August 15,1990—The Portland Observer-Page 3 • Portland Observer RELIGION Scripture o f the ‘Weefi MARK 4:15 The Desire of Ages -The Conflict of the Ages Illustrated in the Life of Christ GOOD MORNING LORD! by Mattie Ann Collier-Spears As / look at the ocean, vast and wide And I see Your face... The Book by Ellen G. White-—The Observer presents the following excerpt Jesus was ever a lover of chil­ dren. He accepted their childish sympa­ thy and their open, unaffected love. The grateful praise from their pure lips was music in His ears, and refreshed His spirit when oppressed by contact with crafty and hypocritical men. Wherever the Saviour went, the benignity of His countenance, and His gentle, kindly manner won the love and confidence of children. Among the Jews it was cus­ tomary for children to be brought to some rabbi, that he might lay his hands upon them in blessing; but the Saviour’s disciples thought His work too impor­ tant to be interrupted in this way. When the mothers came to Him with their little ones, the disciples looked on them with disfavor. They thought these children too young to be benefited by a visit to Jesus, and concluded that He would be displeased at their presence. But it was the disciples with whom He was dis­ pleased. The Saviour understood the care and burden o f the mothers who were seeking to train their children ac­ cording to the word of God. He had heard their prayers. He Himself had drawn them into His presence. One mother with her child had left her home to find Jesus. On the way she told a neighbor her errand, and the neighbor wanted to have Jesus bless her children. Thus several mothers came together, with their little ones. Some of the children had passed beyond the years of infancy to childhood and youth. When the mothers made known their desire, Jesus heard with sympathy the timid, tearful request. But He waited to see how the disciples would treat them. When He saw them send the mothers away, thinking to do Him a favor, He showed them their error, saying, “ Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and for- THE WORLD’S FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN - FULL COLOR - MERCHANDISE CATALOG FOR THE HOME The items in this catalog were especially selected with you in mind. Ideal for back to school and holidays (most items under $20.00). ITEMS INCLUDE: learning aides, collectables, toys, childrens books, art, clothing and more. . . We are so sure you will be completely satisfied with our catalog that we offer an unconditional money back guarantee! □ Enclosed is my check/money order in the amount of $5.00, made payable to S.B. Johnson & Son, for a two year subscription to your full color catalog. MAIL TO S.B. JOHNSON & SON Importers - Distributors P.O. Box 91698 Washington. D.C. 20090-1698 Name_ Addr:_ Zip State City a«c* '• if If I ta ly i . t i t / i t J » « * (» JO O tti, return fo r f o il refund. •LEE O W EN STONE COOPERATIVE P Current Openings Avail able For Summer & Fall Tuition From $30.00 Scholarships A vailable bid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” He look the children in His arms. He laid His hands upon them, and gave them the blessing for which they came. The mothers were comforted. They returned to their homes strength­ ened and blessed by the words of C hrist They were encouraged to take up their burden with new cheerfulness, and to work hopefully for their children, the mothers of today are to receive His words with the same faith. Christ is as verily a personal Saviour today as when mothers today as when He gathered the little ones to His arms in Judea. The children of our hearths are as much the purchase of His blood as were the chil­ dren of long ago. Jesus knows the burden of ev­ ery mother’s heart. He who had a mother that struggled with poverty and priva­ tion sympathizes with every mother in her labors. He who made a long journey in order to relieve the anxious heart of a Canaanite woman will do as much for the mothers of today. He who gave back to the widow of Nain her only son, and who in His agony upon the cross remem­ bered His own mother, is touched today by the mother’s sorrow. In every grief and every need He will give comfort and help. Let mothers come to Jesus with their perplexities. They will find grace sufficient to aid them in the manage­ ment of their children. The gates are open for every mother who would lay her burdens at the Saviour’s feet. He who said, “ Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them i. still invites the mothers to lead up their little ones to be blessed by Him. Even the babe in its mother’s arms may dwell as under the shadow of the Almighty through the faith of the praying mother. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit from his birth. If we will live in communion with God, we too may ex­ pect the divine Spirit to mold our little ones, even from their earliest moments. In the children who were brought in contact with Him, Jesus saw the men and women who should be heirs of His grace and subjects of His kingdom, and some of whom would become martyrs for His sake. He knew that these chil­ dren would listen to Him and accept Him as their Redeemer far more readily than would grown-up people, many of whom were the worldly-wise and hard­ hearted. In His teaching He came down to their level. He, the Majesty of heaven, did not disdain to answer their ques­ tions, and simplify His important les­ /T 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO (503) 287-0261 A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler, Then, 1 look at the gulls flying overhead I behold your grace 1 stretch out my hands as / look into The skies above... My heart whispers, "Come thy Holy Spirit and fill me with Thy love. Yes, fill me dear Master with Thy power from up above. Give me this day my daily bread and Teach me to pray. Teach me dear Master the words that I should say... Incline thine ear to my daily needs To my sorrows, to my pains, To my feeble life—I plead." In the Holy and Righteous name o f Jesus Christ o f Jesus Christ o f Nazareth... Continued next week AMEN! “ Before You M ust’ ’ — Make a Decision — “ In q u ire abr the services we o ffe r’ ’ Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 281 4891 2 4 H r. S e rv ic e We are interested in your problems NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH 2 MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS pink, or rose, or lily, how would you do it? Ask the gardener by what process he makes every branch and leaf to flourish so beautifully, and to develop in sym­ metry and loveliness. He will tell you that it was by no rude touch, no violent effort; for this would only break the delicate stems. It was by little atten­ tions, often repeated. He moistened the soil, and protected the growing plants from the fierce blasts and from the scorch­ ing sun, and God caused them to flourish and to blossom into loveliness. In deal­ ing with your children, follow the method of the gardener. By gently touches, by loving ministrations, seek to fashion their characters after the pattern of the char­ acter of ChrisL Encourage the expression of love toward God and toward one an­ other. The reason why there are so many hardhearted men and women in the world is that true affection has been regarded as weakness, and has been discouraged and repressed. The better nature of these persons was stifles in childhood; and unless the light of divine love shall melt away their cold selfishness, their happiness will be forever ruined. If we wish our children to possess the tender spirit of Jesus, and the sympathy that angels manifest for us, we must encour­ age the generous, loving impulses of childhood. Jesus Loves You! For Information Call the School 281-5802 or Kate Darling 281-0591 Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study, Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. sons to meet their childish understand­ ing. He planted in their minds the seeds of truth, which in after years would spring up, and bear fruit unto eternal life. It is still true that children are the most susceptible to the teachings of the gospel; their hearts are open to divine influences, and strong to retain the lessons received. The little children may be Christians, having an experi­ ence in accordance with their years. They need to be educated in spiritual things, and parents should give them every advantage, that they may form characters after the similitude of the character of C hrist Fathers and mothers should look upon their chi ldren as younger members of the Lord’s family, committed to them to educated for heaven. The lessons that we ourselves leam from Christwe should give to our children, as the young minds can receive them, little by little opening to them the beauty of the principles of heaven. Thus the Christian home be­ comes a school, where the parents serve as under-teachers, while Christ Himself is the chief instructor. In working for the conversion of our children, we should not look for violent emotion as the essential evi­ dence of conviction of sin. Nor is it necessary to know the exact time when they are converted. We should teach them to bring their to Jesus, asking His forgiveness, and believing that He par­ dons and receives them as He received the children when He was personally on earth. As the mother teaches her chil­ dren to obey her because they love her, she is teaching them the first lessons in the Christian life. The mother’s love represents to the child the love of Christ, and the little ones who trust and ovey their mother are learning to trust and obey the Saviour. Jesus was the pattern for chil­ dren, and He was also the father’s ex­ ample. He spoke as one having author­ ity, and His word was with power; yet in all His intercourse with rude and violent men He did not use one unkind or dis­ courteous expression. The grace of Christ in the heart will impart a heaven-bom dignity and sense of propriety. It will soften whatever is harsh, and subdue all that is coarse and unking. It will lead fathers and mothers to treat their chil­ dren as intelligent beings, as they them­ selves would like to be treated. Parents, in the training of your children, study the lessons that God has given in nature. If you would train a 1237 NE Failing Sunday School 9:30 am Morning Worship 11:15 am Y.P.W.W. 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 pm (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 pm Thursday Pastoral Teaching 7:30 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Y ou a re invited to worship with T h e N e w T e s ta m e n t fam ily. Elder Leon Brewer Pastor Call W h e re w e p re a c h J e s u s C h ris t ARANATHA HURCH W e te a c h th e B ib le W e re a c h o u t a n d c a re fo r p e o p le 284-7594 MRS C’S WIGS 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon W HOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING UFESTYLES Prison Ministries PRISON MINISTRIES, INC P.O. BOX 12396 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 God Bless You! JOHN OR VIVIAN PARKER F or information Call: (503) 284-7563 Sunday Services • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL. WEEKS Sunday School 9 :0 0 A.M . BETTV CABIN! PROPRIETOR TUfS-SAY 1 1t3O-6r00 Morning Worship 10:30 A.M . 3E. EVERYTHNG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WES UMOUE HAB ORNAMENTS HAW BEADS ft BEAUTY SUPPLES MRS CS EBONY ESSENCE COSMETES ZURl COSMETES Maranatha School of Ministry 6 :3 0 P.M. Mid-Week Services • Wednesday 7 :3 0 P.M. ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS 261-6525 Rev. W endell H. Wallace Senior Pastor 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) BEAUTICIAN 4 STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100*/. HUMAN HAB FOR BRAIOING ft WEAVBG