I August 8 , 1990-The Portland Observer-Page 9 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS CRIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST Northeast Coalition o f Neighborhoods Full-time position. Forty (40) hours per week. Salary: $11.89 per hour plus benefits after 6 months. Position Responsibilities: To provide organizing and coordinating services for Inner Northeast Portland citizens addressing crime concerns. Skills Required: Knowledge of crime prevention and com­ munity organizing Familiarity o f Inner Northeast neighbor­ hoods Com puter skills with word processing and data-base management. M acintosh preferable. Closing Date: August 1 7 ,19905:00 pm. Applications will be available at the North­ east Coalition o f Neighborhoods of­ fice, 4815 N.E. 7th Avenue. No phone calls please. No application will be mailed. N ortheastCoalilion of Neighborhoods is an Equal Opportunity Employer. MULTNOMAH COUNTY CLINIC PH ARM ACIST;$ 14.90-$ 19.37 per hour; full-time and part-time open­ ings available. DATA BA SE A N A LY ST/CLIEN T TRAINER;$14.18 per hour. CLINIC HEALTH ASSISTANT; $8.31 per hour. OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR-Aging Services Division; $23,052-$29,984 annually. DENTAL ASSISTANT/RECEPTION- IST; $8.31 per hour. DENTIST 1; $35,475-$46,124 annually. VOLUNTEER SERVICES ASSISTANT; $8.78-$ 11.77 per hour, half-time open­ ing in the Library department. Apply for the above positions by August 17,1990. WHERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204.Multnomah County is an Equal Opportunity Employer offering an excellent benefit package. CITY OF SALEM Utilities inspector (Pollution Control) $ 11.031 -$ 13.402/hr. technical inspec­ tion o f industrial, commercial and residential sew er accounts; enforcing codes, ordinances and permit require­ ments; pacing effluent discharges; monitoring cleanup o f spills. Consid. exp. in pollution control, watcr/waste- water treatm ent or related field; asso­ ciates degree in water/wastewater tech­ nology; or any equivalent com bina­ tion o f exp. or training. Inspection, sampling, testing, chemistry and bac­ teriology knowledge; possess written communication skills and valid ODL. Com puter exp. desired. Closes; 9/7/ 90. Apply City o f Salem, Personnel Dept., 555 Liberty St. SE, Rm 225, Salem, OR, 97301. EOE PLANNER SENIOR PLANNER- ADVANCE PLANNING EDUCATION MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT JOB OPPORTUNITIES Our District provides programs and serv­ ices to our 12 constituent school dis­ tricts. We are currently looking for qualified individuals for the following positions: Intake Transition teacher (EH Program) 200 days Registered Nurse, Complex Health Needs 190 days Specialist, Social Studies 210 days 4/hrs day Teacher Special Education (MH Pro­ gram) 190 days Teacher Special Education (EH Program) 190 days Substitute Teachers, Education A ssis­ tants, RN & LPN For required MESD application form, more information and closing dates call 257-1510 (24 hr/job hotline) or com e to Recruitment O ffice, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland. The successful applicant will have expe­ rience in: managing housing develop­ ment and rehabilitation; managing CDBG programs; managing homeless issues; working with policy making and advisory groups; supervising a work unit, including hiring,evaluation and program administration experi­ ence, preferably in economic or com ­ munity development. Salary $2,777- $3,500/mo. CLOSING DATE: A ugust 31, 199. ap­ plications and supplemental question­ naire available from the Human R e­ source and Risk Services Division, City of Eugene, 777 Pearl St., Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. AA/EOE CASE MANAGER Young Parents Program CEYP For Boys and Girls Aide Society. Provide Case M anagement services, in­ formation and resource referral, crisis intervention/advocacy and LIN K (special friend). Volunteer to high risk pregnancy and parenting teen at­ tending the Beaverton High School District. Continuing education for young parents program CEYP. BS in Human Services. Exp/knowledge in teen parenting, early childhood devel­ opment and two years work experi­ ence required. $8-10/hr. 22.5 hr/wk plus Benefits 222-9611 Ext. 253 Susan. Deadline Aug 23, 1990 at 5:00 p.m. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Teen Parent Dept Coordinator Apply: AMA Family Day and Night Care 1425 NE Dekum 285-0588 285-0493 or Send Resum e to: PO Box 11243 Portland, OR 97211 HEAD TEACHER/ INFANTS Unique opportunity to support teen par­ ents and their infants. Requires: 2 yrs. infant group care cxpcricnce/with 1 yr. teaching and supervising staff. Desire: strong com m unication skills, ECE/child development. Competitive wage and benefits. Send resume A.S.A.P. to: I.T.D.C., 531 S.E. 14th, Portland. OR 97214 or call 280-5826 for application. DV SHELTER WORKERS N ight Case Manager $10,800 p/yr + benefits 4:45 pm-9:15am every 3rd night plus m eeting/activities HEALTH CARE HOSPITAL CONTRACT NEGOTIATOR Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for Hospital Contract negotiator. This position involves developing, negotiat­ ing and administering all BCBSO Hospital contracts for the promotion and retention of new and current business. This includes the developm ent of short and long term contracting strategies. A Bachelor’s degree in Business A dministration, Accounting, Finance or Health Care Administration or equivalent, plus 5 years in the health care industry is required. A M aster’s degree is preferred. Significant prior experience with health care insurance and contracting which includes feasibility and financial analysis is required. Excellent written and oral com m unication skills. Four years in contract administration o r project developm ent desirable. Some overnight travel involved. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers and excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours and competitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. Starting salary is $2335 mo. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #366 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer PRINTING Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications in our reprographics department for the following positions. PRESS OPERATOR Q ualified applicants m ust have at least 2 years work experience as a Press Operator. Tw o-color offset press know ledge & experience helpful. Educa­ tion is graphics art or printing program is helpful. Applicant must be able to lift 50 lbs. BINDERY CLERK Candidate should be able to lift 75 lbs.frequently, have previous folder expe­ rience, and have the ability to read and follow directions. Two years bindery experience or completion o f a graphic arts program at a com m unity college preferred. These are swing shift positions with regular working hours from 3:30- midnight; however, applicant must be willing to work overtime hours if required. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #371 for Press Operator or #372 for bindery Clerk at the top of your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD#225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Shelter C oordinator $1227 p/mo + benefits W eekdays, 40 hrs. Some evening m eetings Closing Date: August 13,1990 Application Process: Send resume and cover letter to: Bradley-Angle House, Inc. PO Box 14694 Portland, Or. 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer TECHNICAL CONNECT WITH A CAREER IN CABLE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept.,5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TD D #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Highly responsible professional position COMMISSION FOR with project management responsibili­ ties for complex and highly visible WOMEN projects. Both land use and environ­ The State o f Oregon is seeking an execu­ m ental planning experience are desir­ tive Director, Commission for Women, able. Extensive citizen involvement for a 2/3 time position based in Salem, involvem ent experience and excellent Oregon. Requires experience in pro­ people and organizational skills re­ gram coordination, wriling/composi- quired. This position requires a M as­ tion, budget, research and com m uni­ ter’s degree in planning or a related cating with diverse groups. Salary $1502 field and four years experience with per month. public planning (or equivalent). Call To receive an announcement contact Susan 206/786-5480 for application m ateri­ Bibelhcimer, Recruitment and Career als (thurston Regional Planning C oun­ Services, Personnel and Labor Rela­ cil, Olympia, WA), Salary range: 2,626 tions Division, 155 Cottage Street NE, (step 1) to 3,543 (step 10) monthly. Salem, Oregon 97310, (503) 373-7431. Starting salary depends on qualifica­ Applications must be received no later tions. Application closing date: Aug than 5 pm, A ugust 27, 1990. Equal 17, 1990. Equal Opportunity Em ­ O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ction ployer. Employer. State o f Oregon POSITION OPEN MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon's medical claims. Experi­ ence necessary to perform this task will include: ■ 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting ■ Demonstrated knowledge o f medical terminology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting o r office experience ■ ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding ■ A minimum o f 6-12 months experience using a CR T in a production oriented environm ent I Fast, accurate use of a 10-kcy calculator Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, llex-tim c work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #276 at the top of your resume o r in your cover letter. Send resum e to: ASK CENTER TEACHER OMSI ASK Center has part time teacher position opening, 12-20 hpw. Min. 2 years expr. teaching or related work with children. Science, math or com ­ puter skills preferred. Closes 8-24-90. Resume and letter to OM SI, Person­ nel, 4015 SW Canyon Rd., Portland, OR 97221 .E O E at Employment at Blds/Sub-Blds INSURANCE An Equal Opportunity Employer HOUSING & COMMU­ NITY DEVELOPMENT MANAGER CITY OF EUGENE, OR at Advertising P A R A G O N C ABLE SERVICE TECHNICIAN Identify service problems and make repairs to re­ store reception at customers' homes. Must have previous experience, electronics training, excellent customer service skills, stable work history. Valid driver’s license and good driving record. Must be able to climb poles and ladders up to 40'. Flexible scheduling required. TRUNK MAINTENANCE TECH II Maintain outside CATV plant in good operational condition. Work with active and passive equipment associated with but not limited to the trunk network. Install and replace equipment including power sup­ plies. Must have 2 yrs continuous experience as a maintenance tech. Know how to operate a signal level meter and system sweep equipment. Abie to use extension ladder and flexible schedule. Valid driver’s license and good driving record. Excellent customer service skills. WE SUPPORT A DRUG FREE WORKPLACE AND ALL JOB OFFERS ARE CONTINGENT UPON PASSING PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TEST. Please apply no later than Friday, August 10 to: PARAGON CABLE 3075 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity Employer Occupational Health Nurse Boeing Portland is a com plete capabilities facility that manufactures large parts for The Boeing Com pany’s family o f com m ercial jets. Right now, w e have an op en in g for an O ccupational Health Nurse w h o can provide quality health care services for our sw ing shift employees. The Requirements You must be an RN with at least 3-5 years of medical/surgical experience and broad- based nursing knowledge. This position requires mature judgement, flexibility, excellent prob­ lem-solving skills, and the ability to work independently. Write Today If your skills and our requirem ents match, please send your resume to: Boeing P ortlan d E m ploym en t Office, P.O. B ox 20487, Portland, OR 97220. Principals only, please. An equal opportunity employer. INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL REIMBURSEMENT POLICY REPRESENTATIVE CITY OF PORTLAND Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Professional Reim bursem ent Policy Rep. The position requires 1-2 years professional experience in the health care field, creative problem -solving ability, written and verbal communication skills, and working experience with programming languages. Back-ground knowledge o f m edical and insur­ ance terminology helpful, working know ledge o f reimbursement m ethodolo­ gies and physician reim bursem ent philosophy required. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required.Starting salary is $1794 per mo. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #358 at the top o f your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD#225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer STREAM ENHANCEMENT COORDINATOR and water use in the John Day Basin. The Stream Coordinator will help in identifying critical participants, legal requirem ents and m ethods of funding $2,349-13,131 or implementing solutions. The Oregon W ater Resources D epart­ Experience related to natural resource ment is recruiting to fill a Limited m anagem ent is required. Call Terry Duration position funded through June O lbekson for application procedures, 30,1991. This position will be located 378-3741. RESPO N SE DEADLINE: in John Day woiking with various groups 8/13/90. on ways to improve stream conditions Police Officer-to $3,217/m o Fire Fighter-to $3,217/mo Clerical Specialist-$l,969/m o For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr job information) No resum es please BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 S.W. 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 Apps also available at : URBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russell Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply COUNSELING CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY CLINICAL SUPERVISORS Starting salary $1644-$1810 per month plus benefits. CODA Inc. has 3 vacan­ cies for Clinical Supervisors in resi­ dential intensive outpatient and as- sessment programs. All req ter’s degree in a human servi pline and /or extensive relate experience including clinics sory experience. Detail poi nouncements and applicatio tions are available at CODA NE 20th, Portland, OR 972 239-8400. Equal opportunity five action employer.