June 13,1990 The Portland Observer Page 13 Portland Observer Careers for the'90s Bi « 1 L spedai edition 1 V Which Way for Oregon’s Youth? Cosmetology Medical/Dental Aerospace Arts Communications Armed forces I f you have the ability and the desire to lead, there's a place for you with the armed forces. Computer Technology "Communications is afield that requires flexibility—you should have skills to work in sales, ad­ vertising, t.v., radio, newspaper, and marketing. It's like one-stop shopping. A degree would help, -Ulysses Tucker, Jr., T.V. Pro- ducer/Freelance Writer According to the statistics compiled by the Portland School District fo r 1989 high school graduates, o f the 2,744 who graduated, approximately 1,800 indicated they were going to college. Simply speaking, this means almost1,000Portland area youth sought training and/or employment careers in a somewhat promising market in the northwest. This year's graduates are expected to increase by approximately 8%-10%, and according to forecasts, will bring with them some o f the skills and training mandated by employers.