P > I * June 13,1990 The Portland Observer Page 15 Observer Salutes Excelling Student Small Business Management I Program Success in business doesn't come easy. Managing a business can be ex­ citing. but also Coni using. I hei e are many questions Io be answered. M ak­ ing the m i ting decision can be costly. The Small Business Management I Program is designed lor those in d i­ viduals planning on starling their business \i ¡(bin the nest (i months or lune been in business less than 1 year. I bis program consists on 54 hours o f instruction and 12 hours of individual counseling. I'he cost of the entire program including mate­ rials is S I99.01». Classes start Nmember 14tli. Enrollm ent is lim ited. To register and for more in fo r­ mation, please contact the Small Busi­ ness Development Center, 273-2828. "Attitude Skills For The Profressional - Enthusiasm And Leadership" Taisha Taylor, Taisha Taylor, an eighth grader at Portsmouth, holds a consistently high grade point average, and is presently a 4.0 student. She has received many awards due to her exceptional academic ability. " Attitude Skills For The Professional - Enthusiasm and Leadership" will be offered Thursday, November 2 from 7- 10 p.m. at the PCC Rock Creek Campus. "Attitude Skills For The Profes­ sional" is a series offered dealing with taking responsibility for your life and becoming the person you've always wanted to be - you! This session is co-sponsored by the PCC Small Business Development Center and the Small Business Administration. Peggy Sumner Owner (503) 289-0205 231 N. Lombard Sutta 200 Portland, OR 97217 The Port’s three largest industrial parks where over 175 firms provide jobs for more than 16,000 people, and the site of the Port’s new 458-acre Portland Inter­ national Center airport business park. The free tours depart at 9:30 a.m. and at 1:00 p.m. from the parking lot behind the Lloyd 700 Building, 700 N.E. Multnomah .near Lloyd Center. Reser­ vations must be made in advance by calling the Port’s Public Affairs De­ partment at 231-5000, extension 208. This tour is recommended for individu­ als or groups of up to six people and children nine years old and older. The Port of Portland also offers other group tours of Portland International Airport or marine facilities. Call for details. "In's And Out's O f Writing A Pro­ posal" will be offered on Thursday, November 2 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Oregon Association for Minority Entre­ preneurs, located at 847 N.E. 19th, Port­ land. This session deals with successful methods of writing a proposal. "In's And Out's of Writing A Pro­ posal" is co-sponsored by the Small; Business Development Center of Port­ land Community College, the Oregon Association for Minority Entrepreneurs and the Small Business Administration. The cost of this session is $15. To register or for more information, contact the Small Business Development Center at 273-2828. The largest floating dry dock on the United States W estC oast-a major part of the West Coast’s most modem ship repair yard. A m erican Red Cross One of the marine cargo terminals which handle more than $7 billion in trade each year and support local businesses. The Port is fifth in the U.S. in auto volume. In addition to containers, Port­ land led the nation in 1989 lumber exports. Thank you for giving. Again and again. GIVE BLOOD, PLEASE + American Red Croes M C D O N ALD ’S R A Y KROC A W A R D RECIPIENTS HONORED A T JEFFER­ SON, M A D IS O N , ROOSEVELT H IG H SCHOOLS PORTLAND, OREGON-1990 gradu­ ating seniors April Garrett of Jefferson High School, Aaron James Wood of Roosevelt High School, and Jennifer Jo McLaughlin of Madison High School were this year ’ s recipients of the Ray A. Kroc Youth Achievement Award. Stu­ dents who win the Ray Kroc Award have earned the respect of both faculty and peers, and exemplify the character­ istics, persistence and determination of the founder of McDonald’s Corpora­ tion, Ray Kroc. Recipients were selected to receive the award by their high school teachers and counsclors.Senior Class President April Garrett was presented the Ray Kroc Award by Mr. Howard Hayashi, owner/ operator of the McDonald’s of Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., amid cheers and applause from fellow students at the evening ceremony. April has been ac­ tive as Outdoor School Jr. Counselor, Peer Advisor, Vice President of Spirit Club, and member of the Human Rela­ tions Committee and the Academy for Future Educators. She plans to attend Ttiition Scholarships For Graduate Students One of the fastest growing airports on the W estC oast-Portland International Airport, which handled more than 6 million passengers and nearly 135,000 tons of cargo in 1989. The airport has undergone expansion and remodeling this year, adding the new short-term parking garage, international facility, and the Oregon market. Free public bus tours of the Port of Port­ land are scheduled every Saturday, June 2, through August 25. During the three-hour, narrated tour, the public will see: Open to Public 9-6 - Delivery/Service College credit will be available through a televised course offered through Portland State University’s Division of Continuing Education this summer. The 3-credit class, Teachers Tackle Think­ ing, will air Saturdays at 8 a.m. on Ore­ gon Public Broadcasting from June 9 to August 24. The 12-wee telecourse is of­ fered for Education credit on a pass/no pass basis at graduate or undergraduate level. Course fee is $180 and textbooks are $25. Content, learning, thinking skills and acquisition are the objectives in the series designed to challenge the balance point at which students leam how to think while having plenty to think about. The series was produced by the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin-Madison in 1988 and is valuable for both elementary and sec­ ondary teachers. Programs include de­ veloping effective thinking, classroom climate, deductive and inductive rea­ soning, and problem solving. For registration and informa­ tion about this course call in Portland 725-4670. Toll-free in Oregon 1-800- 452-4909 ext. 4670. Toll-free outside Oregon 1-800-547-8887 ext. 4670. Ad­ vance registration is encouraged. Course requirements will be sent to students upon registration. Graduate-level students who are admitted to study this fall at Oregon’s state-owned colleges and universities- including Portland State University-have a new opportunity to save on the cost of their instruction. Yearly tuition scholarships of up to $2,328 for full-time graduate stu- dents-based on academic merit instead of financial need- - are the result of funds make available to PSU and to other Oregon State System of Higher Educa­ tions schools through the Oregon Merit Program. “ This is the first major tuition savings program made available for graduate students at Portland State,” according toC. William Savery, interim vice provost for graduate studies and research. In addition, Savery empha­ sized that this program is also available to admitted graduate students studying parttime at PSU. Further, one in four of the new tuition remissions at PSU is being made available to under-represented minori­ ties on the basis of merit, according to Barbara Williams, assistant director in the university’s Affirmative Action Office. Deadline to apply is July 2. Applications and information may be obtained in PSU’s Office of Graduate Studies, Room 303, Cramer Hall. Tele­ phone (503) 3423. PORT OFFERS FREE SUMMER BUS TOUR B e a u ty & B a r b e r S u p p lie s PSU Offers Education Telecourse: Teachers Tackle Thinking Engineering SR. SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS & SYSTEMS ARCHITECTS Let’s Get Right To The Point Central P oint Software has become the w orld leader in PC U tility Software by p ro ­ viding our talented staff w ith a stim ulating e n v ir o n m e n t tha t has en- a b I e d th e m to p ro d u c e such highly acclaimed p roducts as PC Tools™. Our ag­ gressive expan­ sion plans have c re a te d a s u b ­ stantial num ber of im m e d ia te o p e n in g s fo r s k ille d p ro fe s ­ s io n a ls to de­ velop our next generation of software based on the new GUI interface for W in­ dow s and P re s e n ta tio n Manager. We are seeking profession­ als capable o f taking con­ ceptual ideas and Im ple­ menting them into prod­ ucts. You’ll be challenged to develop superior MS-DOS b ». and/or WINDOW software in a professional C, Assem­ bler and/or C+* environ­ ment. Requires a BS or MSCS, EE or equiva­ le n t d e v e lo p ­ ment experi­ ence, and significant expertise In prod­ uct development in an MS-DOS en­ vironm ent. Located Just m in­ utes from dow n­ to w n P o rtla n d , we o ffe r excep­ tional o pp o rtun i­ ties fo r p ro fe s ­ sional and p e r­ sonal grow th in a casual work environment. Mall or Fax your resume to C entral Point Software, 15220 N.W. G re e n b rie r P kwy., #200, B e a v e rto n , OR 97006. (503)690-2221 FAX. For questions, call Bob Clay COLLECT at (503)690-2217. Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em­ ployer. P rincipals only, please. Aaron Wood has been a member of Drama Club, Pep Club, French Club, Student Council, Amicae peer helpers, received a perfect attendance award and has worked on assemblies and drama productions. He has also been active in the community through participation in the St. Vincent De Paul food drive, Red Cross Blood Drive, Project Second Wind and United Way. He accepted the Ray Kroc Award at the annual awards as­ sembly and plans to pursue a career in computer-aided drafting. 1990 Rose Festival Princess Jennifer Jo McLaughlin of Madison High School received her award from Mr. Rich Weinstock, owner/operator o f the McDonald’sof3330N E82nd. Jennifer has also been on Varsity Rally, served as Student Body President and Sopho­ more Class President, and for three years was captain of Madison’s Walk America team.She plans to attend Port­ land State University. E X C IT IN G O P P O R T U N IT Y TO JO IN A CREATIVE, SUCCESSFUL HOSPITAL TEAM AT THE SENIOR MGMT LEVEL, THAT IS C O M M IT T E D T O Q U A L IT Y C A R E . REQUIRES 3 YRS HOSPITAL MGMT EXP AT A D M IN IS TR A TIV E LEVEL. APPLICABLE BACHELOR’S DEGREE, MASTER’S PREF, & ADMINISTRATIVE MGMT EXP IN SIMILAR SIZE HOSPITAL W/RESPONSIBILITY FOR PATIENT CARE SERVICES, SPECIFICALLY N U R S IN G S E R V IC E S . RN R E Q U IR E D . QUALIFIED APPLICANTS ONLY. BECOME COMPUTER LITERATE ! i r ¡ i O » " ,* * Vs . ? 1 \ «*. i . . .... ’T - PROGRAMS ETC. Tutoring PC Programs -W ordperfect -Basic Typing thru Building R-Base Lotus PC-DOS Learn how to keep your OWN Personalized Bookkeeping System! 652-8589 We are Proud to Serve Our Community W ith H ealthcare C areer O p p o rtu n itie s Many of the people who help deliver Emanuel's high quality medical care are residents right here in our own neighborhood. Emanuel works with local schools and service agencies to provide job training, scholarships and opportunities for careers in healthcare. Emanuel—helping to make our community strong. E m a n u e l H o s p ita l & H e a lth C e n te r A Luther an AfftluMtd Center o f C anng 4 H cvllcncc Health ü ß frn i 2801 North Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227 HOLLADAY PARK MEDICAL CENTER Call Human Resources -3117 1225 NE 2nd Ave. Portland, OR 97232 LEGACY I lenllli St/Uewi Equal Opportunity Employer t - V • , ’ ... •• rA 'i A»* »K'.-' Í i’JJ 1 -- • £ 3 »•* X *’ ¡# r? -H r •’ £ ’?■ A Proposal" ASSISTANT ADMINISTRA TOR PA TIENT CARE SERVICES I Central Point Software /.vr NURSE the University of Portland, and to major in secondary education. ■> • : Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer Office# (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015