w » I June 27,1990 The Portland Observer Page 11 •5? COM PUTER INTERNSHIP PERSONAL COM PUTER T E C H N IC IA N Georgia-Pacific Corporation has a summer internship opportunity fo r a PC Technician. This 3 month position w ill provide various data support for our fast-paced sales departm ent Ideal candidate has completed a m in i­ mum o f 2 years o f college level courses in computer science and has exten­ sive PC experience. Prefer applicants apply in person M on­ day, 6/25, to Wednesday, 6/27, form 9:00-4:00. I f unable to apply in per­ son, send resume by June 27th. Please indicate specific position. G e orgia -P acific C o rp . H um an Resources Dept., 17th f ir 900 SW 5th Avenue P o rtla n d , O R 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer M ANAGER PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE/ MANAGER C (M o n ito r Advocate) Current opening. State o f Oregon em­ ploym ent d ivision located in Salem. $2,513-$3,538/mo. plus liberal fringe benefits including contributions to fa m ily health and dental insurance, and a fu lly paid retirement program. TO Q U A L IF Y you must have five years o f progressively responsible experi­ ence in supervision or staff technical or professional level work related to a human resource program, experi­ ence must have included at least one year o f supervision and management o f a program, section or unit which included such areas as: development o f program rules and policies, long and short range goals and plans, pro­ gram evaluation or budget prepara­ tion. A Bachelor’ s degree or coursework in a fie ld related to management (such as Business or Public Adm inistration), OR a fie ld related to a human re­ source program, may be substituted for up to three years o f the required experience. In addition you must be able to speak and w rite English and Spanish flu ­ ently. For recruiting announcement and re­ quired State application call 378-3253. Applications must be returned to Employment Division, Personnel and Training U nit, 875 Union St. N.E., Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m., July 2, 1990. E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y / A F F IR M A T IV E A C T IO N EM PLO YER NURSING DISPENSARY NURSE (R N /L P N ) Starting salary $ 1393-$ 1950 per month plus excellent benefits. C O D A Inc seeks fu ll tim e dispensary nurse in the methadone clinic. Responsibili­ ties include: assessment o f opiant dependent clients, adm inistration o f methadone, provision o f direct nurs­ ing services, referral services and health education. Dispensary oper­ ates 6am-3pm weekdays, 7:30am- 11:30am weekends. Schedule is fle x­ ible and includes some weekend and holiday shifts. To qualify: Current valid Oregon R N/ LPN license and valid O D L are re­ quired. A p plica nt must be certifiable in CPR and capable o f performing CPR fo r 15 minutes continuously. Previous drug/alcohol treatment experience or psychiatric experience preferred. To apply submit standard C O D A appli­ cation form including screening question responses to address below. A pplication material available at C O D A Inc., 97232. E qual O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n E m ployer »CIAL SERVICES ig S u p p o rt Services W o rk e r ?h R isk Pregnancy Program late intake & referral o f preg- parenting women & infants to r homes. M aintain liaison be- i program, client & foster care der. Strong crisis response skills ;d. B A w ith 2 years human serv- ivork experience required. Part- benefits, $8,500-$ 11.000 ;. A pply at 2301 N .W . Glisan. and, O R, or call 222-9661, Ext. for application. Deadline 7/11/ C O U N SELIN G MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION REHABILITATION COUNSELOR C-IV Beginning salary $1393-$145O per month plus excellent benefits. C O D A Inc seeks Rehabilitation Counselor for the STAR methadone outpatient program. Responsibilities include counseling to caseload o f 25 clients, liaison between program and com ­ m unity vocational resources, d e liv­ ery o f vocational and and career serv­ ices to STAR and C O D A residential clients. To q ua lify a masters degree in counseling or related discipline and 2 years supervised c lin ic a l or rehabilitation experience are required, experience w ith drug dependent populations preferred. Excellent comm unication, treatment planning, interpersonal and group therapy skills are required. To apply complete and submit standard C O D A application form including screening question responses to address below. Application materials available at CODA ENC.210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232, 239-8400. E q ua l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n E m p lo ye r SECRETARY Seeking w ell organized, detail oriented individual fo r responsible position in our Community Organization & Plan­ ning D ivision. Primary function is to provide clerical service in support o f the four-county social service in fo r­ mation system and Com m unity O r­ ganization & Planning staff. W ill assist in obtaining, com piling and dissemi­ nating all research data and updating data base fo r over 3600 resources. On the job training opportunities avail­ able. requires above average abilities in grammar, punctuation and spell­ ing and act.. . typing at 55 wpm. Competency w ith D isplayw rite 4 a must. Data entry experience preferred. M u»i nave a b ility to w ork independ­ ently and fo llo w through to meet deadlines in spite o f pressure and interruptions. Requires knowledge o f m u lti-lin e phone system and excel­ lent telephone personality. Salary range $13,500-$ 17,000 plus excel­ lent benefits. Send resume by June 27 to: C a ro ly n Lew is U nite d W a y/C o lu m b ia -W illa m e tte 718 W . B urnside P o rtla n d , O regon 97209 228-9131 EQ . , L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLO YER OTR, MSW, MS or equiv w -2 yrs in mental health sought fo r psychiatric rehab program . I deal spot for in no va- tive therapist who enjoys w orking w- people. Back-ground in program development, exp w -m u lti ethnic population desirable. Comprehensive salary & benefits. Resume to: Rodney R. Harry, Person­ nel O ffice, N -N E Com m unity M en­ tal Health, Inc., 4950 NE M .L . King Jr Blvd. Portland, O r 97211. C losing July 2, 1990. M inorities encouraged to apply, equal opportunity employer. DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR F u ll time responsibility for resource de­ velopment, fundraising, grant w rit­ ing & public relations for non-profit agency w orking w ith homeless. D u­ ties include yearly fundraising plan; supervision o f major gifts/annual fund campaign; special events prom otion; produce newsletter; solicit inkind/non- cash contributions;m aintain m ailing list. M ust have 3 yrs fundraising experience in non-profit agency, demonstrated a bility in above areas. Salary $25,000-531,00. Resume to Personnel, Burnside Projects, 435 NW Glisan, Portland, OR 97209 SALES M cC A W C E LLU LA R C O M M U N IC A T IO N S IN C . CELLULAR ONE DIRECT SALES McCaw Cellular Communications, Inc., the nation’s leading cellular telephone company, is looking for experienced direct sales personnel: M inim um 2 years proven related sales success College Graduate desirable Outside sales exp req’d W e provide an excellent training pro­ gram, technical support, base salary, expense & benefits. These positions extend opportunity for articulate, organized self-starters to become professionals w ith a career path in one o f the fastest growing industries in the nation. Please address your resume to C E LLU LA R ONE H um an Resources/D irect Sales 409 SW 9th P o rtla n d , OR 97205 A ll Replies in confidence CONVENTION SALES MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT M anager o f H ig h R is k Pregnancy C ounseling Services T w o years w ork experience in tele­ phone reception & screening calls, data entry & wordprocessing required. Strong organizational & client crisis response skills needed. F u ll time, benefits, $11,000-$ 13,000 DOE. A p ply at 2301 N.W. Glisan, Port­ land, OR, or ca ll 222-9661, ext. 274 fo r application. Deadline 7/11/90. E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r C L E R IC A L CLERICAL SPECIALIST Em ployer. GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $100. Corvettes, Chevys, Porsches, and other confiscated properties. For Buyers Guide 1- (800) 624-6937 ext. 4552. Also open evenings & weekends. iqual Opportunity Employer. * A . ‘ r » «, The Portland/Oregon Visitors Assn is seeking a qualified sales applicant w ith the fo llo w in g skills and experi­ ence: B A /BS in marketing or sales A t least tw o years sales exp for a hotel sales o ffice or convention and v is i­ tors bureau Proven comm unication, leadership and presentation skills Strong organizational skills Please send your resume by Monday, July 16 to: D ire c to r o f Sales, P O V A , 26, SW Salm on, P o rtla n d , O R 97204 SOCIAL SERVICES Beginning Salary $951 to $1000 per month + excellent benefits. C O D A Inc. seeks clerical specialist in c lin i­ cal support services unit. Responsi­ b ilitie s include: processing o f c lin i­ cal records & requests fo r release o f inform ation, typing, filin g , data en­ try, general clerical & reception du­ ties as necessary. To q u a lify, appli­ cants must be able to w ork with m inim al supervision q uickly & accu­ rately, typing 50-55 wpm w ithout error & use a word processor. High school diplom a + 2 years clerical training and/or experience are required. T o apply, complete & subm it stan­ dard C O D A application form, includ­ ing screening queauon responses to address below. Application m ateri­ als available at C O D A Inc, 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n • * ;A«** f An Equal Opportunity Employer Agency seeks experienced counselor to provide a ll options related to crisis pregnancy. A b ility to provide accu­ rate & unbiased inform ation & sup­ port services re: parenting, abortion & adoption to individuals, couples & fam ilies required. BA/BS required, MS preferred, 3 years related work experience. Full time, benefits, $16,00- $23,000 DOE. A p ply at 2301 N .W . Glisan, Portland, OR, or call 222-9661, ext. 274 for application. Deadline 7/11/90. Equal O pportunity Employer. STAFF ATTORNEY For domestic relations position in the Fam ily Law Center o f Multnomah County Legal A id Service. Full trial caseload w ill focus on divorce, cus­ tody, visitation, domestic violence and other miscellaneous issues. Sal­ ary dependent on experience. Excel­ lent benefits available. Send resume to Nancy Snow, Fam ily Law Center, 310 SW 4th, #1020, Portland, Ore­ gon 97204. Position available imm e­ diately and open u ntil filled . AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. C LE R C IA L CLE Program & Office Asst 1 M M em ber Services D ivision (40 H ours/W eek) The Oregon State Bar is recruiting for a fu ll time, 40 hrs per w k office assis­ tant to w ork w ithin its Continuing Legal Education Programs depart­ ment. Position w ill provide key cle ri­ cal support to other members o f the C LE Programs staff. This position w ill start July 2, 1990. Duties performed include, but are not lim ited to typing and duplicating o f handbooks, evaluations, program con­ firmations and labels and forms as needed. Prepares program materials for shipping via UPS or other carrier audio and video tapes, booklets and programs materials. Requires some knowledge o f secretarial and general office procedures or any combina­ tion o f experience or training which ensures the a b ility to perform the work may be substituted. W ord proc­ essing exp using WordPerfect software is preferred. Salary range starts $1249, includes in ­ surance and benefits. A pply immediately-send resume w ith a cover letter to: Personnel O fficer, Attn: Programs Clerk, Oregon State Bar, 5200 SW Meadows Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97035. Deadline fo r ap­ plication: July 3, 1990. ATTENTION: POSTAL JOBS! Start $11.41/hour! For application info call (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. M -12859, 6am-10pm, 7 days.” ALCOHOL & DRUG A & D certified counselor, 20 hours per week. Send resume by 7/6/90 to: C .C.M .H., 6329 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 MENTAL HEALTH JOB OPPORTUNITY T IT L E : Account Manager DESCRIPTION; Outgoing, motivated person with ex­ cellent selling skills, 2 years experi­ ence in media sales or agency ac­ count work desired. TO APPLY: Send Resume To: Dale C olom a L ocal Sales m anager K P D X -T V P.O. Box 49 P o rtla n d , O R 97207 P rio r to J u ly 6 ,19 90 NO PHONE C A LLS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER C lin ical Case Manager o f adults w ith chronic mental illness. Provide broad range o f services including supportive therapy, outreach and access to resources. Master's degree in mental health fie ld or bachelor's degree w ith 2 years' expe­ rience. M ust have a b ility to relate to m inorities. Comprehensive salary and benefits. Resume to: Kim Burgess N/NE Community Mental Health, Inc. 4950 N.E. M .L .K . Jr., Blvd. P o rtla n d , O R 97211 M inorities encouraged to apply. 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