July 25, ¡990 The Portland Observer Page 11 I Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS MARINE SALES REPRESENTATIVE BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening fo r a M arine Sales Representative to obtain marketing results thru direct sales contacts; conduct cargo m arket­ ing projects; assist w ith projects to attract and retain line r and charter steamship services. The successful candidate w ill be responsible for; 1. Contacting tra ffic managers at major U.S. corporations, foreign firm s, trading companies, and steamship lines to assess opportunities. 2. Providing service to existing carriers and attracting prospective cargo accoun ts to Portland. 3. Assisting w ith medium-to-large M arine marketing projects including: Defining overall strategies Designing and making proposals Coordinating sales materials and some advertising 4. Resolving problems associated w ith Port service, pricing, and inland transpor­ tation needs o f m ajor shipper ¡groups or high-volum e accounts. 5. Coordinating w ith Port operations staff to solve problems and develop new techniques to serve the needs o f m ajor shippers, groups o f shippers targeted in m arketing projects, o r existing steamship carriers. 6. Id entifying steamship or com m odity project opportunities, including des ign o f The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening for a B uilding Maintenance projects assigned to Port research staff. 6. A cting as Port representative by: Participating in nationwide trade organizations and transportation industry asso­ ciations. M aking speeches before industry groups locally and in other West Coast cities. Traveling throughout the West Coast carrying out Port marketing objectives. Preferred qualifications include: Broad experience in marine/intermodal transportation w ith an emphasis on the line r trades. Knowledge o f customs and business practices in foreign countries. T yp ic a lly 3 to 5 years sales experience. In addition to a starting salary range o f $33,493 to $38,735 per year, commensu­ rate w ith experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Em ployment O ffice, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tr i­ county, Portland m etropolitan area, C lark County, and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231-5000, ex­ tension 700. A ll applications must be received by Friday, August 3,1990, at Mechanic I The successful candidate w ill be responsible for: 1. M aintaining bag belt and conveyor systems. 2. M aintaining and repairing plumbing systems. 3. M aintaining building facilities. 4. General duties: a. M etal fabrication (arc, gas w elding) and sheet metal work. Preferred qualifications, include: Journey man level experience as a bag belt/conveyor mechanic. Journeyman level experience as a m illw rig h t. A b ility to interpret technical instruction books and manuals, mechanical and electrical blueprints, and written instructions. Carpentry skills and related power tools. Arc/gas welding skills. Com bination d river’s license state o f Oregon Class B, or a b ility to obtain one w ithin 90 days o f em ploym ent In addition to a starting salary o f $17.23 per hour, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Employment O ffice, 700 N.E. M ultnomah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tr i­ county, Portland metropolitan area, C lark County, and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231- 5000, ex- tension 700. A ll applications must be received by Friday, July 27 , 1990, at 5:00 p.m. The Port is an equal opportunity employer. © Port of Portland 7 0 0 N .E . M u ltn o m a h P.O. B o x 3 5 2 9 & Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah p.0. BOX 3529 Portland, OR 97209 IN SU R AN C E MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for M edical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible fo r accurate and tim ely payment o f Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon’ s medical claims. Experi­ ence necessary to perform this task w ill include: ■ 1 year recent clerical work experience in a d octor’s o ffice or hospital selling B Demonstrated knowledge o f medical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting o r o ffice experience B ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding B A m inim um o f 6-12 months experience using a C R T in a production oriented environment B F a st, accurate use o f a 10-kcy calculator Previous claims processing or insurance b illin g experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im m ediately, place ad #276 at the top o f your resume o r in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Hum an Resources Dept.,5 th F ir 100 S.W. M ark et Portland, O R 97201 T D D #225-6780 or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Hum an Resources DepL, 5th F ir 100 S.W . M a rk e t Portland, O R 97201 T D D #225-6780 and staff. 7. Arrange travel for D irector and staff. 8. Assist in the preparation o f Commission reports, agenda items, and project presentations. Preferred qualifications include: Course w ork or experience w ith personal computers and word processing equip ment. Excellent grammatical skills, both w ritten and verbal. Financial or accounting background helpful. In addition to a starting salary range o f $19,179 to $23,567 per year, commensu­ rate w ith experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Em ploym ent O ffice, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tri- county, Portland, m etropolitan area, C lark C ounty, and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231 -5000, e x­ tension 700. A ll applications must be received by Friday, July 27, 1990 at 5:00 p.m. The Port is an equal opportunity employer. P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97209 Holladay Park Medical Center nication products. 2. Assisting w ith planning, coordinating, and managing special events. 3. Setting up, coordinating and m onitoring the business and operating procedures. 4. Perform ing both preproduction and postproduction video functions. 5. Researching prices, availability and performance o f vendors. 6. Im plementing and m aintaining an automated photo file index system. 7. Performing copyw riting on scripts and commercials, and proofreading for type­ set copy. Preferred qualifications include: Experience or equivalent course w ork in business and design industry, advertis­ 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue ItCACV tions. . . . . Specification w ritin g and implications o f cost factors in printing, graphics, pho­ tography, audiovisual, advertising and design field. Special event planning and coordination. Understanding o f Lotus 1-2-3, W ord Perfect and Macintosh design software. W orking knowledge o f advertising functions, including print, broadcast, m ulti- media, video, trade show booths, direct m ail pieces and other collateral. In addition to starting salary range o f $ 19,179 to $21,682 per year, commensurate w ith experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Em ployment O ffice, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tr i­ county, Portland metropolitan area, C lark County, and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231-5000, ex­ tension 700. A ll applications must be received by Friday, July 27, 1990 at 5:00 p.m. The Port is an equal opportunity employer. Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland. OR 97209 NURSING HOME HEALTH CARE SPECIALIST This position conducts home health, hospice and skilled nursing fa c ility reviews, including precertification, preauthorization, and claim review, maintains utilization guidelines; establishes close w orking relations w ith providers and internal personnel. This position w ill require: Currently OR LIC E N S E D RN 3-5 years home health exper A b ility to w ork in a fast-paced environment under high pressure conditions A strong com m itm ent to cost containment Excellent oral and w ritten communication skills Excellent interpersonal skills Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #254 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th F ir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 T D D #225-6780 Police O fftcer-to $3,217/mo Employee Relations O fficer-to $4,481/m o Recruitm ent and Selection Manager-$4,009mo Human Resources Specialist Ill- to $31,983/yr For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr jo b inform ation) No Equal Opportunity Employer U T O resumes please BUREAU O F PERSONNEL 1220 S.W. 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, O r 97204 REE Enterprises . P.O. Box 11052 Portland, OR 97211-0052 Specializing in landscaping, Janitorial, and maintenance services CALL MICHAEL DAVIS for a Free Estimate at 281-2661 24 hour service 281-0174 (503) 233-4567 Committed to Career Opportunity J or A il Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal Opportunity Employer ing and visual communications. Business aspects o f printing, graphics, photography, audio-visual communica­ CITY OF PORTLAND URBAN LEA G U E 10 N Russell M inorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply managers and staff. 4. Assist in preparation o f Finance and Adm inistration budget. 5. M on itor division disbursements and interdepartmental support charges. 6. Prepare m onthly report to the Executive Director. Arrange travel fo r D irector The successful candidate w ill be responsible for: 1. Assisting Advertising/Visual Communications Manager in managing comm u­ EM PLO YM ENT Apps also available at: tive functions w ithin the departm ent The successful candidate w ill: 1. Schedule and coordinate D ire ctor’s calendar w ith individuals and organiza lions outside the Port, Port management, and staff. 2. Provide adm inistrative assistance to the Director and Finance staff. 3. Establish and maintain effective network w ith Finance and A dm inistration PROJECT COORDINATOR ADVERTISING/VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS GROUP ACCOUNTANT I date e lig ib ility records fo r all groups. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. Starting salary is $1400 per mo. T o assure your resume is processed im m ediately, place ad #329 at the top o f your resume ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening for an Adm inistrative C oordinator to handle adm inistrative activities fo r the Finance and A dm inistration D irec­ tor and other Finance managers and to ensure coordination o f a ll adm inistra C LE R IC A L A C C O U N T IN G Q ualified candidates must have previous experience in bookkeeping and/or ac­ counting requiring knowledge & use o f accounting principles. Com pletion o f the 3 com m unity college level accounting courses w ith “ C ” or above grade average w ill substitute fo r experience. Applicants must also have general o ffice experience, phone experience, interaction w ith the public, type 30wpm , lO ke y, as w ell as good w ritten communication skills. Previous insurance experience and CRT/PC experience is desirable. The Group Accountant is responsible fo r establishing & maintaining accurate up-to- « Blds/Sub-Blds Portland, O R 97209 5:00 p.m. The Port is an equal opportunity employer at Advertising u Employment A Legacy Member NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1990/91 A S P H A L T O V E R L A Y PR O JEC TS S.E .E V E L Y N A V E N U E (F R O M S.E. 2N D T O S.E. 4 T H ) S.E. M O R L A N A V E N U E (F R O M S.E. 2N D T O S.E. 4 T H ) S.E. 12TH S T R E E T (F R O M S.E. M Y R T L E W O O D W E S T ) S.E. M Y R T L E W O O D A V E N U E (F R O M S.E. 11TH S O U T H ) N.W . 4 T H S T R E E T (F R O M N .W . W A L L U L A T O N.W . B E L L A V IS T A ) N .W . 1ST S T R E E T (F R O M N .W . N O R M A N T O N .W . T O W L E ) Project 5020 Sealed proposals w ill be received by the C ity Engineer, at the C ity H all, 1333 N .W . Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon 97030, u n til Monday, July 30,1990 at 2:00 p.m., Pacific D aylight Tim e, at w hich tim e they w ill be opened, for the construction o f the 1990/91 A S P H A L T O V E R L A Y PROJECTS: S.E. E V E ­ L Y N A V E N U E , S.E. M O R L A N A V E N U E , S.E.E 12TH STREET, S.E. M Y R T LE W O O D A V E N U E , N .W . 4 T H STREET, & N .W . 1ST STREET Project 5020. The m ajor quantities involved are as follow s: 10 Tons 2,390 Tons 20 Each Tack Coat Class “ C ” Asphaltic Concrete Manhole Adjustments Contractor for this w ork shall furnish a ll labor at current State o f Oregon prevailing wage rates, materials and equipment and services o f a ll kinds to complete the work in accordance w ith the plans and specifications therefor. Plans and specifications may be examined at the o ffice o f the Gresham C ity Engineer, 1333 N .W . Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon. Copies o f said plans and specifications may be obtained upon application to the C ity Engineer and by posting a non-refundable fee o f $25.00 w ith the C ity Engineer fo r each set o f plans and specifications requested. Contractors must prequalify fo r street construction w ith the C ity o f Gresham, as required by the laws o f the State o f Oregon, before the date o f a bid opening. O th ­ erwise, their proposal may not be given consideration. A ll proposals must be submitted on the regular form s furnished by the C ity o f Gresham, addressed and m ailed or delivered to the Engineering D ivisio n , C ity o f Gresham, in a sealed envelope p la inly marked, “ S E A LE D B ID O N 1990/91 A S P H A L T O V E R L A Y PROJECTS: S.E. E V E L Y N A V E N U E , S.E. M O R L A N A V E N U E , S.E. 12TH STREET, S.E. M Y R T L E W O O D A V E N U E , N .W . 4 T H STREET, & N .W . 1ST STREET Project 5020’ ’ bearing the name and address o f the bidder. Each must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’ s check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) o f the total bid. A performance and payment corporate surety bond in the fu ll am ount o f the contract shall be required to guarantee fa ith fu l performance o f the terms o f the contract at the tim e o f contract execution. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the public contracting agency shall, fo r the purpose o f awarding the contract, add a percent increase on the b id o f a nonresident bidder equal to the percent, i f any, o f the preference given to that bidder in the state in w hich the bidder resides. Each b id must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. Each bid must contain a statement by the bidder that the provisions o f ORS 279.350 w ill be com plied w ith. Each bidder must file w ith his bid an a ffid a vit o f non-collusion. The C ity o f Gresham reserves the rig h t to reject any and/or all bids, w aive in ­ form alities or to accept any bid w hich appears to serve the best interests o f the C ity. The City of Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. B Y O R D E R O F T H E C IT Y C O U N C IL 1333 N .W . Eastman Parkway Gresham, Oregon 97030 Support our Advertisers— SAY YOU SAW IT IN T H E PORTLAND OBSERVER