Page IX The Portland Observer June 13, 1990 The Port Of Portland A, * » Diversity, challenge and growth are yours as an employee of the Port of Portland. The Port provides career opportunities for qualified indi­ viduals in Administation, Aviation, Maritime, Engineering, Realestate, and skilled crafts,. For information on current position vacancies, contact the Port's Job Hot Line at(503)231-5478. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ^Thousands o f ^warding Careers begirt at TCC Choose now from a selection of over 80 career programs and be ready to start your training this fall. PCC has a campus near you and classes that meet days, evenings and weekends to suit your schedule. And remember..PCC is AFFORDABLE!!! Tuition costs are low. Financial aid is available tc those who qualify. Most PCC programs are approved for veterans’ training. c. ' It takes more than Bus Drivers to run a Bus Company It takes more than drivers to run a bus company. It takes mechanics, secretaries, financial analysts and managers, transit planners, equip­ ment managers, customer relations specialists, service attendants, supervisors, management personnel, marketers and public relations personnel. literally hundreds of specialists in dozens of fields. Almost all of the jobs in the transit industry require specialized or tech­ nical training Training that is available in technical and trade schools, community colleges, military schools, and four year college programs. Contact your closest PCC Admissions Office now at: A career in public transit can be rewarding, satisfying and fun. So. talk to your high school or college counselor today You may qualify for a career in public transit tomorrow. Cascade Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth St. Rock Creek Campus, Washington County, or Sylvania Campus, Southwest Portland. Wf. Hb ’ GOING YOUR WAY C-Trun is ,111 Equril O pportunity Employer BUSINESS I u rin e r slave H ld d v M aann IM|M- | mu | iH .a in e w« a llh v l»v , Hiving and se llin g land in h is A ng e ll's Sh«- traveled In < a liln rin a in I MS I a n il m anaged In siip|M»rt her la in ilv and sav«- a nd invest in prn|«erlv (»V w o rkin g as a nurse a n il n iK lw ile Mason d n iia te d laud In («la« k « lin n h« s s< I h m i I s . a m i n u rsing (m ines she visile«, p riso ne rs s iip iN irtiil (|« nn , vi « Inns, am t h i«*«I sin i . i I s e rv ile s lor « liiltlr c ii Hi‘lore I m << n n in itf the tirs i liin .il« l>l.i< k Amen» .in n« Madame C .I. W a lk e r lm .7 I'H 'i w.«rk««l Inr IM ve.irs .is ,i w a s lie rw n in .iii In she h im u te il th« W alker M e tlim l l««r Ire .itiiig .m il a lin e n l in s n ie tii s will« li I n *« ,n,l<* m i |m|>nl.n the M e C I W a lke r Manilla« lu rin g (■«»inpaiH was e sta lih sh e il eventnallv e n ip liiM iig UNNI w orkers W alker sup|»nrti-«l th«' NAAt I' and Im ines (nr Ih«' .ig«-«l sin- prn\i«le«l s« ln ila rs lu p s at I nskegee Palmer Mi ninrial Insti,ut«- and fnunde«l an a« .i(l« tnv (nr g irls m WT sl Ain« a Barbara G ardner Proctor No matter how big vour sm.dl company is, chances arc. vout insur­ ance is coming up short. All be cause, tor better or worse, vour coverage is designed to suit the largest possible market lor the small­ est possible premium. Not anymore Instead ol asking vou to accept the most suitable aver age solution, BlueCrossand Blue Shield ot Oregon now oilers vou a simple choice ol programs vou can customize to fit your company and employees perl’e ttly Now one phone«.ill gets vou .ill the lx*st options, .di from one com­ pany Exclusively. Contac t vou, agent or broker, or your Blue Cross and Blue Shield ol Oregon rcprcM iitativ But c.dl today O ur new plans i an make a mighty big diflereni e lot any size sm.dl business Y MONSTER COOKIE COMPANY IS Ute pres«,cut loiiiir her a« hi<*vemeiils Well known in i,i« ksnuville Florida, as llw angel «», inenv Far,ha M M White I IM7». |!i74 » hrljred finance lier extensive m m tai M u lt i ­ work wit,i profit* from a series «», small hnxinesM-s am, real estate investments White was a « barter metnlier «», th«* National Negro Business h-agm- am, M*rwd as its historian With A Philip Randolph sh«* hH prd organize the 194 I march on Washington a protest against gd) diM rim i nation In I9JM she fonniled die Clara White Mission whi< h be« ame the head«,uarters «», s««veral agen« ies am, provided relie, sennes h» thiHisands o, blai k people during the Depression New insurance, plans for some of the biggest names . in small business. BURGER Blue Cross Blue Shield Your w ry own personal insurance compui îy C o n s id e r in g y o u r c a r e e r p la n s ? C o n s id e r S ta n d a r d I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y O (andartl Insurance Company Is a grow­ ing. financially strong mutual Insurance company. W illi Ils home office located In the heart of downtown i ‘ 'Jand. Standard provides well over a .nousand Jobs In Oregon alone. When Llacks were breaking into the fashion industry in die ,960s N aom i Sima tb 1949, was one o, the hrs, successful hla« k models to appear in major fashion magazines throughout the work, Sims retired from modeling in 1973 to write her best-selling book on health and beauty for black women and to establish a wig manufa« luring « ompanv She started another company in I960 to produce a line «>, fragrance products known as Naomi Were an Equal Opportunity Employer with career opportunities for lots of different people with lots of different skills. Our motto Is Dedicated to Excellence" and we really arc. Standard employees enjoy a competitive benefits package, an employee fitness center and wellness program, a promotc- from within policy, college tuition reim­ bursement. and flexible hours. Commitment to excellence, it's a way of life at Standard. If It is for you, too. then rhaps you should thlnit about a career with us. s t i l l i 11 f i f i f l “ ■ ««-»I I t H t 114 COAWANY PORTLAND. OSIOON Dedicated to txcellence for Polteyvwnen Call S tan d ard 's J o b H o tlin e at 2 4 8 -2 8 8 4 for cu rren t op p ortu n ltlca. It's a good p lace to work. 11OO S.W. S ixth A venue Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 0 4 2 4 8 -2 7 0 0 I MMMM i HMMI