Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 16, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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May 16, 1990 The Portland Observer Page 5
R eligion
S c r ip tu r e o f th e
W e e k:
tPsabns 37:4
i I IH*
Love and Marriage . . . Hate And Divorce: Conclusion
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
So far, marriage, as a whole, has
been an honorable estate. Instituted by
God. Ordained by JesusChristofNaza-
Yes! Love is wonderful; but, hate is
lying, in wait, on the other side of the
coin. As humans, we are prone to allow
ourselves to be led by our feelings-
only. When this gigantic head-rush
called “ love” has been interrupted by
what we think and feel is a violation of
our marriage, we are ready for a di­
vorce. You are apt to hear things like,
“ He is not the same person anymore,”
or “ I don’t know what is wrong with
her-she just sits around and mopes all
daylong.” Then, as an alternative, you
hear those famous words, “ Why don’t
we just get a divorce and get it over
with?” Hmmmm! Whatever happened
to, “ I promise to love, honor, obey,
cleave only to her/him as long as we
both shall liv e. . . to love and cherish in
sickness and in health; for better or for
worse; for richer or poorer?’ ’ Marriage
is not something that you wear like a
loose garment. Something you can re­
move when the mood hits you. As with
a covering that becomes uncomfort-
able-too hot from heat, as in the sum­
mertime. * ‘Wives fit in with your hus­
bands’ plans; for then if they refuse to
lighten when you talk to them about the
Lord, they will be won by your respect­
ful, pure behavior. YourGodly life will
speak better than your words.” [I Peter,
3:1-2]. And then the Scripture speaks
to the husband, “ You husbands must
take care of your wives, being thought­
ful of their needs and honoring them as
the weaker sex. Remember that you
and your wife are partners in receiving
God’s blessings, and if you don’t treat
her as you should, your prayers will not
get ready answers,” [I Peter, 3:7]
Words of wisdom to both the hus­
band and the wife: “ You should be like
one big happy family, full of sympathy
toward each other, loving one another
with tender hearts and humble minds.
Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t snap
back at those who say unkind things
about you. Instead, pray for God’s help
for them, for we are to be kind to others,
and God will bless us for it.
If you want a happy, good life, keep
control of your tongue. Guard your lips
from telling lies. Turn away from evil
and do good. Try to live in peace even
if you must run after it to catch and hold
it! For the Lord is watching his chil­
dren, listening to their prayers; but the
Lord’s face is hard against those who
do evil.” [I Peter, 3:8-12]
Don’t be envious of one another’s
gifts or abilities. God has given each of
you some special abilities; be sure to
use them to help each other, passing on
to others God’s many kinds of bless­
Pray ye one for another.
In times of trouble, pray.
In times of joy, PRAISE.
In times of sorrow, pray.
Never let there be an
interruption in your
prayer line to God.
There is a definite order in marriage.
Number o n e-is God. Number tw o -is
the husband. Number three-is the wife.
Number four--are the children. Num­
ber fiv e-is our church. If we could just
remember this order of importance, in
our marriage we would have fewer prob­
lems. “ Husbands, love your wifes,
even as Christ also loved the church,
and gave himself for i t . .. “ [Ephesians
Husbands, never withhold any good
thing from your wives out of anger or
envy. “ B u t-if any provide not for his
own, and specially for those of his own
house, he hath denied the faith, and is
worse than an infidel.” [I Timothy 5:8]
Wives, never withhold your bodies
from your husbands and use your love
as leverage. “ Wives, submit your­
selves unto your own husbands, as unto
the Lord. For the husband is the head of
the wife, even as Christ is the head of
the church: and he is the savior of the
body.” [Ephesians 5:22-23]
The Scriptures are packed full with
answers to our every needs and prob­
lems. B u t. . . before they become un-
surmountable-seek help from a Bible
teaching, spirit-filled counselor or pas­
tor or saint of God.
If you are just looking for someone
to take sides with you, you will not
resolve your problem. You will only
add to it. Remember that you are ONE.
The two of you must leant to put off the
old selfish ways and think as WE. When­
ever a situation arises, the question
should be—"H ow will this affect us?
Will my mate be happy with this deci­
sion? How would I feel if he/she did
this to me?” If you are truthful, in your
response, your decisions will be re­
warding not only to you but to your
spouse, as well. Just remember that you
are not longer an indi vidual.but you are
now a UNIT. Yes! It means giving;
but, it also means taking. Taking a lot
of sudden mood changes. Taking your
meals being cooked a little differently.
Don’t worry, she’ll get it straight.
Taking clothes being thrown about.
Taking the little things in life that
sometimes make you want to explode.
If you have Jesus, in the right position
in your marriage, you can make i t
Husbands, you’re the heavy. Yes!
Gospel Concert
To Lift Voices
Appreciation Reception
One Church, One Child of Oregon
will be honoring Don Frazier, former
Minority Liaison Director of Chil­
dren Services Division at a Apprecia­
tion Reception on Thursday, May 31,
from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at
Maranatha Church located at 4222
NJ2. 12th.
Mr. Frazier was appointed Minor­
ity Liaison Director in 1985. In June
of 1986, Mr. Frazier and Matt Farah,
the Minority Adoption Specialist for
Sunday, May 20,1990 at 6:30 p.m.,
the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church’s Jubilee
Choir will present its annual gospel
concert. There will be songs to satisfy
all those who come to hear, enjoy,
listen, clap their hands, to praise the
Come early for a good seat Tapes
will be sold iimmediately following the
program. The concert is at 116 NE
Schuyler, Portland, or call 284-1954;
Ms. Tercita Hamilton, President and
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor.
the state brought the One Church,
One Child program to the attetnion of
state administrators and pastors, the
program was fully endorsed in May
of 1988. On September 26, 1988,
One Church, One Child of Oregon
became a reality. Don Frazier is
Minister of the Mt. Sinai Community
Baptist Church and a member of One
Church, One Child Board of Direc­
Onward and nearer rides the sun of May;
And wide round, the marriage of the plants
Is sweetly solemnized. Then flows amain
The surge of summer's beauty . . .
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Coke and M inute M aid...They arc helping fund Apartheid...with $30 mil­
lion per year. What might just be a soft drink to you is helping to repress count­
less Africans.
Unity of Love-
Many of the burdens will fall on you.
Why? B ecause-youaretheheadofthe
household. You are the head of the
family. You are the head of your wife.
When you said, “ I do!” , and the minis­
ter said, “ I now pronounce you man
and wife. What God has joined to­
gether let no man put asunder,” prior to
that announcement, you made a lot of
promises. And now, God is going to
hold you for it.
Wives, obey your husbands as Sarah,
for instance, obeyed her husband Abra­
ham , honoring him as head of the house.
And if you do the same, you will be fol­
lowing in her steps like good daughters
and doing what is right; then you will
not need to fear or dishonor your hus­
Pray ye one for another. In times of
trouble, pray. In times of joy, PRAISE.
In times of sorrow, pray. Never let
there be an interruption in your prayer
line to God. In every good thing-give
Remember to love and be loved, by
one another. No one ever remains the
same, physically. If you don’t let your
carnal self override your divine self,
you will be able to weather a many
storm with your spouse. An illness may
cause your spouse to not be able to do
the things with you as before. The
illness may alter your spouse’s appear­
ance. This should not change the way
you love this person-rem em ber your
vows, ” . . . in sickness and in health.”
If you are looking for a perfect person,
I am very sorry for you. For, you will
be very unhappy and disappointed.
And, your disappointment and unhap­
piness will be self-induced.
The Golden Rule says, “ Do unto
others as you would have others do unto
you.” We are certainly changing, with
each passing day; so why should we
have one set of rules for ourselves and
another set of rules for our spouses? Be
Get to know your woman. Get to
know your man. Don’t just have that
carnal love, love one another as Christ
loves us. For when that carnal love
dissipates, let God’s love take over and
sustain you 'til the end of your days.
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
It is not proud, it is not rude,
It is not self-seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight itself in evil,
But rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
Always hopes, always perseveres.
[C orinthians 13:4-7]
New Hope Celebrates 38th Year
The New Hope Missionary Baptist
Church will celebrate its 38th anniver­
sary on May 24,25 and 27. On the 24
and the 25, services will begin at 7:00
p.m. The worship services will be con­
ducted by guest churches from the
community. On the 27th, the close-out
service will begin at 3:00 p.m. The
guest speaker will be Rev. Robert
Ranaway, pastor of the Tabernacle Mis­
sionary Baptist Church of Seattle,
Washington and Tabernacle’s Mass
Choir. The theme of the celebration is:
A church built on a solid foundation
[Isaiah 28:16].
The public is cordially invited to
come out and join with the members of
New Hope as they celebrate this joyous
Sharon Thornhill, is the Program
Chairperson and Rev. Walter Brown is
Buffalo $2.99
w o N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd.
A lle n T e m p le C .M .E . C h u r c h
F estival ot M usic
Date: Sunday, May 27, 1990
lime: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Place: Allen Temple C.M.E. Church
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11:15 am
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D r. Jam es E. M artin , S en io r P asto r
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10:30 A.M.
4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue
(c o m e r o f 8th & S k id m o re)
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6:30 P.M.
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:30 pm Pastoral Teaching
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