Hage 10 The Portland Observer • August I, 199« I Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AIRPORT JOBS $22.00/hr. No. exp. Training. Free travel. Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323. Fee $9.99. BANK JOBS $25.00/hr. No. exp. Training. Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323. Fee $9.99. CONSTRUCTION JOBS $28.00/hr. No exp. Training. Growth. Call 24 hrs. l-900-468-5323.Fee $9.99. OFFICE JOBS $15.00/hr. No. exp. Training. Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323. Fee $9.99. PLANT JOBS $32.00/hr. No. exp. Training. Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323. Fee $9.99. REGISTERED NURSE/ COMPLEX HEALTH NEEDS Providing nursing services to facilitate the placement/school experience for students with complex health needs. Appl Deadline: 08/03/90 by 2pm for first screening. Open until filled. C all 257-1501 Jeaneen, for Multnomah Education Service Dis­ trict application form and additional information or come to Recruitment Office, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland. An Equal Opportunity Employer HYDROGEOLOGIST 1 $2039-2713/Month The Oregon Water Resources Depart­ ment is recruiting to fill a perma­ nent full-time position located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, Salem, Oregon. This position will assist in investigating and producing technical evaluations and reports of existing ground water management areas. Applicants must have ground water/ hydrogeology experience or educa­ tion. Call Terry Olbekson for details: (503) 378-3741 RESPONSE DEADLINE: AUGUST 9,1990 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR $3,777-$4,519/mo Ten years’ progressively responsible experience in the planning, design, construction and/or maintenance of civil facilities for water, electric, steam and/or hydraulic systems and in dealing with contractors, devel­ opers and the public, having dem­ onstrated skills in planning, writ­ ing, prioritizing, managing and supervising. A minimum of four- year college degree in construction management or civil engineering and training in the basic supervi­ sory and management skills, or equivalent combination of educa­ tion, experience and preparation. Valid Class 4 driver’s license re­ quired. Send resume to: Eugene W ater & Electric B oard P.O. Box 10148 Eugene, OR 97440-2148 ATTN: H um an Resources Department Position closes: August 13, 1990-5:00 p.m. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DATA ENTRY Full tune position requiring routine data entry and word processing skills. Must type 45 words per minute, operate 10-key by touch and be able to perform detailed tasks requiring clear vision for sustained periods of time. Salary range of $ 1305-1827 p/ mo. Interested candidates may sub- ip.t a completed District applica­ tion to Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue, 20665 SW Blanton Street, Aloha, OR 97007 by August 10, 1990 at 4:30 p.m. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER EDUCATION ACADEMIC ADVISOR JOB ANNOUNCEMENT The Private Industry Council (TPIC) is a private nonprofit organization dedi­ cated to employment and training for economically disadvantaged youth and adults in Washington and Multnomah Counties. TPIC is re­ cruiting for the following regular full time positions for a new inter- generational employment and train­ ing program in East Multnomah County: The Division o f Teacher Education at The Construction Manager shall be the the University of Oregon is seeking "ow ner’s representative", and will qualified applicants for a vacant represent PDC in the preparation, academic advisor position in the administration, execution and close­ Student Support Services office. out of construction projects. The Duties include serving as the pri­ Coordinator will manage the de­ mary information and referral source signer and construction contractor for prospective students in teacher during the preparation of final con- ' certification programs; serving as struction documents, bidding/nego- the primary advisor for teachers tiation and construction phases of FAMILY ADVOCATE seeking standard certification, serv­ PDC contracted projects. Expert- i Two positions ing as liaison with faculty groups ence in civil engineering, architec- I Responsibilities: Responsible for activi­ for recruitment of students to teach ture, construction management or ties of youth and adults who partici­ certification programs; coordination building construction essential BS/ pate in TPIC programs. Duties in­ of admissions processes forelemen- BA Degree required. clude program planning, enrollment, tary and secondary education pro­ Position closes August 15, 1990. For a placement, counseling and guidance, grams, coordination of field based complete job description and appli­ record keeping, development of master’s degree program; and pro­ cation packet, please call 796-6819 student activity plans, classroom as­ duction of teacher education news- ! or contact: sistance, support service referral and letter for cooperating schools and THE PORTLAND coordinating activities. teachers. Qualifications include: DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION earned master’s degree in educa­ Preferred qualifications: Bachelor’s de­ 1120 S.W. FIFTH, SUITE 1100 gree with major coursework in edu­ tion or related field, minimum of 3 PORTLAND, OR 97204 cation, counseling, sociology or years of successful public school An Equal Opportunity Employer related field; two years’ work expe­ teaching or equivalent, demonstra­ rience with target population youth tion of excellent communication in a teaching, counseling or voca­ REAL ESTATE skills, prior expeuence in counsel­ tional guidance position; valid ing or advising preferred, and will­ TECHNICIAN driver’s license and reliable trans­ ingness to work in a collaborative $25,536-$33,072 portation. Experience with public relationship with faculty, staff and Processing and closing of Investor Re­ school systems, social service agen­ students. Position is .75 FTE for 12 habilitation and Economic Devel­ cies and employer community de­ months. Applicants should submit a opment loans. Duties include work­ sirable. Applicable experience may letter of application which indicates ing with Legal Counsel and title be substituted for education. Bilin­ an understanding of the position, insurance companies as required pre­ gual (Spanish-English) skills required vita, transcripts and 3 letters of rec­ paring deeds, contracts, and loan for one position and preferred for ommendation to: Advisor Search documents. Must possess knowledge second position. Valid Driver’s li­ Committee, 170 Education, Divi­ of real estate practices and proce­ cense and reliable transportation. sion of Teacher Education, U of dures as related to property descrip­ Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. All Salary Range: $18,263 to $27,831 plus tions, title transfers, real estate lend­ excellent benefit package. materials must be postmarked by ing instruments, deeds, and title clos­ SECRETARY/WORD Aug. 27, 1990. For more informa­ ing. tion contact: Dr Dennis Pataniczek, Closing date is August 15, 1990. For a PROCESSOR Division of Teachei Education, U i complete job description and appli­ Responsibilities: Responsible for recep­ of O, Eugene, OR 97403. Telephone: cation packet, please call 796-6819 tion, document development and 503-346-5425. D IE and UO are or contact: clerical support to staff. Equal Opportunity Affirmative THE PORTLAND Preferred requirements: High School Action Employers committed to DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION diploma or GED; Three years’ ex­ Cultural Diversity 1120 S.W. FIFTH, SUITE 1100 perience in general office setting PORTLAND, OR 97204 including two years’ word process­ An Equal Opportunity Employer ing experience; excellent grammar MECHANIC and spelling; familiarity with Word EQUIPMENT Perfect, Lotus and Macintosh sys­ TRAINING AND MECHANIC tems; telephone and reception ex­ DEVELOPMENT $ 11.26-$ 13.68/hr. Unified Sewerage perience demonstrated ability to Agency is seeking a qualified equip­ meet multiple deadlines and to work COORDINATOR ment mechanic to join their team of with a variety of people. Bilingual $2,253-$3,019/Month professionals. This position will (Spanish-English) skills required. Manage, direct and coordinate the ac­ repair, overhaul, maintain cars, trucks Salary Range: $15,466 to $21,802 plus tivities of the training program for and specialized equipment; diag­ excellent benefit package. the Lane County Department of nose problems and repair all major Closing date for these positions is 5 PM Public Safety to include assessment, vehicle systems; tune, overhaul and Friday, August 17, 1990. Applica­ evaluation, coordination and cur­ rebuild gas engines, with some die­ tions available at The Private Indus­ riculum development applicant must sel exp pref The successful candi­ try Council, 520SW 6th Ave., Suite possess the equivalent to a Bache­ date will possess exp. diagnosing 400, Portland, OR 97204. No phone lor’s degree with major coursework mechanical and electrical defects in calls, pleased An Affirmative Ac- in education, social science or a cars and light trucks; thorough train­ tion/Equal Opportunity Employer. related field and three years of in­ ing and exp. in vehicle maintenance creasingly responsible experience through a trade school, manufac­ in training and development to in­ turer’s training course, or county GOVERNMENTAL clude one year of related program training program. Unified Sewer­ administration. For required appli­ AFFAIRS age Agency offers a comprehensive cation contact Lane County Human benefits package. Agency applica­ COORDINATOR Resources, 125 East 8th Avenue, tion and supplemental application $2,817.-$3,435./mo. Eugene, Or 97401, (503) 687-4171. forms, req Apply by August 10, Knowledge of the functions of various Filing deadline is 08/10/90. EOE 1990 to Washington County Per­ government agencies, political proc­ sonnel, 155 N.First Ave.,Hillsboro, ess, community organizations, and OR 97124. Women and minorities MOTOR CARRIER research techniques. Develop poli­ are encouraged to apply. An equal cies and plans on wide-ranging and SPECIALISTS opportunity employer. Unified complex issues in financial, institu­ (Weight Mile Audit, Safety, Authority Sewerage Agency is committed to a tional, natural resource, land use, Enforcement) drug free workplace. and environmental arenas. Manage $24,600-$32,736 local issues of political significance The Oregon Public Utility Commission to EWEB; inter-face with City, has several openings: 3 auditors to POSITION OPENING County and State government At­ perform compliance audits of mo­ SPONSORSHIP tend relevant local government tor carrier companies to determine meetings and public hearings; de­ DEVELOPER if appropriate highway use taxes velop public participation programs. and prorate registration fees have Refugee Sponsor Developer for Soviet College degree in subjects related been paid; 3 safety specialists to in­ refugees in ecumenical resettlement to urban and regional planning, vestigate complaints and conduct agency. Requires refugee, church, research and statistics, government safety compliance audits and ve­ strong communication skills and and public policy, or equivalent hicle inspections; and 1 authority abilities; Russian language helpful. experience in work or training closely enforcement specialist to enforce Salary and benefit information related to the tasks of the position. requirements related to motor car contained in application packet. Valid driver’s license required. tier operating authorities. Locations: Request application packet from: Send resume to: Auditor Salem, Portland (2 openings) Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Eugene Water & Electric Board Safety Specialist Salem, Portland, Bend 0245 SW Bancroft, Suite B P.O. Box 10148 Authority Enforcement Portland Portland, Oregon 97201 ATTN: Human Resources To qualify, you must have 4 years of ex­ (503)221-1054 Department perience applying transportation Do not send resumes. Positii >n may close Position closes on August 31, 1990- laws, rules, and regulations. Expe­ after August 8,1990. 5:00 p.m. rience could have been gained in a EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY motor carrier shipper organization, EMPLOYER EMPLOYER transportation regulatory agency, military branch, law enforcement COMPUTER TRAINING agency, or public utility commis­ sion agency. In addition, for the Are you age 55 or over, and looking for auditor positions, you must have work? You may be eligible for had some experience in working COMPUTER TRAINING. Must be with and analyzing numerical rec­ low income and have basic typing Garbage Service ords, or auditing numerical records, skills. No fees. To apply call 249- 1101 N.E. Alberta or bookkeeping, or accounting. For 2857. Portland, OR 97211 applications materials, call 503/373- 287-0262 7949. BANK JOBS Anticipated close date August 14,1990. $25.00/hr Linda Sevier R.D. Sevier & Son, Inc. No. Exp. Training. Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323 Fee $9.99 »Advertising »Employment » Blds/Sub-Blds ÎJ DV SHELTER WORKERS Night Case Manager $10,800 p/yr + benefits 4:45 pm-9:15am every 3rd night plus meeting/activities Shelter Coordinator $1227 p/mo + benefits Weekdays, 40 hrs. Some evening meetings Closing Date: August 13,1990 Application Process: Send resume and cover letter to: Bradley-Angle House, Inc. PO Box 14694 Portland, Or. 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer MANAGEMENT POSITION METRO REGION CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIVISION (CSD) Multnomah and Clackamas County CSD has an immediate4 opening for the following position: PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVE 2 Multi-Cultural Services Coordinator $2387-$3205 Monthly The requirements include: 1. Minimum qualifications: Four years o f staff technical or professional level experience analyzing or advising/instructing the public concerning specific programs or processes, monitoring a program or performing participant reviews. Two years of experience must have been comparable to a Program Representative 1 which involves monitoring, representing and reviewing programs. 2. Ability to facilitate community based planning groups. 3. Conflict resolution. 4. Ability to supervise employees. CSD is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. TO APPLY: Applications (PD100) may be obtained from the State of Oregon Personnel Center, 2850 SE 82ne Avenue, Portland, OR 97266 (PCC Bldg.); or 775 Court Street NE, Salem, OR 97310: any local office of the Oregon Employment Division; and from most other State offices. Completed appli­ cations must be sent to the Executive Department, Personnel & Labor Relations Division, PO Box 14155, Salem Or 97309-0505. Your applica­ tion must arrive by the closing date of August 7, 1990. NURSING RN PRE-CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR The Medical Affairs Dept, is currently seeking a RN professional to fill a Pre- Certification Coordinator position. The Pre-Certification Coordinator will conduct reviews for pre-certification program including pre-certifying 2nd opinions, dis-charge planning, and benefit extension review. Successful candidate must be an RN currently licensed in the state of Oregon with 3-5 years recent hospital experience. Utilization review and quality assurance background desirable. Good communication skills a m ust Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #344 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer EMPLOYMENT CITY OF PORTLAND Clerical Specialist - to $l,969/m o Fire Fighter - to $3,217/mo Police Officer - to $3,217/mo For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr job information). No resumes please. BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 S.W. 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 Apps also available at: URBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russell Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS There Are A Million Reasons Why We speak Your Language! Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications from Programmer Analysts and Senior Programmer analysts. Several large proj­ ects and new business efforts will be requiring individuals with experience working in a large scale IBM environment. Successful candidates will have strong communication, interpersonal and user skills. Positions require 2-5 years experience in performing systems analy­ sis and design, coding, testing and implementation assignments. CICS skills a definite plus. Senior programmers must have demonstrated project man­ agement experience Candidates must also have experience in the following: •C O B O L •V S A M • OS/JCL •TSO /ISPF Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #248 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer TDD #225-6780