Page 12 The Portland Observer July 11, 1990 THEBFS STILI PLEHTY OF SEAT1MG AVAILABLE FOR THE BIGGEST EVENT OF THE GOODWILL GAME& 4548 ACRES,!!) BE EXACE .4 Far be it from us to suggest that the entire Pacific Northwest is prim e say Ellensbutg) we can’t guarantee 1 tionally presented during West Coast you’ll get a good lk at the viewing area for the l.S. Bank ceremonial Talking Goodwill Trek. Stick the runners On the c< intran Vife only recom m end vou w itn ess this nine-day, listings below f a couple of exceptions. and nab Talking Stick is actually a long Spokane to Seattle. And tha ( renegeUtah a n d m * / / / ™ / wmild theirJnhn Hancocks W /« tv Indian tribal cerem onies-w ith First, the G oodw ill Trek will be carrying from be a shame. wooden shaft onto which hand- Painstakingly can ed bv Native feet of either side of the route American Indians and Eskimos (Hence, 4,848 acres of prim e seating from the Pacific Northwest. Alaska And. second, area. Don't believe us? Examine our and the I.S.S.R.. the Talking stick rolled up inside the After all, from anv further awav /OOO m l e s x ^ —? x2orr » 3.» /Atea •fiV5«oer = 4,8-?« Aceti Our calculait*ms shtrukl be tight Hankers m e pretty good u ith numbers. y o u r ow n prim e view ing to your area. N orthw est trib es But don’t delay will be placed. Those 4,848 acres could go just like THAT. Well, okay, Hurry ' Seats m e going fitst' ( Msay so maybe n ot a ll that fits! is the GtxxJwill Trek symbol of Talking Stick will peace and unity betw een our­ be a pr< xlamation < >f peace, signed selves and the Sov iet l'nion Designer naftkin rings9 Vope V atite cartings that u ill adorn the kdking Stick? \kp spot when the Goodwill Trek comes can ed rings from 1000-mile relav from within twenty figures down there for yourself.) So, check th e bv Presidents Gorbachev and the talking Stick. It It's a lot like the ornately r**wz