Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 16, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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May 16, 1990 The Portland Observer Page 3
N ews A round T own
F estival
Robin Marks, 1st African American Rose Festival Queen, 1980
playfully poses beside other Festival royalty.
African American Festival
First Annual NW
Gospel Jubilee
at the
Schnitzer Concert Hall
1037 SW Broadway
Portland, Oregon
Saturday,June 16,1990
7:00 p.m.
Tickets are on sale for $9.50
and $15.50 each. Prices
include user fee and service
charge. When ordering 10
or more tickets, the prices
are: $7.50 and $13.50.
Onward and nearer rides the
sun of May;
And wide round, the marriage of
the plants
Is sweetly solemnized. Then
flows amain
The surge of summer's beauty . . .
Rose Festival time is a very exciting
time at Del’s Care Center. We choose
six lovely ladies to represent Del’s.
From this court, one lucky lady is cho­
sen to represent Del’s in the main pag­
eant. This wonderful tradition of hav­
ing an annual Rose Court was started by
Oregon Health Care eight years ago.
Each nursing home in Oregon has the
opportunity to select a court and a prin­
cess. The princesses from each home
then goes on to compete for the royal
court and queen title.
Friday May 4 began as a very busy
day for Doris Bell, Parthene Higbee,
Zora Robinson, Anna Schaab, Doris
Simmons, and Ida Smith. Each lady
was dressed in her best dress with hair
done and make-up applied. They each
were escorted down the aisle while a
social history was being read. Each
were placed in a chair facing the audi­
At last Ihe big moment arrived, Barbra
Murphy, last year's senior Rose Festi­
There was cheering and excitement as
friends and employees went to con­
gratulate Doris. Doris being aphagic
(not being able to speak), showed us her
happiness with tears of joy followed by
a great big smile. She then was graced
with her royal robe and her bouquet of
roses. Then it was picture time.
Doris was bom on August 8,1929 in
Cameron Texas. This is where she was
raised, married and had twelve chil­
dren, six boys and six girls. As the
years went on Doris was blessed with
32 grandchildren. Even with this huge
family, Doris still found time for a pro­
fessional career as a hospital dietician.
She also was very active in her church.
Doris has been with us at Del’s for
nine months. She is always very friendly
to everyone. She has made many friends
and won the hearts of our employees.
Doris enjoys being around people and
attends activities daily. We are glad
Doris has chosen Del’s as her home.
Princess Doris will now go on to
val Princess from Del’s and overall
queen for the state of Oregon was to do
the crowning. She had the crown in
hand as she paced slowly behind the
ladies. Doris Simmons was crowned.
compete at the Sheraton Inn at the Air­
port on May 29 at 2:00 p.m. for the
Royal Court and queen selection.
We wish her all the luck in the world!
Congratulations Doris.
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(Dei's 1990 Senior %ose Court
A frican A merican
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Del's 1990 Senior Rose Court: (front low, left to right) Parthene
Higbee, Rose Princess Doris Simmons, Doris Bell.
(Back row, left to right) Zora Robinson, Ida Smith, Anna
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