Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 1990, Image 1

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Richardson potential Jefferson Award-winner
Focus on A.C. Gret • (part two)
Questioning Authority
Why do people cheat in relationships?
-from a male and female perspective
Page 3
Page 4
Page 7
n T U
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E u g e n e , O re g o n
Page 9
P O R T L fiî»
Volume XX, Number 28
"The Eyes and Ears o f The Community"
No "Chinese Puzzle Boxes" Here! Motivated Young African Americans Learn
Mathematics From 6000 year-old Models Provided By Professor McKinley Burt
(Black Education Center, 1984)
July 25,1990
Business Profile
Jackie's Ribs in Salem
Photo by Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
By Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
ackie W inters has spent the
last five years building a
very successful multi-unit
barbecue business in Salem, Ore­
gon. Before embarking into the
food service industry, Winters was
just as successful as a city/state
government employee and par­
ent. All four (the McClains) sons
are grown and very successful
besinessmen in their own rite. Billy
is the General Manager for Stay-
ton/Reedsport Ford; Anthony is
an Inventor/Mechanic; Marlon
has produced two gold record
albums (Kenny G. and Nu Shooz)
and plays guitar for the DAZZ
Left: Geometry and Algebra, using the famed “ Golden Section’’ (3-4-5 triangle) invented by BAND; and the youngest son
Brian manages one of the three
Egyptian surveyors-not the Greeks!
and designs sports
Right: “ All computers use the 'Binary’ mathematics (base 2) developed by the African Scribes.’’
apparel. He has garments in
Nordstrom’s and other sites around
the state. They say that the “ apple
doesn’ t fall too far from the tree. ’ ’
As a govemment/city em­
ployee, Winters worked for Model
By PROFESSOR McKINLEY BURT concept of multiple editions of a single
products of excellence to Portland’s Cities, the Children’s Service Di­
weekly newspaper in the Portland Met­
establishment For the 1969 Belmont vision, and served as Ombuds­
ell, it was placed before you
ropolitan Statistical Area (specific edi­
Street School Press, I had generous as­ man for former Govmor Victor Atiyeh.
last week. Not only an account
tions for Albina, St. Johns, Milwaukee,
sistance from both the Portland Man­ Winters is married to celebrated author
of the flawed process by which
East County, Beaverton, etc.). He was a
ager of * ‘The Associated Press’ ’ and the Ted Winters (“ Lifer” and “ Lions Never
the school district proposed to deliver to
client of my early accounting practice.
then “ Northwest Bell Telephone Com­ Kill” ) and the grandmother o f twin
teachers and pupils alike a mandated
Before being sabotaged by several envi­
pany” which furnished my Model 135 boys (Damion and Quinton, sons of
“ Integrated Curriculum” which could
ous, jealous members of the African
Teletypewriters and special lines. In the Anthony-nine years old). The Ob­
highlight minority contributions to the
American community, Mr. Williams
Dalles local ranchers paid the tab, but on server caught up with Winters this past
culture and technology of the w orld-
revealed a plan to publish “ A SPECIAL
Belmont Street I went through $47,000 weekend in between catering various
but equally important to any of like
EDITION FOR SCHOOL KIDS” de­ of my savings and $25,000 in loans-a functions, restaurants, and training the
mind, there was given the example of a
livered to classrooms every Monday.
“ for profit” enterprise. You win some, owner of the fourth Jackie’s Ribs in
structured response to a failing educa­
As we shall see, I am a firm believer in
lose some! But, that is the American Clovis/Fresno, California. Her sched­
tion system mounted by a concerned
the Buick Corporation’s admonition,
way, where private enterprises pay for ule is tight and the demands for her
and disaffected member of the commu­
“ Ask The Man Who Owns One.”
the infrastructure-including education. services/food are great. Business could
nity (The Dalles Computer/African
In 1969 when I set up my Belmont
In the same vein it should be noted not be better.
mathematics & Communications Edu­
Street plant to construct with school
that after seeing pictures and descrip­ P ortland O bserver - With the compe­
cation Project-am ong other).
districts for education and curriculum, I
tions of the projects in my book, Black tition the way it is in the restaurant in­
There have been of course a num­
incorporated an ASSOCIATED PRESS
Inventors o f American, the Superinten­ dustry, why go into the rib business?
ber of experience-crafted proposals made
TYPE NEWS SERVICE structured re­ dent of Schools for Birmingham, Ala­ W inters - “ I felt inspired to get into the
to school administration and board by
spectively to elementary and high school
bama would call for five weeks straight business. I believed that it was some­
talented members o f the community.
students-to be delivered daily into se­
in 1970, trying to persuade me to aban­ thing, spiritually, that I had to do. I
Let us cite several examples for they are
lected classrooms of each school via
don a “ backward Portland” and come knew that it would be a success. Ribs
in counter-comment to the educational
teletype (the “ Associated School Press” : down there and install the complete system are the one food that people universally
establishment’s proclivity for importing
all copyrighrts and service marks se­
in his schools. Oh, would that over the like and is beyond race. Everyone likes
superpaid, superstars-few, if any of which
cured; all rights reserved 1969, 1989
years a generous God could have blessed good barbecue, but they are not always
have had demonstrated, successful class­
McKinley Burt). With the help of teacher-
our area with such progressive and per­ able to find i t , especially in the west
room experience similar to that o f the
friends, I had designed related curricu­ spicacious administrators. In any case, and Pacific Northwest. I think that if
teachers and administrators o f the
lum and lesson plans utilizing current
Birmingham’s caustic comments were you were living in other parts of the
“ Schools of Excellence” (Remember
events. There was provision for unat­
to no avail-and business sense aside, I country wiht the population the size of
the Adams’ High School misadventure?).
tended, overnight transmissions from
had an irrevocable mindset and commit­ Salem and Portland, you would find
The earliest example of such commu­
my Belmont office to the teletype at
ment to intervene for “ Portland’s” several places. You don’t have that
nity talent I can recall is that o f “ Mr.
each school--copy that could be ‘ ‘taken
obviously disabled constituency, many here. Besides, I like to cook ribs and
Williams” , a Black newspaperman, who
off the wire” by kids the next morning
children and parents that I knew person­ barbecue. When I was in government,
in 1947 or 1948 set up offices in the old
for either lessons or the school newspa­
ally. What can I say?
1 loved entertaining and everything
Fraternal Hall Annex on N. Williams
per. Today’s activity at my Beaverton
Next week we will be “ back at the evolved around cook-outs. It became a
Ave. (then the heart of the Black com­
facility includes updating this system,
district ranch” for further examination thing to get invited to Jackie’s for ribs.
munity, now part of the coliseum com­
with the help of industry professionals.
of the “ lesson plan delivery system.”
I also thought that ribs would be profit­
Again, some advisory comment for
Editor’s Note: Please see pages 6 and 7 able.”
Hiring six Oiegonian/Journal white
other locals who, feeling qualified and
for this newspaper’s response to the com­ P ortland O bserver - Once you formu­
reporters who were out on strike, he
competent, think that they as well as
munity’s alarm over failures of the De­ lated the dream about your restaurants,
originated and implemented the first
Easteners should be allowed to deliver
segregation Curriculum.
what steps did you take?
W inters - “ Once I decided that I could
* do it, I started doing some research be­
School District's Star Trek Continued: Remember
Buick's Ad, "Ask The Man Who Owns One"?
A New Home For HAP
July 16,1990
July 1 6 ,1990-fmancial Services, Com­
The Housing Authority of Portland
(HAP) is moving to its new home at
New market West in donwtown Port­
land during July.
HAP’s new address is:
puter Services
July 23, 1990-Housing Management,
Rental Program, Low Rent Public Hous­
ing Program, Section 8 Housing Pro­
gram, and Inspection Team
July 30, 1990-Executive Office, Ad­
ministrative Services
HAP’s Department of Planning,
Development, and Intergovernmental re-
lations'is already operating at New Mar­
ket West and may be reached at 228-
2178 as of July 23.
HAP’s Maintenance Department is
remaining at its offices at 8910 North
Housing Authority of Portland
135 S.WAah
Portland, Oregon 97204
H A P’s new telephono nombor is:
We appreciate your patience as we
settle into our new building in three
moving phases. HAP’s offices will be
open at the new location on the follow­
ing dates:
Woolsey Avenue and may be reached
at 293-4602.
HAP’S Columbia Villa office is
remaining at 8920 North Woolsey and
may be reached at 283-0085.
HAP’s new office is a quick walk
from Tri-Met’s Farclcss Square and
just half a block from the Skidmore
Fountain Max train station. We en­
courage you to use public transporta­
tion when visiting HAP in our new
For more information about HAP’s
move, please call Public Affairs Coor­
dinator Carol Jclinek at 249-5514.
cause you have to know cost, about
equipment, and factoring profits in the
restaurant industry. You have to re­
member that my background in gov­
ernment allowed me to deal with multi­
million dollar budgets and labor costs.
Food at Jackie's Ribs is very reasonably priced and portions are most
generous. She serves beef ribs, pork ribs, chicken, pork briskets,
baked bean, barbecued ham, and a wide variety of salads.
We sat down and put together a prospec­
tus based on what it would take to run.
We also looked at what I needed to make
per day in order to make it work.”
Portland O bserver - This is not your
stereotypical rib place or “ juke joint”
that serves rigbs. This is a nice restau­
rant. Why is the perception of rib places
or places that serve good ribs associated
with decadent neighborhoods?
Winters - "I wanted a nice place. Again,
everybody likes ribs. I think that image
of the rib business keeps some people
out of it - the joints. I wanted my ribs to
be an experience. Whne people come to
my house to have ribs and a party, it’s
my home. ’Jackie’s Ribs’, the establish­
ment is also like my home. We try to
make it as homey as possible without
making it look like a smokey joint.”
P ortland O bserver - How would you
put into perspective where your restau­
rants are today?
Winters - “ We have been very success­
ful (smiling). We opened our first
’Jackie’s Ribs’ not quite five years ago
and it is getting better. For me to have
moved from one spot (restaurant) to
three in such a short time is tremen­
Portland O bserver - Recently, W il­
lamette Week and the Oregonian fea­
tured several barbecue restaurants in or
around Portland.
You were not
mentioned...your reaction?
W inters - “ Well, I guess the people
who wrote the story concentrated only
in Portland and were not concentrating
on whether they were good barbecue es­
tablishments or what existed as barbe­
cue places here in the state. Portland,
it’s not uncommon thinks everything re­
volves around Portland. We get a lot of
people coming down from Portland to
eat at ‘Jackie’s Ribs’ and I don’t feel
slighted. We are the best-kept secret in
P ortland O bserver - What is good bar­
becue in your opinion?
W inters - “ There are several standards
that go into good barbecue in my opin­
ion. One is the smoking of the meat.
Second, the marinating of the meat and
you never poor boil your meat. We
never poor boil. When you poor boil,
you take the natural juices out of the
meat and we try to make sure that we are
not cooking dried out meat. We do not
speed up the process like most rib places.
The sauce is very important also. I read
in the story you mentioned about how
one guy buys regular sauce and doctors
it up. We make our own sauce. We
don’t doctor anything.
“ My heaviest influence in barbe­
cuing comes from Kansas City barbecue
(Gates) is the best. Some of the old
masters in Portland were -S cotties’ and
‘Mr. Powers’. Mr. Powers taught me a
lot He taught me seasoning and spices.”
P ortland O bserver - Where else did
you learn about barbecuing?
W inters - “ It was my mother’s favorite
food. We used to like it as kids. When
the lights went out, mom used to talk to
dad to go get her some barbecue since
the kids were asleep and as soon as you
hit the door, the smell would wake up
everybody. My mother loved barbe­
cue. ”
Food at Jackie’s Ribs is very rea­
sonably priced and portions are most
generous. She serves beef ribs, pork
ribs, chicken, pork briskets, baked bean,
barbecued ham, and a wide variety of
salads. Jackie's serves no alcoholic
beverages, but there is plenty to select
from and you will definitely need some­
thing to “ chill out” the hot sauce she
uses. So, the next time you’re down in
Salem with the family or friends, drop in
to see Jackie. It’sjust like home. She’ll
even tie the “ bib” on for you.
Teen Parents and Families Wanted
□ In an effort to reduce the
AMA is
recruiting support, advocacy
and advisory groups.
Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA)
Family Day and Night Care Program,
Teen Parent Department is currently
recruiting teen parents and their families
for support, advocacy and advisory groups.
These groups will address and provide
parental education, pregnancy interven­
tion, prevention education, positive self­
enhancement education, community
education regarding responsible sexual­
ity and outreach to youth at risk of early
“ The overall goal of the project is
threefold” , said Betty Hardy, Young
Parent Coordinator for the Teen Parent
D epartm ent. "W e want to reduce the
number of teen-age pregnancies, pro­
vide parent education and support serv­
ices to teen parents and assist parents of
the teen parent in order to maintain a
strong family relationship and stable foun­
dation for the teen parent and their chil­
dren” , Hardy explained. For more in-
formation-Betty Hardy at 285-0588 or