July 25, IMMO The Portland Observer Page 7 WHO IS PREPARING YOUR CHILD It All Began with this Critical Analysis of a Re­ cent Recommendation by the Minority Teachers FOR THE YEAR 2000? Task Force (Portland Observer, June 27,1990) Statewide Response to Observer Legislature’s Task Force Says "Minority Teachers Don’t Article on Minority Teacher Training Need Know Nuthin’-Look Who They is Teachin" A rapid series o f exciting events has followed on the heels o f a June 18 telephone call to the Portland Observer from the office o f the Speaker o f the Oregon House o f Representatives, Vera Katz. Mr. Mark Skolnick, legislative assistant to the speaker, sought the ap­ pearance o f M cK inley Burt, Observer feature writer, fo r testimony at the July 25 meeting o f the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission for the State o f Oregon. The interaction was initiated, however, w ith our June 27 publication o f the front page article reproduced at right. It represents a rather caustic view ­ point o f both the comm ission’ s decision in May to suspend the Basic Skills Test for 180 days--and the Task Force rec­ ommendation that the tests be aban­ doned altogether. We do not believe that either action represents anything other than moves which w ill further deteriorate the educational environment for m inority children. We wonder why it is at these times when the education structure is pronounced to be fa ilin g in so many o f its mandated missions, that a task force A special Observer focus presumed to be minority advocates would espouse such a short sighted g a m b it- one that obviously w ill only further their disabilities and frustrations. The par­ ents o f m inority children in this state do not deserve this “ cop-out” . Professor Burt is quite right when he points out in his article that there are classic schools in this co untry-m odels o f excellence fo r educating these m inorities-m odels “ pursued by hundreds o f thousands o f A frican Americans in revolt against the educational travesty imposed upon them ...” The rather feeble and plaintive protest o f the task fo rc e - ” The C a lifo r­ nia Basic S kills Test is nota test that w ill determine whether or not you would make a good teacher’ ’-s tirs a deep sus­ picion. There is a definite temptation to make inquiry; “ Have the members o f the M in o rity TeacherTask Force passed the C alifornia test themselves?” ; and i f so, how many attempts were required? T hin k about it! The Portland School D istrict is in almost the tenth year o f its long-heralded “ C urriculum Desegrega­ tion Project’ ’ . Even i f it had been able to deliver many o f the key materials sub- m itle d -id e n tity , m otivation, role mod- e ls -c o u ld you even imagine one o f the test failure persons developing a class exercise around the follow ing? “ The gifted A frican Poet, Alexander Pushkin, was (and is) Rus­ sia’s most honored man o f letters. In ­ spiring m illions w ith the beauty and drama o f his verse, it was the strength and n ob ility o f his lines that moved the peasants to wrest their freedom from the C zar-m uch as you have learned in your other classes the peoples o f Eastern Europe have been inspired to throw o ff their yokes and seek democracy. N ow , pu­ pils, I shall project a picture on the screen—T his is M oscow ’ s famed “ Pushkin Square” where yet today a m agnificent statue o f the poet overlooks the aquare. Yes, that arch at the inter­ section is the new M cD onald’s fast food outlet! Now I w ill assign you the fo l­ low ing reading, and I shall want an essay by the end o f the m onth.” W ell, o f course, the question was rhetorical. But need we go on? Our report on the commission hearings fo l­ low . THE HEARINGS IA special Observer focus] Teacher Standards and Practices Commision, State of Oregon Notice of Hearing on the Proposed Repeal of the Basic Skills Test 9 a.m., July 25,1990 Autzen Senate Chamber in Putnam Center at Willamette University, Salem, Oregon ■ A reporter and staff photographer covered the hearings for the Portland Observer ■ Seventeen members o f the Teacher Standards and Practices Com ­ mission were present to hear testimony from educators around the state. The members o f the commission, p rim arily, are elementary and secondary teachers w ith tw o principals each from private and state colleges, one school board member, and tw o representatives o f the public at large. The audience was drawn from an even more diverse group o f citizens, drawn p rim arily from the ranks o f the educational establishment. Among them were a number o f strongly opinionated part, BU T I H A V E N ’T R E A D IT ! A f­ rican Am erican members o f the audi­ ence bowed their heads w hile the others exchanged know ing glances—or stared directly at Blacks they knew. The testimony o f Professor Burt pretty w ell follow ed the thrust o f his June 27 article reproduced above. He made a strong positive case fo r continu­ ation o f the tests w ith sharp, sometimes brusque dismissals o f the rather weak but dangerous conclusions put forward by the proponents fo r cnacellation o f the skill test. There were many nods o f as­ sent from the commision when Burt inley Burt, delivers his pro-CE at the school district hearings and quite articulate antagonists-for or against the proposed repeal o f the skills test. O fficials o f several social advo­ cacy agencies were present, includign the “ Oregon Commission on Black A ffa irs’ ’ . Unbelievable, the Executive Director, Ms. Amazonas O livella, PLEADED FOR R EPEAL OF TH E SK ILLS TEST. Her position, “ tests must be above’ suspicion o f possible unfair treatment o f people from cu ltur­ ally diverse heritages’ ’ . W hat needs to be “ above suspicion” is the compe­ tency o f those teachers engaged by the Suite o f Oregon to teach our children! There was an interesting and revealing interchange between Ms. O l­ ivella and a member o f the executive committee o f the commission. In her testimony O livella had repeated the old 1960s polemic that “ significant por­ tions o f the exam arc culturally and racially biased.” When asked, “ what parts o f the test are biased; there are three principal components, you know?” , testimony prefaced his testimony that he was raised in an age o f educational competency and that his mother and aunt were gradu­ ates o f teacher colleges (Norm al S ch o o ls)-’ ’they would turn over in their graves i f aware that things had gone d ow nhill ever since.” He scored again w ith the com ­ mission when he recited his experiences at a teacher at Portland State U niverstiy. Ill-prepared minority students-many pre­ paring to be teachers-that he would give a D, only to have them return w ith an essay or test from a class taught by whites, which basic skills-dcficient document had received a grade o f A - or B. So much for the meber o f the M in o r­ ity Taks Force who had tried to make the case that skills-dcficient m inorities need not take tests for there w ould be helpful hands to “ bring them up to par” . Sev­ eral members o f the commission fo l­ lowed Burt from the hearing foom to shake his hand and congratulate him on his forthright testimony, “ Somebody needs to tell the truth and so many are a fra id !” Professor Burt went on the describe his experiences in industry and to state he could w e ll understand the business comm unity’s exasperation with the “ Basic S k ills ” level o f the young employees provided to them by school districts that apparently lacked certain skills themselves. He cited tw o experi­ ences o f his own, 14 years apart. The firs t in Los Angeles (1957) where at the Globeware Manufacturing Company, Blacks and Hispanics were hired o ff the street to produce pots and pans and s k il­ lets. * ‘The tolerance required fo r qual­ ity control was m inim al and housewives seldom complained i f a skille t was “ a tin y b it out o f round” . It was not essen­ tial that the workers possess any more than the most m inim al skills necessary to read the few measuring devices that were used.” But in the second instance at a Portland manufacturing plant where tolerances as fine as 10,000th o f an inch were required, Burt stated that the pro­ duction line was a disaster (the workforce drawn heavily from m inority groups). He made the te llin g point that in this age o f demand fo r reading and computa­ tional skills w hich w ill enable this na­ tion to compete in this w o rld ’s high technology marketplace, American in ­ dustry has made it clear that something has to be done in a hurry in respect to the education system they rely upon. “ And yet we have here a body o f people who wish this commission to participate in a further crippling o f a fa ilin g system by cancelling the Basic Skills Test” . The b lind cannot lead the blind. Many more telling points were made by B urt including the advice that his association and conversation w ith those 22 “ Teachers and Principals o f Excellence (tops in the nation” le ft no doubt in his m ind that they w ould never h ireateai .er who had failed the “ C a li­ fornia Ba ic Schools Test” , when high school students in many areas were “ passing the very same te s t” It seemed to our reporter that w hile over h a lf the testimony was in favor o f cancelling the test, the testimony o f Professor Burt may have turned the tide in favor o f A T LE A S T A M IN IM A L S T A N D A R D OF COM PETENCE FOR THOSE W H O AR E G O IN G TO T E A C H O UR C H IL ­ DREN. The year 2000 is almost at hand. We ask our readers to show there sup­ port for at least some screening in this process o f selecting teachers. W riteatt.: Vera Katz, O ffice o f the Speaker, House o f Representatives, State C apitol, Sa­ lem ,Oregon 97310-1347. Do it today! By Professor McKinley Burt Under the heading “ Task Force neo-prim itives who wished to intro­ Calls Teacher Test A Failure” , last duce “ Black E nglish” or sim ilar de­ Tuesday’s Oregonian reported that in generacies into an already defective the opinion o f a legislature task force, curriculum . “ Oregon should scrap a basic skills test The oldest o f canards has been for teachers." Their findings lead to trotted out: “ But because the exam, the conclusion that ‘ ‘The C ali­ fornia Basic Educational Skills Test is not a test that w ill deter­ mine whetheror not you would make a good teacher.” The spokesperson was LaVonne Lobert-Edmo.a Salem student resource specialist and chair­ man o f the M in o rity Teacher Task Force. Oregon’s Teacher Stan­ dards and Practices Com m is­ sion voted in May to SUSPEND THE B A S IC S K ILLS TEST FOR 180 D AY S. Now it is suggested that a permanent edu­ cational travesty may be in ­ flicted upon the “ m in o rity ” students o f this s ta te -fo r it is quite certain that school p rin ­ cipals w ill not allow teachers G eneral Electric Co. engineering who fa il the test to teach other apprentice; Do you think that a skills than m inority pupils, when I test" failure taught her? refer to these persons as half­ literate 1 use the term advis­ edly as you can determine fo r yourself like most standardized tests, is ' biased from the fo llo w in g statistics (m ultiple against m inority groups ’ , teacher-train­ ing schools are looking fo r ' other’ ways choice questions, yet). “ D uring the 1988-89 school year to assess a teacher’ s basic skills...” in Oregon, about 55 percent o f the 152 W H A T TH E TESTS A R E BIASE D m inority persons taking the C alifornia A G A IN S T IS IG N O R A N C E !-A n ig ­ test passed. Eleven o f 25 black test norance o f the basic skills and tech­ taers passed; 19 o f 47 Hispanics passed. niques (math and language) necessary By contrast, 2,413, or 80 percent, o f to decode the elaborate data base o f know ledge which supports our con tem­ 3,027 white test takers passed.” porary culture. And whose fault is that? That makes it quite obvious what it There is little need to cite again the is exactly that the test does determine; large numbers o f our populations have litany o f educational debacles and in ­ equities that have brought about this suffered educational disabilities which horrendous situation-this newspaper and have assured them a listing among those who w ill be unable to compete or other­ other media across the country have de­ tailed the problem ad infinitum . Par­ wise effectively interface in today’s w orld o f technology and increasingly ents, taxpayers and a ‘ ‘ m inority ’ ’ o f e f­ fective educators have screamed al­ sophisticated workplaces. B u t,itw o j‘d most in vain fo r too lo n g -e ve r since seem that we have those who wouid that Catholic priest in Chicago wrote, empower these failures to transfer their “ W hy Johnny Can’ t Read” , and that disabilities to yet another generation. was decades ago (to be followed on And it seems like only yesterday that we had to put down the assault o f the Exercising the Right to Question Authority BY A N G E LIQ U E S A N D E R S ______ W ith the “ education president” in office, Oregon State is debating whether teachers need to demonstrate their quali­ fications through a skills test. As in m aking any ludicrous decision such as this one, the capitol saw f it to hold a meeting, in v itin g any meas­ urable figureheads. A t firs t glance, the meeting promised to be boorish and pointless; the “ audience” brought to m ind overaged schoolchildren assum­ ing the “ attention” stance, yet le g iti­ mately hearing nothing. Late-entering visitors were treated w ith a vacant gaze, like new students in class. I presumed that the obvious conclusion o f this meet- in g --if fo r no more reason than prevent­ ing a disruptive educational backlash- was to conclude, ‘ ‘okay, so we DO need some method o f proof that the authori­ ties o f education can prove they have more knowledge than the students.” Upon further listening, I found that people were taking this very seri­ ously. One gendeman, W alter Hatha­ way, D irector o f Research Evaluation fo r Portland Public Schools, ridiculed the test by saying something to the e f­ fect of, so you don’t know a certain algebra trick...does this make you a bad teacher? M y response is, probably it does not, but when your students ask you that same question-that you were unable to answer on the skills te st-w h at w ill you say? There A R E teachers out there who not only have so-called valid teaching skills, but can also pass a cur­ sory knowledge test. I f they cannot, le t’ s question why they’re leading our youth. The very in s titu tio n -W illa m - ette U n ive rsily-w h e re this meeting was held requires the test How can teachers have the audacity to test the students constantly, but when the teachers have to prove a certain a b ility o f general knowledge, they can just smile back and say, “ W ell, I ’ ve got a degree, don’ t I? ” Just as there are many illiterate students that are graduated from high schools, sim ilarly there are--and we can all attest to this fact, as w e’ ve a ll been taught by some-teachers that have filtered through any vague testing requirements during college and gone on to educate (or just ramble mindlessly to) the masses. I view the skills test as an additional sieve o f poor teachers: w hile it is not an automatic assurance that a potential educator is qualified, it w ill help strain out some bad apples ( I ’ ll spare you the tired d itty “ one bad apple...” ). One o f the complications o f the CBEST is that the records illustrate a higher passing rate fo r high school stu dents than college students. This, con eludes the school district, proves that the test is warped and fa llib le , nota va lid test at a ll, surely justifica tion fo r surren­ dering the test. But what they don’ t say is, i f the test is inadequate, then le t’ s develop a better standard o f testing teach­ ing aptitude, instead o f dropping the fin al assessment we have. Another point the district pushes is that the tim e lim it is ludicrous. M any teachers out there have passed the test in the designated tim e (not to m ention high school students). Are these teachers saying that they cannot pass this type o f evaluation that even their students have little trouble with? W h o ’ s teaching whom? In conclusion. I ’d like to ask readers the fo llo w in g : firs tly , i f you were a p rincipal, w ho w o u ld have firs t hiring p rio rity: a s k ills test fa ilu re or victor? Secondly, i f you were a student, how w ould you feel i f you found out your teacher was a fa ilu re in a basic skills test? And lastly, i f you are a parent, how w ould you feel about your children being schooled under s k ills test failures, or teachers that never took one? To voice your opinion as a parent, student, teacher, or concerned citizen, address your ideas to: Attention: Vera Katz Office of the Speaker Hose of Representatives State Capitol Salem, Oregon 97310-1347 I * > *. 9 ■* viously was not taught by teachers who failed the C alifornia Basic Educational S kills T e st OPINION the reply was, its in the English/Essay •- * * * years later by his second book, “ W hy Johnny S till’ Can’ t Read” ). The book “ C ultural L iteracy” is an excellent ex ercise in m iddle class polemics (in te l­ lectual masturbation), but hardly ad dresses the problem o f a seriously flawed delivery system fo r p roviding a decent educational product to our children. Rather than continue the “ lita n y o fin e q u itie s” ,Ip re fer to re-emphasize the “ Suc­ cess M odels” which were de­ scribed in last week’ s front page article and in the “ Perspectives” column. We were told o f the exemplary accomplishments o f 22 nationally-recognized p rin ­ cipals who are successively edu­ cating African Am erican c h il­ dren at the same level (or bet­ ter) as w hite pupils in their c it­ ies ( “ National Association o f Schools o f Excellence” ). Fur ther, we saw that this quite fea­ sible methodology had been packaged into a manual and video and delivered to every school principal in the state o f Oregon: “ Partners For Success: Busi­ ness and Education.” National distribution w ill follow . And it was in the Perspectives col­ umn that we described the one hundred year-old model o f Bishop Daniel Payne’s “ classic curriculum” for 'free Negroes’ in the antebellum South. And the fan tastic accomplishments o f the Black Catholic priest. Father Clements, whose classic school is the model pursued by hundreds o f thousands o f African Amen can parents in revolt against the educa tional travesty imposed upon them by an uncaring and inept school district I know that this week I promised “ specific science models and role models, but this local travesty required our immediate attention. On page nine o f this issue be sure to see our feature on Miss Tara Louise Johnson, a high-achiev ing A frican American student w ho ob