May 30, 1990 The Portland Observer Page 5 R eligion Scripture o f the Week: Ezekiel Chapters 31-32 i f ill * • ■ > 4*. The Gospel Message From the Pulpit of Dr. T.L. Lewis, Pastor of Morningstar Missionary Baptist Church "Give Me This Mountain" (con’t) Its alright to claim the m ountain, if you have been faithful. But don’t think that a mountain is just a bed o f ease. Farmers consider mountains to be un­ profitable ground; so, w hoever would choose the mountain must be prepared to meet the demands; whoever would choose die mountain m ust be ready to confront the challenge. If you choose the m ountain, you must choose the challenge. If you choose the mountain, you m ust be w illing to go where others have not gone before. If you choose the mountain, you must be w illing to do w hat others have left undone. Now, therefore, give this mountain. You see once you have received the, d o n ’t think that it is time to set back and be idle. D on’t think its time to set back and rest on your past victories, for along with mountaintop rewards comes moun­ taintop responsibilities. Caleb was aware that there were some difficult days ahead. For the land was still inhabited by the giants, and not only were they giants, but they were giants with great fortified cities. They were giants who were worthy of battle. They were mountaintop giants. But still, C aleb’s request was * ‘Give me this m ountain;” for we knew, that by the grace o f God, he could conquer any enemy. By the grace o f G od, he could turn mountaintop giants into molehill trivialities. He knew that, “ If God be for you then who could be against you?’ ’ So armed with the grace o f God, he was ready to confront the challenge of mountain top giants. Roberts/US West to launch Voter Registration Secretary o f State Barbara Roberts, by M attie Ann Callier-Spears in conjunction with US W EST Direct Flesh, Self is that giant that thinks and O regon’s thirty-six county clerks, mountains are for making rulers and will kick off a major voter registration potentates; however, it is just the oppo­ effort on June 1, 1990 at the State site. M ountains are not designed to Capitol. make us lords over others. M ountains US W EST D irect will unveil the first are designed to increase our ability to o f 19 Oregon telephone directories that serve. M ountains are designs not to will contain two pages o f voter registra­ make us dictators but to make us dis­ tion information and a facsim ile of the ciples. Oregon voter registration card. O rego­ When you get to your mountain, don’t nians will be able to cut out the card, sit and rule, but stand and survey. Survey complete it and mail or deliver it to the the situation to see how you can best appropriate county elections official serve Christ by serving one another. listed in the directory. The first o f the Benjamin Franklin in his autobiogra­ customized telephone directories is for phy said that, “ the m ost acceptable Salem/Keizer. Distribution of the di­ service o f God is doing good to m an.” rectory will begin May 30, 1990. In his coronation broadcast, o f May 12, Oregon is the third state in the coun­ 1937, King G eorge V said, “ the highest try to promote voter registration through o f distinctions is the service to others. ’ ’ the US W EST Direct telephone direc­ The next giant that we m ust confront tories. “ In Oregon, we strive to pro­ and conquer, if we are going to live vide a direct and clear path to the ballot victorious lives on the mountain, is the box,” said Secretary Roberts. “ This giant called O V E R C O N F I D E N project will place an Oregon voter reg­ C E . He is subtle and crafty. He knows istration card in the hands of 1,083,000 that it takes wisdom to recognize him. households and 552,000 businesses It takes wisdom because there is a thin across the state.” line between being fully confident and PA R E N TS A N O N Y M O U S over confident. You se e -a ll o f us need confidence. We have confidence in the of Oregon abilities that God has given us. W e are Child abuse killed 28 Oregon chil­ not likely to go very far w ithout confi­ dren last year! You can help end this dence. And you sure can ’t conquer tragedy; as a volunteer telephone crisis giants w ithout confidence; however, counselor or children’s group specialist when you becom e over-confident, you for Parents Anonymous you will help are treading on dangerous ground. families build healthy, happy relation­ However, when you become over-con­ ships. Extensive training is provided. fident, you are treading on dangerous Call 238-8819 by June 20th for more ground. information and help stop the cycle of - T O BE CO N T1N U ED - child abuse. Charles L. A llen, one o f the prom i­ nent and prodigious pulpiteers o f this present age, says that, in the bible there are three distinctive definitions of grace. First o f all: G race is mercy and love is God. Secondly, Grace is the winsome attractiveness o f God. And thirdly, Grace is G od’s strength to overcome in any circum stance. C aleb knew that, with the strength of G od, he could overcome the giants o f the m ountain, so he requested, “ Now, therefore, give me this m ountain.” Those o f you who have com e to claim your mountain ‘today’ are you pre­ pared to m eet the challenge? Like Caleb, you too must conquer your giants. There are som e sweet fruit on the mountain but, before you can enjoy the fruit o f the land you have to conquer the giants that live on the mountain. You rem em ber when Caleb and Joshua, along with 10 other spies, were sent out from the wilderness o f Kadesh- B am ea to spy out the land. And they brought M oses back a portion of the fruit. It was so good until they said, “ surely this is a land flowing with milk and honey.” You see, there are some rew ards to be found on the mountain. B u t-y o u can’t enjoy the mountain fruit until you conquer the mountain giants. W ell, w hat are some o f these Giants that you must conquer before you can enjoy the fruit o f the land. The first giant you m ust conquer is that giant called, I (Ego, Flesh, Self). He is perhaps the largest and most pow erful giant of them all. I, Ego, Cash Burial Life Insurance Plan R o n ald G ene W ashington, J r . "LaRon," as he was known to friends passed away Sunday, May 27, 1990. He is survived by his parents Ronald G. Washinton Sr. and Fidelia Collins; two sisters, La Tonia and Anika Williams; and one brother Terrill Washington. Grandmother Joyce Washing­ ton; Grandfather Duane W ash­ ington; G reat Grandparents- Wilbert Perry, Frieda Murry, Ralph & Virginia Brown and a host of cousins, aunts, uncles, neices and nephews. Services will be at Maranatha Church 4222 NE 12th Ave. at 1:00 pm Friday June 1, 1990. Caldwell’s Colonial Chapel N .E . 14th & Sandy •232-4111 Ronald Gene Washington, Jr. (1971-1990) MRS C’S WIGS ï 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. Maranatha School of Ministry 6:30 P.M. Mid-Week Services - Wednesday R ev. W e n d e ll H . W a lla c e S e n io r P a s to r 7:30 P.M. ‘A Teaching Church ‘W ith JT R eaching M in istry . MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH D r. Ja m e s E. M a r tin , S e n io r P a s to r 116 N .E . S chuyler • (503) 284-1954 3 M ORNING WORSHIP SERVICES 8:00 A.M. - W ORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M. - W ORSHIP SERVICE 12:30 P.M. - W ORSHIP SERVICE C H U R C H S C H O O L : S A T U R D A Y M O R N IN G 9 A .M . T O 10 A .M . B IB L E S T U D Y : 10:30 A.M. -1 2 NOON - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY R a d io M in is tr y Each S u n d a y , 8.00 A M . - K B M S * Reception immediately following H U N D R E D S O F W IG S w a n t th e g re a te st BAR-B-Q in to w n BETTY C A B IM PAOPA'ETO1’ TUIS-SAT 11130-4(00 Go to Doris' Cafe 3240 N. Williams Portland, OR 97212 GMC INTERIORS NAOM I SIM S • B O R N FR EE • M IC H A E L W EEK S Hours: Tues.-Sat. 11 a m --10 pm Specializing ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS In Custom W in d o w Fashions And Flooring EVERYTHING FROM CURRENT STYLES T0 SPECIALTY W tS UNDUE HAH ORNAMENTS HAF BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLJES 287-9249 MRS. C'S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETTS ZURI COSMETTS 281-6525 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) _ .. „ BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS BRAIDING D e s ig n e r F a b ric s - M in i & V ertica l B lin d s - r „ , P le a te d S h a d e s - Cabin Crafts Carpets Congoteum Clours & WEAVFG P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 212 C a ll: (503) 281-0SS5 U n it y o f Love- NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH M orning W orship 11:15 am Y.P.W.W. 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 pm Where we preach Jesus Christ We teach the Bible We reach out and care for people F ree estimates in your home 283-5440 Hair Weeving Is The Thing For Everyone!!! Some Like Cosmetic W eeve . . . Others Might N eed A Corrective W eeve . . . You M ay Just Want To Look Good!!! Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 pm Thursday Pastoral Teaching 7:30 You are invited to worship with The New Testament family. ¡lours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Mon- Fri 10:00 am - 2 :00 pm Saturday or by appointment 6720 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. 1237 NE Failing Sunday School 9:30 am 2401 N .E . riLiX'.f«i i? • >. Jewel Thomas Rosie Dean ‘ M .L .K ., J r . B lvd . 100% HUMAN HAF FOR If So Give LONNIE A Call at 283-5440 E ld e r L eon B re w e r P a sto r 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. lesus Loves You! iW llW Iitf N .E . E ig h th A v en u e ( c o m e r o f 8 th & S k id m o re ) P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97211 Call 284-7594 - ■ r Sunday School FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES CHICKEN o ut it you 2. Sunday Services WHOLESALE & RETAIL b u t d o n 't f. K Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy R. Patton Ms. Valerie A. Patton and Elder and Mrs. Leanell Adams invite you to join with them in asking God’s blessing upon the holy union of their children Judith Monica and Steven H. Adams on June 9th Nineteen hundred and Ninety Four o’clock in the afternoon at Grace Memorial Episcopal Church 1535 N.E. Seventeenth Avenue Portland, Oregon Watch for our m ailer fo r fu rth er details or call today fo r your fre e Personal Arrangement Guide PORK it d o w n 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon dietieving that marriage, is ordained by (jo d . • Cash benefits from $1,000 to $10,000. • Pay your benefieiary or the funeral home of your choice • 5 and 10% growth plan options • Underwritten and administered by Homesteaders Life Company, Des Moines, Iowa BEEF it up HURCH I f ‘W ccvin g Is n 't y o u r T h in g ! (503) 287-0261 L e t's ‘D o ‘W h a t E v e r y o u r E ia ir D e sire s! P hillip S. Nelson, Pastor