Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 13, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4 The Portland Observer June 13, 19<M)
N ews A round T own
T h is W e e k in H istory
T h is w eek o f June thirteenth to
nineteenth, I w ill describe the d ila to ry
m oves on to President Johnson.
Senators' fin a l reactions, sum m arized
p rogression o f the C iv il R ights B ill
thro u g h Congress.
J u n e 15-The C iv il Rights B ill suffers a
in an h o u r-lo n g speech to Congress,
included these tw o pleas:
-B a rry G o ld w a te r cla im e d to be
setback, w hen the Senate rules out an
u nalterably opposed to d is c rim in a tio n
o f any so rt", yet decided to vote against
the C R b ill on the basis th a t-a c c o rd in g
to h im -p a rts o f the b ill " fly in the face
o f the C o n s titu tio n ". He said p u b lic
a m endm ent—the "p u b lic accom oda­
tio n s" se ctio n --w h ich w o u ld outlaw
d is c rim in a tio n in hotels, restaurants,
and o th e r p u b lic-se rvice places.
The vote was 63-23 against the
a d d itio n o f the amendm ent. Leaders o f
the fig h t to defeat the b ill included
Senator B a rry G old w a te r, w ho w ent on
accom m odations o f B lacks and equal
e m p lo ym e n t title s were a threat to
in d iv id u a l fre e d o m (perhaps his
in d iv id u a l freedon o f abusing B lacks
to lose the race fo r president in 1964
(against Johnson), and Senator Eugene
M c C a r th y ,
in fa m o u s
M c C a rth y is m "c o m m u n is t fin g e r­
w o u ld be h in dered!)
(G o ve rn o r W illia m Scranton o f
Pennsylvania broke in to say that
G o ld w a te rs o p in io n on the b ill is
p o in tin g " trials.
17-T he
unfortunate, as it w ill k ill his chances at
defeating Johnson. A nd, indeed, he lost
C iv il
R ig h ts
B ill
experiences another b lo w : in another
a tte m p t by the Senate to slo w dow n the
passing o f the b ill, Senator Strom
T h u rm o n d , a dem ocrat fro m South
C a ro lin a , comes up w ith another few
am endm ents.
E very
proposed amendm ents was voted dow n
by Senate members.
J u n e 18-The C iv il Rights B ill fin a lly
makes its w a y past the Senate, and
to Johnson.]
-Senator R ich a rd Russell, a dem ocrat
fro m G eorgia, said "the m o v in g fin g e r
is w ritin g the fin a l act o f the longest
debate and the greatest tragedy ever
played out in the Senate o f the U nited
H m m m , R ussell...equal rights
fo r persons o f every c o lo r is a great
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