July 25,1990 The Portland Observer Page 3 ^ P o rtla n d Observer RELIGION S c rip tu re o f the James 1:19-20 Richardson Receives Nomination for Jefferson Award by M attie Ann C allier-Spears In the m idst o f the hustle and bustle, the crim e and violence, the chaos and c a m a g e -th ere is still hope for the covetous award can be paid em ployees or volunteers, o f any age. They can not be and elected offical or a well-known The Stars & Stripes Drill Team human race through people like James F. Richardson. The Jefferson aw ard is a pres­ tigious national honor that recognizes individuals, throughout the country, who perform great public service, but largely w ithout recognition. The American Institute for Public Service, W ashing­ ton, D .C., sponsors the national com pe­ tition. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Senator R obert T aft are national co­ founders; Samuel S. Beard, a former associate o f the late Senator R obert Kennedy, is P resid en t Persons nom inated for this individual. T he nominee must also be w illing to have his/her activities vide­ otape^ >r broadcast. If the nominee shoulu refuse, they are not eligible. James F. Richardson was nomi­ nated by Mrs. Arleen W ilson, m other of Shannon W ilson, a student at Catlin G abel High School. N o w -th e question arises, “ How did she com e to nominate him and w hy?” W ell, Jam es F. Richardson or Reverend Richardson, is a drill m aster, in his own right. This soft-spoken, gentle man has a way with young people. He first began working with the drill teams in Tulare, Califor- nia. In 1972, James F. Richardson, a mental health worker, at that time, wanted to begin a drill team that would prom ote positive behavior, poise, academic ex ­ cellence and an ability to follow direc­ tions. Following seven months of discipline and hard work, the 42 m em ­ ber drill team was ready to perform in one o f the biggest parades in the nation, the Christm as Parade in W atts, C alifor­ nia. The parade was televised in Los Angeles with the Jackson Five singing group serving as judges. Television personality, Redd Foxx, was the grand around here»,” Richardson shared. After recruiting and formulating, the STARS AND STRIPES drill team was the larg­ est drill team in the entire state of O re­ gon. Since then other drill teams have been formed in other communities throughout the Portland community and the state. James Freeman Richardson is truly a special person. Through his in­ volvement with the youth o f the com ­ munity, he has turned many young people marshall. Jam es Richardson was asked, “ Why an all-girl drill team?” Richardson responded, “ A young lady has to have herself together at all times. The girls learn poise and proper behavior through the drill exercises. If you can get the girls together to function as young la­ dies, then they will get the guys to shape up.” Richardson was a professional drum m er and has also served in the Armed Forces. Through his involve­ ment in these areas and after seeing other drill teams, in the general area, he noticed that the young people were greatly interested in becoming involved. In his mind, he began developing routines. Prog­ ress w as slow , at first, but, “ W e got started just like the A rm y,” Richardson said. “ The girls had to learn how to place one foot in front o f the other. Boy! W as that a hassle!” You Cannot Drill if You Have No Respect for the Property of Others Portland acquired Richardson in 1980. He immediately began a drill team, after viewing the overall unrest among the young people. “ All I have been hearing the young folks say since I’ve been here is, «There’s nothing to do "My goal continues to be that I should have a group of 200 girls. All marching for the Lord." around. Instead o f stealing or prosi- tuting, or killing or gangs there's the drill team. There are many incentives built into the very fabric o f the drill team ’s system. You cannot drill unless you earn a “ C ” or better. You cannot drill if you are causing problems in your home. You cannot drill if you have no respect for the property o f others. You must enter the practice room, sign in, be seated, speak softly and no running. If you are unable to follow these simple di­ rections, you cannot perform with the team -no matter how long you have prac­ ticed. Im proper behavior during a pub­ lic appearance will result in expulsion. Parent Participation is Vital “ I have found that w ithout the parents participating and reinforcing the same concepts and objectives that I have set for the girls, my work is very diffi­ cult,” says Richardson. The parents are welcomed to becom e involved and ac­ tive. It does not hinder but helps. Mrs. W ilson, the nominator, hasa daughter in the drill team. She was so im pressed that she felt the Rev. Richardson’s efforts should be shared Let's Set the Record Straight THE WARREN FAMILY 1990 so that when they are not drill they can sing songs of praise, participate on pro­ grams throughout the com m unity. The young ladies are in great demand. Just this weekend, they were seen strutting their stuff in the African A m erican Fes­ tival parade. “ My goal continues to be that I should have a group o f 200 girls. All marching for the L ord.” Richardson beams as he shares. “ You know, the drill team is an excellent avenue for with many, many others. Parent participation is very im ­ p o rtan t Currently, there are approxi­ m ately eight parents taking an active role in the functions o f the drill team. The parent board is presently planning fund raisers for the 1990-1991 year. Richardson cited Mrs. Audrey Henry as being one o f the parents who went over and beyond the call o f duty. She beld a barbecue dinner at her home, to raise runds. When Richardson organized the first drill team, in Portland, there were approximately 45 continuous members. He now has approximately 60 girls, ages ranging from 12-18 years. The drill team is a non-profit organization. Mrs. W ilson w rote-’Tn my opinion, Rev. Richardson is deserving o f the Jefferson Award because o f the time, energy, ef­ fort, support and finance he dedicates to the success of the drill team. The drill team, under his direction, has won first place in the Junior Rose Festival Parade for the past three years. Besides being a minister, he works a full time job mostly 10-12 hours every day-M onday through Friday.” The drill team meets every Wednesday night at the Salvation Army- Moore Street from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The drill team is an all-girl, Christian drill team. The girls m ust be in school, m ust be in church and m ust maintain a 2.0 GPA. The group not only performs in parades but they also perform in nursing homes, to bring a little sunshine to the elderly. They have also formed a choir witnessing. We will begin conducting Youth W itnessing W orkshops.” Richardson is a man with avision on a m ission, not for himself, but for the Lord. “ Let the children come to me, for the Kingdom o f God belongs to such as they. Don’t send them away! I tell you as seriously as I know how that anyone who refuses to come to God as a little child will never be allowed into his K ingdom .” Mark 10:14-15 □ The final part of a four-part series excerpted from the book "Your Church and You" by A. Lee Henderson T H E W A R R E N FAM ILY S O M E T H IN G T O BE PR O U D O F... SATURDAY JU L Y 28, 1990 C O L U M B IA PA RK 10am -5pm HATS & T-SHIRTS O RD ERS-The hats look good and are going fast Com m ittee Chairperson:Jeddy Beasley Ph: 283-3832 RAM BLIN ROD W A RREN K ID ’S SHOW July 17th Coordinator:D erek W arren Ph: 644-8977 FOOD Bring enough for your family and friends Com m ittee Chairperson: G eneva Burton Ph: 284-5533 FAM ILY H ISTO RY -H ow did we get her?? The chronicle C om m ittee Chairperson: E m ie W arren Jr.Ph: 649-5511 KIDS EV EN TS-H ave som e fun things planned C om m ittee Chairperson: Derek W arren Ph: 644-6977 ADULT A CTIV ITIES-V olleyball & Softball to Dominoes & Cards Com m ittee Chairperson: Don Lincoln Ph: 284-5533 FAM ILY CH U RCH SERV ICE-Sunday, July 2 9 th -M t Sinai Coordinator: R egina W arren Ph: 282-1334 H ELP TO M A K E THIS EVENT ...SOM ETHING W E CAN BE PROUD OF... C ALL TO G ET INVOLVED O TH ER W ISE SEE YOU THERE!!!! The boldness o f calling together “ A llen believed that the Black the first National Negro Convention fell to community had to be organized to deal re- Bishop Richard Allen who convened its spo sibly with its won problems as long as meeting place at Mother Behtel Church in American prejudice and indifference re- Philadelphia o; ’tember 15,1830! fused to erase the color line; and he also Gayraud S. W ilmore, a director believed that an independent Black church, of the United Presbyterian C hurch’s pro- which made every aspect o f life its field o f gram in race relations and a Professor o f witness, was the most widely accepted and Social Ethics at Boston University points the most effective instrument among Black out that Black pride and power. Black na- people with which to pursue the twin goals tionalism, and Pan-Africanism had no past o f spiritual holiness and civil freedom, without the Black church and Black reli- “ in the 1970s, he will doubtless gion. be reappraised by Blacks for the pioneer- W ilmore also warned that with- ing and prophetic role he played in Black out them we may w forego any enduring church history in the United States and his relevance to the antebellum Black church future! His research and writing on “ The freedom m ovem ent...” Secular Advance o f the C hurch” bears our And now, please bear careful attention. The scholar speaks out with a witness yourselves to these incredible words resouding sharpness:____________________________ Jesus Loves You! Eira share them far and near: freedom movement is at hand, “ Young Blacks who tend to re- That is the m ovem ent which gard the church and its leaders of the past concerns your life and what you do with it. as historical oddities having little to inspire The beginnings o f African Epis- the present generation, need to catch the copal Methodism are auspicious. Sp in t o f this man as it was caught by the But no less auspicious to us are writer o f the obituary notice o f his (Rich- your own beginnings in the church and the ard A llen’s) death on M arch 2 6 ,18 3 1 -th e im pact it will leave upon your life in its year of the Nat Turner revolt-recorded in day-to-day workings. the pages o f The Genius o f Universal W e feel more comfortable having Emancipation: introduced you of the family tree o f the Af- When the humble African was even rican Methodist Episcopal Church and your dragged fro m the altar o f G od by the inhu- distinguished forebears. man W hites who disgrace the land, ren- You are grafted into the tree itself sacred by the glowing recollections as a lifetime member, to grow and prosper, which arise at the mention o f the name flower and bloo, reseeding through all the William Penn, R ichard A llen stepped fo rth early Springs and by nurturing your own as their defender and protector, built at his life, contributing back to ours, own expense and upon his own ground, the By accepting our first challenge: fir s t African Church in America. It was to leant more about the beginnings o f the that through persecution, through malice African Methodist Episcopal Church you and through envy, walked like the savior have re-inforced yourself. upon the troubled waters, in fa vo r o fA fri- Congt illations! can Religious Independence. Y ou’ve only just begun! The foundation for the greater The best is yet to come...!!! íü ‘Teaching Church “With A Teaching Ministry. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (c o m e r o f 8th & S k id m ore) Portland, Oregon 97211 D r. Jam es E. M artin, S e n io r Pastor (503) 287-0261 116 N.E. Schuyler • (503)284-1954 3 M ORNING WORSHIP SERVICES 8:00 A.M. - W ORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M. - W ORSHIP SERVICE 12:30 PJH. - WORSHIP SERVICE Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor CHURCH SCHOOL: SATURDAY MORNING 9:30 A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. ARANATHA HURCH “ Before You M ust” — Make a Decision — “ Inquire abr . the services we offer' Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service Current Openings Avail able For Summer & Fall Scholarships A vailable For Information Call the School 281-5802 or Kate Darling 281-0591 R a d io M in is tr y E ach S u n d a y , 8:00A M . - K B M S MRS C’S WIGS 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon 281 4891 We are interested in your problems Tuition From $30.00 BIBLE STUDY 6:30 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. - W EDNESDAY • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS BETTY CABIM PROPRIETOR TUVS-SAT t1i3O -6rO 0 Morning Worship ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHHG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WCS UM0UE HAB ORNAMENTS 10:30 A.M. HAB BEADS « BEAUTY SUPPLIES MRS CS EBONY ESSENCE COSMEfiCS Maranatha School of Ministry ZUMCOSMETCS 6:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGMG LIFESTYLES Í Sunday Services Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Mid-Week Services - Wednesday WHOLESALE & RETAIL 2 8 T -6 5 2 S | R ev. W e n d e ll H . W allace S en io r Pastor 7th & FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100% HUMAN HAB FOR BRAIDING WEAVHG I &