S | Ä S cugcnrt, Oregon 97403 "The Eyes and Ears o f The Community" Blacks and Science II: Operation Rescue By Professor McKinley Burt It is so heartbreaking when one en­ counters the num ber o f so-called “ dis­ advantaged” youth that I d o - in the neighborhood, on the bus, and in the park you find them, unknowing: “ W ho am I? W hat am I? W hat is my heri­ tage? W here am I going? Som e o f us have belatedly com e to understand that these young African A m ericans were “ disadvantaged” by the educational process to which they w ere'subjected*. And I use that latter term advisedly. The dilem m a o f our children moves one to recall passages from an often- quoted set o f quatrains by the famous Spanish poet, Roberto Juarroz: “ I run with w hat I was and with w hat I will be, on the race o f what I am ...and som e­ tim es I play that I pass myself. Then maybe I run in the race o f w hat I’m not...” And maybe you run in gangs be­ cause the system has failed you. No question mark should follow that con­ clusion. In the previous piece o f this series I said that here at the threshold o f the 21 st century, “ W e are told that only the scientifically literate and the tech­ nically proficient will be able to make it.” But I also asked a question: “ Can it really be true that African Am ericans stand helpless and naked before the storm ?” O f course not, and that "m assiv e Black intervention” I spoke o f is al­ ready underway in some innercities around this nation. It is true that these responses are geared to varying con­ cepts o f time rem aining and the im m e­ diacy o f c a tastro p h e-b u t the im portant thing is these events are in motion, and the remedial efforts are directed at the heart o f the problem , i.e. the “ Educa­ tion System ” for our children. In this respect, I hope that you will draw from my “ Perspectives” colum n on the in­ side page some very significant exposi­ tions o f * ‘Educational E xcellence’ ’ that will support the more general points I make here. As before in these pages, Chicago and its “ com m unity control” process is given in example. Greer Debuts by Nathaniel J. Baker, Jr. In reference to ‘ ‘response” m echa­ nism s that are in place and already making a significant nationw ide im ­ pact, there can be no better model pre- Ron Herndon sented than that com m itm ent-driven organization, ‘ ‘National Association for Schools o f Excellence.” Having held its first m eeting in O regon in 1988, this group o f dedicated, nationally recog­ nized prinipals has responded to the crisis in a m anner m atching the urgency o f the situation. Last week there was m ailed to every school principal in the state o f O regon a how -to-do-it book, “ Partners For Success: Business and E ducation” . This book detailed the successful operation mode o f each of the 22 dented educators in the organi­ zation. This “ manual o f intervention” was accom panied by a video which gave graphic exposition o f the keys for suc­ cess in successively educating low- incom e and minority youth. An excel­ lent narration by sym phony conductor Jam es D ePriest wove the threads o f the individual vignetted into a coheren t and impressive presentation. “ Partnership” was indeed the word, for the produc - R“ »> 7 ERVER PORTI. Volume XX, Number 23 r 25