V ■„ » . i », - , «a -* •» *, «. v * « » * •» »*» !»»«<■< *<•« * - - - - -i M LÍI i I l TW " Page 4 T h e Portland Observer M ay 23, 1990 S hades o f L a ce 's P o p u la rity A S hade O f T h e Past Pulse & Im p u ls e A M u lt i- C u lt u r a l M e e tin g Portland Opera to Present Show Boat Commencing June 16 o f th e M uses SHADES O F LACE, on the W ing/Polydor label is a female trio -- and yes, the inevitable has happened. W henever a three-m em ber girl group com es on the music scene, the nam e o f a legendary D etroit group of the ’60s pops up. Com parisons are made and the girl group is automatically labeled as this year’s or this decade’s “ new ” Supremes. However, Vivian Ross, Kathy M errick and Lisa Frazier? W ell, these W ashington D.C. natives are taking it all in stride. speedy Best Cash Prices S e rvice DAD’S OIL. SERVICE Heating Oils F r ie n d ly 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 C a ll fo r Q u o te !!! OREGON Brenda P h illip s A nd A n th o n y P. Arm strong Pulse & Im pulse, the upcoming celebration of Portland's multi-cultural m odem dance com m unity, will feature not only new dances, but also several new ly c o m m issio n e d sc o re s by O regon-based com posers, including African American Terry Snowden and Ghanian m aster-drum m er Israel Nii Annoh. Four years ago, the multi-talented Keith goodman also landed at Jef­ ferson. K eith is a dancer, a chor­ eographer, a dance instructor, and a fashion/w earable art designer. His father was in the Air Force and, like m ost m iliatary kids, by the time he graduated from high school, he had been influenced by life in many parts of the U.S. and the Philippines. It was in the Philippines that he discovered a talent for fashion, becom ing an apprentice tailor at the age of 12. M t. H o o d Jazz F e s tiv a l COMPANY P R E S E $ 3 $ $ The Portland Opera, known for keep­ ing with its long standing tradition of presenting outstanding entertainm ent announced today the hit musical Show Boat will be presented at the Civic A u­ ditorium starting June 16. M ore than ju st a medley o f favorite tunes, Show Boat offers a powerful historic and social significance that accounts for its many revivals and has captivated audiences in its many appearances. The O pera has solicited the services o f Dr. Darrell M illner, of Portland State to develop a piece on that angle for the program. In addition Show Boat has given Portland O pera the opportunity to work with a num ber o f new singers (in addi­ tion to the m any principal roles who will be w orking Portland for the first time). The show dem ands a fairly large chorus, at least half of which are Afri- can-A m erican. A large part o f this section o f the chorus was recruited through formal auditions in October and January. This has provided the O pera the chance to work with m usi­ cians who come from an entirely differ­ ent musical tradition, enriching its ex­ perience as well as theirs. These new chorus members are dedi­ cating significant portions o f their lives to this work. Rehearsals, already under­ way, will easily exceed 80 hours. Add to that time spent for costum e fittings, m akeup instruction . . . all o f this time in addition to their regular jobs. These p eo p le -tra v el agents, teachers, bus drivers, m others, dancers, aerobic in­ stru cto rs-h av e indeed bitten off quite a chunk. All for the chance to bring Show Boat to the Civic Auditorium main- stage. When the curtain rises, this ensemble will open the show and continue to carry the most significant part o f the w ork’s choral music. They will re­ hearse and sing alongside such people as Consuelo Hill (Q ueenie), a former music teacher who has made the role hers at Cleveland O pera and played in numerous Broadway and O ff-Broad- way productions, Sherman Ray Jacobs (Joe), who is rapidly becom ing one of the most prom ising singers on the oper­ atic stage today, and Cris G roenendaal (Gaylord), who just finished playing the title role in the Broadway Phantom o f the O pera. The June 16 performance will begin at 7:30 PM. Additional perform ances will be held on June 17 (2:00 PM ) and June 1 8 -Ju n e 23 (8:00 PM). >1* Multnomah County Library Friends Gallery W May 12 - June 3 Call 690-7328 Anita Baker will be the Main attraction opening night at the Mt. Hood Jazz Festival. For additional info, call the main office at 666-3810 while tickets are still available. presents A S TR O N G E R SO U L W IT H IN A F IN E R F R A M E MAY 7 ■ JUN E 2 0 Portraying O p r a h W in fr e y S tars O n African-Americans in the Black Renaissance Friends Gallery Third Floor Rotunda Central Library 801 S.W. 10th Ave., Portland E b o n y Jet Showcase . * fi * fi * fi fi fi fi fi fi fi * fi fi fi fi fi * fi fi fi * fi fi * fi fi fi fi ♦ fi ♦ fi I * * * * * fi fi fi : ♦ * * # « * * * « : « * * ♦ * « * i ♦ « : * ♦ * * DANCING WITH DOC TH€ TV SHOW O N SATURDAY, MAY 2 6 6 P.M. - MIDNIGHT $15. Advanced Reserve ( thru Ticketmaster) $17. At-the-door SALCM ARMORY AT THE FAIRGROUNDS TICKETS AT G.l. JO €S T1CKCTMASTCR (SI 5 per ticket plus SI .00 convenience charge) TO 8C TCICV1SCD AS A ONE-HOUR SPECIAL TH C Possible Guest List National: Mid& Ploy Sir Mix-ft-tot ftar Deoux Milira €ozy € local: Crazy 8’s Romeo ll-Krew flight Hype New Generations Tonya ATI Digital Underground M.C Hammer Calloway I.C Jay NlUft M k helle lfl DOC Toneloc * * ♦ fi * * ♦ fi fi * fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi ♦ fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi ♦ fi fi ♦ fi * * ♦ * * fi * fi * ♦ ♦ * * * * * * ♦ * * fi fi fi #***♦* ★ ♦***♦*♦**♦♦♦*♦*- a i '*>»**•#****♦♦♦*♦♦****♦******♦♦*♦♦ ★ *♦♦♦*♦*♦*****♦***♦♦♦♦***♦*♦*♦**♦***♦***♦*♦♦♦♦**♦♦***♦♦♦*♦**♦♦*♦*♦ «£ I Award-winning TV talk show host and actress OPRAH WINFREY takes center stage on a special edition of EBONY/JET SHOWCASE this the weekend of May 25th-May 27th (consult your local listing for date and time. 31 NW FIRST 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 M ay T hurs . 24 B ig H ouse F ri . - S u n . 25 - 27 C razy 8 s M o n . 28 BBC & M other J ones T ues . 2 9 D ub S q uad W ed . 30 fcoisiN D ubh KEYLARG O 3 1 NW FIRST 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 S upport O ur A dvertisers’ Say Y ou Saw It In The Portland Observer!