Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 13, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    June 13,1990 The Portland Observer Page 7
First-Time Emanuel Scholarships
Awarded To N.E. Community Residents
When John Pham enters Ore­
gon State U niversity in the fa ll o f 1990
to begin pre-med studies, he w ill be
going w ith encouragement and a com ­
mitment from Emanuel Hospital & Health
A jo in t e ffo rt by the Emanuel
M edical Center Foundation and Eman­
uel Hospital & Health Center w ill result
in four North/Northeast neighborhood
residents receiving a $1000 scholarship
fo r each o f their four years o f college.
The students are comm itted to pursuing
a healthcare career. Pham, w ho lives on
NE A insw orth, currently has a 3.8 grade
point average at Benson H igh School, is
Treasurer o f the National H onor Society
and is an avid tennis player. He also
spends tim e at the Veteran’ s A d m in i­
stration M edical Center, where he has
learned about w orking in a hospital en­
“ I am exposed to many pa­
tients and I enjoy w orking w ith them.
Helping someone that is sick or injured
makes me feel like I am a part o f the
medical team. That makes me feel I
have contributed to the com m unity,” he
The scholarships are an out­
growth o f an idea first developed by the
hospital's C om m unity Liaison Forum.
Members o f that group, made up o f
church, business, neighborhood and civic
leaders, thought the establishment o f a
healthcare scholarship scholarship would
be a positive signal to the com m unity
that the hospital was interested in help­
ing local students. The o rigin al plan to
have one scholarship was expanded to
four when the Foundation offered to
fund tw o scholarships, and challenged
the Adm inistration to match them. Other
scholarship winners are D avid T rinh, N.
Delaware St., from W oodrow W ilson
High School; and from Benson High
School, Jennifer Halvorson, NE 72nd,
and David Nguyen, N E 27th.
T rinh, who plans a career in
Pharmacy, w ill attend the U niversity o f
the Pacific in Stockton, C alifornia.
Halvorson and Nguyen w ill m ajor in
Pre-medicinne at L in fie ld College and
the U niversity o f Portland respectively.
S a y You S a w It In The . . . .
Portland Observer
Support Our Advertisers
Three-Day Festival Stern-
The Columbia Gorge Lions Club
and the Port and C ity o f Cascade Locks
are making preparations fo r the Return
o f the Stemwheeler to Cascade Locks
fo r the summer season. Cascade Locks
is the home o f the Sternwheeler and is
owned an operated by the Port o f Cas­
cade Locks.
A three day festival is again planned
fo r this occasion. The dates o f the
Festival are June 15,16, & 17th. There
w ill be over 60 Food and C raft Booths
plus W ine tasting in the P avillion. A
fun Center w ith rides and games w ill be
operating fo r children 12 and under.
There w ill be plenty o f free parking.
Handicap parking w ill be provided.
There is no charge to v is it the Festival
and listen to the continuous entertain­
ment. Some o f the entertainment is as
follow s: Better Gravy Band, The Ray
Lem ley Band, The M t. Hood Tim ber-
liners, Round-up Fiddlers, Colum bia
Brass, Three H its and A Miss, Second
Balcony Jump, The Conleys, and the
Red Bandana.
The M ountain Men w ill have a Fur
Trading Encampment on Thuinder Is­
land which is accessible by crossing the
Foot Bridge on the Festival Grounds.
The M ountain Men w ill have over 30
Encampments. They w ill be wearing
Buckskin and period d o m in g and w ill
demonstrate life as it was in the Black-
smithing, Tinsm ithing, W ood W o rk­
ing, M aking o f Leather Clothes, Jew­
elry M aking, and Period Cooking.
The Stemwheeler Days Parade is
scheduled fo r Saturday, June 16, to
start at 11:00 a.m. at the Charburger
and end on the Festival Grounds at the
Port o f Cascade Locks. Groups are
coming from afar to participate in the
A Costume contest w ill be held.
The Costumes w ill be in the 1890 pe­
The famous Cascade Locks M u ­
seum w ill be open fo r our visitors.
The Stemwheeler w ill have Brunch
Cruises on Saturday and Sunday at 10:00
a.m.and at 12:30p.m. Reservations are
required fo r the Brunch Cruises. The
phone number for the reservations is
(503) 374-8427.
A Gambler's Cruise on the Ster-
wheeler is scheduled fo r Friday and
Saturday N ig h t from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m.
No reservation is needed fo r this event.
The times o f the Festival are F ri­
day the 15th, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.,
Saturday the 16th, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00
p.m., and Sunday the 17th, 11:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
Friday, June 15
2:30-6 p.m.
King Neighborhood Facility
(King Elementary School)
4815 NE 7th Ave.
Public Employment Opportunities
Women and Minorities encouraged to participate!
Portland's major public employers will be there!
• Take adavantage of immediate openings
(applications will be on hand!)
• Come talk to employers about jobs and careers
Sponsored by the City of Portland
Co-sponsored by:
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