Page 10 The Portland Observer July 4, 1990 J obs / C lassified A dvertising ANIMAL CONTROL DIRECTOR SURVEYOR/ ENGINEERING TECH III Thurston County Animal Control, WA. $35K-$42K; start DOQ. M anages county-wide animal control program. Reports to Animal Control C om m is­ sion and City of Lacey admin. B.A. in business or public admin. & 2 years supervisory exp. in animal control, enforcem ent, or public ad­ min. OR any equiv. comb, o f exp., education, and training that provides level o f knowledge and ability req. APPLY BY: A ugust 17, 1990. City of Lacey, Personnel, 420 College Street SE, Lacey WA 98503. Phone: (206) 491-3213 for job bulletin and appli­ cation. EOE. City o f Lacey. $27,108 to $34,704; start DOQ. Excellent organization in beau­ tiful Pacific Northwest. Supervises survey crew and serves as party chief. A.A. in C ivil Engineering & 3 yrs. exp. in land surveying. Phone (206) 491-3213 for application. Lacey City Hall, 420C ollege St. SE, Lacey, WA 98503. Apply immediately. Open until CITY OF SALEM BUILDING & SAFETY SUPERVISOR I I f I I RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY Georgia-Pacific Corporation has an im ­ m ediate opening for a receptionist/ secretary on our executive floor. Must present a professional image, possess strong interpersonal and telephone skills, and have excellent secretarial skills, including accurate grammar and typing. Please apply in person Monday, 7/9/ to W ednesday, 7/11 from 9:00-4:00. If unable to apply in person, send res­ ume with com plete salary history by 7/11. Please indicate specific posi­ tion. G eorgia-Pacific C o rp o ra tio n H um an R esources D epartm ent-17th Floor 900 S.W . F ifth Avenue P o rtla n d , O R 97204 $2772-$3522/M O. Excellent Fringe Benefit Package. Highly skilled pro­ fessional needed to assist in achiev­ ing com pliance with municipal code. W ill assign, review and perform in­ spections o f residential/com m ercial buildings for com pliance and health hazards; including electrical, plum b­ ing, or mechanical; resolve enforce­ m ent issues; and supervise person­ nel. Considerable journey or supervi­ sory level experience in building construction, code enforcem ent and Equal Opportunity Employer supervision; 4-year degree in struc­ tural engineering; or equiv. experi- ence/training. Thorough knowledge CHEMIST of building construction, materials, East M ultnomah County industrial firm states o f construction, Oregon Build­ with excellent salary and fringe bene­ ing codes. Oregon “ A ” Level Struc­ fits seeks qualified person for the tural Code Plans Examiner certifica­ position of Chemist. Possible rotat­ tion is required. Fire Life Safety Plans ing shift position requires a BS de­ Exam iner certification is desired. gree in analytical or environmental Closes: 7-20-90. Apply: City o f Sa­ chemistry with some experience in lem, Pers. Dept. Rm. 225, 555 Lib­ computers being preferable. Inter­ erty ST. SE, Salem, Oregon 97301. ested persons should apply in person 503/588-6162. EOE. at: Reynolds Metals Company, Sun Dial Road, Troutdale, OR 97060 weekdays from 8:00 a.m .-3:30 p.m. ALCOHOL & DRUG RECOVERY SENIOR COUNSELOR Half time posit with eve hours. C hal­ lenging opportunities in long term m en’sresidential treatm ent program. Provide individual counseling & therapy/educational groups. CADC cert or equivalent. Benefits, Starting S8.50/S9.50 hr. Request position description & application from E cu­ menical M inistries o f Oregon, 0345 SW Bancroft, Ste. B ,Ptld,O R 97201. DO NOT SEND RESUMES. Posit may close anytim e after July 9. E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer COUNSELING I I filled. EOE employer. CLINICAL SUPERVISOR C-V (DTS) Starting salary $1644-51735 month plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc seeks qualified Clinical Supervisor/Coun- selor for outpatient drug treatment program. Responsibilities include: supervise 2 to 4 counselors, assist in adm inistration o f daily program o p ­ erations, supervise adolescent treat­ m ent program, provide treatm ent services to adults, youth and fam i­ lies. Provide chemical dependency counseling to individuals and groups especially to complex cases. Assist in policy and procedure development, conduct in-house and external train­ ing events. Position works primarily conventional hours Monday-Friday with early evening groups at least 2 night per week. To qualify: a M aster’s degree in human services discipline and 2 years expe­ rience (or Equivalent) are required, as is clinical staff supervision experi­ ence. Advanced know ledge/experi- ence in chem ical dependency issues and treatment techniques is preferred. To apply com plete and subm it stan­ dard CO D A application form includ­ ing screening questions responses to address below . A pplication m ateri­ als available at CO D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity affirm ative action em ployer. CONSTRUCTION JOBS $28.00/hr No. exp. Training. G row th. Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323 Fee $9.99 OFFICE JOBS $15.00/hr No. Exp. Training. Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323 Fee $9.99 An Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELING ASSESSMENT COUNSELOR III Beginning salary $1232-$1300 month plus benefits. CODA Inc seeks quali­ fied assessm ent counselor. Duties include: Perform m ental health and pscho social assessm ent, crisis inter­ vention, information and referral, consultation, netw orking, and group facilitation functions. To qualify: Bachelors degree in counseling or related discipline and 3 years super­ vised human services experience required. M asters degree preferred. To apply: Com plete & subm it standard CODA application form including screening question responses to ad­ dress below. A pplication materials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland.OR 97232. Equal Opportunity Affirm ative Action Employer LEGAL SECRETARY Parttime secretary sought to handle gen­ eral legal practice. Job duties will in­ clude typing letters, pleadings and briefs at all court levels. As time permits, data entry and clerical func­ tions will be required.Transcription skills and familiarity with W ord Per­ fect software essential. Ability to work well with num erous attorneys and paralegals essential. Min. 70 wpm and 1 year experience in a law office. Salary dependent on experience. Excellent benefits. Send resume to Carla Roberts, Legal Aid Service, 310 SW 4th Ave., #900, Portland, O r 97204 by July 13. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER. RECEPTIONIST Parttime (80% H E ) for busy law of­ fice. Duties will include handling walk- in clients, busy telephones, and in­ take procedures, as well as various clerical duties. Ability to relate to the low income com m unity essential. Minimum 2 years experience. Salary dependent on experience. Send res­ ume to Nancy Snow , Family Law Center, 310 SW 4th Ave., #1020, Portland, OR 97204 by July 13. AN EQ U A L O PPO R T U N IT Y E M ­ PLOYER The Portland Hilton Job Hotline 220-2560 Equal Opportunity Employer RESTAURANT TRAINER The Private Industry Council is recruiting for a trainer in the Adult Program. Responsibilities: Trains participants in effective job search techniques; tests and interviews individuals with employment barriers to assist in selecting appropri­ ate vocational goals; places individuals in appropriate training programs. Preferred qualifications: Degree with major coursework in counseling, sociology or closely related field; two years work experience in em ploym ent interview ­ ing counseling, vocational guidance, education or social casework; knowledge o f vocational testing; effective oral and written com m unication skills. Q uali­ fying experience may be substituted for education. Salary Range: $18,263 to $27,831 plus excellent benefit package Closing date: 5 PM , Friday, July 20,1990. A pplications available at The Private Industry Council, 520 SW 6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. A ffirm a­ tive A ction/Equal Opportunity Employer. Casting C :"WÉL Our restaurant has a new, dynamic, "diners" concept reflecting the fun of the 1950’s. We are seeking enthusiastic, fun-loving people who enjoy making guests smile for the following full & part-time positions for Fred’s Diner in our newly remodled Oak Grove store: Apply in person at: Oregon State Employment Office 506 High Street, Oregon City Join the stars. Apply today! *Line Cooks * Wait Staff *Cashiers *Dishwashers FndNIoyar Equal Opportunity Employer PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE/MANAGER B (Collections Supervisor) The current opening is with the Employment Division located in the Central O ffice Tax Section in Salem. $2,276-53,205/mo. plus liberal fringe benefits including contributions to family health and dental insurance^nd a fully paid retirem ent program. To qualify you must have five years o f experience in leadwork or supervision; OR five years o f steadily increasing responsibility in staff technical or professional level work. Experience must have included participation in the m anagem ent o f a program, section or unit, including such areas as: developm ent o f program rules and policies, long and short range goals and plans, program evaluation, or budget preparation. A Bachelor’s Degree or coursew ork in a field related to m anagem ent (such as Business or Public Administration) OR field related to a human resource pro­ gram, may be substituted for up to three years o f the required experience. For recruiting announcem ent and required State application call 378-3253. A p­ plications m ust be returned to Employment Division, Personnel and Training Unit, 875 Union St. N.E. Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m., July 11, 1990. AN EOE/AA EMPLOYER NURSING HOME HEALTH CARE SPECIALIST This position conducts home health, hospice and skilled nursing facility review s, including precertification, preauthorization, and claim review; m aintains utili­ zation guidelines; establishes close working relations with providers and internal personnel. This position will require: Currently OR Licensed RN 3-5 years home health exper Ability to work in a fast-paced environm ent under high pres­ sure conditions A strong com m itm ent to cost containm ent Excellent oral and written com m unication skills Excellent interpersonal skills Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #254 at the top of your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue C ross and Blue Shield of O regon H um an R esources D ept., 5th F ir 100 S.W . M a rk e t P o rtla n d , O R 97201 TD D #225-6780 E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer Insurance Medical Claims Analyst Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analyst. This position is responsible for accurate and timely payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon’s medical claims. Experience nessecary to perform this task will include: * 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctors office or hospital setting. * Demonstrated knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy. This may be obtained through classroom setting or office experience. * ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding * A minium of 6 to 12 months experience using CRT in a production oriented en ­ vironment. * Fast accurate use o f 10-key calculator. Previous claim s processing or insurance experience highly desirable Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening re q u ire d . To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #276 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resum e to : Blue C ross Blue Shield of O regon H um an R esources D ept. 100 SW M a rk e t P o rtla n d O regon 97201 T T D # 225-6780 E O E RETAIL IN ANTICIPATION OF SOM ETHING TRULY WONDERFUL! Oak Grove Fred Meyer store is undergoing a major transformation which when finished will be a beautiful, brand new store! We are seeking creative, enthusiatic people who want to be a part of the New Oak Grove Team. Exciting opportunities await in the following areas: SERVICE DELI-SERVICE MEAT-SERVICE FISH-IN-STORE BAKERY-FRED’S DINER- PHOTO ELECTRONICS-COSMETICS-HOME F A S H IO N -A P P A R E L -S H O E S -C A S H IE R Apply in person Monday-Friday, 8-11:30am; l-4pm Oregon City Employment Office 506 High Street Oregon City, OR FrBdMByBt E qual O pportunity E mployer Holladay Park Medical Center LEGACY 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 Committed to Carter Opportunity fo r A li Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal O pportunity Employer A Legacy Member STATE OF OREGON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT Quality Assurance/Compliance Monitor (Program Representative 2) $28,344 Annual Starting Salary This position is responsible for analyzing perform ance, quality o f service, fiscal and regulatory com pliance o f contractors and subcontractors for the Oregon JOBS program. The JOBS program is a partnership betw een state agencies, com m unity colleges, and local service providers to provide jo b opportunities and basic skills to w elfare recipients to enable them to becom e and rem ain in­ dependent o f assistance. The Economic D evelopm ent D epartm ent is adm ini­ stering the education, em ploym ent and training portion o f this program. Requires four years of experience developing, integrating and review ing educa­ tion, vocational training and em ploym ent program s; tw o years m ust have in­ cluded responsibility for m onitoring such programs. A pplicants need to com plete a state application and respond to the exam ination questions on the recruiting announcem ent. To obtain these m aterials please call or write OEDD Personnel Office 775 Sum m er SL N.E. Salem , OR 97310 (503) 373-1200 ext. 219 An EEO/AA Employer PROJECT MANAGER SOCIAL WORK Full time position and half time posi­ tion, Adoption Clinician. MSW pre­ ferred. (State certification a plus) and a minimum o f 2 years experience in the full range o f infant adoption serv­ ices including family screening, as­ sessm ent, and study; familiarity with the psycho-social dynam ics of the adoption triad, current trends in adop­ tion including “ openness” and abil­ ity to work with both educational and support groups essential. Must be able to work both independently and as a m em ber o f a team. Evening and weekend work and some travel is re­ quired. Salary: $16,000 to $21,500, DOE. Agency application must be completed, resumes may not be sub­ stituted but can be included. Apply at 2301 NW Glisan or call Vicki at 222- 9661 ext. 274. EQUAL OPPO RTU ­ NITY EM PLOYER. Application Deadline: Open until filled. AIRPORT JOBS $22.00/hr No exp. Training. Free Travel Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323 Fee $9.99 CLERICAL RECEPTIONIST- SWITCHBOARD J o b S h are Position Share front office receptionist duties. Ideal job for a person desiring regular part-tim e work with benefits. Nor­ mal shift is 12:00 p.m .-4:30 p.m., with occasional 8 hour days/40 hour weeks. May back up mailroom for vacations. Q ualified candidates will have professional appearance, excel­ lent inter-personal/com m unication skills and proficient typing skills. Experience with a m ulti-line phone system required, PBX experience helpful. We provide a com petitive wage and benefit package. Send resume and cover letter to: WAGNER M IN IN G E Q U IP M E N T C O . Equal Opportunity Employer BANK JOBS $25.00/hr No. Exp. Training. Call 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323 Fee $9.99 $ 3 9 ,7 0 8 -$ 5 1 ,4 0 8 Provide the lead m anagem ent and coordination function for the use o f financial resources, em ploym ent and jo b training, and business assistance activities for m ajor econom ic developm ents and initiative undertaken by the Econom ic D e­ velopm ent Department. Must, have in-depth know ledge and experience in project and financial feasibility for com m ercial, industrial, and real estate loans; fam iliarity with funding processes and com pliance regulation o f Title IX programs; and general knowledge o f labor and jo b training issues in the urban, low -incom e environment. Closing date: July 20, 1990. For a com plete jo b description and application packet, please call 796-6819 or apply at: PO RTLAND DEVELOPM ENT COM M ISSION 1120 S.W. 5th, Suite 110 Portland, OR 97204 ASST. ADMINISTRATOR FOR RESEARCH & STATISTICS An Executive Service position with the Oregon Employment Division. Serves as a m em ber o f the A dm inistrator’s m anagem ent team. $3,370-$4,742/m o. plus health, d e n ta l, paid retirem ent Requires four years o f m anagem ent experience which included responsibility for developm ent o f program rules, policies, long and short range goals, program evaluation and budget preparation. For applications call (503) 378-3253. A pplications must be returned to Oregon Em ploym ent Division, Personnel and Training Unit, 875 Union St. N.E. Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m., August 3, 1990. AN EOE/AA EMPLOYER -’U '- f-; ‘ a ' v