Page 2—The Portland O bserver-A ugust 8, 1990 HERS I OPINION Understanding And Accepting Death BY VICKIE L. HUGHES esus said unto her, I am the resur rection and the life: he that be- lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die, Be- lieveth thou this? John 11:25-26. W hat does death mean to you? to me it means saying goodbye to someone we w ill never see again... O r do we see them again? O nly God knows. A few weeks ago, I received a message on my answer­ ing machine. I heard the words, “ Your grandfather is not expected to live through the night. ’ ’ He d id n ’ t. I got the final call early the next morning. As I prepared to travel to Nashville, Tennessee for the fu ­ neral, I fe lt jo y and sadness at the same time. I fe lt jo y because my grandfather had lived a long , fu ll life. He was 90 years old. I fe lt jo y because my grandfa­ thers suffering was over-he died o f can­ cer and at his age, doctors could do very little to ease the pain. I fe lt sadness because a part o f my fa m ily was gone.I fe lt sadness because I would never see my paternal grandfather again. May you rest in peace, Grandfather. I w ill always remember Adam H. Hughes. One day we shall meet again. Deaths are categorized in two ways. BY ULLYSSES TUCKER, JR. placed w ith the truth. d riving my mother to her grave w ith my all ages. Unexpected deaths come in the Death really h it home a few years behavior patterns and crim inal activity. forms o f car accidents, drowning acci­ 1 ou would know the secret o f later when my father died. He was shot to Imagine how I fe lt as a 14 year old? To dents, suicide, crib deaths, heart attacks, death. But how shall you find death by his g irlfrie nd s’ boyfriend at her be accused o f such an act left me with or unexplained causes. When the de­ it unless you seek in the heart apartment, tw o blocks from where we g u ilt and very sensitive about this issue. ceased person is under th irty-five years o f life? The ow l whose night-bound eyes lived. I had a d iffic u lt time, at age 13, For a long period o f tim e, I fe lt respon­ o f age, it seems that the loved ones left are blind unto the day cannot unveil the sible for k illin g my mother and today I behind feel that the person was not given mystery o f light. I f you would indeed fault my relatives fo r placing such a My first encounter with a chance to live a fu ll life. I believe that behold the spirit o f death, open your heavy burden on m y shoulders. As I got death, outside of watching it God had a better plan fo r them. heart wide unto the body o f life. For life older, I learned that m y mother failed to happen on the streets of Unexpected deaths often trigger and death are one, even as the rive r and treat her cancer before it got out o f hand feelings o f q uilt by loved ones le ft be­ the sea are one.” K a h lil Gibran, The Washington, D.C. andon and this contributed more to her death hind. Loved ones may feel that they are Prophet, 1923. television, came when my than my behavior. S till, I fe lt g u ilty and responsible for the accident or cause o f responsible, both o f my parents went to grandfather died. I was in fifth death, many times the person(s) feeling their grave w ith a terrible perception o f grade at the time. All of my guilty may or may not have been present Death is a phenomenon that people me. M y drive as a professional is partly but he/she feels g uilty anyway. television heroes came back must learn to accept and understand attributed to them because I had to prove Some individuals feel guilty because because it is a fact o f life. Sometimes, time and time again, but I to them (in my own m ind) that I could be they did not express love towards the people are caught o ff guard by the events started asking questions a decent person. I just know that they deceased shortly before death occurred. surrounding death and other times it is would be proud o f me now. I believe that when my grandfather did not I feel that a day should not go by w ithout easy to anticipate. W hy people attempt in my heart come back. telling a loved one, “ I love you.” We to ju s tify , rationalize, or question death I would encourage people not to never know when a person w ill be taken is beyond my comprehension. I believe blame someone fo r contributing to the away from us and then it ’ s too late to say that the death o f a friend or loved one accepting the circumstances o f his death death o f another unless they are physi­ anything. Some people never work out forces people to put their lives in per­ because we had our first real father to son cally responsible, especially to a child the g u ilt they feel as a result o f this and spective or give up certain lifestyles/ talk the night he was shot. I fe lt betrayed w ith low self-esteem o r a fragile ego. I they harbor these g u ilt feelings fo r years. habits. People can leant a great deal from by my father and God because he did not was fortunate enough to overcome such Death affects people in different ways. A death i f they study the life o f the person have to go to her apartment that night. harsh words. M ost children are not that death o f a loved one can bring fa m ily who died. O f a drug dealer dies, a person He could have gone to a party w ith my strong or equipped em otionally to handle members closer or it can tear them apart. who is perceived to be an enemy to the uncle (his brother) or to the movies w ith such drama. Over the years, I ’ ve learned People often resort to drugs and/or alco­ com m unity, most people could care less. my aunts. M y father had already seen the that is not the amount o f years you’ ve hol to get them through each day emo­ Some w ill say that he/she deserved to die movie and he never called m y uncle. Can spent on this earth, it is about the quality tionally as they grieve. Others w ithdraw or had no respect for human life. On the it be they see their death coming? Is it o f life and how you treat people while from fa m ily members and friends and try other hand, i f an outstanding social ac- G od’ s w ill that people walk to their death you are on this physical plane. I would to handle g rie f alone instead o f seeking tivist/educator w ith 30 years o f outstand­ know ingly? Tim e and time again, I ’ ve much rather live th irty -fiv e quality years com fort through others. They also may ing service dies, people conclude that watched couples who have been together than to be locked up in ja il until the age take out their anger over the death o f a he/she d id n ’ t deserve to die because they a very long tim e die shortly after their o f seventy. loved one on other individuals by in flic t­ were good for the com m unity, regard­ mate does. There has to be more to death Experts define “ p olterglist” as the ing psychological orphysical pain. Fam­ less o f ones lifestyle, values, morals, or than meets the eye. Continuing, I be­ negative energy that exist in the w orld or ily members may be drawn closer to level o f respect fo r the com m unity, no came a very violent, angry, and bitter those vibrations created by people who each other when one fa m ily member is one deserves to die. However, we all individual after my father was killed. I do not accept their death or w alking to lost because they realize that time is must meet our maker. Flowers, plants, took it out on my schoolmates, fa m ily the ligh t when its time. I f you died today, precious and that they may soon lose and animals die, s o , people should be no members and com m unity. I cursed God could you accept w alking to the ligh t or another. exception. for treating me so bad and for taking my would you fight death? When you see a I f you know someone who has re­ M y first encounter w ith death, out­ father away from me. W ith this anger person looking very peaceful in a casket, cently lost a loved one, take the initiative side o f watching it happen on the streets s till in tack, my mother died a little over it is said that they accepted death and to com fort that person.Help w ith every­ o f Washington, D.C. and on television, a year later and this did not help my dis­ walked to the light. Angry or mad ex­ day concems.Recommend self-help came when my grandfather died. I was in position one bit. I was a very confused pressions indicate that people fought death groups. Be supportive during expres­ fifth grade at the time. A ll o f my televi­ youngster and I could not understand or died abruptly, resulting in never en­ sions o f g u ilt feelings. Give the person sion heroes came back tim e and time why God was again, treating me so bad. ergy or “ polterglist” (negative energy). enough tim e to grieve. Do not deny the again, but I started asking questions when M y mother suffered from cancer and I ’ m happy to say that I am at peace with deceased person’ s past existence. Com ­ rfiy grandfather did not come back. Adults after my father died, she lost her w ill to m yself and i f I died today, I would be fo rt from others is the most important should not “ sugarcoat” the truth when it survive. A ll she would talk about during pleased w ith my accomplishments/life. aspect o f the grieving process. comes to explaining death to younger visits were (all whom were dead) the W ould you be happy or is there much Although many o f us have not lost a children or young relatives. It only adds people who came by to visit her room. It more that you would like to do? Then loved one and do not understand death, confusion. “ Daddy’s sleeping” and was ve ry scary. T o co m p lic a te make use o f the time you have le f t we must try to understand it. Death is a “ She’s’ s gone bye-bye” must be re­ m members accused me o f known part o f life ’ s cycle. God expects us to prepare for death every day o f our lives. Everytime we attend church or read the Bible, we are constantly re­ minded to prepare for death by livin g a clean, productive life. We are all going to die one day. L et’s make the most o f “ Fourth o f July Canyon” mines. In both who contracted for tree spraying w ith the our time on earth and treasure time spent w ith our loved ones. cases the younger generations married U.S. Forest Service and for crop dusting into the w hite co m m un ities-or fo r the w ith the sugar beet growers. His father most part migrated to the larger cities o f operated the largest Ford garage in the DEATH CREPT UPON US the Pacific coast. comm unity and the son on returning Death Crept uporrtts — In the state o f Washington there from the air force B U IL T T H E FIRST It actually took one of us. were sim ilar encounters. On the Snake HELICOPTER FROM M IX E D PARTS So young, so new, R iver near the Idaho border there was the BOUGHT FROM A SURPLUS DEALER t ’ s rather hard to say, isn ’ t it? I f past town o f Ripana, Washington where around IN LOS ANGELES. Why Him? experience is any indicator, I would W orld W ar I (1917) a Black Pullman I”m sure, you have a purpose. In Oregon the experiences o f say that the answer is 70% positive. This I know it's a good one. porter on the Seattle run had been stranded A frican Americans in the rural areas are proceeds both from my personal experi­ when huge snow drifts blocked the main extremely interesting, especially in light Death crept upon us. ence over the years and from numerous line. Fascinated by the new perspectives o f the follow ing. D uring the 1970s, I His face-so cold, so pale. visits and interviews with African Am eri­ and promises o f the area, he returned to devised a number o f W ork Study and I waited for It to move, can workers and business operators in Chicago to bring his fam ily out and went Cooperative Education Programs fo r the to show signs of life of living. rural areas o f Oregon and Washington. As the coffin was closed to w ork as a ranch hand. When I got to U.S. Forest Service and many students in O f course you’ll find that a good person­ the town in 1939, he had re tire d -b u t m y classes at Portland State U niversity I wanted to shout. “Come back!" a lity and good skills make the d iffe r­ admiring residents recounted how through participated, m inority and white. For I cried a tear for Gerald. ence. I cried a tear for life. the years he had worked up to rancher many o f the minorities those firs t assign­ The July 25 Perspectives article and businessman, holding at various times Death had Indeed crept upon us. ments to rural areas proved to be a trau­ -Vickie L. Hughes!1985) ( “ Loggers are H urting, T oo ” ) detailed the offices o f Grange Master and Mayor. matic experience-especially the A f r i­ some positive personal experiences o f In this case too the generations had either can Americans. In most cases these This poem w as written about a co­ my o w n -p rim a rily representing a major married into the comm unity or gone o ff cultural problems were resolved, some worker who was eighteen years governmental agency, the U.S. Forest to the big cities. o f the encounters having some rather old and died shortly after a car Service. But what about the Black “ on These were common experiences, comic overtures: ’ ‘Get me another job. his o w n ” ? The experiences I cited were loo numerous to m ention-w hen whites I can’ t stand that h illb illy music on the accident. 100% positive and, actually, even though would bring their small children down to radio and on the jukeboxes in those ‘ honky this agency’ s “ A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n ” the railroad crossings where we Black jo in ts ! This big redhead dude grabbed sessions were in itia lly provocative and laborers were w orking. They would me at the dance and almost broke my viewed w ith suspicion, the “ rural” re­ point at us and exclaim, “ TH E R E ’S bones w ith that w ild stompin’ those folks sponses soon turned favorable w ith very ONE! ’ ’ Most small children in many o f do. M y mother told me never to sleep in few exceptions. Let us look at a histori­ these small communities had never seen no house w ith white fo lks.” cal pattern, for many o f the African Ameri­ an A frican American except in books or A ll in a ll it was the Blacks raised cans liv in g in this metropolitan area have magazines. However, in many other in the south who made the easiest adjust­ not the slightest idea o f life in these other small towns, one would encounter all ment. This follow s a pattern, fo r I no­ environs—except for a few negative com­ sorts o f craftsmen and entrepreneurs: ticed during my w ork w ith the U.S. For­ mentaries they’ ve heard. barbers, blacksmiths, agricultural w o rk­ est Service that in most cases the spouses CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 When I came to the Northwest for ers, harvest laborers, loggers, farmers, o f African Americans hired by this agency problems. Portland School D istrict, T ri- the first time in the late 1930s as a ferry boat operators, bridge tenders, and were from the south found ready M et, etc...I can name them all. They sit teenage high school dropout, it was to cowboys, mechanics, and operators o f employment in even the most remote in Board rooms and discuss what they work in various parts o f rural Oregon, hardware stores, grocervs, gas stations, areas. Also, they readily entered the want from the mega agencies or their Washington and Idaho as a laborer on garages, and other enterprises. cultural matrix o f the comm unity. For requirements and I can’ t even get in to railroad “ extra gangs” . Even that “ late” On my second round o f experi- instance, in the Roseburg area the w ife compete. They slam the door on you there were remnants o f scattered settle­ c n ces-w e ’ ll call this the current era in o f the A frican American soil scientist for right there...the bulk o f our volume comes ments o f Blacks in rural areas. In Idaho which we are interested h e re -I found the agency was hired as director o f the from small commercial accounts and I found a group o f Black wheat farmers many innovative Blacks who have made area’ s largest childcare center. Both some loyal customers. We have a good near Lewiston. Not too far away were the most o f opportunities often unique to were active members o f and held high follow ing. We have excellent services surviving fam ily members o f coal m in­ rural areas. In Spokane, Washington lay positions in the com m unity’ s largest and I wish more people would take ad­ ers who had come up from Alabama at during the 1970s I met C lif f Ritchie church. vantage o f us.” the turn o f the century to work in the operator o f a HELICOPTER SERVICE They are either expected deaths or unex­ pected deaths. Expected deaths are often accompanied by the five stages o f death outlined by Elisabeth K ubler toss in her book, On Death and Dying. The firs t stage, denial, is a tempo­ rary defense mechanism. A person has been told that they are dying and they deny the fact that this is happening to them. Anger then fo llo w s which causes the person to displace their feelings in all different directions. The person feels anger towards God and others. He/she is angry because he/she no longer feels in con­ trol. Next, the person attempts to post­ pone death through bargaining. The person bargains w ith God by offering to change something in his/her life in exchange for a prolonged life. The fourth stage is de­ pression. D uring this stage, the person feels sadness and quilt over leaving loved ones behind. Finally, the person experi­ ences a stage o f acceptance. The person has accepted that his/her death is inevi­ table and starts to prepare fo r death. The fam ily o f a term inally i ll person experi­ ences the five stages o f death also. However, when the person eventually dies, the fa m ily members often feel re­ lie f because the person is no longer suf­ fering. Unexpected deaths strike people o f Letter to the Editor D ear E d ito r: In your last issue (8/3/90) there appeared an article entitled, “ E x­ pressing Yourself As A C hristian” . In general, it had many good points to make regarding w ith regard to our warfare against materialism. Since this article ws actually an excerpt from a recent book, I could not expect your religion editor to have corrected some glaring errors in i t I hope, after the fact, though, that I can point out those erroneous statements. The article said: “ ...the Roman Catholic there is no salvation outside their circle...” The Catholic Church has never taught this. In fact, it is a matter o f history that an Am erican priest was excommu­ nicated fo r taking precisely this position! W hat the Catholic Church does teach on this matter can be found clearly stated in the pronouncements o f the Second Vatican Council. In its document on “ The Church” , issued in 1964, the C ouncil declared that the Catholic Church has a very real relationship w ith all other people bearing the name o f “ C hristian” . The basis for that real relationship is the H oly S pirit w hich is at w ork sanctifying A L L ‘ ‘Chris­ tians” . In fact, the Catholic Church teaches, through this latest C ouncil, that salvation extends to many others: * ‘Those who, through no fault o f their own, do not know the Gospel o f Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God w ith a sincere heart, and moved by grace, try in their actions to do his w ill as they know it through the dictates o f their conscience-those, too, may achieve eternal salvation.” (Chapter II, #16) The article continues: “ ...the Roman Catholic Church...bans its members from attending other denominational services.” Again, there was never a “ ban” as such, but there definitely was an atmosphere o f distrust, but a ll o f this is disappearing under the influence o f the Second Vatican C ou ncil’s teachings, which Catholics believe were inspire«) by the Spirit! Finally, the article states: “ ...the Roman Catholic Church...maintains dom ination above it (the state government)...” This is not true; the Catho­ lic Church, in 1965, stated in its document, “ The Church in the M od ern^ W o rld ” (jChapter IV , #76): The political com m unity and the Church are autonomous and independent o f each other in their own fields.” W alter S tichart « y What Are The Propects For Blacks in Rural Northwest? I ERVER (USPS 959-680) OREGON'S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established in 1970 Alfred L. Henderson Publisher Joyce Washington Operations Manager Gary Ann Garnett Business Manager Leon Harris Editorial Manager The PORTLAND OBSERVER is published weekly by Exie Publishing Com pany, Inc. 4747 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 P.O. Box 3137 Portland, Oregon 97208 (503) 288-0033 (Office) FAX#: (503) 288-0015 Deadlines for all submitted materials: Articles: Monday, 5 p.m. - Ads: Tuesday, 5 p.m. POSTMASTER: Send Address Chsnges to: P ortland O b s trw r, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. Seoond-dass postage paid at Portland, Oregon. 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