»V ó ♦ *>* ♦ ♦ 4*+v**»* ♦ ♦*•*♦ » .w X * ♦ •*»•■■*» 4 ♦ *■ > « *> •6 *0 4 July 25.1990 I’he Portland Observer Page 13 T.5J ¿•»MX r MENTAL HEALTH M ental H ealth C e n te r seeks a Crisis W orker/ICP Investigator, State certifi­ cation desirable, to work with an acute and CMI population. Provide crisis intervention, out-reach, short term ther­ apy, referral and follow up. Strong ICP and on-call experience preferred. Must be able to work with multi-disciplinary team. M aster degree in Mental Health field or Bachelors and two years clinical experience. We offer com prehensive salary and benefits. Resume to: R odney R. H a rry , P ersonnel O fficer N /N E C o m m u n ity M ental H ealth C en ter 4950 N .E. M a rtin L u th e r King J r . Blvd. P o rtla n d , O R 97211 (C losing - A ugust 8, 1990) Minorities are encouraged to apply. EOE HOUSE $1.00. No mortgage to worry about, or even a single monthly payment. Full price one dollar. Little known program, get the facts. Amazing recorded message reveals details. Call anytime 1-900-456-4567. . PUBLIC NOTICE Due to the num ber o f applicants on the one (1) bedroom waiting list for the N O R T H PL A IN S SE N IO R H O U S­ ING, the Housing Authority o f W ash­ ington County will suspend taking ap­ plications after 5 :00 p.m ., July 31,1990. Applications received or postmarked alter this date will be rejected. Applications for PR IM A R Y W H E E L ­ CH A IR U SERS are always open. To apply, you can get an application at the Housing Authority of Washington County located at 560 S.E. T h ird S tre e t, H illsboro, O reg o n , or call 648-7171 for more information. Continuing until further notice, applica­ tions for SECTION 8 will be accepted for TWO (2) and FOUR (4) BEDROOM families that qualify for a Federal Pref­ erence. Applications to Section 8 are accepted at the Housing Authority of­ fice Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY FINANCIAL ANALYST C ity of E ugene, O R S alary Range: $2238 - 3197/M onth ’osilion responsible for highly complex iscal, operational, and policy analysis in a variety o f financial, City service ¡ystem, legislative and management ssues. Researches, analyzes and rec- immends strategies to enhance C ity’s revenue base and finance major capital .onstruction or acquisition. Requires Jiree to five years experience in public finance; accounting, budgeting or pol­ icy analysis and BA in relevant field. Obtain application at C ity of Eugene, Human R esource & R isk Services, 777 P e a rl St., R oom 101, E ugene, OR 97401. CLOSING DATE; September 7, 1990. AA/EOE. NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS A senior accountant position is avail­ able in the General Accounting D epart­ ment at our downtown Portland office. A college degree with a major em phasis in accounting with a minimum o f 3 years of applied experience is essential. CPA preferred. A working knowledge of GAAF, with SEC regulations back­ ground is required. P.C. com puter expe­ rience necessary; computerized account­ ing exposure valuable. Excellent benefit package and growth opportunities are available. Please di­ rect your resume, salary history and requirements by July 30, 1990 to: N orth w est N atu ral G as C om pany P.O . Box 3410 P o rtla n d , O regon 97209 FAX - (503) 721-2506 An Equal Opportunity Em ployer JOB INFORM ATION LINE (503) 220-2434 KGW-TV and Area Children Help Outfit Needy Kids NURSING RN PRE-CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR The M edical affairs Dept, is currently seeking a RN professional to fill a Pre- Certification Coordinator position. The Pre-Certification C oordinator will conduct reviews for pre-certification pro­ gram including pre-certifying 2nd opinions, discharge planning, and benefit extension review. Successful candidate must be an RN currently licensed in the stale o f Oregon with 3-5 years recent hospital experience. Utilization review and quality assurance background desirable. Good communication skills a must. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #344 at the top of your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W . Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD # 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer SYSTEMS OPERATOR For the O regon L egislative In fo rm a ­ tion System (O L IS) o f th e L egislative A d m in istratio n C om m ittee. Position operates automated equipm ent and sys­ tems used in processing legislative ap­ plications, installs and m aintains soft­ ware and hardware, investigates and resolves problems and trains em ployees in use o f systems and software pack­ ages. Experience installing, testing, and maintaining com puter hardware and software and excellent interpersonal skills required. Salary range $1424-$1872 per month. A legislative administration com­ mittee application is required. A pplica­ tion m aterials m ust be received by 5 p.m., A ugust 13,1990. C ontact P e rso n ­ nel Services, Legislative A d m in istra ­ tion C om m ittee, S401 S tate C apitol, Salem , O R 97310. (503) 378-8530. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a- listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A L W vai MhiuiedCenKorfCjnngfc Curltrnre A Legacy Member Equal Opportunity Employer, MFH. fa y > ■J î «* > •r .s -. » •V »? cations: KGW -TV/KINK FM 1501 SW Jefferson. Portland CHILDREN'S W ORLD LEARNING CENTERS: 17225 NW Corridor CL Beaverton 12385 SW Longhorn Lane 18425 NW W alker Rd. 4845 SW M urray Blvd. 12360 SW Pioneer Lane 3200 NE Hogan Gresham 1771 SE M inter Bridge Rd. Hillsboro 840 NE 181st S t Rockwood 10501 SE Sunnyside Sunnyside 622 SE 117th Ave. Vancouver 10021 NE Hazel Dell Ave. For more information call (503) 626-0541. • ’• A • V X ASST. ADMINISTRATOR FOR RESEARCH & STATISTICS *♦* '** An Executive Service position with the Oregon Em ploym ent Division. Serves as a m ember o f the A dm inistrator’s managem ent team. $3,370-$4,742/m o. plus health, d e n ta l, paid retirem ent Requires four years o f management experience which included responsibility for development o f program rules, policies, long and short range goals, program evaluation and budget preparation. For applications call (503) 378-3253. Applications must be returned to Oregon Employment Division, Personnel and Training Unit, 875 Union St. N.E. Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m., August 3,1990. u - • -Ÿ7 . ' -J ' > . V AN EOE/AA EMPLOYER ? fe e s J ‘ tei? y- & v ° - ,o s,aï Sèi. • î> SAFEWAY f t ,v> Fresh Oregon Whole Fryers Plump & Juicy, Perfect to BBQ! Lb. ACCOUNTING CLERK ART-TIM E ACCOUNTING CLERK IEEDED TO ASSIST FINANCE DI- ISION IN DATA ENTRY, PAYROLL NTRY, FILING AND BASIC OFFICE »UTIES. M UST KNOW 10-KEY BY O U CH , TYPE 50 WPM AND HAVE /ORKING KNOWLEDGE OF WORK ERFECT AND PLAN PERFECT. ALARY IS $5.62 PER HOUR. INTER­ ESTED APPLICANTS MAY SUBMIT 'OM PLETED DISTRICT APPLICA- ION FORMS THROUGH AUGUST 3 O T U A L A T IN V A LLEY F IR E AND 1ESCUE, 20665 S.W . BLA N TO N T R E E T , A L O H A, O R 97007. QUAL O P P O R TU N H Y EMPLOYER ,&y *•«.* A fter the drive, the clothing will be collected by Low Income Fam ilies Emergency (LIFE) volunteers who will sort and provide it free to those in need. These clothes -- as well as shoes, coats, and school supplies - w ill be given away Saturday, A ugust 25, at the Pen- ninsula Park Com m unity C enter be­ tween 10 am and 3 pm. ID is required for each child receiving goods. Clothing can be dropped off du r­ ing business hours at the follow ing lo- Kids outgrow their clothes so fast, many families can t afford to keep up. This year, kids can help other kids by donating clothes they'eve outgrown. KGW -TV is proud to be a sponsor of the Portland/V ancouver area's fifth annual Children Helping Children cam paign, a back-to-school clothing drive. Now through August, kids and their parents can bring clean, wearable cloth­ ing to the Channel 8 studios, o r to any Children’s W orld Learning Center. i t ’ w - Seedless Grapes Thompson or Red Flame, Enjoy! 7 / :CRUITMENT & SE­ C T IO N MANAGER ry R ange: $2,238 - $3,197/mo. on m anages recruitm ent and se- i program area which includes work diversity, affirm ative action, EEO, jyec orientation, career develop and injured w orker reinstatement, ucccssful applicant will have well- oped analytical and communica- skills and experience in program gement. Requires a four-year col- degree with preference for gradu- ludy in human resource managc- related field and 3-5 years of pro- jnal personnel administration cx- nce. CLOSING DATE: Septcm- , 1990. O btain application between n. • 5 p.m. at C ity of Eugene, tan R esource & Risk Services, Pearl St., R m . 101, E ugene, OR il. (503)687-5061. AA/EOE 12-Oz. Bel-air Lemonade Frozen Concentrate, Reg. or Pink 39 c Ba. MR ■ . e*« t i. :