Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 20, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4 The Portland Observer June 20, 1990
O ne o f the greatest vocal artists of our
tim e, W illiam W arfield is a star in
every field open to a singer’s art. A
graduate o f R ochester’s Eastman
School o f M usic, his trium phant re­
cital debut in New York’s famed Town
Hall in 1950 catapulted the young
bass-baritone into the front ranks of
concert artists...and there he has stayed!
His one-take recording o f “ 0 1 ’ Man
R iver” forthe 1951 M G M Show B oat
made motion picture history, and years
later his perform ance was included
in the movie :’’That’s Entertainment,”
a collection o f the greatest scenes
from all M GM musicals.
His accom plishm ents are countless and
encompass a breadth of music to which
few can lay claim . An unforgettable
portrayal of Porgy in Gershwin’s Porgy
and Bess won hearts around the world;
the RCA recording with Leontyne
Price was nom inated for a Grammy
A w ard in 1965. As “ De L aw d” in
the NBC-TV H allmark Hall o f Fame
presentation o f “ The Green Pastures”
he won international acclaim; his
narration o f Aaron C opland’s L in ­
coln Portrait in 1984 won him a
Gram m y and critics still consider his
M essiah with Leonard Bernstein
Mr. W arfield has distinguished him self
with the w orld’s leading festivals and
orchestras. His immense repertoire
spans the major lieder com positions
o f Brahm s, Schubert, Schumann and
W o lf and the great oratorios o f H an­
del, M ozart, M endelssohn and Bach.
U nder the auspices of the U.S. D e­
partm ent o f State, Mr. W arfield has
made more tours throughout the world
than any other American solo artist.
; Hot Nights
Ripe Fruit
Sweaty Palms
Sweaty Skin
Wild Music
Wild Women
Wilder Men
’’Generations” Stars Robert Torti and
Mira Kolb Visit Portland
W illiam Warfield
(oil tfc«Or«94M Art lastitvt« a tilt-2 S 1 1 toe rvsarvati«««.
The Oregon State Fair, celebrating 125
years, has booked 12 big name enter­
tainers in the L. B. Day Amphitheatre.
The 1990 Fair runs August 23 through
Septem ber 3.
On Thursday, A ugust 23, Dolly P a rto n
will perform at 7:00 pm. Her concert
is a special engagem ent performance
and tickets are required for the show.
Tickets can be purchased beginning
July 1 at all Ticketm aster outlets.
Fair admission is included in the
concert ticket prices which are $10
and $12.50. Parton's performance is
part o f a special Fair Sneak Preview
Night scheduled for Aug.23. The
Fair will open at 5 pm that evening.
Other entertainers include: L arry Gatlin
& T he G atlin B ro th ers, Aug 24;
Roy C la rk , Aug 25; F ra n k ie Avalon
an d A nnette Funicello, Aug. 26; DJ
Jazzy Je ff & T he F resh Prince,
Aug. 27; Jo h n n y C ash and Ju n e
C a rte r, Aug. 28; L ou Rawls, Aug.
29; Jo h n D enver, Aug. 30; B elinda
C arlisle, Aug 31; D onny O sm ond,
Sept. 1 ; T he N itty G ritty D irt Band,
Sept 2; T he B and (Levon Helm, Rick
Danko, Garth H udson), Sept. 3.
W ith the exception of Dolly Parton, all
acts are free with general fair adm is­
hatever is begun in angei
ends in shame.
2 2 3 -9 9 1 9
Wed. 2lllh
Cover Bov
T h u r. 2 1 st
Kennedy Rose
(2 shows)
Eri. & Sat. 22nd-23rtl
by Tony Washington
Generations was created and
produced by Sally Sussmers. The show
began airing on Channel eight (NBC)
on March 27, 1989. Its current ranking
among soaps is in stiff competition and
ranking among so.ips is in stiff
competition and is still
is still climbing. Star of Generations,
Robert Torti has been an actor for Hyes.
He enjoys musicals, and has a great
interest in fishing and softball. Married,
with a newborn baby boy, he is a very
nice person to be associated with. Po­
lite, sincere, a real person to talk to, he
was accom panied by Mina Kolb.
Robert Torti portrays Kyles
Masters in search of D.P. Cooper, and
feels this soap is unique in its cast. If
one really got the opportunity to meet
Mr. and Mrs. Kolb they would be very
pleased about honesty and openness about
themselves. Mr. Torti also appeared in
Jesus Christ Superstar.
W atch Generations on KGW 8
at 1:00 Monday through Friday and
observe a good soap. It’s a great pro­
gram and different type o f soap.
A program initiated by
Bridgestone to enhance car care needs
focuses specifically on tire care. Race
car driver and Crew Machine visited
Portland recently to give a firsthand
opinion and to further promote the
The idea behind the program
is that one need not be a mechanic to
keep their car in check and in good
For free tips on
tire care, call:
Body & Soul
Sun. 24th
Steve Salas
M on. 25th
Heart of
Tues. 26th
Will a Dorsey
Good food, good drinks, good
music, iiood people
Fujinami to
77700 MV
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w ould kkew saim ;
night ]
T ic k e ts a v a ila b le at O N E S TO P R E C O R D S
UiHlorwri«tewbv*wisolll>ovol«pHMfttCaoipowy, lac.
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Only the best accommodations
Portland Cable Access is presenting,
“ Willa Dorsey in Concert” . For those
of you who might have missed some
o f the showings which began last
week there are still several showings
W illa Dorsey began her singing career
at the Mt. O live Baptist Church in A t­
lanta, Georgia, and at an early age se­
cured a solo spot on a CBS regional
show. Ms. Dorsey is a native of At­
lanta, G eorgia, but has resided in
Portland, Oregon for the past 27 years.
She considers this home.
She started with Metropolitan Opera
singer Robert McFerrin and Dr. J.
DeKoven Killingsworth of Clark At­
lanta University in Atlanta, Georgia,
but continued performing in her chosen
field o f gospel music.
Some o f her outstanding accom plish­
ments include:
Extensive tours abroad as soloist and
concert artist since 1964.
Guest artist of the late M ahalia Jackson.
Nom inated for G ram m y/eceived cer­
tificate for best soul gospel perform ­
Guest soloist with the Portland, Junior
Symphony Orchestra.
Oregon Public Affairs has presented
Willa in a fifteen minute weekly show
“ Joy In My Soul.
Toured the Holy Land making appear­
ances on television and radio.
Sang for the Presidential Prayer Break­
fast in W ashington,D.C.
Guest soloist with Billy Graham C ru­
sade on several occasions
Performed in many churches here in
Oregon,as well as guest soloist at
several of our neighborhood fairs at
the w ater front.
Ms. Dorsey sings in many languages
including German, Dutch, Spanish,
French and English.For a real treat
and blessing be sure to catch at least
one of the showings presented by
Portland Cable Access. The rem ain­
ing tim es are as follows:
June 20-Channel 33 at 7:30 p.m.
June 24-Channel 11 at 12:30 p.m.
June 26-Channel 33 at 9:00 p.m.
The Fujinami Kai, founded in the spring
of 1957 in Portland, maintains and
passes on to new genereations, the art
and discipline of traditional, classi­
cal Japanese dance. In an effort to
make this perform ance as much like
those in Japan, many com stum es and
wigs have been brought from Japan.
In addition, unique sets and lighting
designs have been created to enhance
this gala performance. Garbed in the
brilliant m ulti-layered silks o f this
Kabuki style dance, the m em bers o f
Fujinami Kai will perform classical,
folk, and comtemporary pieces.
Fujinami Kai means "W aves of W is­
This very special celebration o f Jap a­
nese dance and culture will take place
on June 30, 1990. at 7:30 PM at the
Intermediate Theater, Portland C en­
ter for the Performing Arts._______
Fujinami Kai is under the direction o f
Madame Kanriye Fujima. Madame
Fujima has maintained three schools
of dance in the Northwest for over 30
years. Her teaching m ethods, in
accordance with traditional Japanese
form, include more than dance steps.
She uses the Japanese language in all
of her classes while exposing her
students to the general principles o f
Japanese culture, including self d is­
cipline and respect for one's m aster
and classm ates. Madame Fujim a
considers teaching these principles
to be one of her most important d u ­
ties and believes that
"an benefit
and influence students throughout their
lives. She has said, "Dance helps
develop the personality with grace-
fullness." Many of the dances are
based on stories from Japanese his­
tory and folklore, and as a result
Fujinami Kai members arc exposed
to history and literature as well as to
language and dance.
'An Odori Bouquet" has been made
possible by grants from The M etro­
politan Arts Commision and the
Oregon Arts Commision.
'The Eyes and Ears ol the Community
Office: (503)288-0033
Fax#: (503)288-0015