala., Aug. 9-12. N E A Executive D ire c to r Don Cameron, in a letter to PGA President Patrick J. R eilly, said: “ It is dism aying to see the prestige o f the Professional G o lf Association marred with so unseemly a blemish. News accounts o f this matter indicate that your organization intends a review o f its p o li­ cies regarding the choice o f g o lf courses used fo r PGA activities. I urge you to act expeditiously. N E A , w ith more than two m illio n educational employee members, “ has a long and proud history o f leadership in securing c iv il rights for all Am ericans,” said Cameron. “ I f we can be o f assis­ tance in resolving the current dispute in the interests o f equality fo r a ll, please contact us.” The N E A action was adopted by the 8,300-member Representative Assem­ bly, the Associations’s policy-m aking body, at its annual meeting earlier this month. FIREHOUSE CULTURAL CENTER Henry Weinhard's Presents.... FABULOUS THUNDERBIRDS MITCH RYDER And The — — DETROIT WHEELS CURTIS SALGADO And The — STILETTOS MEIER & FRANK ©K (Oregonian North Portland’s Interstate Firehouse C ultural Center is one o f only 50 arts o r­ ganizations in the United States to be selected to panic ipate in phase one o f the national Endowment for the A rts ’ A d ­ vancement Program. City Commissioner D ick Bogle, who oversees the IFCC, said selection o f the 50 organizations was based on “ excep­ tional artistic m erit.” Under phase one o f the program, the N E A w ill provide technical assistance over the next 15 months to help the IFCC develop a cohesive plan fo r long-term adm inistrative and financial stability. Bogle said once the firs t phase is completed, the IFCC w ill become e li­ gible to apply fo r a phase-two matching grant to help implem ent the plan. According to Bogle, the N E A ’s tech­ nical assistance w ill address such areas as fundraising, marketing, board and staff development, public relations, financial systems, programs, and facilities needs. A regionally-based consultant w ill schedule regular visits to Portland to work w ith IFC C Executive D irector Sue Bushby and her staff. Specialists in va ri­ ous fields also w ill be available for con­ sultation, as needed. Bogle said one o f the strong points o f the Advancement Program is the fact that each arts organization is approached individually, and each plan is tailor-made. 223-9919 Tickets are $18 plus service charge available at Powell's Travel Store and G.l. Joe's Ticketmaster outlets AUGUST CALL 222-7425 FOR MORE INFORMATION. Wed. 15 A Public beivice of the Downtowner. TOP 10 SINGLES No ITiLT. C A ttL & TfUMVL'K AJCTTST i Make You Mine Motown 20444 Ruff Rhyme Capitol 15583 Someone to Love MCA 24061 Do Me MCA 24061 Treat Them Like... MCA 15822 Lies Atlantic 86168 Thieves in the Temple Paisley Park 19751 Jerkout Paisley Park 19750 Vision o f Love CBS 73348 MyMyMy Motown 2033 MC Trouble 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 W ONE King Tee Brothers of the Baladi rinip?. „16 Troubled Tribe Baton Rouge Babylon A.I). I i i?l7-Sat. 18 MAC Band Bell Biv DeVoe Crazy 8s Sun. 19 Father MC Envogue Prince The Time Mariah Carey Johnny Gill RECORDS 1615 NE Killingworth Portland, OR (503) 284-2435 F resh Voices | Yo, No, Don’t Try It’ D Ice-T is a popular rap artist who used to belong to a street gang but got a chance for another life and took it. Now, many of the raps on his albums and videos have an anti­ crime or anti-drug message. They also have explicit lan­ guage, sexual references and imagery, and in some cases display sexist attitudes; Ice-T has been strongly criticized for that. We asked him why he does all this, emphasizing the vulgarity, and why he quit the gang. Here are his answers^_ was sprung out there on the streets, into crime and things like that. And I d id n ’ t really have a fear o f going to ja il, because I d id n ’t have anything better. I d id n ’ t have any fam ily or anything. B ut one night I was in a club rapping-which was just something I picked up-and this pro­ ducer walked in. He was making this movie about breakdancing, and he said, T want you in it.’ I looked at him like he was crazy. ‘ I a in ’ t being in no movie, man.’ I had the attitude that all white people want to do is exploit me. But my friends told me, ‘ Ice, man, go for it, man. W hite people like you, man. You don’t have to be in here.’ “ Since then, all o f them have been to prison. A lot o f them are dead- I ’ve got to go to a funeral this week­ end. I t ’ s like the devastation that the streets bring. And every time I m ight have thought that I wasn’ t going to make it in the music business-maybe I should go back to the streets-some- body else would go under. I found out that drugs were nowhere, from other people’ s experiences. “ I ’m very lucky. I got a chance. And what m y music is really made o f is me explaining what I thought I wanted vs. what really happened. I say that I wanted to do down this particular road, the fast life , be a hustler, make my money, be rich and never work. That’ s the road a lot o f m in ority kids feel they’ ve got to go. Because the other road has applications and interviews that we j ust somehow never seem to be able to get past. There’ s no applica­ tions down this road. You just go for what you know . But at the end o f that road, I found out, there’ s a big c liff. And all my friends fe ll o ff o f the c liff. “ So I ’ m like yelling back to the kids- ‘ Yo, no, don’ t try it. It m ight look like it ’ s a shortcut, but it;s not.’ “ I never did drugs or drank any- thing-and, in a gang, i f one person doesn’t get high, people don’ t push him. T he y’re kind o f happy. T he y’re like, ‘Okay, Ice’ ll be the guy who can talk. H e’ ll know where the door is ‘ K ind o f like a desig­ nated driver. But i f I catch one o f these kids out here who wanks to hustle drugs, I w on’ t say, ‘ D on ’ t get involved w ith it. ‘ I ’ ll say, ‘ Look, man, I knew this guy, man, and he had bad cars and money and jewelry, and he went to Vegas and gambled a lo t...’ And the kid goes, ‘ Yeah, yeah.’ And I say, ‘ That night, he was getting ready to make a m illio n dollars, cash, but he O D ’d o ff heroin.’ “ O f course, no matter what I say, they think, ‘ I t ’ s not going to happen to me.’ But the only thing you can do is try. Now, there are people who say, ‘ N o use in trying. These kids in gangs, they’ re no good. Just lin e ’em up and shoot ‘ em. “ But, see, I was that kid. They would have lined me up and shot me. And now I ’ m in a position where I can try to help. “ So I tell them, ‘ Go to school . Finish what you’ ve gotta do. Y ou’ re not going to beat the system. The same way the Japanese did. They d id n ’ t come back and try to do another w ar-they’re buying up this country.’ “ And I tell the kids, ‘ You can use the same skills it takes to be crim in a l.’ People say to me, ‘ Have you ever been to business school? You have insight, w it and tac.’ And I say, ‘ Have you ever sold hand grenades in an alley? W hat they’ re talking about is something that came from a business school. W hat I ’ m ta lk ­ ing about is a business that used to be handled w ith people w ith guns. “ N ow , I rap to the kids in a very hard-core fashion. I swear at ‘ em a lot. And I did a song called ‘Lethal Weapon’ where I said go to school and get more ammo and go to the library and load up your gun. Because, I said, the wars o f the ’90s aren’ t going to be fought w ith hands-they’re going to be intellectual wars. When I was going to school, carrying a book, you were a sissy. But I te ll ‘ em, ‘This is your am m unition. ‘ I give kids on the street another way o f looking at ik “ W hat I ’ m dealing w ith is an un­ conventional enemy, and it takes un­ conventional tactics. R eally, adoles­ cents are an unconventional enemy. They don’ t go fo r the reasoning that adults try to use w ith them. When yo u ’re an adult, you can listen to a record and say, ‘Oh, that’ s terrible. K ids shouldn't hear that.’ But yo u ’re forgetting that when you were 13, the records you wanted were the records your mother d efin ite ly did not want you to have.Parenls don’ t hear any­ thing but the sw caring.But are you going to get hung up on the offensive words, or are you going to think about the message? When your mother says, ‘Don’t take that goddam car! she doesn’t mean ‘God be damned.’ She just wants to get your attention. “ And, yes, some o f m y raps have sex rhymes. One tim e I did a clean show, and g irls came up to me and complained, ‘W h y ’ d you stop doing those nasty raps?’ T hat’ s when I real­ ized i t ’ s part o f Ice-T-you know , the p o litica l rhymes, the gang rhymes, fun rhymes and sex rhymes. “ I know m y rap is not fo r every­ body. B ut i f you were dealing w ith a k id from Beirut, he’ d rap about car bom bs, terrorists, that type o f life. You can’t expect me to rap like Bryant Gumbel.If I want to reach kids in gangs, I know the route I have to go . These are kids who want to be hoodlums. So the best way fo r me to do it is ju st deal w ith them as a hoodlum and say, ‘ I ’ m an intelligent hoodlum. I ’ ve learned.’ ” Support our Advertisers SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE P O R T LA N D O BSE R V E R ...And Justice For All by A ngelique Sanders Will the Real Spike Lee Please Stand? 1190 31 NW FIRST ONE LYNN MINTON REPORTS: Richard Burdell's Birthday Fund Raiser Ak»n, 20 The Electric Boys Tmsi 21 The Clevelands Key Largo was called by Brothers of the Bulttdi's Michael Beach "Portland's best place to play at" This week, I want to respond to an article regarding Spike Lee in this m onth’ s Gentlemen's Q uarterly maga­ zine. W alter K irn , the author, opens his article by com plaining, “ There was a time in the entertainment business when artists were happy to do what they did best. Actors acted, dancers danced, singers sang...but Spike Lee, who has made a mark as both an actor and a director, isn’ t satisfied even w ith that; he’d rather be the self-appointed con­ science o f his race: M alcolm X w ith a distribution deal.” M r. K im , what you seem to be c ritic iz in g Spike for is ex­ panding his talent. I f actors are also talented at singing, fo r instance, does this mean they should shrug their shoul­ ders at singing and say, “ W e ll, shoot, I ’ m an actor; I shouldn’ t sing, too.” ? M alcolm X had a lot o f practiced talents beyond assisting his race; should he have ignored public speaking and nar­ rowed his abilities? Spike chooses his movies as an outlet fo r prom oting a message, whether it be how racism a f­ fects A frican Americans or sim ply g iv ­ ing whites a cross-section o f Balck life (as in M o' Better Blues): are you saying, M r. K im , that Spike Lee get o ff his schtick and do a mindless flic k , un­ m ounting his d irecting/w riting soapbox and “ keeping in his place” as a direc­ tor? You also criticize Lee for “ scolding his peers” , as you put it, “ for fa llin g away from some incorruptible standard o f Blackness.” You say his radicalism is an act. I believe what Spike Lee is attempting by lashing out at Arsenio H a ll’ s and Michael Jackson’ s artificialitie s, is encouraging brothers and sisters to keep Black culture intact. I doubt Spike is acting when he in ti­ mates this “ w hitening” o f Black cu l­ ture seems wrong to him. I f he is indeed only posing an a rtific ia l concern, at least he is exem plifying a positive role model. Additionally, you say that Spike should stop condemning racism because “ ...if everyone is a racist, no one is. Equal g u ilt means equal innocence." To this, I respond: even i f everyone was a racist—which Spike is not saying; he’ s sim ply pointing out that racism is out th e re -it doesn’ t mean we should settle back and presume i t ’ s right. I f everyone was g u ilty o f murdering, is everyone then innocent o f im m orality? K irn goes on to cut Lee fo r choosing, as he says, roles that “ show a person o f humble station outsmarting all around him , getting o ff all the good lines while being charmingly unpretentious.” Good lim ing on this article, K irm : it just heads up Spike’ s new film . Regrettably, i f you had had the opportunity to see M o' Better Blues before you’d w ritten it (in fact, I notice the article was placed under the head “ movies” as i f to say it deals w ith Spike’ s latest picture, when in fact it com pletely overlooks it), it may have changed your opinion on Spike’s rolc-choosing...hc plays a crooked gambling-addicted manager that is looked down upon by most every character, and w ho’ s ultim ate undoing is being vio- lently thrashed. That doesn ’ t sound like a very glamorous role to me... The fin al criticism I have o f your article ( I ’ m not finished com plain­ ing, but my next critiques I have are directed at G.Q.) is your closing state­ ment that i f Spike doesn’t stop pushing Blackness, so to speak, that he’ ll be­ come to society a passing novelty act. M r. K irn: I doubt Spike is concerned. To G.Q.: that depiction you ran o f Spike obviously intended to de­ grade him and make him look foolish. A ll the other articles featured legitimate photographs and not merely distorted line-draw ings...if G.Q. does not have a photograph o f Spike Lee, please w rite m c -th c Observer w ould be more than happy to supply one. To readers: I have sent a copy o f this to W illia m K im at G.Q. to give him the opportunity to respond. I w ill p rin t whatever I hear. * * * * * * Ite m : Burger K ing recently began serv­ ing Coke products(asupportcrof A part­ heid, as mentioned in last week's c o l­ umn). Personally, I'm boycotting B u r­ ger K ing fo r this reason; i f this action is not feasible fo r you, though, I'd at least recommend you refrain from purchas­ ing Coke products there. I f you want to complain about the "Coke switch", here's the address to issue complaints to: B ill Ostric, Vice President o f Operations Restaurant Management Northwest, Inc. 1410 S.W. Jefferson Street, Portland, Oregon 97201. I « ■ Í : J