Page 4, The Portland Observer, May 9, 1990 ■1 • Behind The Scenes I Behind The Scenes I Behind The Scenes I Behind The Scenes /* • Behind The Scenes / Behind The Scenes • by L isa Collins I t’s B ack to T h e H om e Base F or J a n e t Ja ck so n : “ We got away from some things but anything we might have done was absolutely unintentional.” were the words o f A&M Records president Herb Albert, as he addressed members of the black media at a recent luncheon. The occasion was to reacquaint Jackson with black media and to let them know that she (and/or A&M) had not forgot­ ten them or the black community. And they did it with style at C hasen’s - o n e o f Beverly H ill’s most elegant restau­ rants. Among those on hand were pro­ ducers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. W ord had it that while Janet’s cross­ over success was phenomenal, she wasn’t getting the same kind o f coverage in the black market. On this day, however, Albert spelled out Janet’s thrust. “ She gives back to the com m unity,” he said. "W h a t Rhythm Nation album was talk­ ing about was a chill bump. S h e's ad­ dressing what is happening in the world today and I’ll tell you that takes a lot of courage. She could have easily gone back to the future with “ Control II” . W ith that, a casually clad Jackson, who had been escorted by steady, Rene Elizondo, made her way around the room, shaking hands, greeting and tak­ ing pictures with all on hand. Fam ily M atters: Is there no end to what some people w on’t do to get a story? Even I was shocked to hear that a publication paid big dollars to Oprah W infrey’s half-sister-presently being treated for drug abuse, for revelations that W infrey (alledgedly a wild teen­ ager?) became pregnant at 14. (The baby was bom prematurely and died shortly after birth. C ’mon you guys! E veryone’s entitled to some privacy. M eanwhile, all personal matters aside, it’s business that’s keeping W infrey show the beginning o f the week and her new ABC series, “ Brew ster’s Place” , the latter half o f the week. Later this month, ABC executives will decide if the show, which airs on W ednesday nights, will make the fall lineup. W h atev er happened to * ‘Flashdance” star, Jennifer Beals? Aside from some spectacular dance sequences, one star and one star alone made “ Flashdance” a box office smash. Her name was Jennifer Beals, and she fascinated all who watched. But ju st as suddenly as she appeared, she disappeared, taking time to concentrate on her schooling. Now, Beals is back, having capped a lead role in “ Blood and Concrete,” an In o th e r casting new s, Eriq LaSalle, who replaced Denzel W ashington as Michelle Pfeiffer’s love interest in “ Love Field” , has now too been replaced, by Dennis Haysbert (who practiced voo­ doo in * * Major League’ ’). W ashington quit in a dispute over the developm ent of the character. No word yet on why LaSalle (who played Shari H eadley’s stuck-up boyfriend in “ Com ing to A m erica’ ’) was replaced . . . S h o rt T akes: Milan W illiams, one of the founding members o f the Com m o­ dores, filed suit in Los Angeles against three o f its current members. The law ­ suit seeking $150,000 in compensatory damages and unspecified punitive damages, alleges that the three con­ spired to fire him and subsequently deny him a share of profits he was due . . . Family Matters co-star Telma Hopkins shines opposite Joan Rivers in the up­ coming movie-of-the-week, “ Bad Times In Beverly Hills” , airing later this month on CBS. The TV show called Dancing With Doc, on FOX TV 49 since July 1989, is a weekly project. Party will be the creation of a four-month series, the first taped May 26,1990. The Portland Observer will have a drawing for the May 26 show. If you are 17-25 years old, call Tony Washington at 288-0033. hey 31 N W FIRST are also available for groups o f 10 or more: call 255-2783 for m ore informa­ tion. DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS D ra ft 40 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 Krowd Kontrol Theatre Review: A Couple White Chicks Sitting Around Talking by D anny Bell The play “ Couple of W hite Chicks Sitting A round T alking” is about a suburban yuppie housewife (Maude), and her new neighbor (Hannah Mae). It examines the relationship between these two women and how it evolves from an unwanted invasion o f privacy into a genuine friendship. Hannah Mae, played by Elaine G ar­ ner, is a wacky, extroverted Texan who forces her companionship upon Maude, played by Sharon Knorr her aloof and distant housewife neighbor. Eventually the play moves full circle with both women exhibiting growth and maturity. Both actresses have impressive cre­ dentials with K noff having performed in Los Angeles in a variety of venues rangin form stage to film. G am er has been nominated for the local W illie award presented by the Willamette Week for the theatre arts. The level o f their perform ance was indeed above the average community theater performance which Portland Danny Glover Hopes to Help Inner City Kids By Projecting A Positive Black Image Through Both Black And “White” Roles “ The only way to change poverty is through education,” declared actor Danny Glover, who believes that by becoming a positive black role model he can help inner city kids In an interview to be published this Sunday in Parade m agazine, Glover, who has starred in such films as “ L e­ thal W eapon” , “ The C olor Purple” , and “ Places in the H eart” , criticized Eddie Murphy for the kinds o f black images his films p ro je c t Discussing “ Harlem Nights” , which Murphy wrote, directed and starred in, G lover said, “ Once again blacks are portrayed as foul-mouthed, crap-shoot­ ing gangsters having a good time in Harlem. These are acceptable condi­ tions to m ost audiences, since w e’ve been seen often enough in these cir­ cumstances. At least in this film, Murphy allows the blacks to solve their own problem s.” A ’60s activist who still believes in those ideals, Glover decided to use his acting talents to pulverize such stere­ otypes. “ I realized I could use art to create change,” he explained. “ A rtis confrontational in that it challenges some­ one’s way o f thinking,” he added. “ G ranted, it doesn’t create sweeping Shhh! It’s a Secret changes immediately. I played M an­ dela (in a 1987 HBO movie), and he stayed in jail. I couldn’t change that, but at least more people knew about him .” Glover, who plans to spend approxi­ mately one m onth a year lecturing to children and young adults about their problems, said, “ I’ve always felt the need to talk with kids, to talk about the importance o f reading as the core of education and about the deadliness of drugs, or anything else they want to discuss.” A resident o f the same San Fran­ cisco neighborhood in which he grew up, G lover had never considered m ov­ ing away. “ People ask me if l think its okay for successful blacks to move to the suburbs rather than remain in their old neighborhoods. I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is maintaining a re­ lationship with that community, no matter where you live, and working and fight­ ing to help kids change their lives. It’s harder now than ever since kids have made heroes of Mercedes-driving, gold- chained drug dealers. It’s imperative to tell them they have other choices, to make college available for them .” Discussing his first m ajor film role T hurs . 10 B eauty S tab F ri . 11 SPECIAL GVESTS TO BE ASNOVNCED B ody & S oul MAY 14 • 8PM • CIVIC AUDITORIUM S at . 12 TICKETS 48.30 RESERVED D ub S q uad S un . 13 M G(,M SUNVPLflVH O bbo A ddy M o n . 14 C over B oy T ues . 15 T he C leveland W ed . 16 D r . R oss & WITH UROY, SHELLY THUNDER, SHINEHEAD i 809 BAND M AY 2 3 • 8 PM • S C H N I T Z E R H A L L T he F éllhound PRODUCED BY DOUBLE TEE * AVALON TICKETS *17.50 RESERVED I flffi») NOTE COMPUTER TICKET OUTLETS • CALL 224 TIXXFOR INFO KEYLARG O 31 N W FIRST 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 i¡t r ' TICKETS ALSO AT PCPA 8 COLISEUM • 248 4486 SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND OR USER FEE G enuine O ra li • : - J T Not Immigration, the FBI, the IRS, the courts, the military, welfare agencies— not even the President of the United States—can see your census answers. It’s against the law. And all census workers take an oath to keep your answers confidential. Answer the Census. It Counts for More Than You Thlnkl C E N S U S '9 0 in “ Places in the H eart,” which ma have been considered stereotypical b some, G lover said, “ Blacks and pick ing cotton have a historical relation ship, so I didn’t feel like I was feedin into a stereotype. It w asn’t like shuffled.” Glover showed the film to his matei nal grandparents, who are Georgia farm ers and were always puzzled by hi career choice. “ My grandfather watche the film ,” he recalled, “ looked up s the end and asked with a big smile ‘W here’d you learn to pick cotton lik that?’ O f course, he knew the answei He had taught m e.” Glover, who had played several blacl roles, said he is now being approachei for roles that could also be played b; whites. “ I ’m doing ‘Predator II’ in stead of Schw arzenegger,” he ex claimed. “ I hope that will continue t< change some people’s perceptions o blacks. It’s not a black or white part it’s just a good role. ‘ ‘The other day, I shocked myself, was thinking about taking on a role, ant I found m yself questioning, ‘Is this t part for a black man? Then I realizet that’s crazy. This is a role for a humar being. T hat’s w hat’s im portant.” Brenda Phillips And Anthony P. Armstrong O R E G O N OFLO^ M ay seems to be growing out of. Once they had established the chai acters of Maude and Hannah Mae th, actresses create a serious-comic worli which gives the audience an interestinj look into modem suburban culture. By combining elem ents o f aliens tion, adultry, revelation, reconciliatioi and redemption with a dose of vigoroui physical action and a dash o f sight gags “ A Couple W hite Chicks . . . " is a times humorous and thought-provok ing. Actor Criticizes Eddie Murphy fo r Kinds o f Images He Promotes "Pulse & Impulse": An Exuberant Sampler of Modern Dance show! There is a $2 discount for stu­ dents, seniors. Dance Coalition and PATA members. Substantial discounts by Tony W ashington Another home grown product quickly em erging as stalwart in music industry. Krowd Kontrol, graduates o f Jeffer- son High School (Class o f ’83) claim not to be ju st entertainers but also I to be role m odels for the community. Krowd K ontrol’s producers are Marlon McClain, Mike M averolos and Larry Bell. Eric Smith, spokesperson for the four member group credits other local groups such as the U-Krew, Biz Markey, Rob Base for helping them to gain exposure. Along with other members Solomon David, Krisdryer, and Connell Ferral, the group, according to Eric, “ Hope to convince teens to avoid drugs and gangs and to stay in school. The only way this can happen is, kids m ust do the right thing,” he adds. Krowd Kontrol re­ cently appeared at the P.I.T. Club with an outstanding performance. erotic thriller in which she plays a singer caught in a suing o f bad relationships and hung up on an aphrodisiac . . . H o u s e P a r t y '9 0 O n June 8-10, at the Interm ediate Theatre o f the Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Oregon Dance Con­ sort presents the third annual festival of modem dance choreography, Pulse & Impulse. In two com pletely different program s, ten o f Portland’s finest choreeographers will offer an exciting introduction to the thought-provoking exuberance o f contem porary dance. Showcasing the diversity o f Portland’s multi-cultural professional dance com ­ munity, Pulse & Impulse is one o f the prem iere events o f the contem porary dance season. From the high-flying whimsey o f Robin L ane’s Do Jump! M ovem ent Theater to the dram atic in­ tensity o f Sue Brantley, Pulse & Im­ pulse is a sm orgasbord o f imagery guar­ anteed to delight the senses. Tickets for this not-to-be-missed event may be purchased at the PCPA box office and all Ticketm aster outlets. To see a single program , it"s $ 14; to take in all ten choreographers in Program s A & B, its $21, or half-price for the second Krowd K ont rol: Another Home Grown Product May 12 - June 3 Call 690-7328 P O T E N T IA L B O Y C O T T ' G uess Jeans...T heir advertisem ents may promote male supremacy. Media W a tc h -a Santa Cruz, CA com pany that attempts to call attention to questionable business practices-contends that Guess' ’’distorted concepts o f love, self-worth popularity, and normalcy" contribute to the incidence o f rape. A» i 1