>' r + 'I * * * ’ July 18,1990 The Portland Observer Page 7 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS M P L O Y M E N T v.zz.- .... -zZzzzzzzzz ■• a v v . v a w /.'A ^ a v a í : 3¿ J.-A, •>>» « «*." « TRUCK DRIVERS tst C oast G rocery Company is accept­ ing resumes from Truck Drivers who m eet the following requirements, im ercial driving with 1 to 2 years current heavy semi and doubles experience. M ust provide proof of current DOT physical and state com bination license. M ust be li­ censed to work varied days and hours. ^try level rate o f pay 20.3 cents per mile or 10.15 per hour with sched­ uled advancem ents. M edical, den­ tal and profit sharing are available. ^rson qualified and interested in being considered for this position should subm it a resum e o f qualifications and experience regarding their work perform ance to: West Coast Grocery Co. Attn: Human Resources P.O. Box 12909 Salem, OR 97309 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H Equipment Repair Manager cated in Salem. M anages equipm ent & repair services statew ide for the OR Dept. o f Transportation. M an­ ages 130 em ployees, develops poli­ cies, and ensures m aintenance and repair standards for a fleet o f 5,400. Requires a valid driver’s license and a good driving record; 5 yrs. experience in supervisory or staff level work (one year m ust be super­ vision or m anagem ent). A bache­ lor’s degree or coursew ork in m an­ agem ent substitutes for up to three years o f experience. Pay is $2,513 monthly. Contact O D O T Person­ nel, 120 Transportation Bldg., Sa­ lem, OR 97310, or call (503) 378- 6281 for application and recruiting announcem ent Closes 5:00 p.m ., A ugust 1, 1990. W e are an A A/ EEO employer. Equipment Repair Manager cated in Salem. M anages equipm ent & repair services statew ide for the OR Dept. o f Transportation. M an­ ages 130 em ployees, develops poli­ cies, and ensures m aintenance and repair standards for a fleet o f 5,400. Requires a valid driver’s license and a good driving record; 5 yrs. experience in supervisory or staff level work (one year m ust be super­ vision or m anagem ent). A bache­ lor’s degree or coursew ork in m an­ agem ent substitutes for up to three years o f experience. Pay is $2,513 monthly. Contact O D O T Person­ nel, 120 Transportation Bldg., S a­ lem , OR 97310, or call (503) 378- 6281 for application and recruiting announcem ent. Closes 5:00 p.m., A ugust 1, 1990. We are an AA/ EEO em ployer. Carnation Company ;ks qualified candidates for the posi- tion o f Packaging Supervisor. Can- i didates must possess a BA/BS de­ gree in Business, Food Science or equivalent and 1+ years supervi­ sory experience. ration Com pany offers a com peti- 1 live benfefits package, and resum es and salary requirem ents to: Personnel Manager Carnation Company P.O. Box 587 Othello, WA 99344 |^Carnation Company is an Equal E m ploym ent Opportunity Employer. MIFIHIV MYCAP/YWCA Position Announcement A C T IV IT Y C O O R D IN A T O R Coordination of High Risk Youth Activities i years of college (90 quarter or 60 ncster hours) in physical education or elated field; or three years work expe- nce in group activity coordination I youth supervision. And minimum year experience in group activity dination and youth supervision. And nimum one year experience in work- with high risk youth. Full time, efits, $16,000 annual salary, ply in person at 4732 NE Garfield, rltand, OR, or call 280-1050. Equal Opportunity Em ployer PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE/MANAGER C (X7004*) SECRETARY ASSISTANT MANAGER FAMILY/ ADULT UNIT IN ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION (AFS) SALARY ($2513-$3538- MONTHLY) Position provides secretarial support, acts as division secretary and office assistant support for the Executive Services D ivi­ sion staff, with an em phasis on legal secretary support for G eneral counsel of the O regon State Bar. Excellent Benefit Package S tate o f O regon, AFS needs an energetic and innovative person with ability to manage people and program s for the A ssistant M anager o f Fam ily/ A dult Unit position in the Income M aintenance Section in Salem, Oregon. QUALIFICATIONS: ...five years of progressively responsible experience in supervision o r staff technical or professional level work related to a program o f the agency. Experience m ust have included at least one year o f supervision and m anagem ent o f a program , section, or unit which included such areas as: developm ent o f program rules and policies, long and short range goals and plans, program evaluation or budget preparation. A B achelor’s degree in a field related to managem ent, such as F a tn e s s or Public Administration, field related to a program o f the agency may be substituted for up to three years o f the required experience. O btain a State of O regon A pplication (P D 1 0 0 ) and A n n o u n c e m e n t #OC900934 from Personnel C en­ ter, 775 Court Street, Salem , O re­ gon 97310 or at Portland Personnel Center, PCC, 2850 SE 82nd Ave. Portland. APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, APPLICATIONS MUST BE POST­ M ARKED BY JULY 30, 1990 TO BE ACCEPTED. FOLLOW THE DETAILED INSTRUC­ TIONS ON TH E AN N O U N CE­ MENT. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. SURVEYOR/ ENGINEERING TECH III City o f Lacey. $27,108 to $ 34,704; start DOQ. Excellent organization in beautiful Pacific Northwest. Super­ vises survey crew and serves as party chief. A. A. in civil Engineering & 3 yrs. exp. in land surveying. Phone (206) 491-3213 application. Lacey City Hall, 420 College St. SE, L a­ cey, WA 98503. Apply im m edi­ ately. Open until filled. EO E em ­ ployer. EDUCATION COORDINATOR For Head Start o f Clark County. Prefer advanced degree in Early C hild­ hood Education or Child D evelop­ m en t Minimum of a Bachelors. Two years as ECE teacher plus tw o years in a supervisory role. Skills in lead­ ership, m anagem ent, and grants. O btain A pplication, Job D escription and Position A nnouncem ent 9 a.m. - 4 p.m ., w eekdays, at 10619 N £ . Coxley D rive, V ancouver, W A 98662-6100, (206) 896-9912. A p­ plications m ust be received by 4 p.m ., A ugust 8, 1990, at above address. ARE YOU A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN The City o f Eugene has an opening for an Electrician I to becom e part o f a work crew whose responsibilities include installation, repair and m aintenance o f traffic signals and street lighting. This position offers an excellent, stable work environ­ ment and benefit package. Salary Range: $2,178 to $2, 711/mo. CLOSING DATE: August 17,1990. O btain application at City o f Eu­ gene, HHRS, 777 Pearl S t , Rm. 101, Eugene, O R 97401. (503) 687- 5061..A A /EO E Counselors/Youth Workers In residential treatm ent program s for emotionally disturbed children ages 7-17. Milieu treatm ent group coun­ seling behavior m anagem ent and recreation. Part Tim e shift position with possibility o f Full Tim e. M i­ norities encouraged to apply. Letter and resume to: DPS, Ruth Dykeman C hildren’s Center, 1O 33SW 152SL Seattle, WA 98166 r - M Y CA P/Y W CA DIVISION SECRETARY Executive Services Division Oregon State Bar Position com poses and types a wide variety o f correspondence and reports requiring detailed knowledge o f divi­ sion functions and procedures. Position handles confidential and sensitive m ate­ rials on a recurring basis. H andlers as assigned by the division director. Posi­ tion works with other division personnel to coduct judicial polls for the bar and elections for board o f governor’s and ABA positions and coordinates activi­ ties o f the division in providing support to various bar boards, com m ittees and sections. Requires strong knowledge of W ordPer­ fect and personal com puter systems. Candidates should also have strong of­ fice organization skills, excellent inter­ personal, com m unication and conflict m anagem ent skills. Credentials and experience needed. Include high school diplom a or equivalent certificate, three years o f progressively responsible sec­ retarial experience, preferable in legal environm ent Salary Range Starts at: $1446 including excellent benefits. Apply im m ediately - send resume with a cover letter to Personnel Officer, Attn.:Executive Services S e c re ta ry , Oregon State Bar, 5200 SW Meadows Road, Lake Oswego OR 97035. Dead­ line for application is July 23, 1990. A n Equal Opportunity Em ployer COUNSELING CLINICAL SUPERVISOR C-V (DTS) Position Announcement L I V E -I N S U P E R V I S O R In-House Supervisor of High Risk Youth One year work experience in a social services agency and working with high risk youth. One year of college (45 quarter or 30 semester hours) in a related social services field. Full time, benefits, $10,080 annual salary, all utilities paid. Apply in person at 4732 NE Garfield, P o rtlan d , O R , o r call 280-1050. Equal Opportunity Employer Counseling Assessement Counselor III Beginning salary $1232-$1300 per month. CODA INC. seeks qualified assesse­ ment counselor. Duties include: Per­ form all mental health and psycho social assessem ent , crisis inter­ vention, information and referral, consulation, networking, and group facilitation functions. To qualify: Bachelors degree in coun­ seling or related discipline and 3 years supervised human services experience required. M asters de­ gree preferred. To apply: Complete & submit standard CODA application form including screening question responses toad- dress below. Application materials available at: C O D A INC. 210 N E 20th P o rtla n d , O R 96232 239-8400 EOE-AAE. SURVEYOR/ ENGINEERING TECH III City of Lacey. $27,108 to $34,704; start DOQ. Excellent organization in beau­ tiful Pacific Northwest. Supervises survey crew and serves as party chief. A.A. in Civil Engineering & 3 yrs. exp. in land surveying. Phone (206) 491 -3213 for application. Lacey City Hall, 420 College St. SE, Lacey, WA 98503. Apply immediately. Open until filled. EOE employer. Starting salary $1644-$ 1735 month plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc seeks qualified Clinical Supcrvisor/Coun- selor for outpatient drug treatm ent program, responsibilities include: M A IN T E N A N C E supervise 2 to 4 counselors, assist in M E C H A N IC adm inistration o f daily program operations, supervise adolescent Local Mfg Co has opening for swing treatm ent program , provide treat­ shift Maintenance pci son. Mcchani- ment services to adults, youth and cal/Eleclrical preferred. Welding a families. Providcchem ical depend­ big plus. Salary commensurate with ency counseling to individuals and exp. Please send resume to: Human groups especially to com plex cases. Resources Director, Purdy Corp, A ssist in policy and procedure de­ 13201 N. I.ombaid, Portland, OR velopm ent, conduct in-house and 97283. external training events. Position Equal O pportunity Em ployer w orks prim arily conventional hours M onday-Friday with early evening M A IN T E N A N C E groups at least 2 nights per week. Local Mfg Co seeks a person exp with To qualify: a M aster’s degree in human 11VAC, carpcnlry/paining, and services discipline and 2 years ex­ general bldg repairs. Exp with pedience (or equivalent) arc required, computer and telephone systems a as is clinical staff supervision expe­ plus. Salary commensurate with rience. A dvanced know ledge/expe- exp. Please send resume to: Human rience in chem ical dependency is­ Resources Director, Purdy Corp, sues and treatment techniques is 13201 N. Lombard, Portland, OR preferred. To apply com plete and 97283. subm it standard CODA application Equal O pportunity Employer form including screening questions responses to address below. A ppli­ cation m aterials available at CODA ATTENTION: POSTAL Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR JOBS! 97232. Equal opportunity affirmative Start $11.41/hour! For application info action employer. call (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. M-12859, 6am -10pm , 7 days.” M ECHANIC Assistant Mechanic Paragon Cable has an im m ediate open­ ing for a part-time mechanic to assist in the routine m aintenance o f our fleet. Responsibilities include in­ specting, m aintenance o f work ar­ eas, work under direction o f head m echanic. M ust have basic m ainte­ nance skills, be dependable, valid driver’s license and good driving record. Please apply no later than Friday, July 20, 1990 to Paragon Cable, 3075 NE Sandy Blvd, Port­ land, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity Employer Case Management Provide case management and support group services to pregnant/parent- ing teen parenting, early childhood/ adolescent developm ent, multi-cul- tural concerns. BS in human serv­ ices, m atem al/child health and/or related field and two years work experience. $8.50-$9.00 per hour, 28 hours per week. Call between 9:00-5:00, 222-9661 x 245, ask for Susan or Regena. Deadline July 25, 1990. Equal opportunity employer. NURSE su Advertising & Employment nBlds/Sub-Blds PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AVIATION LEASING AND PROPERTY MANAGER The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening for an Aviation L easing and Property Manager. The successful candidate will be responsible for: 1: Negotiating large and complex real estate transactions for general aviation properties. 2: Developing and implementing the real estate marketing program and identify­ ing target industries and prospects. 3:Coordinating with other Port departments on site plans, budget, developm ent schedules, and design criteria. 4:Preparing financial analysis o f lease terms. 5:A ccum ulating and analyzing data on com petitive properties .prices, and real estate policies. Preferred qualifications include: Current real estate license. Real estate m arketing and sales experience. Experience in planning, project developm ent, and project management. Demonstrated writing and research abilities. Ability to analyze real estate problems and recommend solutions. Prepare financial analysis o f real estate transactions. Com m unicate effectively, both orally and in writing Demonstrated ability to design, manage, and implem ent projects. Salary com m ensurate with experience. In addition, the Port offers a com prehen­ sive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Em ploym ent Office, 700 NE M ultnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the tri­ county, Portland, m etropolitan area, Clark County, and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231-5000, ex­ tension 700. All A pplications must be received by Friday, July , 1990 at 5:00 pm. 0 Adult Nurse Practitioner Family Nurse Practitioner Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Women's Health Nurse Practitioner • Certified Nurse Midwife Working in Multnomah County's primary care clinics and school-based teen clinics in the Portland area Requires Oregon Slate certification Bachelor's degree, driver's license and availability ol personal automobile SALARY $16.11 $20.80 Based On Ixportonco CONTACT JAMES E MCDONALD, BNFNP AT (503)248-3674 Multnomah County I, an Fou»l t':x-»»m«y tmotor« oftwlng mcollenr limo» ¡znutlls 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AVIATION LEASING AND PROPERTY MANAGER The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for an Aviation Leasing and Property Manager. The successful candidate will be responsible f o r LN egotiating large and complex real estate transactions for general aviation properties. 2:Developing and implementing the real estate marketing program and identify­ ing target industries and prospects. 3:Coordinating with other Port departments on site plans, budget, developm ent schedules, and design criteria. 4:Preparing financial analysis o f lease terms. 5:Accumulating and analyzing data on competitive properties,prices, and real estate policies. Preferred qualifications include: Current real estate license. Real estate marketing and sales experience. Experience in planning, project development, and project m anagem ent Demonstrated writing and research abilities. Ability to analyze real estate problems and recommend solutions. Prepare financial analysis o f real estate transactions. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing Demonstrated ability to design, manage, and implement projects. Salary commensurate with experience. In addition, the Port offers a com prehen­ sive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Em ploym ent Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the tri- couniy, Portland, m etropolitan area, Clark County, and physically disabled applicants may request application m aterials by calling (503) 231-5000, ex­ tension 700. All Applications must be received by Friday, July 1 3 ,1990 at 5:00 pm. The Port is an Equal O pportunity Employer. 0 Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 EMPLOYMENT CITY OF PORTLAND Police Officer - to $3,217/mo. Employee Relations Officer - to $4,481/mo. Recruitm ent and Selection M anager - $4,009/mo. Human Resources Specialist III - to $31,983/yr. For more infoVclosing dates, call (505) 248-4573 (24 hour jo b inform ation). No resumes, please. BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 S.W. Fifth Avenue, First floor Portland, OR 97204 Applications also available at: URBAN LEAGUE 10 N. Russell PRACTITIONERS • • • • Port of Portland Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply DISPATCHER COMMUNICATIONS DISPATCHER 1 $1797 to $2264 per m onth (depending on qualifications) Excellent Benefits plus 6% P E R S retirement contribution Career Opportunity: Clackamas County is recruiting for experienced C om m uni­ cations Dispatchers to work in a busy 9-1-1 center serving fifteen public safety agencies (law enlorecinent and firc/mcdtcal). Successful applicants will possess a minimum of one year public safety dispatch experience and ad­ vanced typing skills. COUNTY EM PLOY MENT APPLICATION REQUIRED. A pplication m aterials available at Clackamas County Personnel, 904 M ain Street, O regon City, Oregon 97045. Closes July 30, 1990, 5:00 p.m. An Equal O pportunity Employer * CLACKAMAS COUNTY Equal Opportunity Employer ’ . * , ■*