«uguM O, 1VW I he Portland Observer- Page 7 A Former Member Speaks Out Against Stay C le a n In c . In preparing this message I had previously gone to great lengths to de­ tail the history of Inside Outside People/Stay Clean Inc. because of the loyalty and love I have for its late founder, Mr. Don McMillan. Initially I had submitted a copy of the first article for review to Mr. Thomas Mason and Mr. Herbert Brown who expressed their total support and permission for submission to the Observer of this article. I did this out of respect for the leadership of Stay Clean Inc. of which at the time I was a proud member. Since the publication of the article and because of my concern for the historical truth to be revealed I have been dismissed from participating in Stay Clean Inc. I have been labeled by Thomas Mason and Herbert Brown and their cronies all who have prospered on an untruth as a whistleblower and trouble­ maker, an individual they couldn’t control and their fear of the truth has caused them to lash out with no other basis for their action than their own fears and in­ securities. It is the fear of these so-called leaders that I in some way wish to wrest control of Stay Clean Inc. or reveal some information that might harm them in their assumed roles. Let me state for the record, I wasn’t ordered by any court or corrections official to attend Stay Clean. I sought treatment there bccaus I love the program and my only desire is to see it grow and prosper in truth and in no way have I ever evidenced a desire to wrest control of any program. I shall admit I have witnesses program problems that exist on a consis­ tent level and that if the leadership would adhere to good counsel could address, in two specific areas as example: the kitchen and professional counseling. Let’s look at the kitchen-oftentim es men/women coming into recovery are, if qualified, assigned duties as cook. In any program this is a very “ touchy area for reasons of health and sanitation needless to say, a person who has shirked responsibilities using drugs is now in a key position to help, but when there recovery should be the main focus, confusion enters when meals arc unprepared and lunched go unmade. A simple solution: hire a part-time cook, so a recovering adict could devote all his time to recovery. Secondly, the need for professional counseling is paramount; sure we could counsel one another if the truth was imperative, but the lackadaisical approach to treatment hinges on who screws up, not on the truth of your recov­ ery. Professional PT counselors would make Stay Clean more responsive to the client’s needs. It is a fact that power corrupts. It would be a fallacy to believe that Stay Clean doesn’t have the monies to provide these services even on a part- time basis so where is the money going? If it’s not going into treatment or staff of which there is no paid staff then where does the money go? For rent? Utilities? Phone? If Stay Clean is responsive to the community then who arc their board members? Who’s auditing them? Who is making decisions? The board or Brown and Mason? In the interest of the community I call for an investigation into the finances and activities of a program that needs to truly focus on staying clean as opposed to staying elusive. Woody Broadnax Portland Black Firefighters A ssociation New Burn Product Available to Consumers Y our arm grazes a hot coil as you remove the roast from the oven. A spoonful of soup lands on your three- y e a r- o ld ’s The,Key to Burn arm in­ stead of Treatment in the mug. A flashback of flame burns your husband’s chest while he’s preparing the Sunday barbecue. When a bum ac­ cident occurs—as one does just about every 17 seconds-you need to think and act fast. But what to do is often a big question mark. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably been warned against putting anything on a bum. This precaution is best heeded, if all you have at hand is a variety o f oint­ ments and dry dressings in the medi­ cine cabinet, and a stick or two of butter in the fridge. Most of these com­ mon remedies don’t provide any pro­ tection against contamination of the bum wound, don’t cool or relieve pain, and may even worsen the damage. However, thanks to the development of a new emergency bum care product called Water-Jel First Aid Emergency Bum Dressings, you can now react quickly, safely, and effectively when you or a loved one is burned. Water-Jel dressings, a one-step 1990 FIRE FIGHTER EXAMINATION The City of Portland will be accept­ ing applications for the position of firefighter: July 30 to August 10, 1990. Applications and information can be obtained from the Bureau of Personnel Services 1220 S.W. Fifth Avenue, room 100 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 248-4352 A position with the bureau of fire, rescue, and emergency services is not only a challenging career it of­ fers job security, good pay, promo­ tional opportunities, public appre­ ciation, health benefits, and more. Starting salary $24,918/year to $38,605 within five years. If you are at least 18 years o f age, have a valid driver’s license, high school diploma or equivalent, and is serious enough to obtain an emergency medical tech­ nician 1 certificate; picture your future with the Portland Fire Bureau. BLOOD DONOR PORTLAND PLASMA DONOR CENTER first aid product available to consum ­ ers for use on bums, facilitate appro­ priate first aid o f bums at home and al­ low for ease of treatment in the hospi­ tal. The gel’s water base helps soften burnt clothing and prevents it from adhering to bum wounds. Since W a­ ter-Jel is water-based and water-sol­ uble, the bum wound can be readily cleansed, should the patient require later medical attention. Experts con­ tend the residues of many bum oint­ ments and lotions can be difficult to remove, possibly causing additional pain and tissue damage to the bum victim. In addition, many physician advisors suggest applying moist dress­ ings because they assist in alleviating heat or pain and do not adhere to bum tissue causing less pain when removed. Water-Jel dressings can be used by people o f all ages, including chil­ dren and the elderly, two age groups at high risk for bums. In addition, Water- Jel dressing allow the child who has been burned to remain calm by reliev­ ing pain and cooling the wound. You don’t need a doctor’s prescription to obtain Water-Jel dressings. All Water-Jel products have un­ dergone thorough testing. In addition, Water-Jel has been approved by the good Housekeeping Institute. ) TOA, /S FXC/fFD TO ANNOUNCE OUR GRANDX^OPENING Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! Denote your life saving blood - plasma receive rosh lor your time' Enjoy monies »& while you denote1 Cleon, sole, healthy S medKolly supervised Ellment, sophisticated automated comput­ ers keeps your time spent donating Io a minimum. Best Cash P rices DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 POKTLAND DONOR CENTER: 249-1433 3726 NE union Ave, Porllond 97212 HO URS: M O N -T H U R S : 8:00-7:00 FRI: 8:00-4 00 SAT: 8 00-6 00 Call for more inform ation about fees and bonuses DO N ATS PLASMA - G /V f THE GIFT OF LIFE!! t o tfiC ! H!k m e Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay RGER KING SUPPORTS THE TIONAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISH- S ASSOCIATION IN THEIR 50TH NUAL CONFERENCE IN CHI- GO. Pictured is Rev. Willie Bar- /, Operation PUSH and keynote •aker at Burger King Sponsored breakfast SAFEWAY Boneless Beef Steak r Whole Round, Top Round or Round Tip...Your Choice, tender Safeway Quality grain-fed Beef. Excellent taste, no matter how you cook it up. M R » *. '.¡iti ' 1 7 • ■ A ;; V;.- V ¡if,-.:, iir You are if f Looking Fine i .. T 'V' when ’ you pick up the' ■ Portland. !;- v Observer S ’V 'ty -.’ v , ,.r t •’!£• ••• T-t-- N ew S u b sc rip tio n __ R en ew al _ G ift S u b sc rip tio n N am e --------------------- C om p an y. A ddress _ C ity _____ S ta te. . Z ip . P hone _ 1 Year - $20.00 _ 2 Years - $35 00 (Allow 2 Io 3 weeks for Delivery) Seedless Grapes Your choice of Thompson or Red Flame. A delicious treat when chilled for half hour in freezer for those hot summer days. Hurry to refresh yourself today.