Page 10 The Portland Observer July IS, 1990 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS AMERA , Natural nail and hand care A sk about our Complimentary Instructional Manicure Call 288-8966 Waruia Davis, Consultant "A good product is «our best advertisement" /^ u e s B ‘Donnie. s A C C E S S O R IE S RENT plus Jewelry African Sculpture • Masks African-American Books Framed African-American Prints Hand Painted Sweats, T-shirts Pants and Tops 925 N.E. B roadway P ortland , OR 97232 (503) 249-7204 Raleigh and Donnie Lewis M cM urphy's renta"C () washer , * $15 OFF delivery & ^INSTALLA TION^FEE^ $30. Delivery & installation Portland 231-7413 Vancouver 693-4000 236 S.W. Salmon, Suite A Portland, OR 97204 (503) 240-5323 ‘Beauty Salon Location: ORA L. HART, President 288-3233 283-4542 • 281-3038 317 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 ‘P rincess Mouse Products C rysta l - C hina - S ilv e r 5928 NE 12th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 H om e: 282-0054 (503) 284-6717 Ready to Serve You as Always! Products supplied by Princess House, Inc. A Mary Paris Colgate-Palmolive Company Maintenance of a Curl! 2 3 3 *0 0 5 5 DAD'S Broadway Hairweevers Oil Service Heating Oils 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland. OR 97218 (503) 281-9495 OPEN: Tuesday thru Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 4601 N. Williams 281-6873 For Your Shopping Convenience CUSTOM SEWING­ DESIGNING & _ ALTERATION It's A Small World The Look of a Relaxer with the 'Learning the Way of Leisure" GOING ST. MARKET - Safe * Certified * Quality GWEN JOHNSON, MANAGER 2723 N.E. 7th 281-7053 IN C . co owners 309 NEWygant/282-9970 Linda Sevier P R O G R E S S IV E Buying Appliances Working or Not Golden Rule A G E N C Y ACCOUNTING EXECUTIVE MGMT ADM INISTRATIVE HIGH-TECH BOOKKEEPING FINANCE CLERICAL/OFFICE MARKETING CONTROLLERS SALES DATA PROCESSING SECRETARIES ENGINEERING ZOO NE Muilnomah Suite 400 ................... DBB ENTERPRISES ALMA BARNEY • JANICE BANKS Garbage Service 1101 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97211 287-0262 | This Coupon G ood For I REALTY