Page 6 T h e Pon nd Observer July 18, 1990 HERS O P IN IO N HIS Why Date White When You Plan To Marry Black? By Ullysses Tucker, Jr. by Vickie Hughes M any Black women choose to date w hite men because there is a short- age o f Black men ino urso cie ty. A large percentage o f Black men are behind bars, strung out on drugs, or w ithout a permanent jo b . Nevertheless, there are some decent Black men out there who are s till single. D o n ’t use the fact that there is a shortage o f good Black men as an excuse to date w hite men. Several Black men date white wom en. W hat’ s their excuse? I ’ve heard many w hite women have money, are stupid, and w ill give them anything they want. Black m en-would you marry someone that you perceive to be this way? W hy take advantage o f someone you plan to dum p when you get tired o f them? It sound to me like Black men have no respect fo r white women so why date them i f you want to spend the rest o f yo ur life w ith a Black woman. In many cities across the coun­ try, including Portland, the ratio o f Black women to Black men is 9:1, 13:1, and even 20:1. M y advice to you, Black men, is to find one o f these Black women. M any o f us are searching fo r and just w aiting patiently for a good Black man to come along. Since I ’ ve lived in Portland, I ’ ve seen many Black men w alk right past a group o f Black women in social situations, only to w alk straight to white women. Brothers, there is no reason for this. We outnumber you. You never hear anyone say that there is a shortage o f Black women. Surely you find some o f us to be attractive, intelligent, and friendly. Or, do you? Whenever I see a Black woman w ith a white man, the Black woman is usually very attractive as is the white man and the white man usually has an excellent job. I f I see a Black man w ith a white woman, the Black man looks like a decent person and the white woman is usually unattractive, overweight, or dressed inappropriately; in other words “ tacky” . I feel that many Black men settle fo r any white woman just because she is “ w hite ” . Something is wrong w ith this picture! A few weeks ago, I was ap­ proached by a white male at a social event that attracted a predominantly white, middle-class crowd. M y first reaction was to ask this man why he chose me over a w hite woman attending the event. He said that he found me attractive and I wondered in what way. This man knew nothing about me, I was not dressed promiscuously, and he had never dated a Black woman. Hmm...I had to ask myself, “ W hy date a white man when I plan to marry a Black man?” Needless to say, I did not get involved w ith this man. W hile livin g in Chicago a few years ago, I watched an Oprah W infrey show that focused on interracial couples. The question raised was, “ W hy date someone outside o f your race?” Some o f the responses were unbelievable. One person even said that he/she does it for fun. But what happens i f that fun turns into love. Are you going to be able to break o ff your relationship w ith your partner just because it has gotten too se­ rious and you don’ t plan to marry out­ side o f your race? You are playing with someone else’s emotions, even your own. Interracial dating is becoming more and more popular these days. I often wonder why. D on ’t getme wrong! I am not totally against interracial dat­ “ ...I love you because yo u ’re white, ing for those who can accept the other not because you’re charming or bright. person fo r who he/she really is, w hile at Your whiteness is a s ilky thread snaking the same time, can maintain his/her own through my thoughts in redhot patterns true identity. However, i f these interra­ o f lust and desire. I hate you because cial relationships become interracial you’re white. Y our white meat is night­ marriages, we must consider the prod­ mare food. W hite is the skin o f e vil. ucts o f these m arriages-the children. I Y o u ’re m y M oby D ick, w hite W itch, have friends who are products o f these symbol o f the rope and hanging tree, o f marriages who have adjusted just fine. I the burning cross. Loving you thus and have friends in interracial marriages hating you so, m y heart is tom in two. whoscchildren have turned out ju s tfin e . C rucified....” To a White G irl, By E ld ­ But what about those children who are ridge Cleaver, Soul On Ice. not accepted by their w hite or Black peers because they don’ t fit totally into either group. Some o f these children never know who they really are. W hat This is a very strong poem from a do you plan to tell your children when very d iffic u lt period fo r black people they come home from school crying and the United States. Vietnam , black because they have no friends? W hat do leadership dying in the streets, the riots you plan to tell your ch ild when he/she and extreme hatred fo r white Am erica. comes to you and asks, “ W ho am I? ” This poem indicates some strong inner You may be strong enough and have co nflict and love by the black man fo r enough self-esteem and pride to talk the white woman. How can a black man about your own race but could you explain love a woman so much and hate her at the other h a lf o f your c h ild ’ s heritage. the same time? Before I address the You did not grow up w ith that heritage, topic o f w hy someone w ould date white you only dated or married into it. How when they are going to marry black, I can you explain it? w ill attempt to explain the historical re­ Before we enter into an interra­ lationship between black men and white cial relationship, le t’ s think about the women.Though m y observations do not consequences o f and reasons behind this speak fo r a ll black men, hopefully, I can involvem ent. O ur motives may not be shine some ligh t on a situation that some the best reasons to begin this relation­ m ight not be aware o f o r never consid­ ship. There w ill always be single people ered. in every race that exists. I f you plan to D uring slavery, the self-esteem o f marry someone in your own race, look the black man was trampled in the mud w ith in your own race. Don ’ t date some­ by the slave owners w ith public h u m ili­ one o f another race and then decide to ation, death, and other acts o f violence. back uot because it has gone too far and Furthermore, the slave owners abused you never intended to marry someone black women psychologically, physi­ who docs not share your same heritage. cally, and em otionally, fran kly put, the A t that point, it may already be too late. black man was helpless when it came to defending his black woman. The slave owner could rape black women, father half-breed children, and destroy a black fa m ily w ith a b ill o f sale. He operated above the law because he wrote the law. Some black men attempted to protect their women and many were humbled by the crack o f a w hip. Yes, the slave owner had a free run through the slave quarters, but let Ms. Sally (the w hite women) come up pregnant by M andingo and all hell broke loose on the plantation. The white woman was the forbidden fru it, pure, the standard o f beauty established by the system, and placed on the pedes­ tal by the w hite man. In many ways, Ms. Sally (or the white woman) was in A W E by the en­ durance or a b ility o f the black man to tolerate the pain/punishment inflicte d Support our Advertisers— SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE PORTLANDOBSERVER Unity o f Love Sabons presents Second Stnnuab Lingerie and (Fashion Show L\ptic bingerie & fashions by Star Waters ‘Parbfane Jewebry displayed by SLrbisse Fbairfashions by U nity o f Love, (Deans ‘B eauty Sabon, and Love-Lee Ladee Other fashions by (Pat ‘Winter (Jewebry fo r sabe ‘M usic provided by (D.J. at ‘The ‘Travebodge Sboteb formerby discount) 1441 (h(prtheast Second SLvenue duty 21,1990 9:00p.m.-l:00 a.m. (Donations $5.00 (Proceeds to benefit "Stay Cbean Assoc. by the slave owner, his sexual powers, and his w ill to survive. By the same token, the black man developed an in ­ tense desire fo r “ an object” (the white woman) that could actually cost him his life . In the process, the slave owner would probably hurt other innocent people (or slaves) trying to find out who slept w ith his woman. Remember the scene is Robert Tow nsends'H ollyw ood Shuffle, when “ M andingo” ran away from the plantation? R igh t behind him struggled “ tw o sisters” and Ms. Sally (the white woman). A ll begged “ M andingo” to save them from the dogs and slave hunt­ ers hot on their trail. A fte r a s p lit second o f contemplation, “ M andingo” pulled Ms. Sally up the h ill and le ft the “ sis­ ters” behind to be captured. W hy not grab one o r both o f the “ sisters” ? D id the attraction between black men and w hite women developed because they were encouraged to stay away from each other? Was this a dysfunctional sexual attraction? For whatever reasons fo r the attrac­ tion, it s till exists today and the issue o f inter-racial dating/marriages has divided many fam ilies. Some black men con­ tend that black women are too angry and aggressive fo r them, often labeled as non-supportive and insensitive to his struggle w ith the w hite system. On the other hand, the w hite woman is suppose to be more loving, supportive, and un­ derstanding. Some even contend that the white system would have never pro­ gressed this far w ithout the w hite woman playing such a submissive role. Whether it is wrong or not, it is easy to see how passive-aggressive behavior patterns can h it it o ff and vice versa. The oppressed black man, hooking up w ith a loving and supportive woman, sounds like a natural i f you understand m y premise. I t ’ s also easy how a sister m ight not have the tim e to stroke the “ black mans ego” sim ply because she was busy trying to hold down the fo rt or keep the fa m ily to­ gether. N ow that we both can stand up and speak, we should do it together. You can not understand where you are today unless you understand your history. When you reflect fo r a moment, slavery was not really that long ago and I s till think black people are carrying emotional scars/ baggage that affect relationships and own some o f those slave values/morals. W hy a person dates white know ing fu ll w ell that they w ill marry black is beyond m y comprehension or intellect, that’ s i f it is on a conscious level. Some black men can do it out o f frustration, This Week In History A t long last, here is the twenty- year block fro m 1971-1990. J u ly 22, 1971: In response to Vice President Agnew ’ s derrogatory remarks on Black leaders (which were made five days earlier), Representative C lay says that Agnew is “ seriously i l l ” and has “ symptoms o f intellectual m is fit” . J u ly 20, 1972: Census Bureau reports that its statistics show that the Black fa m ily is becoming poorer. J u ly 19, 1973: The Canadian squash racquet team announces its withdraw al from the South A frican championships because o f South A fric a ’ s segregation policies. J u ly 20,1974: James E. Baker, the first U.S. Black diplom at to serve in South A frica , announces his plans to take up duties as a member o f the U.S. United Nations delegation. J u ly 19,1975: The government in South African announces its plans to establish “ rehabilitation institutes” in Black homelands for those who violate laws governing black em ploym ent and migration...these camps can lock up a Black A frican for up bto three years w ithout a trial, an article in Rand D aily M ail likens the institucs to Soviet con­ centration camps. J u ly 21, 1976: South A fric a ’ s govern­ ment accedes to pressure from the Black com m unity and agrees to imm ediately reopen its Johannesburg and Pretoria schools (350,000 Black students had been tem porarily barred from their edu­ cation). J u ly 24,1977: National Urban League executive director Vernon Jordan ac­ cuses the Carter adm inistration o f fa ll­ ing short on Black issues. (A poll held soon after by CBS showed that 21 % o f Black citizens were dissatisfied w ith his bitterness, anger at the white system, or because he sees the white woman as more supportive than black women. Perhaps, black women could be more supportive i f 43% o f the male prison population was not black men, or i f 98% o f a ll blacks k ille d last year were not k ille d by other blacks. I f black males want support, not sympathy, they must at least be around to give and get the same thing, especially when there are kids involved. Though there is s till plenty o f ra­ cism in Am erica, to be honest, I thought that m arrying someone or dating some­ one outside o f your race w ould be a non­ issue, one o f those elements in society you ju s t learn to accept. There are just too many other problems to w orry about beside w ho someone decides to marry or w hy. I ’ m talking about unemployment, crim e, the drop-out-rate, drug abuse,and a host o f other evils that exist today. I have no idea what color the person I decide to m arry w ill be. I w ould prefer a black woman. Love is a w onderful thing that no one is suppose to have control over when it happens. To say what color I am going to m arry w ould be lim itin g m y chances (consciously) or choices o f whom I could fa ll in love w ith. Love is deeper than that o r is it? For p olitical and other reasons that go hand in hand w ith m y sense o f social responsibility, there is nothing greater than my desire to build a strong black fa m ily and be a positive role model fo r m y black children in the future. I f it does not happen, am I less than a man fo r m arrying someone out­ side o f m y race? I can s till be a good father and role model. When you decide to make a marriage choice outside o f your race, ju s t be prepared to deal w ith the drama or adversity associated w ith that choice. Black people w ill continue to date whites know ing fu ll w ell that they w ill not marry them. So w ill other races. Italians, Jews, Asians, Mexicans, and a host o f other races date outside o f their own kind know ing fu ll w e ll that it is dead end. Be it fo r sex, money, to buy tim e, or curiosity, a ll races are g u ilty o f this lifestyle. I f you love someone, match up spiritually and intellectually with them, then fo r go fo r it. I could care less who you date or marry. A ll I ask is that you be sincere and not consciously abuse some­ one. A ll races have feelings. It is my opinion that i f you do not care fo r the other person, regardless o f their color, don’t waste your time or theirs in a meaningless encounter. saiXSliquc performance.) J u ly 22, 1978: N A A C P announces its campaign to lobby Congress and Car­ te r’ s Cabinet to push the importance o f A ffirm a tiv e A ction program s...little did they know their efforts would be undone a few years later when Reagan quashed many o f the remaining A A programs. J u ly 23, 1979: Senator Edward Ken­ nedy speaks at the N U L ’ s annual con­ vention in Chicago, stressing a variety o f Black issues. J u ly 23, 1980: Com m unity activists and Black policemen meet from across the U.S. meet to develop their own rec­ ommendations fo r heading o ff c iv il dis­ orders in the nation’ s slums. J u ly 21, 1981: Mrs. Eula McClaney, form er sharecropper in Alabama who had since become a wealthy business­ woman, announces she w ill present a collection o f her m em orabilia to the New Y ork Public L ib ra ry ’s Schomburg C ollection for Research in Black C u l­ ture. J u ly 18,1982: Charles Robberts Swart, South A fric a ’ s first State President and participant in drafting in some o f the nation’ s apartheid laws, dies. J u ly 18,1983: U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar weighs visiting southern A frica to tty to break deadlock on independence for South-West A f ­ rica; he would meet w ith South A frican Prime M inister Botha and w ith leaders o f other factions. J u ly 18,1984: An article on S.C. Hem ­ ingway appears in the New Y ork Times. J u ly 24, 1985: Black economists Pro­ fessor Glenn Loury and Bernard A n ­ dersen debate during N U L conference, on the topic o f, whether preferential treatment helps or hinders Blacks. J u ly 21,1986: Analysis o f new Census Bureau report shows a dramatic dispar­ ity in assets between whites and Blacks in U.S. (and I ’m betting they spent more time arriving at that conclusion than the government spent on trying to eliminate the problem). J u ly 19, 1987: Randall Alan Norton and his brother Roger Dale Norton are charged w ith assaulting a c iv il rights marcher in Cummings, Georgia, half o f a year after the fact. J u ly 18, 1988: Pro-government A fr i­ kaner newspaper Bceld boldly calls for the release o f Nelson Mandela. J u ly 23, 1989: This is the 25th anniver­ sary i f the murder o f c iv il rights workers Schwcmer, Chancy, and Goodman in Mississippi. J u ly 18-25, 1990: What happens this week to make it memorable in African American history has yet to be seen. It may be something small, such as a rally; it may be something tremendous, such as Mandela making headway toward South A frican desegregation. Maybe we can make this the week... If any o f those summaries piqued your interest, the fu ll stories can be found in the New York Times microfilm in the main library. (Don’t forget to look in the paper for the day after the event.) O h ,T ue sda y-in case you didn’t hcar-w as Nelson Mandcla’ s72nd birth­ day. D id you know that while he wa. jailed, the government deemed it ille fo r A fric a ’ s citizens to celebrate hi birthday? .but we live in America i f you d id n ’t do anything m rccognit - yesterday, take a minute to mentj thank your African brother that is f, • ing for equality, not solely on I turf, but earth-wide. He has pa„. „ / ‘ Price for justice, and keeps fightm« in his seventh decade o f file _