Hage 8—The Portland Observer-August 1, 1990 T h e L e is u re H o u r 1990 FIRE FIGHTER EXAMINATION A position w ith the bureau o f fire , rescue, and em ergency services is not o n ly a ch a lle n g in g career it o f­ fers jo b security, good pay, p ro m o ­ tional o p p o rtu n itie s, p u b lic appre­ cia tio n , health b enefits, and m ore. Starting salary $24,918/year to $38,605 w ith in fiv e years. I f you are at least 18 years o f age, have a va lid d riv e r’ s license, high school d ip lo m a o r equivalent, and is serious enough to obtain an emergency medical tech­ The C ity o f P ortland w ill be accept­ ing a pplications fo r the p o sitio n o f fire fig h te r: July 30 to A u g u st 10, n ician 1 ce rtifica te ; p ictu re yo u r future w ith the Portland F ire Bureau. 1990. A p p lica tio n s and in fo rm a tio n can be obtained fro m the B ureau o f Personnel Services G is for Golf instead of gangs! The b la c k c o m m u n ity is at a co n ­ stant battle to keep the youths in v o lv e d in p o s itiv e a c tiv itie s and o rganizations awards banquet. The P ortland, O r Y o u th G o lfe rs in lie u o f gangs and drugs. A u g u s t 8th, 9th, and 10th L E I­ S U R E H O U R G O L F C L U B o f P ort­ have been ke p t busy th roughout the year w ith go lfin g, traveling, car washes, c o lle c tin g newspaper, pop cans and pop bottles, as w e ll as m arching in the la n d , O r and F IR S T A T E G O L F C L U B o f Seattle W A w ill host the 10th A n ­ nual Y O U T H G O L F T O U R N A M E N T . L H G C and FSG C are a ffilia te d w ith the 47 year o ld W estern State g o lf Shriners parade. Leisure H o u r G o lf C lu b has been pla n nin g and o rg a n izin g a ll year and has form ed the fo llo w in g com m ittees to make this event a success: Y o u th C lu b . T h o u g h th is is the 10th annual G o lf C o m m itte e , R egistration com m ., yo u th g o lf ch a m p io n sh ip , this is the fir s t tim e i t has been he ld in P ortland, O R . O n A u g u st 8th the fu n -fille d youth g o lf tourn a m e n t w ill te e -o ff at G len- doveer g o lf C ourse. A n expected 200 yo u th s w ill receive a g o lf c lin ic and d in n e r at B ethel A M E . A u g u s t 9th is busy w ith a M c d o n a ld /M c K o ry break­ fast, te e in g -o ff, g o lfin g , a dow n-hom e p ic n ic and s o u lfu l entertainm ent. The fin a l day, A u g u st 10th entails a pleas­ urable breakfast, g o lfin g and an award 1220 S .W . F ifth Avenue, room Reese Stone, center, Manager, Corporate Public Affairs, Philip Morris Companies Inc. and Virgis Colbert, Vice President, Materials Manufacturing, M iller Brewing Company. The aw ard was presented in appreciation for Philip M orris’ long-time support for the NNPA, the trade association for more than 200 Black-owned newspapers across the country. A D V E R T IS IN G /M A R K E T IN G AWARD-Tommy Watkins, Jr., left, P resident o f the N a tio n a l N e w sp a p e r P u b lis h e rs Association (NNPA), presents the o rg a n iz a tio n 's A d v e rtis in g / Marketing Award to Philip Morris during the NNPA's recent 50th Anniversary National Convention in Chicago, accepting for the consumer Droducts company are 100 P o rtla n d , O R 97204 (503) 248-4352 'fc.ufi 7 k Tot fattici Best Cash Prices Speedy Service D A D 'S O IL S E R V IC E Friendly Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer Office# (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015 F ood com m ., E n te rta in m e n t com m ., Chaperone co m m ...W e have also re ­ ceived some great support w h ic h is H e a tin g O ils Call for Quote!!! 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 r tru ly appreciated fro m various spon­ AMD AUTO CENTER sors and donators, in c lu d in g the P o rt­ land O bserver. Leisure H o u r G o lf C lu b stresses g o lf, g o lf, g o lf-g o a ls , goals, and a ll o f c o u rs e is in a p o s itiv e , OPEN 7 DAYS FULL SERVICE k n o w le d g e a b le ...fu n note. On A ugust PROFESSIONAL SERVICES W e II m e et c o m p e titio n s current • S ta rlin g , charging a dve rtis ed price on id e n tic a l • W h e e l balancing and ite m s Bring th e ir ad to us O tter tire services applies to current m e rc h a n d ise • Engine m a intenance in our Auto C enters only. • Oil change, lubrication E id u d e s cle a ran c e, fa ctory • Cooling s ystem Hush closeouts • Suspension repair S ears c atalogs and s ervices. EXCEPT WHERE PROHIBITED 8th, 9th and 10th, 200 Y ouths, parents, L H G C /F S G C , and com m ittees, w ill OUR P M C I M P L E D G E . . . Our technicians have over 7000 certifications by the National Institute tor • Fuel iniection s erv ice A U T O f V IO T t V E S E R V IC E EXCELLENCE • M any m ore; |ust ask have fun, fu n , fun. T h a n k you m uch: L E IS U R E H O U R G O L F C L U B luncheon at the E xeculodge, w h ic h is w here the youths w ill be lodged. There w ill also be a guest speaker at the 4 0 ,0 0 0 to 60,000-M IL E WEAROUT WARRANTIES* I-MADE RADIALS AT REDUCED PRICES FRESH FRYERS RoadHandler + VFARMS RoadHandler LT 50.000-mile wearout warranty 40.000-mile «earout » m a t y 0088 UU AS LOW AS P155 80R13 Ifyrioen We’ve passed our savings on to you! Thru 8 2 9 90 7988 / £ AS LOW AS LT195 75R14 OREGON GROWN LT21575R 15 LT23575R15 LT215 8 5 R 1 6 B W LT235 85 R 1 6 B W 8 00 R 1 6 5BW 8 75 R 1 6 5BW 9 50 R 1 6 5B W 30X 9 .5 0 R 1 5 31X 10 50R 15 m W H O L E FRYERS 8 8 .8 8 1 3 8 .8 8 IF you can find a competitor’s tire with all this, priced lower, WE’LL BEAT ITS PRICE BY 10%! • S-rated performance radial • All-season tread • Folded belts • 25,000-mile wearout warranty* PASSENGER PERFORMANCE TIRES GUARDSMAN T ' «*es t o n e Firestone F550 Guardsman Response NEW POTATOES / ! ' • ' > DEL MONTE / a w i n if P iH M c f - j S S M A LL W H O L E SIZE 29’7 P I 55 80R 13 P 185 80R 13 P I 75 80R 13 P185 8OR13 P185 75R 14 P195 75R14 P205 75R 14 P215 75R 14 P205 75R 15 P21575R 15 P225 75R 15 • M .9 7 4 1 .8 8 4 8 .8 1 4 8 .7 8 5 0 .8 0 5 4 .7 9 5 8 .8 2 5 9 .0 0 59 92 5 9 .7 6 5 9 .8 7 £235.75015 AS LOW AS 155 SR12 Ì55TW Ì3 28” f » .H 4 2 .9 9 165TR 13 ___ R 14 ÎBÎWP” 5 4 .9 9 J U L Y 3 1 s» th ru I j ■ 1 / j 2 |T 33” P 165 8OR13 P 195 75R 14 P 215 75 R 1 5 P21 147.95 ¡iT to H A jS 8 0 .9 5 67 95 9 .9 5 litad " ■ w S471 AS LOW AS P175 70HA13 P 185 P 185 P195 P20 5 70H R 13 70H R 14 70H R 14 70H R 14 52” 9 5 9 .9 9 6 1 .9 9 AS LOW AS P185 60HR14 P195 P205 P215 P 215 60H R 1 5 60H R 15 6OHR15 65H R 15 77” 9 0 .1 1 9 9 .7 9 5997 trade-in f t 43321 96493 Sears 60-month* With trade in 0 U 0 W 9 7 195 80H R 1 4 9 9 1 .7 3 195 60H R 1 5 9 9 .7 9 205 60H R 1 5 P 215 65H R 1 5 TrailHandler LT 3 1 X 1 0 50R 15 LT21575R 15 LT235 75 R 1 5 — • — M bs 9 9 9 .3 0 7 9 .3 3 9 8 .2 7 30X 9 50R 15 31 X 1 0 .50R 15 LT21575R 15 LT235 75R 15 -fllM i S u m 9 9 1 .8 8 1 0 1 .8 8 1.74 AS LOW AS LT215 75R15C »92 L T 23 5 7 5 R 1 5 C 8 1 0 2 .0 0 LT235 85R 16E 1 2 1 .0 0 30X 9.50R 15C 1 0 1 .0 0 31 X 1 0 .5OR15C 1 1 2 .0 0 32X11 50R 15C 1 2 1 .0 0 TrailHandler AT 1 0 2 .7 7 1 0 9 .4 2 8 5 7 .9 9 8 3 .9 9 9 4 .9 9 Coma ALIGNMENT 2/|99 Thrust SALE SteadyRider GS 50 line Gas charged tor INSTANT response, improved handling! D ie H a r d 39" Total 4 -w h e e l TimeSaver OIL CHANGE SAVE »4 Thru 8 15 90 In s ta ll up to 5 qts oil. s in g le -s ta g e fil­ te r Lube chassis ? p t ROAD TEST YOUR VEHICLE DieHard TURN AND TRUE ROTORS STEADYRIDER 96522 800 marine cranking amps 900 marine cranking amps 49” With trade-in Thru I 25 90 59” 74” Cartridges............................................79.88 pr Struts.................................................. 109.99 pr ROADHANDLER— OUR BEST uue u REPACK WHEEL BEARINGS FRONT DISC BRAKES C flM t Sami metallic malarial Most cars I19W truck» UU and imports ailra 'E v e ry b rake a lig n m e n t |ob is diffe re n t Because Carts or S truts..................................129.99 pr. Limited Lifetime Warranty a d d itio n al p a rts s e rv ice s a re often n e ed e d , a t a s u b s ta n tia l e s tra cost, w e p re p a re e s tim a te s See store for details All prices lor many can All rears are ailra lor you u p -lro n t Not all products services available at all Auto Canters Some tire sues available by special order only trees eeicino Pitoot: Yes SEAMS price on the identical item Centers Sears. Roebuck end Co. 1990 e • * P 195 75 R 1 4 P 2 1 5 75 R 1 5 P 225 75R 1S 85" INSTALLED GAS STRUTS/ CARTRIDGES 700 marine cranking amps Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back » 4T, AS LOW AS 185 60HR14 B.F. Goodrich T/A AT SteadyRider shocks . 7.99 ea Proteisional shock installatron available •Limited warranty for months miles specified See Auto Center for details ir a c le - E a r * TrailHandler STR THIS WEEK’S FEATURED SERVICES SAVE $5 EACH! DieHard Marine RV M l 40.000-m ile wearout warranty ^ G o o d r ic h Front end Aulo Battery Prices Include Installation D ie H a r d Yokohama Y382 35.000 mile wearout warranty DIEHARD 70 MILLION SOLD! Up to 650 cold-cranking amps Up to 125 min­ utes reserve capacity. ____ I have difficulty hearing in noisy situations I hear people speak but have difficulty understanding the words. __ I have difficulty understanding on the phone. ____ I have to turn up the radio or television to where it's uncomfortably loud for others. ____ I haven't had my hearing tested in more a year. , If you said yes to any of the above, it's time to get your hearing tested at an authorized Miracle-Ear Center. /^ M 91” 5 DieHard VIIIUGESTUIIE Y O K O H A M A TrailHandler »otenza I P ir e lli P 6 AS low as 185 60HR14 805 I just can't understand some words. Call Today for Free Hearing Test. 281-2661 or 281-2663, ask for Sheila 49” P 185 70T R 13 P 185 70TR 14 P 205 70T R 14 P I 9 5 80T R 15B W AS LOW AS P155 80R13 A U G U STS, 1990 I’m not AS LOW AS P175 70TR13 Firestone FR721 16 ox. TIN P R IC E S E F F E C T IV E ir e l l i __ Pirelli Response 50.000-m ile wearout warranty 30,000-m ile wearout warranty 40.000-mile wearout warranty AS LOW AS P155 80R12 I LIGHT TRUCK, VAN A»-* ; «’•• * we ll meet or beat the competition s current advertised Just bring the competition's current ad to any ol our Auto TI ms Oder applies io current merchandise in our Auta Canter only Eidudes clearance closeouts Seer; catalogs Mercbandtsa Mt (hrs advertisement available at most Aula Canters Unless eealMed all prices are Seen everyday r»polar x * » s Installation available on many products See Auto Center for details Wo do our best to have adequate Hock ot advertised items to meet demand Due to circumstances beyond our centre! on occasion out ot stocks Sears will at its option substitute an apual or better item at the advertised price or provide a r a me heck Eidudes tent S E A R S Your money s worth and a whole lot more