i \¿ & B î K w m m HEE vë MH^SfSiö M ay 2 3 , 19ÿû 1 he Portland Observer Page 5 R eligion Scripture o f the Week: John Chaper 10 The Gospel M essage From The Pulpit O f Dr. T.L. Lewis, Pastor o f M orningstar M issionary Baptist Church ARANATHA HURCH by Mattie Ann Callier-Spcars "Give Me This Mountain" May 13,1990 First o f all, we want to set the scene by sharing with you the setting within the context o f the text. The time is ap­ pro imately some 45 years following the mass exodus o f the children o f Israel from the bondage o f Egyptian slavery. M oses, the law -giver and the servant o f G od, is now dead. The m antle of leadership has been placed on the shoul - ders o f his assistant, Joshua. Through a m ultiplicity o f events and diversity o f mishaps, the people of Yahweh have finally arrived at the prom ised land. Through many trials and tribulations, they have finally ar­ rived in the prom ised land. After the passing o f a generation, they have made their way to the land flowing with milk and honey. Now, it cam e time to distribute and divide the land among the tribes. In Chapter 14, Verse 1, we find that this responsibility was given to Joshua, the head o f state and Eleazar, the head of the church. Joshua, G od’s man in the political arena; Eleazar, they divided the land by casting lots, and wherever the lot fell this was the land that they would receive. That way it would be no argum ent over who got this part or that part. (You know how we tend to fuss and fight when it com es to giving out- shares o f something). Some folk can ’t enjoy what they have because they are so busy worrying over w hat others m ight get. The second reason why the casting o f lots was chosen that no one could accuse Joshua or Eleazar of being un­ fair or partial. W e, som etim es, like to call it playing favorites or picking and choosing. H ow ever, when it came to Caleb, he said “ There will be no lot for me, I have the right to choose the land that I want; therefore, give me this m ountain.” Now C aleb was not being disagree­ able. He w asn ’t trying to cause any trouble. He had a right to his mountain. God, through M oses, had promised him Cash Burial Life Insurance Plan • Cash benefits from $1,000 to $10,000. • Pay your beneficiary or the funeral home of your choice • 5 and 10% growth plan options • Underwritten and administered by Homesteaders Life Company, Des Moines, Iowa Watch fo r our mailer fo r further details or call today fo r your free Personal Arrangement Guide Caldwell’s Colonial Chapel that mountain 45 years earlier. Caleb had been faithful, and for his faithfulness God had prom ised to re­ ward him with the very land he had been sent to spy out. So--there he stood waiting to claim that which had been promised him. Some o f you have labored faithfully in the vineyard. You have been faithful to your calling. You have been a faith­ ful steward. You have rolled up your sleeves and given your best for the cause of the Kingdom. And now, you are ready to stand alongside Caleb and lay claim to your mountain. If you have been faithful, then, like Caleb, you have a right to this m oun­ tain. M ountains belong to the faithful. Mountains belong to those who walk in the w ill and word of God. Before we continue any further, let us get a working definition o f what mountains really are. Before you lay claim to something, it's best to know w hat it is. Before you request some- thing, you ought to know something about i t First o f all: m ountains are high and lifted up. Yet, they did not lift them­ selves up. They have been lifted up by the maker o f mountains. Secondly: m ountains are usually stable and hard to be rem oved out of their place. As long as they are rooted and grounded, in the word o f truth, they shall not be moved. M ountains don’t run from church to church, they are not carried away by every whim of doc­ trine. Thirdly: m ountains are considered to be places of refuge, places of de­ fense. A mountain is difficult to over­ take. Your enemies can ’t run rough­ shod over you when you have a moundan for a stronghold. M ountains can also protect you from the floods o f life; for when the waters of adversity began to rage, mountains will protect. To Be Continued Region VII Joint Gala Day Conference Tickets will be available fo r each event at the door. • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL. WEEKS BETTY CABINt PROPRIE T O “. TU IS-5A T 11 »30-6 KX) □E ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHING FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WKS UNDUE HAF ORNAMENTS HAF BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES 3240 N. Williams Portland, OR 97212 Rev. W endell H . Wallace Senior Pastor MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH D r. James E. M artin , Senior Pastor 116 N.E. Schuyler 100% HUMAN HAF BRAIDING & WEAVFG Wigland bUthie's ib-it BBQ Sauce KZ Call 289-1479 [744 N E M organ / Portland, Oregon 97211 R u th ie S ay s : "Please Say No to Drugs" One o f theNorthwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs andHairpieces For All Nationalities Eva Gabor • Naomi Sims • Renee of Paris Synthetic & Human Hair For Braiding & Weeving Mon.-Fri. 10 A.M.-6 P.M Saturday 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M.’ Cleaning & Re-Styling Near Lloyd Center Jewel Thomas Rosie Dean Unity o f Love. 282-1664 1105 N.E. Broadway 6720 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH 1237 NE Failing Morning Worship Sunday School 11:15 am 9:30 am Evening Worship Y.P.W.W. 8:00 pm 7:00 p.m Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 pm Youare invited to worship with The New Testament family. Where we preach Jesus Christ We teach the Bible Ve reach out and care fe’’ - 283-5440 Hair Weevlng Is The Thing For Everyone!!! Some Like Cosmetic Weeve . . . Others Might Need A Corrective Weeve . . . You May Just Want To Look Good!!! If So Give LONNIE A Call at 283-5440 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Elder Leon Brewer Pastor Call 284-7594 • (503) 284-1954 Reception immediately following BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS but don't 287-9249 7:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy R. Patton Ms. Valerie A. Patton and Elder and Mrs. Leanell Adams invite you to join with them in asking God’s blessing upon the holy union of their children Judith Monica and Steven H. Adams on June 9th Nineteen hundred and Ninety Four o’clock in the afternoon at Grace Memorial Episcopal Church 1535 N.E. Seventeenth Avenue Portland, Oregon Saturday, May 26 9:30 p.m. -1:30 a.m. GALA DAY BALL (Music by Ray Dell and Friends ) 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) Doris' Cafe Mid-Week Services - Wednesday 'Betieving that marriage, is ordained by (fo d . (Kick-off at Memorial Coliseum, The Hon. Mayor Bud Clark. G rand Marshall) FOR Go to 6:30 P.M. Radio M inistry Each Sunday, 8:00A M . - KBMS Friday, May 25 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. TALENT PAGEANT Friday, May 25 9:30 p.m. - 1 :30 a.m. DISCO (Music by Nate "The Great" Griffin) Saturday, May 26 10:00 a.m. PARADE [~~281-652S Hours: Tues.-Sat. lla m -1 0 p m Maranatha School of Ministry (Keynote speaker, Supt. of Parks, Charles Jordan) MRS. C'S EBONY ESSENCE COSMEriCS want the greatest BAR-B-Q in town 10:30 A.M. B IB L E S T U D Y : The public is invited to attend the following events at the Red Lion Inn and the Parade: Thursday, May 24 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. PUBLIC PROGRAM ZURICOSMETCS CHICKEN out if you Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. -1 2 NOON - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES PORK it down 9:00 A.M. U 3 0 P .M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E C H U R C H S C H O O L : S A T U R D A Y M O R N IN G 9 A .M . T O 10 A .M . Six states in the Region will be represented at the Conference: Alaska, Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. Beauty & Barber Supplies BEEF it up Sunday School 3 M O R N IN G W O R S H IP S E R V IC E S 8:00 A .M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E 1 0 4 » A .M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E May 24-17, 1990 Red Lion Inn, Columbia River Portland, Oregon MRS C’S WIGS P eggy S um ner O w ner (503) 289-0205 Sunday Services (C WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS 231 N. Lombard Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon ’JA Teaching Church 'With JA Teaching Ministry. The Prince Hall Shrlners of Oregon, Mina Temple #68 will host the N.E. 14th & Sandy’ 232-4111 O p e n to P u b lic 9-6 - D e liv e ry /S e rv ic e 11 î t i j l I f ‘W eaving Is n 't y b u r 'I h in g ! L e t's ‘D o ‘W h a t L v e r y o u r t i a i r D e s ire s ! lesus Loves You! 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 P hillip S. Nelson, Pastor