Page 4 The Portland Observer June 27, 1990 * R eligion Scripture of the Week: I i Hi* JEREMIAH 31:3 M A T T IE A N N C A L L 1E R SPEARS The Gospel Shall Stand By Matti« Ann Callier-Spears The trees have leav es and the grass is green. The flowers are in fu ll bloom. The fru it trees are beginning to bear tra it o f its kind; but, * hat o f man? How is it that every thing has an order that it adheres to-cxcept man. How many life times must pass before mankind w ill decide to make up its mind to really know in their hearts who the S A V IO R is? For many, many decades, man has sought to change the words o f the M A S TE R Teacher. He, man, has shed the blood o f the innocent, he has im ­ prisoned those who have attempted to preach out for what is right, and man nas struck down his brother while claim­ ing to be a child o f the A lm ighty God. A ll kinds o f movements, both spiritual and emotional, have plagued our nation w ith i t ’ s vaned doctonnes. Some have taken some parts o f their text from the H oly Scriptures, while others have completely changed, rewritten, or just plain misconstrued the whole meaning o f the H oly Bible. Religious movements have come and gone, but the Christian Religion has existed since its conception. The Gospel w ill be continually taught and preached regardless o f whether or not mankind wants to go w ith the flow or w hether he chooses to rebel by creating another fo llo w in g that w ill satisfy his doctrine. M y question is; “ W hy re­ invent the wheel?” “ I f it is not broken, w hy fix it?” C hrist’s ‘ w ord-of-m outh’ concept caught on like w ild fire . The twentieth chapter o f M A 11 HEW , in the eight­ eenth through the twentieth verses, we read that Jesus Christ has been cruci­ fied, has nsen from the dead and is now appearing before his disciples before He ascends to h is Father in Heaven. He give s them the fin a l commandment,"...Go ye therefore, and teach all nauons, baptizing them in the name o f the Father, and ot the Son, and o f the H oly G host Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever 1 have commanded you, and lo, 1 am w ith you always, even unto the end o f the world. Am en.” The steadfast Christians have been carrying the H oly L ig ht and passing it on by letting their L ig h t shine,by teach­ ing the W O RD , by preaching the pow­ erful Gospel message that C hrist came to save all who are lost. Salvation is fu ll and FREE! In the 8th chapter o f St. John, we find Jesus C hrist speaking to an adulteress, When her accusers had fled the scene, Jesus Christ asked her, “ ..Woman, where are those thine ac­ cusers? Hath no man condemned thee?” The woman replied, “ No man, L o rd .” This example serves as only one o f m any, such, situations where Christ has touched the life o f someone w ithout pointing an accusing finger or belittling them before their peers. W ith compassion and so much LO V E -C hrist always approached the unsaved in such a manner. Yes! Man has attempted to stamp the name o f Jesus Christ from the very face o f the earth; but, man shall never be successful in such a quest The WORD shall stand, the name o f Jesus Christ shall be forever spoken from the lips o f man. For my Scripture tells me, that i f MISSING man doesn’t decide to praise my Lord, the rocks are going to cry o u t - ’ ’G lory and Honour” . Nostalgia has gripped many people during these changing times. They re­ live certain periods o f the past and g lo n fy condiuons and situations which marked those periods. 1, w hen we think o f the past, we remember the blessings, the inspiring growth in ourselves and in our world, that is fine. But what a waste o f lim e it is to dw ell on the past. Make the present a rew arding tim e o f growth in the Lord. It can be s o -if you let i t Today, opportunity holds out it’s friendly hand. We should grasp it. T ig h tly . Right now, avenues o f success, unparalleled in history, are begging to be opened. R ight now-not in the thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, or the seventies-lhe crea­ tiv ity o f the H oly S pirit is readying our new world. Through it all -the Gospel Beauty & Barber Supplies O p e n to P u b lic 9 -6 - D e liv e r y /S e r v ic e MRS C’S WIGS 21 year old M ichael Thurman Campbell disappeared from home in Portland, Oregon three years ago and has not been heard from since. Anyone know ing the whereabouts o f this per­ son, we urge you to contact; Nathaniel J. Baker, Jr. Portland Observer shall stand. God showed how much he loved us by sending his only Son into this wicked world. He freely gave us the g ift o f eternal life. He suffered. He bled. He died. Through these acts, we see what real love is. It is not our love for God, but his love fo r us-for, he sent his Son that we m ight live. O ur debt o f sin has been paid through the precious blood o f Jesus C h ris t Christ said that he w ould not leave us comfortless. We know how much God loves us-because we have fe lt his love and we believe him when he tells us that he loves us dearly. W e can feel the warmth o f His H oly Spirit. We can feel the security o f the H oly Spirit. Praise God! The Gospel shall stand. Next week: "Four Church and You” Peggy Sum ner O w ner (503) 289-0205 231 N. Lom bard Suita 200 Portland, OR 97217 288-0033 W HOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS A FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES • N A O M I SIMS • BORNFREE • M IC H A E L WEEKS BETTY CABsSt PROPRIETOR ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS TUIS-SAT 11i3O-6iOC EVERYTHMG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W tS UMOUE HAfl ORNAMENTS HAP BEAOS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES BEAUTICIAN 4 STUDENT DISCOUNTS MRS CS EBONY ESSENCE COSMETTS 2URI COSMETtS 281-6525 100*’, HUMAN HAP FOR BRAIOING A WEAVWG 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) Prison Ministries PRISON M IN ISTR IES , IN C P.O. B O X 12396 A SPECIAL PLACE by James D ille t Freeman We all have a n e s i- a special place o f refuge toward which we can turn when we want to go home. Is it some room? Perhaps in a church, perhaps at a workbench or a desk? A Book by Reverend A. Lee Henderson Excerpts from Chapter I, You Can See it as if it Were Happening Right Now..." \atever is begun in angt ends in shame. Is it someone, someone we have faith in or we love? It may be a book, a phrase from the Bible or a poem. It may be music. It may be prayer Everyone has a nest, a place where, when he goes there, he feels God’s love draw closer around. P O R T LA N D , OREGON 97212 God Bless You! JOHN OR VIVIAN PARKER F o r information Call: (503) 284-7563 Jesus Loves You! 4236 N .E . E ig h th A v en u e (c o m e r o f 8 th & S k id m o re ) r P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97211 NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH (503) 287-0261 » » n 1""—«— - I Psaltn 34:3 i P h illip S. Nelson, P a sto r £ i i 1237 NE Failing Sunday School 9:30 am M orning W orship 11:15am Y.P.W.W. Evening W orship 8:00 pm 7:00 p.m. — M a k e a D e c is io n — th e serv ice s we offe r Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service t MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH D r. James E. M a r tin , S e n io r P a sto r 116 N .E . S chuyler Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 pm T hursday Pastoral Teaching 7:30 “ Before You M u s t’ ’ “ In q u ire abr '¡A leaching Church “With 51 ‘Reaching Ministry. 281 4891 W e are in te r e s te d in y o u r p r o b le m s You are invited to worship with The New Testament family Where we preach Jesus Christ We teach the Bible We reach out and care for people • (503) 284-1954 3 M O R N IN G W O R S H IP S E R V IC E S 8:00 A .M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E 10:00 A M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E 12 JO P .M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E E ld e r Leo n B re w e r Pastor C H U R C H SCHO OL: S A T U R D A Y M O R N IN G 9:30 A .M . T O 10:30 A .M . B IB LE S T U D Y 6:30 P.M. T O 8:00 P.M. - W E D N E S D A Y Call Radio Minishy Each Sunday, 8.00 A M . - KBMS 284-7594 WILLA DORSEY ARANATHA HURCH 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon Sunday Services M orning Worship 10:30 A.M. Maranalha S chool o f M inistry IN CONCERT ; Come and hear this great Evangelist of song, known throughout the United States and the world for her songs of praise, * glorifying our savior, Jesus Christ One o f theNorthwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs andHairpieces F o r A ll Nationalities Eva Gabor • Naomi Sims • Renee of Paris Synthetic & Hum an H a ir F o r Braiding & Weeving • T V 77 fi • Everlasting Missionani 'Baptist Church Near Lloyd Center W- 282-1664 - • , .<• ' «••’a - 2205'Last 'Evergreen 'Blvd. •Vancouver, ‘Washington 98661 (206 694 0876 .7 .1 1105 N.E. Broadway 6:30 P.M. Rev. Wendell H. Wallace Senior Pastor u*1 7:00 PM Friday -<