May 9,1990, The Portland Observer, Page 5 People For S t r o h e c k e r ’s F o r A l l S h o p p in g N e e d s W illiam D oering Because He will WORK for YOU City Dist. 3 Vote For Him It's A Vote For You On The Move Paid for by People for Doering o w n e ^ ira ^ ^ Portland’s west hills with its rapidly expanding, well-stocked grocery mart. Since 1902, the family- h , provided service and quality products to enhance its “ Customer first” , business approach. Offering a full service one S Ae few wine, cell^ . a;id floral services, among more than 44,000 items in its inventory, Stroheckereis proud most oroeing one ot the tew grocers in town who still delivers to customers. F booming hnsfeJ! res^ icted primarily to senior and the handicapped, it is a service they have extended for years, and contributes largely to their I t e - T l e r 's C ^ u i s , y l e e t o B T s a u c e '0 "1" Satlsfacnon- The business is als0 Pleased ™ h lhe introduction of a new product in i f s grocer speedy Service Stroheckets, a full union shop, employes 63 full and part time employees and is considering even further expansion. Best Cash Prices Friendly CREED OF THE BLACK PRESS I he Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from social and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color, or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. IK Call for Quote!!! i J I DAD'S OIL SERVICE [ Heating Oils | 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 \s the gap between district and circuit courts, n arnw . it become, imperative that a ib tn c t court nidge be qualified and experienced to handle a vanetv of case.. no( |ust those rKxm alh associated with dbtnct court Such a iudge is judge M id o ri Manus Judge the w o r d and you w ill see w h\ retail ung Judge Michael Manus is our best dele; e r against crime ■ Rated hrst among 15 candidates for this positxxi in the Oregon Bar Preference M l (¿ X 9 0 ) Special Price Reduction ■ One of only 9 candidates found qualified for appointment to the Oregon Supreme (k x irt bv the Oregon State Bar Board o f Governors ( L'22'90) ■ Hie nidge w ith ten wars experience as a pm tern iudge and a demonstrated commitment to fighting crime O n E xclusive U ltraw ash th e B e s t D ish w ash in g System in A m erica! ■ Drafted tlie 19H9 law which directs the Department of Corrections to provide lodges with a director, of sentencing options and a guide to their effectiveness ■ Author o f several works to ! »rip ordinan citizens use die courts without a lawier ENDORSED BY — The Oregonian r , i q - m . iv . C hirfAxige th ts x iu iu ltu lA p p e a ls George Joseph Circuit Court Judge la m b Bergman Circuit Court Judge Stephen Walker Former Multnomah Counh Sheriff, Don C brk Ttie Right to Privacy PAC M ulti Famih Housing (Council ★ Oregon State Bar leading member. •Jacob Tanzer • Don Marmaduke • Leslie Roberts THE NEEDS NO PRE-RINSE! E marcus SAVE’56 I THROUGH MAY 12 $12 KW M tUXIMAH (XX Y n IHSTRXT (XXXT M M * Paid for and authorized bv Hw Retain Judge Michael Marcus Gwnittee Mice Studies Trea surer. 2218 N F. 8th Avenue ftvtland, Oregon F 2 li NO MAJOR COMPETITIVE DISHWASHER SYSTEM CLEANS HARDER-OR WORKS BETTER! < Not everythin}; is worthy> Io/ speech, though all is worthy \ t f thought. cw- THE ULTRAWASH SYSTEM ACTUALLY CLEANS r V ho can fin d a virtuous woman? For her price is fa r above rubies. Her children arise up and call her blessed. PER MONTH-ON SEARSCHARGE SEARS EXCLUSIVE; FEATURE PACKED! • • • • • • • • • • • Cup shelf doubles cup loading capacity Upper rack adjusts up and down to ease loading America’s largest silverware capacity Fold down fences divide space, hold down larger items Deluxe utensil basket for misc. items Pots 'n pans cycle for extra scrubbing power Rinse and hold option-starts cycle at any time Rinse aid dispenser reduces spotting Water miser • Power miser— saves energy Advanced filtration system cleans the water Stainless steel food pulverizer THE WATER AS IT CLEANS YOUR DISHES! 16605 U N U tn NUHMAL WHO rll N u bUNUI I IU N 0 | INSTALLATION NOT INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICE AT&T COMMUNICATION SPECIALS! 1 (.H E A T Proverbs 31 10, 28 _ I GREAT rWYMG pOWBt POWER '¿ ^ 3 : ' ' * - AT&T YOUR CHOICE CORDLESS TELEPHONE • 2 CHANNEL SELECTABILITY • FULL RANGE OPTION • TOUCH TONE PULSE DIALING > 2 POSITION HANOSET VOLUME • 9 NUMBER MEMORY > LAST NUMBER REDIAL • AUTOOEF/ON CONTROL 9B5 . ________ X *, à 24751 ANSWERING SYSTEM WITH PHONE • REMOTE FUNCTIONS/RETRIEVE • ONE TOUCH MESSAGE PLAYBACK • CALL SCREENING • LEO MESSAGE INOICATOR • VOICE ACTIVATED RECORDING SEARS V b tr money is worth and a whole lot more. TDll^T J