Page 12 The Portland Observer July 25, 1990 « Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST Seeking individual with lots o f initiative for exciting Cam paign Division po­ sition. Will provide clerical and re­ ceptionist support to staff and vol­ unteers. Requires accurate typing at 55 wpm and above average abilities in spelling, gram m ar and punctua­ tion. Com petency with Display Write 4 and Lotus 1-2-3, plus skill with 10 key a must. Ability to work comfortably in an high activity en­ vironment for a large number and variety of people. M ust have good telephone personality and experi­ ence in handling m ulti-line tele­ phone system. Salary range $13,000- $17,000 plus excellent benefits. Send resume by July 27, to: C aro ly n Lewis U nited W ay/C olum bia-W illam ette 718 VV. B urnside P o rtla n d , O regon 97209 228-9131 EQUAL O PPO R T U N IT Y EM PLO Y ER BUYER The City o f Gresham is seeking a Buyer to provide professional buyer ex­ pertise to prepare Requests for Pro­ posals and Bid Specifications for City purchases. Coordinate inter­ agency agreem ents and State Price Agreement purchases. Prepare cost comparison and dollar analysis reports. Establish and maintain purchasing related procedures, forms, files and resources. Qualifications: Three years o f responsible office experience, including at least two years in accounting or buyer work, preferably supplem ented by busi­ ness school or college course work. Preem ploym ent medical exam in­ cludes drug screening. Salary: $1, 897-2,421/mo. plus benefits. CITY APPLICATION AND SUPPLE­ M E N T A L Q U E S T IO N N A IR E REQUIRED. Apply by 8/9/90. City of Gresham, Human Resources Div., 501 N £ . Hood, Suite 100, Gresham, OR 97030- (503) 669-2309. TDD (503)665-8519 EOE MECHANIC C-TRAN is seeking a diesel mechanic to perform m echanical and electrical maintenance, repair, and overhaul work on transit coaches in the shop or field. Position requires thorough knowledge o f heavy duty transit diesel engines, manual and auto­ matic transm issions, air condition­ ing system, shop techniques, paint refinishing and welding. Minimum of three years experience as certi­ fied journey-level coach diesel mechanic preferred. Strong electri­ cal background desirable. Salary at 1989 range until new labor agree­ ment ratified (S9.13-S13.49/for.) Shift varies. To apply send resum e to Personnel M anager, C-TRA N , P.O. Box 2529, V ancouver, W ashing­ ton, 98668-2529. Position closes July 30. 1990. E O E /M F H SAI FS QUALITY CONTROL SALES COORDINATOR West Coast Grocery Company is accept­ ing resumes for the position of Quality Control Sales Coordinator.Key ac­ countabilities will include tele­ marketing, credit audits, problem identification and solution im plem ­ entation. Candidates m ust have excellent com ­ munication skills with ability to m otivate and persuade, organiza­ tional skills with em phasis on de­ tails and accuracy, proven planning, creative and problem solving skills. Retail m eal/perishable operations know ledge/experience preferred. This is a full-time non-exem pt position. Blue Cross/Blue Shield or Kaiser Permanente, WDS dental and profit sharing available. Send resum e and career references to: W est Coast Grocery Company, P.O. Box 12909, Salem, O R 97309, or apply at State Employment Division, 605 Cottage S l NE, Salem , O R E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer M /F/H BECOME A PARALEGAL Nationally A ccredited, Attorney In­ structed, Hom e Study, Established 1976, Financial Aid, FREE Catalog 1 800-669-2555. Southern Career Insti­ tute, D raw er 2158, Boca Raton, Florida 33427 MANAGEMENT UNIT FORESTER $2387-$3205 The Oregon D epartm ent o f Forestry currently has an opening in T il­ lamook for a m anagem ent Unit Forester. This announcem ent is to fill the current vacancy and develop a list for future vacancies through­ out the state. Subm it an application now if you wish to be considered for this job classification. The M anage­ m ent Unit Forester plans, directs, and supervises the activities associ­ ated with accom plishing land m an­ agem ent objectives such as land management planning, timber sales, m iscellaneous forest product sales, public relations, recreation and others. Qualifications are: a Bache­ lo r’s degree in forestry or related field (such as: wildlife management, biology, botany, plant pathology, forest engineering, civil engineer­ ing) two years o f technical and pro­ fessional forestry experience, one year o f which m ust include respon­ sibility for directing the w ork o f others. Announcement closes August 24,1990. Contact Departm ent o f Forestry Personnel Section, 2600 State Street, Salem, O r 97310, (503) 378-2565 for job announcem ent, test ques­ tions, and applications. COUNSELING ASSESSMENT COUNSELOR C-V Starting salary S1644-S1810 per month plus excellent benefits. CO D A Inc. seeks Senior Counselor/Supervisor. Responsibilities include: diagnosis o f substance addicted clients, clini­ cal supervision o f staff, liaison to community resources, provision of assessment services, developm ent & implementation of policies & procedures, expertise intriguing chemically dependent women & dual diagnosis clients. Conventional hours 9AM -5PM , M-F. to qualify: M as­ ters degree or substantial post gradu­ ate course work in a human services discipline or equivalent are required. 2 years supervised human services experience are strongly desired. Advanced training or experience with chemically dependent women & dual diagnosis populations preferred. To apply, complete & submit standard CODA application form including screening question responses to address below. A pplication m ateri­ als available at: CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. E q u al opportunity/affirm ative action employer. SALES M cC aw C ellular Com m unicate ;s, Inc. Cellulai One Inside Sates Customer Service Center M cCaw Cellular Com m unications; Inc., the nation’s leading cellular telephone company, is seeking an experienced inside salesperson: R E Q U IR E M E N T S : •One year sales, telem arketing or cellu­ lar experience. •Ability to work with diverse custom er base. ■Ability to work closely with Cellular O ne Direct salespeople •Proven team orientation •Organizational, com m unications and " p e o p le ” skills are necessary This position extends opportunity for an articulate, organized, self-starter to become a professional with a career path in one of the fastest grow ing indus­ tries in the nation. Please address your resume to: CELLULAR ONE Human R esources/Inside Sales 409 SW Ninth Portland, OR 97205 All Replies in confidence An E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r SCHOOL BUS DRIVER A great part tim e jo b with com petitive hourly wage, flexible shifts and an opportunity for attendance bonuses. Also optional retirem ent & medical benefits avail. Ideal for students & retirees. Call today for an inter­ view. Mayflower Contract Services, 13000 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard, 620- 0541. ttq u a l O pportunity E m ployer COUNSELING CLINICAL SUPERVISOR C-V (DTS) Starting salary $1644-$ 1735 month plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc seeks qualified Clinical Supervisor/Coun- selor for outpatient drug treatment program . Responsibilities include: supervise 2 to 4 counselors, assist in adm inistration o f daily program operations, supervise adolescent treatm ent program , provide treat­ m ent services to adults, youth and families. Provide chem ical depend­ ency counseling to individuals and groups especially to com plex cases. A ssist in policy and procedure de­ velopm ent, conduct in-house and external training events. Position w orks prim arily conventional hours M onday-Friday with early evening groups at least 2 night per week. To qualify: a M aster’s degree in human services discipline and 2 years ex ­ perience (or Equivalent) are required, as is clinical staff supervision expe­ rience. Advanced know ledge/expe­ rience in chem ical dependency is­ sues and treatm ent techniques is preferred. To apply com plete and submit standard CODA application form including screening questions responses to address below. A ppli­ cation m aterials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. E q u al o p p o rtu n ity affirm ativ e action em ployer. City of Salem Sports Coordinator (Rec. Coord. 11) $1891- $2393/M o. + excell.fringe bene, pckg. Professional needed to super­ vise sports programs involving pro­ gram planning, development in adult and youth recreation. Includes youth soccer, basketball, track; adult bas­ ketball, summer sports camps, ten­ nis and other sports events. Respon­ sible experience in recreational sports programs and supervision; 4-yr. degree in recreation, PE o r related field. Must understand methods to develop, im plem ent and evaluate rec. programs & facility operation; & objectives o f public rec. programs. Possess valid 1st Aid Cert & ODL; OS A A Offic ials c e rt in soccer &/or basketball is desired. REQUIRES SU P P L E M E N T A L A P P L IC A ­ TION. Closes 8/10/90.555 Liberty ST SE, RM. 225, Salem, OR, 97301. 503/588-6162. EOE. N O R T H E A S T C O A L IT IO N O F N E IG H B O R H O O D S YOUTH GANG PRO G RA M POSITION: OFFICE MANAGER Full-time position, $8.00 per hour with benefits after six (6) months. Range o f clerical and office m anagem ent skills are required. M ust type 50 wpm. Position includes staffing o f a G angs Hotline, taking o f minutes for Youth Gang Task Force m eet­ ings, general office procedures, assisting D irector, O utreach C oor­ dinator and G raffiti Project. Typing and transcription tests w ill be ad­ ministered. A • Apply in person at: N ortheast C oalition o f Neighborhoods 4815 N .E. 7th A venue, R oom C-25 P o rtla n d , O R 97211 D eadline: A u g u st 3 ,1 9 9 0 , 5:00 p.m . No phone calls please. No applications will be mailed. E qual E m p lo ym en t O pportunity E m ployer COUNSELING CLINICAL SUPERVISOR C-V ALPHA HOUSE Starting salary S1644-S1735 per month plus excl benefits. CODA Inc. seeks Senior Counselor/Clini- cal Supervisor for Alpha House Adult residential Treatm ent Facility. R e­ sponsibilities include administration o f daily program operations; direct clinical supervision to staff o f 3 to 5 substance abuse counselors; co­ ordination of client admissions; diagnosis, evaluations, and treat­ ment services; consultation with, probation and parole offices, schools, and area agencies, prom otion and marketing activities; development and enforcem ent of policies and procedures; training o f staff and the general public. T o q ualify: a m aster’s degree in a human services discipline and 2 years super­ vised human services experience or equivalent are required. Advance training/experiencc in chem ical dependency, pregnant addict, crimi­ nal justice client issues, and resi­ dential substance abuse treatment very strongly preferred. M ust be trained/trainable in CPR and ca­ pable o f administering CPR for 15 minutes continuously. To apply com plete and submit standard CODA application form, including responses to screening questions to the address below. Application materials and screening ques­ tions are available at CO D A Inc., TCI CABLEVISION OF OREGON, INC. An Equal O pportunity Employer, cur­ rently has an opening for the fol­ lowing position: POSITION TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PERSON Full-time QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to operate underground machinery, climb poles, handle 28’ extension ladder, ability to drive a vehicle with a trailer. G ood attitude, high school diploma or recognized equivalent. Prefer electronics degree. MUST BE ABLE TO PASS DRUG TEST & PHYSI­ CA L EXAM. APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED UNTIL: 8/1/90 Interested parties may submit applica- tions/resum es by mail to: T C I C A B L E V ISIO N O F O R E G O N , IN C. 3500 SW B ond P o rtla n d , O R 97201 A T T E N T IO N : Jo h n M arcum MENTAL HEALTH/ OUTPATIENT Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program seeking qualified Family C ounselor for treatm ent and sup­ port services to families. Engage­ ment skills and ability to work in team setting necessary. Equal O p­ portunity Employer. Send resume to: 4531 SE Belmont, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97215 « Advertising »Employment « Bids/Sub-Bids M YCAP/YW CA Position Announcement LIVE-IN SUPERVISOR In-House Supervisor o f High Risk Youth One year work experience in a social services agency and working with high risk youth. O ne year o f college (45 quarter or 30 sem ester hours) in a related social services field. Full time, benefits, $10,080 annual sal­ ary, all utilities paid. Apply in per­ son at 4732 NE G arfield, Portland, OR, or call 280-1050. E qual O pportunity E m ployer A/R REP 1 ! I I c . i i l i i n ; i iiK 'iiiiH 'i < let Ire n ii s fir m is seeking ,i te a m o rie n te d in d iv id u .il w ilh p m it i a s h p u s i in g e x p e rie n c e in a c re d it e n v ir o n m e n t M u s i l)c d e ta il o rie n te d , li.iv e g m id a c c o u n t analysis & reconcili­ a tio n skills, \ ty p e 4 0 W P M . D a ta e n try & I ’ l e \ i x ‘ rie n < e in q u ire d Ip re le r Lotus & V V m d l’ e rle i I). M u si h e la m ilia r w ith c o m - m e n ial b a n k in g p ra ctice s EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR $3050-4298 Monthly The Oregon State Board o f Nursing is recruiting for an Executive D irector who will have adm inistrative responsibility for the agency. The Board o f Nursing is a regulatory agency that sets standards for education, licensing and practice o f licensed practical nurses, registered nurses and nurse practitio­ ners and training/certification standards for nursing assistants. To qualify you m ust have a Baccalaureate degree in nursing and a M asters degree in nursing, m anagem ent or a health related field. To apply, send a com pleted State o f O regon P D -100 application, a current resume and a one page letter o f interest stating how your education and experience qualify you for this position to: M onica W oods Oregon State Board o f Nursing 10445 SW Canyon Road, Suite 200 Beaverton, OR 97005 503-644-2767 A pplications must be RECEIVED by Septem ber 4 ,1 9 9 0 ,4 :3 0 pm. MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT JOB OPPORTUNITIES O ur D istrict provides program s and services to our 12 constituent school districts. W e are currently looking for qualified individuals for the following positions: Attendance C ounselor 188 Days Fulltim e & Halftim e Educational Assistant, (M ale) 190 days Pregnant Students/Teen M oms Program s Specialist 190 Days Registered N urse/Com plex Health Needs Specialist, Social Studies 2 1 0 d a y s4 /h rsp e rd a y . Reacher, Special Education (M H Program) 190 days Teacher, Speech & Language 171 Days-4 1/2 Days W eeks Substitute Teachers, Educational A ssistants, RN & LPN For required M ESD application form, more info and closing dates call 257-1510 (24/hr jo b inform ation) or com e to R ecruitm ent Office, 11611 NE Ains­ worth Circle, Portland. A n E q u a l O pportunity E m ployer ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMITTEE OF CLARK COUNTY-HEAD START FAMILY SERVICE W O RK ER 1-21 years o f age and com pletion o f 12th grade or equivalent; and, FAMILY SERVICE W O RK ER II - AA in Human Services or related field with 4 years experience working with children and families in a human service capacity. Both positions require acting as family advocate; know ledge o f Clark County and its resources. D irect involvem ent in Head Start helpful. 40-45 weeks/yr.; 40 hrs./wk; salary range $5.80-$8.17/hr. d.o.q./d.o.e. CLERICA L A SSISTA N T II -M inimum tw o years clerical experience; one year o f college or business school course w ork may be substituted for one year of experience. Rapid, accurate typist; prepare correspondence; know ledge of office practices; business English and correspondence layout; busy tele­ phone. All positions require dependable autom obile, insurance, valid driver’s license. O btain application, position announcem ent and job description 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m ., M on-Fri, EOC O ffice, 10619 N.E. Coxley Drive, V ancouver, WA 98662 (206) 896-9912. C om pleted applications must be received in EOEC O ffice by 4 p.m ., July 31, 1990. EEOC/AA SECTION 8 WAITING LIST CLOSURE The Housing A uthority of Clackam as County will be closing the Section 8 Existing Housing Program waiting list on A ugust 15,1990 at 5:00 PM , with the exception o f the tw o and five bedroom waiting lists, the tw o bedroom waiting list will remain open until 5:00 PM on N ovem ber 15, 1990 and the five bedroom waiting list will rem ain open until further notice. Any applications received after the closing dates listed above will be returned to the applicant Applications will continue to be accepted for the Public Housing Program and M oderate R ehabilitation Program. For further inform ation contact The Housing Authority o f Clackam as County, 13930 S. Fain Street, O regon C ity, OR 97045; 655-8267. Equal Housing Opportunity W ill h a n d le a v a rie ty o t d u tie s to in c lu d e re sp o n sib ilitie s to r lo c k b u s e n velope s, w ill post d e ta il o t re m es Io customer .m o u n ts , p re p a re d a ily & m o n th ly re- t c i p l re p o its , m a in ta in tiles ¿y assist w ith i re d il i o rre s p i ind< 'm e . ( < im p re h e n s iv e frin g e h e n e lil par kage a va ila b le . Y ou m ay ap p ly in (XTson o r send re sum e in c o n fi­ d e n t e Io : H um an R esou rces 16261 SE ItO th Ave. (Jatkam as, OR 97015 I (,» i j I ( )p|R)duniiv h npkiycr M/F/V/I I C O D E -A -P H O I\IE * AYSAIWIMi AMIHII AS PHUNtS FOW UVIH ,O VfAHS __ MENTAL HEALTH Program Coordinator for adolescent day treatm ent facility. M aster’s degree in human services, plus supervisory experienced required. Send resume by A ugust 3 to: T io ’s N ick’s 7025 N. L o m b a rd P o rtla n d , O R 97203 EOE M YCAP/YW CA Position Announcement ANNUAL GIVING OFFICER Portland State University Portland State University seeks an Annual giving Officer. Responsibilities include: Planning and coordination o f an annual giving solicitation program, including direct mail, personal solicitation, phonathons, gift acknow ledge­ ment, donor stew ardship, volunteer recruitment, and special events coordi­ nation; Assisting wilh other fund raising projects. Requirements include a bachelor’s degree and two years experience in fund raising; excellent com m unications and project m anagem ent skills. Salary is competitive. PSU, an urban university of growing distinction, has 15,000 day and evening students on a downtown campus. PSU is a leader in the econom ic, social and cultural life o f the city with strong traditions in liberal arts and asciences, the professions, and international education. Send nom inations or letters of application and a resume listing three professional references, by A ugust 20, 1990, to: O ffice o f Com m unications, Annual giving O fficer Search, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207. Portland State University is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. M inorities, women, and members of other underrepresented groups are en­ couraged to apply ACTIVITY COORDINATOR C o o rd in atio n of High R isk Y outh A ctivities Two years of college (90 quarter or 60 semester hours) in physical education or a related field; or three years work expe­ rience in group activity coordination and youth supervision. And minimum one year experience in group activity coordination and youlh supervision. And minimum one year experience in work­ ing with high risk youth. Full time, benefits, $16,(XX) annual salary. Apply in person ai 4732 NE Garfield, P o rlta n d , O R , or call 280-1050. Equal Opportunity Em ployer Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! Best Cash Prices DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 Support our Advertisers- SÀY YOU SAW IT IN THE PORTLAND OBSERVER I