1 aF I Portland O b server-A u gust 8, 1990 i Portland Observer PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ■1 D I AMERA p REM WASHERS & DRYERS DADS Oil Service Natural nail and band care Ask about our Com plim entary Instructional M anicure Call 288-8966 Wanda Davis, Consultant | This Coupon Good For Heating Oils 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, Oregon 282-5111 Ç rental C d $15 OFF washer ■ • d elivery & [iNSTALLATTON^FK^ $30. Delivery & Installation Portland 231-7413 Vancouver 693-4000 Speedy Service - Friendly Call for Quote "J" Q COIN CAR WASH featuring -A rm o ra ll OPEN 24 HOURS M.L.K.. Jr. Blvd. (Union) & Fargo Next to Nike Square and Popeye Chicken Comer of Columbia & M.L.K.. Jr. Blvd, Z S V tli McMurphy’s P R O G R E S S IV E REALTY . 236 S.W. Salmon, Suite A Portland, OR 97204 (503) 240-5323 Buying Appliances Working or Not O R A L. H A R T, P res id e n t 288-3233 2 8 3 -4 5 4 2 • 2 8 1 -3 0 3 8 3 17 N.E. K illin g s w o rth P o rtlan d , O R 97211 Golden Rule Beauty Saicm Location: 2723 N.E. 7th 281-7053 , ‘Donnie s Princess diouse Products 5928 NE 12th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 (503) 284-6717 Ready to Serve You as Always! plus 925 N.E. B roadway P ortland , OR 97232 (503) 249-7204 Raleigh and Donnie Lewis (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -6 3 9 3 an d 5 2 8 7 N. L o m b a rd S tre e t P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 3 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 3 -6 0 8 5 Open: Hon. thru Sat. Low Air Fares "Call Today" 9 a.m. -6 p.m. M c K in n e y In s u r a n c e Auto Insurance SR22 Filing Fire Bonds Trucker Local & Long Distance (503) 281-9495 O PEN : For Your Shopping Convenience Tuesday thru Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. il^ (503) 287-1745 5852 N .E . 42nd Ave. Portland, O R 97218 CUSTOM SEWING­ DESIGNING & „ ALTERATION J 3415 N.E. Broadway 5 8 3 2 N .E . U n io n A v e n u e P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97 2 1 1 4601 N. Williams 281-6873 African Sculpture Masks African-American Books Framed African-American Prints Hand Painted Sweats T-shirts Pants and Tops GWEN JOHNSON, MANAGER Products supplied by Princess House, Inc, A Colgate-Palmolive Company A C C E S S O R IE S GOING ST. MARKET - Jewelry Crystal - China - S ilver H o m e : 282-0054 Mary Paris IN C . b h h b h TYavel Roberts' Broadway Hairweevers "4 g o o d pro d u ct is «our best advertisem en t" ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies S p o t Free Rinse G ia n t Tow els E n g in e D e g re a s e r -V a c u u m s ■ Fragrance V e n d o rs W a x C a rp e t S h a m p o o Y 2 8 1 -4 5 7 7 4 9 4 4 N. W illia m s A ve. P o rtla n d , O re g o n LEE OW EN STONE DBB ENTERPRISES ALMA BARNEY - JANICE BANKS Cooperative Preschool co owners 120 N.E. Knott 309 NEWygant/282-9970 9 am-Noon Mon-Fri. CLOTHIER ACCEPTING SPRING & SUMMER ENROLLMENT Jei/urejQjrl 21/2 to 5yrs.o ld PATRICIA TRICE - FIE WASH 319N.E. WYGANT PORTLAND, OR 97211 (503) 282-3533 Multi-Cultural Contact Jerri 282-7081 The Look of a Relaxer with the Maintenance of a Curl! "Learning the Way of Leisure" Safe ♦ Certified * Quality CAREER NETWORK INC It's A Small World A G EN CY ACCOUNTING EXECUTIVE MGMT HIGH-TECH ADMINISTRATIVE BOOKKEEPING FINANCE ClERICAl/OFFICE MARKETING CONTROLLERS SALES DATA PROCESSING SECRETARIES ENGINEERING 700 Nt M'jttnomah Sulle 400 ■ 2 3 3 -0 0 5 5 Beauty & Barber Supplies 225 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 285-9008 Carolyn Sims, Owner Enriched * Stimulating Learning Environment H olladay Park M edical Center {1 & Vs LE G A C Y Open to Public 9-6 - Delivery/Service Peggy Sumner Owner (503) 289-0205 231 N. Lombard Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 1225 N o rth ea st 2nd A v e n u e (503) 233-4567 Committed to Carter Opportunity J ot A d Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal Opportunity Employer A Legacy Member D B B E N T E R P R IS E i Portland Observer i CLASSIFIEDS introduces Leisure Relaxer Systems i t Advertising &• Employment • Bids/Sub-Bids LUNCH Aug 12, 1990 - 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. IN N A T T H E A IR P O R T - H O L ID A Y IN N HYDRO SAFETY ENGINEER Beautician Needed THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY 1) A re you tired o f the big c ity life ? 2) D o you need a change in atmosphere? W ashington W ater P ow er (W W P ), an investor-ow ned u tility (gas and elec­ tric), serving o ve r 300,000 customers in Eastern W ashington and N orthern Idaho, has an opening to r a H yd ro Safety Engineer. T h is position is responsible fo r the safe construction and maintenance o f dams and sp illw a ys and adherence by the Com pany to a ll Federal Energy R egu­ la to ry C om m ission (F E R C ) related dam safety requirem ents. The H yd ro Safety E ngineer perform s h yd ra u lic and h y d ro lo g ic studies, structural in ­ 3) W o u ld you lik e to be yo u r ow n boss? com e on d o w n to Salem , and help me m ake your dreams com e true. R ainy Records and Beauty Supplies (Fea­ tu rin g : S alon) is lo o k in g fo r the rig h t person to f i l l this p o sitio n. dress is technical support to the rest o f the com pany in matters re la tin g to dam safety, 2061 State Street Salem, OR 97301 (503) 371-7386 co nstruction and p u b lic safety at the hyd ro projects. Q u a lifie d candidates w ill have a B a ch e lo r’ s Degree in C iv il E ngineering and professional license in c iv il engineering is desirable b u t not m andatory. W W P o ffe rs a co m p e titive salary, e xce lle n t benefits and a ch a llenging w o rk e nvironm ent. Spokane, o ffe rs a high q u a lity o f life and the low est cost o f liv in g on the W est CoasL Q u a lifie s candidates should subm it a resume and salary histo ry no later the A u g u st 20, 1990, to: The Washington Water Power Company Attn: Human Resources - Employment Department PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220 Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST/ CASHIER Im m ediate op e n in g fo r b rig h t, energetic receptioi ist/cashier at N o rth P ortland V is io n C lin ic , three days a w eek. R e­ sp o n sib ilitie s in clu d e patient schedul­ ing, filin , and lig h t b ookkeeping. F o r applicatif n in fo rm a tio n ca ll 240-5319, 9 (X) a.ii to 5 :0 0 p .m ., Tues through Thurs. E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR For Privai N o n -P ro fit. R equires: exce l­ lent ora! and w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n skills; experience in program analysis, planning, d e ve lop m e n t and budget- i' g; strong p ro b le m s o lv in g and super- v i s o ry -1 ■ Ils; a b ility to w o rk w e ll under pressur .n ow ledgc o f food bank o p ­ erations uesirable. 2 5 ,0 0 0 + /y r D O E + excellent benefits. Send c o v e r le tte r and resume A ttn : Rachel L ittle to Oregon Food B ank. 2540 N E R iv e r- 'dc W ay, Portland, O R 97211. Closes 8/17/90 INSTRUCTOR Escape Faculty A d v is o r W ith rank o f instructor. Q u a lific a tio n s fo r this .50 F T E po sitio n include p rio r leadership experience in a fie ld stud­ ies program , a masters degree in edu­ cation, human services o r a related fie ld , experience in consensus d e c i­ sion m aking, student fa c u lty c o lla b o ­ ration, curriculum developm ent, group dynam ics tra in in g , peer supervision The ad­ PDC is the City of Portland's urban renewal and economic development agency. E ngineering Preferred ca n d id ate s w ill possess c o n ­ struction p ro je ct experience. K no w le d g e of safety regulations and E ngineering sta n ­ d a rd s required. G raduate M echanical/C ivil E ngineer with no less than 2 years o f p ra c ­ tical engineering e xperience w ith P.E re g ­ istration potential. Prefer m in im u m 3.25 GPA; transcripts required. Excellent benefit package. Please direct resum e and letter of a p p lica tio n to: A N o rth w e st N atural G as Co. P.O. Box 3410 Portland, Oregon 97208-3410 FAX (503)721-2506 An E qu al O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r STARTING A BUSINESS “ S tarting a B usiness” , a w o rksh o p p ro ­ procedures in starting a business, w ith sp e cific emphasis on the problem s fa cin g m in o rity businesses. Subjects to be covered include: choosing THE PORTLAND OBSERVER 282-9970 featuring Cosmotologist from Chicago, Illinois Come let's have fun and learn Leisure Relaxer Systems TICKETS: $15.00 10% off on all products L E IS U R E C U R L W O R K S H O P NOSTALGIC HAIR DESIGN II 4100 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH PORTLAND, OREGON MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1990 10:00 A .M .-4:00 P.M. E|ei/uf£ (T uri i t .' i u - 'Tr- the rig h t business, id e n tify in g our m arket, sources o f capital , record keeping and licensing requirem ents. Sponsored by the Oregon A ssociation o f M in o rity Entrepreneurs (O A M E C enter), “ S tart­ ing a Business” w ill be held at O A M E C enter, 847 N E 19th, Suite 245, P ort­ land. The cost is $15 fo r O A M E mem bers and $25 fo r non-m em bers. T o register, call O A M E C enter at 236-1190. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT TWINS REE Enterprises Roxanne Kayla Parvizi 7/21/90 7lbs and Michael Kamron Parvizi 7/21/90 7lbs, 10ozs Mother: Rosemary Parvizi Father: Behnam Parvizi P.O. Box 11052 Portland, OR 97211-0052 S p e c ia liz in g in la n d s c a p in g , Janitorial, a n d m a in te n a n c e serv ic e s CALL MICHAEL DAVIS for a Free Estimate a t 281-2661 24 hour service 281-0174 'ALL Tdi'L g o o d ) CW/LS A-PfL PA'J\LP/!' recom m endation, vita , o ffic ia l tran­ scripts, and 3 letters o f recom m enda­ tio n to Barbara B la c k w e ll, Search C o m m itte e C h a ir, D iv is io n o fT e a c h c r Support our Advertisers— f H SAY Y O U SAW IT IN 8430 NE Columbia Blvd. DESIGN ENGINEER Are you interested in b e co m in g part o f a stron g de sig n enginering team for N o rth ­ w est Natural G as C o m pa n y? W e are a c ­ tively seeing ca n d id ate s for tw o entry-level positio n s in the Portland area. R e sp o n si­ bilities w ill include analysis of G as D istribu­ tion System s, eng in ee rin g de sig n projects, field c o rro s io n (unctions, a d m in istra tive a nd liaison activities m oting m inority business development, w ill be offe re d on Tuesday, A u g u st 14 fro m 6:30-9:30pm . T h is w orkshop w ill provide step by step A p p lic a tio n and supporting materials m ust be received by A ug u st 15, 1990. A n Equal Opportunity E m ploycr/A ffirm a- tive action in s titu tio n co m m itte d to c u ltu ra l diversity. C o m m is s io n M e e t in g Date: August 15,1990 Place: Portland Building 1120 SW Fifth Ave., 11th FI. Portland, OR Time: 9:30 a.m. Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC. Call 796-5300. and program a dm inistration. F o r fu r­ ther in fo rm a tio n please contact B a r­ bara B la c k w e ll at 1-346-3085 fo r a copy o f the fu ll p o sition description. A n applicant should send a le tte r o f E ducation, U n iv e rs ity o f O regon, Eugene, OR 97403-1215. D eadline: PORTLAND DEVELÖl'MENT ("YiMMISSIô.N W e ll, I need you and I need you no w so spection and analysis, and review s geotechnical studies related to the nine hydroelectric developm ents operated by W W P . T h is p o sitio n also provides w o rk experience d ire c tly related to hyd ro fa c ilitie s engineering and FE R C h yd ro p o w e r licensing, dam safety, and project com pliance a c tiv itie s . A PDC Y o u ’v e ju s t a b o u t g iv e n up! Y o u ’ve trie d th e d a tin g s c e n e : n ig h t clu b s, bars, s o c ia l lo u n g e s All th e p ro s p e c ts ju s t w e re n o t w h a t y o u w e re lo o k in g fo r in a p e rm a n e n t re la tio n s h ip . W e u n d e rs ta n d h o w y o u feel. T h e A fric an A m e ric a n S in a le s N e tw o rk D a te le tte r is w h a t yo u n eed. It o ffe rs u n iq u e o p p o rtu n ity to m eet q u a lifie d , p re -s c re e n e d s in g le s w h o a re e a g e r to m eet yo u a s w ell T h e D a te le tte r p ro v id e s : J •Intriguing articles on dating, loving and relationship success ■Notice of cultural and social events where the possibility of meetinq other African American Singles are greatest. a ««iwin •Phvacy^is'assured!119165 Wh° interested in a long term- meaningful relationship. A c o n fid e n tia l w a y to s e le c t o n ly th o s e in d iv id u a ls w h o a re m o s t c o m p a tib le w ith th e ty p e o f p e rs o n y o u w is h to s p e n d tim e w ith . S o c o m e o n ! S e n d in th e co S ^ o n b elo w . It m a y be th e b e s t th in g y o u ’v e e v e r d o n e! Please send me more information and a membership packet. I don’t want to l«t th k unique opportunity pass me by. I have enclosed $2.00 for shipping and handling M a le — F e m a l9 — City/State/Zip: I certify that I'm 21 years of age or older, single, and African American Signature: A fric an A m e ric a n S in g le s N e tw o rk, P.O. B ox 125 14, P o rtlan d O R 972 19 (5 0 3 )2 9 3 -7 9 7 9 ’