**•«»»€ l o 1 he Pui (land O b serv er M ay 16, 1990 J obs / C lassified A dvertising POLICE OFFICER PAYROLL TE C HN IC AL INSURANCE CONNECT WITH A CAREER IN CABLE Portland International Airport Th« Port ot Portland is recruiting lor Police Officers to ba responsible lor the protection ot life and property at Port ol Portland international Airport, to ensure the convenience and well-being ol the public while traveling through airport lacillties and to respond to the needs ol airport tenants in a prompt and professional manner URIC A N A LY M The Port o f Portland has an immediate ope n tn f tor a HRJC Analyst to provide adhoc reports relating to ail facets o f Hum an Resources Management and la­ bor costs and to ensure payroll related liabtlines are paid in a timely manner and are properly docu­ mented ■h'li'WMiM Sabryrwnge: 447,964 to ¿62.124 P A R A G O N Overseeing a housing s ta ff o f 30. the D ire c to r o f Housing initiates a n d d ir e c ts c ity -w id e h o u sin g programs that preserve and expand th e C ity o f P o rtla n d ’s h o using inventory. Qualified applicants should: • Be capable ol learning to operate various equipment associated with police work (I e firearms, patrol car -adios. camera resuscitator. typewriter, teletype, e tc ) c • Be in good physical condition and within acceptable height and weight limitations • Be willing to attend training and in-service schools as assigned and be certified by BPST within one year ot hire date as a condition ot continued employment MASTER CONTROL SUPERVISOR A p p ly In p a rso n by May 18,19 9 0 to: 3075 N E SandyxBlvd Portland, OR 97232 M in im u m five-years exp erien ce w ith de ve lo p m e n t o r u rb a n re­ newal agency and involvem ent in public housing projects. The position requires a combination ot highly developed interpersonal and public relations skills and the ability to perform all aspects ot police work Candidates will be selected tor interview on a competitive basis Record Clerk/Driver For an a p p lic a tio n p a c k e t, please c o n ta c t. 1 )1 A / " * If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office 700 N.E Multnomah, 14th Floor Applicants residing outside the tri-county, metropolitan Portland area and Clark County may request application materials by calling (503) 231 -5000 extension 700 Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of a Port of Portland application, but may be included All application materials must be received by 5:00 p m Friday, May 25. 1990 Women and minorities are encouraged to apply If X I‘OK'I \\|) Provide records processing for vehicles to the Coordinator of Delivery Serv­ ices; plus carry out delivery, receiving, for Co-op Purchasing and vehicle main­ tenance programs as assigned. Appi. Deadline: 5/25/90 by 2 p.m. Call 255-1501 Jeaneen, for Multnomah Education Service District application form and additional information or come to Multnomah Education Service Dis­ trict, Recruitment Office, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland. An Equal Opportunity Employer >1 1 ! 20 S \\ Eitch Ave . Portland, O R 97204 >4 , , |S|., < (»MMISSION rih .i.s a n EqualOp|>ortunity Employer GOVERNMENTSEIZED vehi­ cles from $100. Corvettes, Chevys, Porsches, and other confiscated properties. For Buyers Guide 1-(800) 448-2562 ext. 3600. Also open evenings & weekends. Port of Portland The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer 3k I (t d o e s not m a tte r w h at v o u r financial . n atio n is now You can start th is m oney m ak in g p ro g ra m at h o m e in yo u r sp are !j! t r w ith less th in $1500 In a few sh o rt ks vou will ee th e cash start to roll i ’m e you p u t th is m o n ey m aking ¡J* II. IT 'S U P T O Y O U Your life can ch an g e now by taking sim ple action. O rd e r my m oney m aking pro g ram today a n d see for yourself. All you have to d o is follow th e step-by-step procedures I provide you w ith It will only take you ab o u t an h o u rs read in g tim e to m aster th e pro g ram If you can see you rself being rich, you will be rich! I m ake it easv for you In clu d ed in mv Adm inistering the biweekly payroll, liability, and tax reporting cycles to ensure accuracy, va­ lidity o f payment, and proper cash management o f Port funds. 8. M aintaining up-to-date w orking knowledge o f all wage and hour laws and tax reporting and collection requirements. Ensures Port com pli­ ance and informs appropnate Port personnel o f changes in laws. I. 5: 6. 8. 9 - Mark Preston 145 Wolf Road Suite 700 Albany, NV 12205 Zip Please ado $2 (M) to h e lp »w e r the postage and h a n d lin g « l» s ts o f V P ,!’’ .D A ltlja l 1990 M P Associates N906B Developing and executing curriculum programs meeting tri-county scfvxil educational stan­ dards. Supervising the training, workload, in-service, and evaluation of Community' Relations pro­ grams anJ staff to keep abreast of latest inform a­ tion and developments Supervising and presenting all types o f C om m u­ nity Relations programs and tours. Supervising the planning, implementing and scheduling o f Port M obile Classrooin trailer pro­ gram. Supervising, designing, and conducting walking tours through Portland International A irp o rt and bus tours through Port marine facilities, Portland Ship Repair Yard, and industrial prop­ erties. Supervising total design, scheduling and prepa­ ration o f special marketing events Supervising planning and details o f Port em ­ ployee tours. A ctin g as liaison w ith school administrators, other related publics, and media concerning Com m unity Relations programs. Supporting Public Affairs staff as requested - including representing the Port for Speakers' Bureau. Training in human relations management skills College course work in education or equivalent experience College course work in communications, m ar­ keting. or related area Demonstrated ability to supervise and coordi­ nate activities o f support staff for com m unity re­ lations programs. Demonstrated effective public speaking ability Demonstrated ability to develop communic.i tio n programs and curriculum for education programs. Demonstrated teaching ability at all age levels Previous work in public relations, com m unica­ tions, or marketing field. Valid Oregon or W ashington driver’» license In ad litio n to a starting salary range of $21,104 to $235 ,8 per year, commensurate w ith experience, the Port offers a comprehensive Iv n e fit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment O ffice, 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th fhxir. Applicants residing outside the tri-county, Portland m etropolitan area, ( lark County, and physically disabled applicant» may re quest application materials by calling (503) 2 31 5000, extension 700 A l, application mu»t he ie coved by Friday, May ¿5. |990 it 5 00 pm O R D E R TO D A Y M a r k P reston I ht i ’" t ! i ' .m I qi. ’ ( IpfMirtMnMy P referred q u a lific a tio n s in clu d e: I am so sure that my m oney m aking pro­ gram will w ork for you, I am going to offer you a g u d iaiu ee iliat n o o n e eise can. ‘iou eith e r raise $15,000 u sin g my m oney m aking system , or I will sen d vou a cer­ tified check for 550.00. T hat's right, $50.00 just for giving my m oney m aking program an h o n est try. T he o n ly reaso n I can offer you a g u arantee like this is because I know you are going to m ake alot of m oney copy­ ing my m oney m ak in g system . So m uch m oney that I am puttin g u p $50.00 to prove it to you. Its th at sim ple. You have nothing to lose an d ev ery th in g to gain. T he risk is m ine. 145 Wolf Road S uite 700 Albany, N ew York 12205 c o m p u te riz e d T h e successful candidate will be responsible for: $50.00 C A S H B O N U S It is not too late for you to start m aking m oney w ith my pro g ram . Do not be sto p p ed by yo u r fears T he single m ost lim iting em otion in you is th e fear of failure. I urge you to fill o u t the coupon below a n d sen d it to m e today. 1 will do ev ery th in g in my p o w er to see that my m oney m aking program w orks for you. There is no risk on your part. O rder Now! The su p p ly of my m aterial is lim ited O rd ers will be filled o n a first-com e, first- serve basis D o n 't m iss th is o p p o rtu n ity . I may not offer it ag ain . To order, sim p ly fill o u t th e coupon below, or w rite your n am e a n d address on a piece of p a p e r a n d en close $20.00 p lu s $2 tor sh ip p in g a n d sen d it to: in 1 he Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a C om m unity Relations Supervisor to develop and im ­ plement public relations and educational programs to increase public awareness of Port activities and community impact and benefits 7. N a m e ____________________________________________________ ____ . 7. C oni m uni tv R elations Supervisor 1 A d d re s s ________________________________________ Slflfel C onducting project analysis as directed by HR1C Manager 4» Port of Portland m an u al is my u n listed telep h o n e nu m b er for you to call an y tim e you n eed help. I g u aran tee th a t w ith in a w eek of u sing my m o n ey m aking m eth o d you will see th e cash start to roll in. W ith my m oney m ak­ ing system , y o u r success is guaranteed! O K Mark I want to make big bucks b\ copving vour monev making program I know I cannot lose because vour program is backed bv vour $50 CASH BONUS GUARANTEE If I am unhappv with this manual for anv reason, I mav return it for mv monev back On that basis here is m\ $20 ( Its 6. ‘ $4800 In 24 Hours! I knew tn e n I h ad discovered a revolu- tio n ary new m oney m ak in g program th at !j! \ cu ld c o n tin u e to m ake m e th o u sa n d s ot if) dollars a dav It seem ed so easy 1 asked m yself w hy everybody w asn 't rich? T hen » i t i d a w n e d on m e th at not every o n e knew . - t th is secret m eth o d of m aking ij! ie y You d o not need special train in g !*,' or even a college education for this m oney m ak in g system to w ork for vou 1 h u e vou have learn ed how to u se it. u m oney w orries will he over tor life. a ill have financial secu rit\ an d peace i,m id T his m oney m ak in g system is j riis tlv legal a n d a m a z in g h sim ple It s n o th in g to d o w ith real estate th e •if stiAk m arket o r gam blin g ot a n . rin d W ritin g advanced report programs against the C E H , HRS, Labor and Payroll files. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employm ent O ffice, 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tri-county, Portland m etropolitan area, Clark C ounty, and physically disabled applicants may re­ quest application materials by caling (503) 231- 5000, extension 700 M l applications must be re­ ceived by Friday. May IP, 1990, at 5.00 pm. 4 ¡; T H E SE C R E T R E V E A L E D 5. In addition to a starting salary range o f $25,337 to $28,975 per year, commensurate w ith experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. YOU COULD EARN UP TO ,j! Analyzing, proposing, testing, and im plem ent­ ing HR/Payroll system programming and proce­ dural changes and enhancements. Knowledge o f data processing systems. 2 Dear Mark, I ordered your program 3 months ago and started using it the day I got it. To sav the least 1 was shocked at the results. Last month I deposited over $11,000 In my bank account. Thank you so much. N.C., Stuart, Florida Dear Mark, When I first saw your article I had my doubts. I said to myself I might as well try it, at least i l l be $25.00 ahead with your guarantee. Well, your material changed my life from being flat broke in July to practically a millionaire in December! If lean do it, anyone can. J.S., San Diego. CA Dear Mark, Before I ordered your money making method, I was slaving away cutting lawns for $4.00 an hour At 19 years old my future looked bleak. Last week I made over $14,000 in less than 20 hours of work. I am the envy of all my friends. Thanks for a new life! [B ., Loudonville, N Y 4 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications tor Medical Claims Analysts This position is responsi­ ble tor accurate and timely payment ot Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon’s medical claims Experience necessary to perform this task will include: O ’ 1 year recent clerical work expenence in a doctor's office or hospital setting O Demonstrated knowledge of medical term inology and anatomy This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience O ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding O A m inimum ot 6-12 m onths experience using a CRT in a production oriented environment O Fast, accurate use of a 10-key calcula­ tor Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competitive salary Pre­ employment drug screening required To as­ sure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #185 at the top ot your resume or in your cover letter Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon H u m a n Resources D ept. 5 th F lo o r 100 S.W. M a rk e t P o rtla n d , O R 97201 M And Bk» Cross Equal Opportunity Employer TDD # 225-6 ’«0 Expenence in w orking w ith employees o f all lev­ els in an organization IRS is an equal opportunity employer I am su re you are so m ew h at skeptical at th is po in t. T hat just show s you have good b u sin ess sense. Read w h at a few p eo p le h ad to sav ab o u t mv m oney m ak ­ ing p rogram . Ckxirdtnanng HR1C processing w ith IT , A c ­ counting, and Port operating staff. Experience in employee compensation, inclu d ­ ing wages and benefits. To apply, mail your name and address to IRS, Personnel Branch (ConRep), P.O. Box 3341, Portland, OR 97208. You will be contacted to schedule a general aptitude test. This notice expires 6/1/90 H E R E 'S P R O O F 3. E x te n s iv e e x p e rie n c e HR/Payroll systems. Are you interested in a Customer Service job? Then 1RS has a position available for you as a Seasonal Taxpayer Service Rrepresentative. DUTIES; Provide information regarding collection procedures, general procedures, explanation of notices, and tax law to the general public. ‘ Seasonal Positions ‘ Work hours 8:00 am-4:45 pm, Monday-Friday ‘ Regular promotions *Paid classroom training ‘ Benefits QUALIFICATIONS: ‘ U.S. Citizen ‘ Two years college or appropriate public contact work. STARTING SALARY: ‘ S6.98 system to w ork for you, th e skys th e limit! You will have cash to sp e n d on w h atev er you w ant, w h en ev er you w ant it. T hink of it! E no u g h cash to finally p u t an en d to econom ic n ig h tm ares forever! Accuracy and integnty o f the H R/Payroll system tntem al/extem ul control tables and employe files. Course work or expenence in accounting pnne: pies, computer applications, payroll manage ment, and Hum an Resource adm inistration. T A X P A Y E R S E R V IC E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E S C an you picture yourself m aking at least $5000 d o llars a w eek, every week? If you < can. 1 urge you to read th is article, it could be w o rth th o u s a n d s of d o llars to vou! My nam e is M ark Preston I am 32 vears ;<■ old an d a self m ad e m illionaire. A few »• years ago I discovered a m oney m aking ,'E m eth o d th at ch an g ed mv life forever This ¡v is not just an o th er "get rich quick scheme." ,’j; T his is a u n iq u e new system th a t is in d e m a n d everyw here, yet few peo p le even know ii exists. A nyone can do it. Trust m e. If vou w ant to m ake m oney, this system is for vou. W hen I first started th is m oney m aking p rogram , 1 w as flat broke an d at least <; $10,000 dollars in debt. My family th o u g h t ; I w as crazy a n d said I sh o u ld he o u t look- j; trig for a "real job" T hat did not stop me. ' w as d eterm in ed to m ake it w ith this fan- J tastic m oney m aking plan I had discovered. I started at h o m e on th e kitchen table w ith no capital. W ithin a vear I w as taking in over $20,000 A W EEK. . . MORE TH A N A M ILL IO N D O LLA R S A YEAR. You h eard m e rig h t, OVER A M ILL IO N >; D O LLA R S A YEAR! I w en t from driv in g ¡•I an old beat u p Pick-U p to a Brand N ew !•; Lincoln C o n tin en tal I p aid for it in cash. •},' I bo u g h t a new h o m e in a prestig io u s I n eig h b o rh o o d , a w aterfro n t su m m e r cot- tage, an d a T ow nhouse in Florida. I d o not ! m ean to brag, but th ese are mv results us- ing this am az in g m oney m aking system Do not envy’ m e, join m e' 2. P referred q u a lific a tio n s in c lu d e : CUSTOM ER SERVICE ;» M aintaining analytic knowledge o f mainframe and PC based computer hardware/software op­ erations. Equal Opportunity cmp/oyer Strong skills m housing finance, and p u b lic and p riva te pa rtne r ships In addition to its comprehensive benefits package, the Port otters tuition aid program, employer-paid medical, dental and vision insurance employer-paid membership in the Public Employes Retirement System and a starting salary of $23.604 annually 1 PARAGON CABLE The Ideal C and idate Qualified applicants must also be at least 21 years ot age have U S citizenship and a high school diploma or QED (not waived) T h e s u c c e ssfu l c a n d id a te w ill be r e sp o n sib le for: a t i Paragon Cable has a great opportunity tor a Mas­ ter Control Supervisor Oversee the day-to-day activities ol 5 operators including ad insertion, playback, pay-per-view and switching for a 59 channel interactive system Work closely with our fast growing ad sales department Must have 2 years supervisory experience, 2 years electronics degree or equivalent Requires flexible hours, organizational skills, and the ability to work in a tast-paced environment This to p m anagem ent p o sitio n , re porting to the E xecutive Direc­ tor. d ire cts the w ork o f m ajor pro j­ ects associated w ith investor and single fa m ily re ha b ilita tio n loans, as w ell as low incom e housing and special projects. Position requires c o o p e ra tio n w ith go ve rn m e n ta l and p riv a te interests, in c lu d in g neighborhood-based c o m m u n ity developm ent corporations • Have the ability to work on any shift, and be subiect to possible standby in the event ol emergencies a * MEDICAL CLAIMS.*. * ANALYSTS Port of Portland L U,* P. I qi< il I '¡'I Bookkeeper Immcd. opening for full charge book­ keeper to work in a non-profil organi­ zation. Will be responsible for month- end closing. Preparation of monthly fi­ nancial statements on a computerized system. Must be able to reconcile general ledger, maintain subsidiary records, pre­ pare payroll, tax reports and benefit payments, etc.] Min.qual.: A A degree in acctg., plus 3 yrs. bkkpg exp. Be familiar with Lotus 1-2-3 and mainframe computer soft­ ware. Comprehensive salary & bnfts. Res­ ume to: Rodney R. Harry, Personnel Office, N-NE Community Mental Health, Inc., 4950 NE M.L. King Jr. Blvd, Portland, OR 97211. Closing May 21, 1990. Minorities encouraged to apply, equal opportunity employer. TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIANS The Port of Portland has an im mediate opening for a telecom m unications technician The successful candidate will be responsible for: 1 Installation, maintenance, administration, and training on voice/data communication networks, 2. Maintenance of documentation, problem logs, and hardware history for networks 3 installation and maintenance ot CRTs, data lines, modems, controllers, and printers on the data networks 4 Consulting to various Port departments on telecommunication needs 5 Maintaining a working knowledge ot Port business functions as well as voice and data technology 6 Performing projects of short duration related to telecommunications field Preferred qualifications Include: - Course work or experience equivalent to an AA degree in computer science, electrical engineering or communications, - Experience working in a voice/data environment on a technical basis is desirable. - Detailed knowledge of PBX W a stew a ter T rea tm en t Plant O p e ra tio n s M an ager $ 2 7 1 8 - $ 3 4 5 3 /m o . The City of Salem, Oregon is seeking a highly skilled individual to lead the operations unit of a large, complex wastewater treatment plant. Plant utilizes secondary treatment processes of pure oxygen activated sludge (UNOX), trickling filter and trickling filter/activ ated sludge (TF/A S). Considerable progressively respon­ sible experience in the field of wastewater treatment plant operations, managerial experience; high school graduation supplemented by technical/ college course work in chemistry, b acteriology or related field; completion o f operator's short courses, or equiv. experience and training. Possess valid Class 4 Oregon driver's license and ability to obtain Oregon certification as Wastewater Treatment Opertaor IV. Request City application at City of Salem, Personnel Dept., Rm. 255, 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR 97301. EOE. 503/588-6162. Closing date: 7/27/90 Principal Executive Manager D Personnel Operations Manager $2768-$3898 Monthly A challenging opportunity in human re­ sources at the Oregon Department of Transportation in Salem, this position is responsible for assisting the Person­ nel Manager with the direction of a large personnel office. The successful candidate will possess excellent writ­ ten and oral communication skills, good people skills, and experience managing a personnel office. To qualify: six years experience in supervision of a personnel program. A bachelor’s de­ gree or course work in a field related to management, such as Business Admini­ stration, Public Administration, or Per­ sonnel administration, may be substi­ tuted for up to three years of required experience. For recruiting announce­ ment and application, contact ODOT Personnel, 120 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., May 21, J990. AN AA/EEO EMPLOYER - Ability to read and interpret engineering plans and wiring schematics. - Solid hardware knowledge of IBM 43XX under DOS/VSE, CICS, and VTAM commands - Ability to communicate effectively with users in a customer service environment - Previous computer operating experience, demonstrating knowledge of teleprocessing, and familiarity with functional applications and terminal equipment - Ability to troubleshoot and repair or replace defective electronic or mechanical sub assemblies within CRTs, printers, and communication controllers In addition to a starting salary o, $27,821 to $31.927 per year, com m ensurate with experience, the Port offers a com prehensive benefit package If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port Employment Office, 700 N E . Multnomah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tri-county. Portland m etropolitan area, Clark County, and physically disabled applicants may request applicaion materials by caling (503) 231-5000, extension 700 All applications must be received by Friday. May 18, 1990 at 5 00 pm Port of Portland The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer i__________________________________________ Fitness Coordinator O regon S ta te U n iv ersity Duties: Administer fitness programs (instruction, fitness & education). Plan, develop, coordinate & implement pro­ gram & class offerings; program pro­ motion, supervision of internship stu­ dents in academic programs. Qualifi­ cations: Master’s degree in recreation, P.E., comm’l fitness or related field, 2 yrs. prof.exp. in fitness programming, ACSM cert, pref’d. Salary: $19,500- $22,000. Deadline: June 1,1990. Con­ tact: Thomas Kirch, Director of Rec­ reational Supports, Oregon State Uni­ versity, Corvallis, OR 97331-3301; 503- 737-3736. OSU is an equal opportu- nity/affirmative action employer and has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual career couples. LEE OWEN STONE Cooperative Preschool 120 N .E . K n o tt 9 a m -N o o n M o n - F r i. AtXEEHM fi SPRANG & SUMMER ENROLLMENT 2 1/2 to 5 yn. old M u lti-C u ltu ral C on tact Jerri 282-7081 Principal Exec/Manager A Food Service Training Manager Fairview Training Center, a large state residential training facility for MR/DD individuals, seeks a Food service Train­ ing Manager. This person manages the Food Service Dept. Inservice training program, maintains the department’s policies/procedures manual and coor­ dinates the department’s quality assur­ ance program. Salary: $2065.00- $2906.00/monthly. Generous fringe benefits. Registered dieticians are en­ couraged to apply. For application information, contact Personnel Office, Fairview Training Center, 2250 Strong Rd., Salem, OR 97310(503)378-5369 EOE FINANCIAL ANALYST SAD/Business Division Security Pacific Bank Oregon is seek­ ing a Financial Analyst. Responsible for analyzing and preparing credit and financial information, assisting Senior Account Officer with preparation of credit documentation, and maintaining account relationships. Qualified applicants will have previous financial analyst experience, prefera­ bly in a financial institution, in depth knowledge of accounting principles and financial analysis, excellent organ­ izational and communication skills, col­ lege level course work in Business Fi­ nance or Accounting, and demonstrated computer application abilities. Previ­ ous credit analysis experience preferred. As part of Security Pacific, the 4 th larg­ est Bank Holding Company in the coun­ try, we offer a competitive salary com­ mensurate with experience, excellent flexible benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please apply in person or send a resume to: SECURITY PACIFIC HANK OREGON 1001 SW Fifth AVc. Second Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 (503) 796-3878 APPLICANT HOURS: Mon-Fri, 9 am to 5 pm EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I