Page 10 The Portland Observer June 20, 1990 J obs / C TEACHER, ALTERNA TIVE H IG H SC H O O L A L B IN A Y O U TH O PPO R TU N ITY SC H O O L /G E N E SIS 3710 N orth M ississippi P o rtla n d , O regon 97227 288-5813 D irector: R ance Spruill M ain stream /S pecial Ed. Teacher: Math, Soc.Stud, Eng. etc. Full time position,Sal Range $2200 up­ ward + Medical. Bach Degree required.Current certified teacher (Oregon). Special Ed endorsement. 5 yrs exp with with High Risk Youth Mid/HS. Interviews scheduled from Resume. Teacher Asst: Full time position, Sal $900 upward + M edical.5 yrs/ exp in Mid/HS. Good A ca skills, Oregon driver license. Interviews scheduled from Resume. Adm Asst: Full time position, Sal $2500 upward + Medical. Bach Degree or experience in Social services. 5 yrs exp with High Risk youth/fam ily. Personnel and M anagem ent Child Care W orker: Full tim e position, Sal $950 upward + M edical, Current Oregon license,. 5 yrs exp in Social field. High R isk youth/families. Knowledge of Community/Resources. Excellent driver record required. Interview scheduled from Resume. Sec/Receptionist: Full time position, Sal $1000 upward + Medical. D em ­ onstrated accurate typing/clerical skills. Exp in report w riting & office procedures. Ability to work under pressure, using judgm ent, diplomacy & tact.Proficiency in operation of Tandy/IBM computer, software pro­ grams. _ ARCHITECT #49-89/90 P P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity College ED U C A T IO N : A Bachelor’s degree in Architecture with Oregon registra­ tion required. Degree m ust be from an accredited institution. E X P E R IE N C E : A minimum o f five years experience dealing directly with construction personnel, renovation and remodeling projects required. Start­ ing salary is $33,733-$37,315 per year plus an excellent benefit pack­ age. This is a full time m anagem ent staff position. C ontact Staff Em ploym ent, PO Box 19000, Portland, Or 97219-0990. (503) 273-2823 for and application packet. CLOSING DATE: July 6, 1990. R E C R U IT M E N T ANNOUNCEM ENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS SE R V IC ES AN ALYST The State o f Oregon, D epartm ent of G eneral Services, is recruiting for a Telecom m unications Services A na­ lyst position located in Salem. Sal­ ary: $1686-52243 monthly plus bene­ fits. Duties and responsibilities include re­ viewing , analyzing and approving all state agency Telephone Service Orders for add, move and change activity: providing technical advice and assis­ tance to vendors, contractors and agency users; preparing telephone service modification recom m enda­ tions for agency users; user training assistance; developing and conduc­ tion training programs for agency Telephone Coordinators; and assist­ ing in preparation o f technical specs for bid document. Y ou m ust have 2 years experience in telephone systems sales, systems design, or systems analysis; OR 2 years experience in telephone com ­ pany business office m anagem ent or service order coordination duties. This background must have provided you with a knowledge o f telecom m unica­ tions industry terminology and state- of-the-art telephone systems and skill in identifying, analyzing and devel­ oping solutions for telephone service related problems. A ffirm ative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer; women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. For detailed announcem ent and application infor­ m ation, contact Sherri Cartw right at (503)378-5790 by NOON July 3,1990. GOLD CREDIT CARD Visa Mastercard guaranteed No security deposit 1-900-456-2500 $49.50 fee Providing direct instruction to students. Appi Deadline: 06/29/90 by 2pm Call 257-1501 Jeaneen, for M ultnomah Education Service D istrict applica­ tion form and additional information or come to 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR. | An E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer ! SO C IA L W O R K E R III D CFS-Children’s Protective Services Vacancy. Minimum qualification: M aster’s Degree and 2 yrs paid Soc. ! Ser. Exp, or Bachelor’s Degree & 3 yrs post degree paid Soc. Ser. Exp. (1 ' yr paid exp m ust be providing direct Social Services to children & fam i­ lies in crisis) Sal Range (2122-2686 eff. 7/1/90). Resumes to Marian G ilm ore,D CFS, PO Box 9809, Vane. Wa. 98666 (206)696-6230. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer NURSING D ISP E N SA R Y NURSE (RN /LPN) lassified A D M IN IST R A T IV E D EPU T Y C ITY R EC O R D ER City o f Estacada. Minimum 5 yrs exp in secretarial, W/P, acctg. Desirable skills & exp include com puterized acctg, Lotus 1-2-3, P/R, A/P, A/R, typing 65 wpm & transcription. For City application & job description con­ tact: City of Estacada, PO Box 958, 475 SE Main St., Estacada, OR 97023; or call (503) 630-3223. Closing date: 6/29/90 E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer H O U SING M ANAGEM ENT D E V E L O PM E N T D IR EC T O R Skilled, exper’d developer o f housing programs; ability to develop propos­ als, budgets, feasibility analyses; knowledge of federal/state housing programs, finance, real estate; expe­ rience in housing d ev elo p m en t, ac­ quisition, and/or rehabilitation. C ol­ lege degree required. OPERATIONS DIRECTOR: E xper’d supvr of fed housing programs; knowl­ edge of office admin, personnel, budgeting; ability to perform hsg in­ spections, manage bldg m aint func­ tions; previous responsible work with housing authority, computer/acct skills preferred. SALARY EACH: $30-$36,000. Subm it com plete prof resume w-refer- ences by 7/3/90 to Spokane Housing A uthority, W. 55 M ission, Spokane, W A 99201. E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer Starting salary $1393-51950 per month plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc seeks full time dispensary nurse in the methadone clinic. R esponsibili­ ties include: assessm ent o f opiant dependent clients, administration of methadone, provision of direct nurs­ ing services, referral services and health education. Dispensary oper­ ates 6am-3pm weekdays, 7:30am- 11:30am weekends. Schedule is flex­ ible and includes some weekend and JOB O PP O R T U N IT Y holiday shifts. To qualify: Current valid Oregon RN/ ! TITLE: LPN license and valid ODL are re­ Account Manager quired. A pplicant m ust be certifiable DECRIPTION: in CPR and capable o f performing Outgoing, m otivated person with ex­ CPR for 15 minutes continuously. cellent selling skills, 2 years experi­ Previous drug/alcohol treatment ence in media sales or agency ac­ experience or psychiatric experience count work desired. preferred. TO APPLY: To apply submit standard CODA appli­ Send Resum e To: cation form including screening D ale Colom a question responses to address below. Local Sales M an ag er A pplication material available at K PD X -TV CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, P .O . Box 49 OR 97232. Equal Opportunity/Af- P o rtla n d , O R 97207 firmative Action Employer. NO P H O N E C A L L S A F F IR M A T IV E A C T IO N C O U N SE L O R : EM PLO Y ER EQ U A L O PPO R T U N IT Y C H E M IC A L EM PLOYER DEPENDENCE/ M IN O R IT Y SP E C IA L IST If you have knowledge/sensitivity to cultural issues in early recovery, we need you for our m en’s intensive residential treatm ent program. Will provide individual/group counseling, case m anagem ent and didactic ses­ sions with specialized programming for blacks, requires 2 years counsel­ ing experience or bachelor’s degree plus 1 year experience. If recovering, 2 years continuous sobriety required. Apply at De Paul Treatment Centers, Inc., 1306 S.W . W ashington, Port­ land, Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLO Y ER E X P E R IE N C E D R A D IO PR O D U C ­ T IO N D IR E C T O R . Send tape and resume to 9500 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 302, Portland, Oregon 97219 Attention Nancy. Equal Opportunity Employer PA R T T IM E T E L E P H O N E R E ­ SE A R C H . No. selling. G reat w ork­ ing conditions. Call 244-8787 before Thursday 9pm. Leave name and phone number. Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST Mental Health Clinic seeks a Clinical R e c e p tio n ist. D u ties include: Scheduling client appointm ents, filing an d re trie v e c lie n t c h a rts, fee collection, filing correspondence, light typing and general office duties. Minimum qualifications: One year ex p erience in general secretarial d u tie s, or e q u iv a lc n t/tra in in g experience necessary. Competitive salary and benefits. Resume to: Rodney R. Harry, Personnel Officer N/NE Com m unity M ental Health, Inc. 4950 N.E. M LK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 (503) 249-0066 Closing: June 30, 1990 Minorities encouraged to Apply EOE CUSTOM ER SERVICE M cG R A W C E L L U L A R C O M M U N IC A T IO N S INC. C ellular O ne McGraw Cellular Comm unications, INc., the nation’s leading cellular telephone com pany, is seeking a Customer Service Representative to w ork9:30am -6:30pm Tuesdays-Sat- urdays. Candidates must posses ex­ ceptional com m unication, organiza­ tional and phone skills, be highly motivated, work well underpressure, and have excellent custom er service background. A ccounting/receivable exp a m u st Please send resume to: CELLULAR ONE H um an R esources/C ustom er Svc 409 SW 9th P o rtla n d , O R 97205 All replies in confidence An Equal Opportunity Employer Black Educational Center 4919 NE 17th Portland, OR 97211 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER The Black Educational Center is now accepting applications for full time elem entary school teachers. Teach­ ers are responsible for daily class­ room instruction; creating a learning environment and preparing lesson plans and special projects. Primary duties include: Development of lesson plans, assist in curriculum developm ent and evaluate student performance. Q ualifications include: Preferred B.A. or B.S. degree and certification by state educational system. At least two years o f classroom instruction and proficiency in w ritten and oral comm unication. Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer! A dvertising E M PL O Y M E N T H EA R IN G S R E FE R E E Two current openings. State o f Oregon Employment Division located in Salem $2,713-53,616/mo. plus lib­ eral fringe benefits including contri­ butions to family health and dental insurance, and a fully paid retirem ent program. To qualify you must have a Bachelor’s degree AND two years o f experience conducting administrative hearings; OR two years o f preparing written adm inis­ trative decisions based on laws and regulations AND one year of con­ ducting contested case hearings; OR graduated from an accredited law school AND one year o f experience con­ ducting contested case hearings or presenting cases before adm inistra­ tive agencies. For recruiting announcem ent and re­ quired State applications m ust be re­ turned to Em ploym ent Division, Personnel and Training Unit, 875 Union St. NE., Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m., July 2, 1990. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYM ENT/AFFIRM ATIVE ACTION EM PLOYER M ANAGEM ENT P O SIT IO N M ETRO REGION CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIVISION (CSD) Multnomah and Clackamas County CSD has an im m ediate opening for the following position: PROGRAM REPRESENATIVE 2 M ulti-Cultural Services Coordinator $2387-53205 Monthly The requirem ents include: 1. Minimum qualifications: Four years of staff technical or professional level experience analyzing or advising/in- structing the public concerning spe­ cific programs or processes, m oni­ toring a program or performing par­ ticipant reviews. Two years o f expe­ rience m ust have been com parable to a Program Representative 1 which involves monitoring, representing and reviewing programs. 2. Ability to facilitate community based planning groups. 3. Conflict resolution. 4. Ability to supervise employees. CSD is an A ffirmative Action/Equal O pportunity Employer. TO APPLY: Applications (PD100) may be obtained from the State o f Oregon Personnel Center, 2850 SE 82nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97266 (PCC Bldg.); or 775 Court Street NE Sa­ lem, OR 97310; any local office of the Oregon Em ploym ent Division; and from m ost other State offices. Completed applications m ust be sent to the Executive Department, Per­ sonnel & Labor Relations Division, PO Box 14155, Salem OR 97309- 0505. Your application m ust arrive by the closing date of June 25,1990. IN D U ST R IA L EN ER G Y M ANAGEM ENT SP E C IA L IST $3,059-$3,722./mo M inimum five years experience in in­ dustrial energy m anagem ent or m ini­ mum o f three years experience plus an Engineer-In Training (EIT) or equivalent certificate. Knowledge and experience with industrial facilities, industrial processes, power factor and power quality. Ability to write tech­ nical reports and proposals; ability to lead projects. Bachelor o f Science degree in engineering from a univer­ sity with a four-year accredited engi­ neering curriculum . Training in in­ dustrial processes, building m echani­ cal or electrical systems and equip­ ment, com m crcial/industrial process energy use, and building energy modeling. Valid driver’s license re­ quired. Send resum e by July 9. 1990 to: E ugene W a te r & E lectric B oard P.O . Box 10148 E ugene, O R 97440-2148 A T T N ¡H um an R esources D e p a rtm e n t EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER LOSE WEIGHT NOW! The Safe & Easy Way 10-29 lbs. the First Month GUARANTEED! If serious, call Joseph at 287-3313 PR O G R A M M E R /A N A L Y ST Blue C ross and Blue Shield o f Oregon iscurrently accepting applications for the position o f Program m er/analyst. The Program m er/A nalyst will: Gather, analyze and docum ent inform ation for developing or modifying opera­ tional and inform ation system s to pinpoint areas where im provem ent can be made. Design program s, develop code and perform the necessary im plem entation ac­ tivities involved in the installation o f new and improved systems. The successful candidate w ill have 1-3 years of IBM m ain-fram e experience and a minimum o f 2 years OS and C O BO L experience, with training in system s analysis and special em phasis in project mgmt, user relations, data gathering techniques and w ritten and oral com m unication. A college degree is desired. College exper may be substituted by dem onstrated com m endable perform ance as a program m er. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resum e is processed im m ediately, place ad #221 at the top o f your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Hum an Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 TDD # 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer IN SU R A N C E M E D IC A L C L A IM S A N A LY STS Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for M edical Claim s Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely paym ent o f Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon’s m edical claims. E xperi­ ence necessary to perform this task w ill include: 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting D em onstrated know ledge o f medical term inology and anatom y. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding - A minimum o f 6-12 m onths experience using a CRT in a production oriented environm ent Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator Previous claims processing o r insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resum e is processed im m ediately, place ad #276 at the top o f your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue Cross Blue Shield o f Oregon Hum an Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W .M arket j Z j l 111/ Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer M A IL P R O C E SSIN G P R O D U C T IO N O PER A TO R Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is accepting applications for a production operator in our office service external mail departm ent. The successful can­ didate will: Program and operator com puterized inserting equipment; which includes sheet feeder/folder, com puterized w eighing, and autom atically m atching docu­ ments prior to insertion. M aintain accurate docum entation on all equipm ent operated and postage usage. Lift up to 50 lbs and standing 80% o f the day Q ualified candidates will have a high school education or equivalent and 6 months mail experience with em phasis on equipm ent and/or presort or 6 months experience w orking in a production setting. Requires the ability to meet scheduled deadlines, stay w ithin jo b priorities, and be flexible to change work schedule, hours when needed to accom m odate workload. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-time w ork hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resum e is processed im mediately, place ad #295 at the top o f your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Hum an Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 TD D # 225-6780 DENTAL D E N T A L A N A L Y ST S Blue C ross & Blue Shield o f O regon, a major health insurance carrier, is currently accepting applications for Dental Analysts. Q ualified candidates m ust have approxim ately one year experience working in a dental office or insurance com pany as a dental analyst, know ledge o f dental term inology, good oral and written com m unication skills, and CRT experi­ ence. Knowledge of ADA coding desirable. M ust be willing to work overtim e as required. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resum e is processed immediately, place ad #268 at the top; o f your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon H u m a n R esources D ept., 5th F ir 100 S.W .M arket Portland, OR 97201 TD D # 225-6780. Equal Opportunity Employer C IT Y O F P O R T L A N D Communications Services Division M anager-to $4,096/m o Police O fficcr-to $3,217/m o Secretarial Clerk Il-$ l ,924/mo Surveying Aide 1-to $2,090/m o Technician 1-to $2,360/m o For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr job information). No resu m es please. BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 S.W . 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 Apps also available at: URBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russell M inorities, fem ales and disabled encouraged to apply.