Page IO, I he Portland Observer, May 9, 1990 OFFICIAL OPENING OF SECTION 8 PROGRAM On May 10, 1990 the Housing Authority o f Portland w ill be accepting applications for their Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program for F W O BEDROOM families. The waiting list w ill be open for one day only. Families eligible for two bedroom sized unites in the Section 8 Program should call these numbers: 249-5519,249-5528,249-5535, 249-5536,249- 55? or 249-5538 (hearing impaired TD D 284-3557). Calls w ill be accepted between the hours o f 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. PHONE LIN ES W IL L BE CLOSED FR O M 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The STU D IO AND ONE BED R O O M lists are currently open. The F IV E BEDROOM list is open to applicants with a Federal Preference. Priority w ill be given to families who claim and qualify for a preference under the Federal Preference law. Families who have been displaced through no fault of their own, families living in substandard housing, or paying more than 50 percent o f their income for rent and utilities would qualify for a preferred status. Applicants on the present waiting list for Public Housing must specifically apply for the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program if they wish to participate. The Housing Authority only accepts applications by phone. We do not accept walk-ins or names received through the mail. YO U M UST C A L L IF YOU W A N T TO A P P LY FOR T H IS PR O G R AM . Only one fam ily’s application w ill be acceptea per phone call. We are pledged to the letter and spirit o f U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing throughout the nation. IN OTHER WORDS, HAP BE­ LIEVES NO M AN , W O M A N OR C H ILD SHOULD EVER BE BARRED FROM HOUSING BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE, COLOR, AGE, M AR I- T IA L STATUS, RELIGION, SEX, M E N T A L OR PHYSICAL H A N D I­ CAP, F A M IL IA L STATUS, OR N A T IO N A L ORIGIN . . . Thank you! Leading consumer electronics firm seeks professional receptionist who enjoys handling busy phones & pro­ viding secretary/clerical support to o th e r departm ents. M ust type 50wpm & have 2-4 yrs prior recep­ tionist experience. Complete bene­ fits package available & opportunity to work in team environment Apply at C ode-A -P hone C o rp o ra tio n , 16261 SE 130th Ave, Clackamas, OR Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/H CODE-A-PHONE ANSWERING A M ERICA’S PH O N G jj.FD R OVER 3 0 YEARS These positions involve the design, program m ing, testing, documentation and support o f soft­ ware solutions for a com m unica­ tions environment. Primary techni- 4 u *hrra.i MtUmed lente» LEGACY The Port o f P ortland is recruiting fo r Police O fficers to be resp o n sib le for the pro te ctio n of life and p ro p e rty at Port o f Portland International Airport, to ensure the convenience and w e ll-b e ing of the pu b lic w hile traveling th ro u g h a irpo rt facilities, and to respond to the needs of airpo rt tenants in a p ro m p t and p rofessional m anner Qualified applicants should: • Be cap a ble o f learning to operate various e q u ip m e n t associated with police w ork (i.e.. firearm s, patrol car radios, cam era, resuscitator, typew riter, teletype, etc.) Have the ability to w ork on any shift, and be su b je ct to p o ssib le sta n db y in the event o f e m e rgencies • Be in g o o d p h ysica l c o n d itio n a nd w ithin a cce p ta b le h e ig h t and w e ig h t lim itations • Be w illing to attend training and in-service s ch o o ls as a ssigned and be certified by BPST w ithin one year o, hire date as a c o n d itio n o f co n tin u e d e m p lo ym e n t Q ualified ap p lica n ts m ust also be at least 21 years of age. have U.S citize n sh ip and a high sch o o l d ip lo m a o r G ED (not waived). The po sitio n requires a co m b in a tio n of highly deve lo pe d in te rp e rso na l and p u b lic relations skills a nd the ab ility to perform all aspects of po lice w ork C a n d id a te s w ill be selected for interview on a co m p e titive basis In a d d itio n to its co m p re h e nsive benefits pa cka ge the Port offers tuition aid pro g ra m , e m p lo ye r-p a id m edical, dental and vision insurance, e m p lo ye r-p a id m em b e rsh ip in the P ublic E m ployes yes Retirem Re ent System a nd a starting salary o f $23,604 annually If interested a nd qualified, a p p ly in p e rso n at the Port of P ortland E m p lo ym e n t Office, 700 N E M ultnom ah. 14th i F loor A ppli p p lica n ts residing outside the tri-county, m etropolitan Portland rea and C lark C ounty m ay request a p p lica tio n m aterials by ca lling (503) 231-5000, extension 700 Resum es w ill not be acce p te d in lieu o f a Port of P ortland a p p lication, but may Dc included All a p p lica tio n m aterials m ust be received by 5:00 p m „ Friday, M ay 25. 1990 W om en and m in oritie s are e n co ura g e d to apply. Port of Portland The Port of Portland is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 For information regarding available positions, call our Job Line, 796-3878, or visit our Personnel Office 1001 SW Fifth Avenue Second Floor Portland, Oregon Applicant Hours: Mon-Fri. 9-1 p.m. Media Sales Entry level sales position at major radio station. Send resume to: P.O. Box 14957, Portland, OR 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer <•«' « •Æ r If you would like to be considered please send a letter to: ARMSTRONG WORLD INDUSTRIES, INC. Attn: Employment Division Department O f Human Resources 5411 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. Suite B Portland, Oregon 9721 I The letter should include: • Specific technical abilities and liccnsc(s), if any ' Education, w o rk experience, and any specific training/ccrtificatcs. • Hobbies, activities, o r community involvement. • A phone number where you can be reached. 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 The Oregon State Bar is recruiting for a full-tim e 40-hour per week data proc­ essing assistant to work with the data processing manager in providing gen­ eral mainframe and personal computer support. Duties include acting as pri­ mary contact for support o f the Bar’s personal computers including: Instal­ lation, diagnosis and correction o f hard­ ware and software problems as needed, coordinate purchases o f all data proc­ essing supplies for the organization. Position requires flexibility in shift and days scheduled as projects and availa­ b ility to equipment vary. Skills needed: demonstrated know l­ edge o f mainframe computer operating system, preferably Unix; knowledge o f DOS at an advanced level and ability to maintain a relational data base system, preferably Universe or Information. Experience and Training: Graduation from a four year college or university with a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field, or technical school equivalent. Prefer candidates with three years o f mainframe com­ puter programming and three years o f PC and DOS system support Salary Range Begins a t $1,937 per month with Excellent Benefits. Apply immediately - send resume and cover letter that addresses how the applicant meets the desired qualifica­ tions to: Personnel Office, Oregon State Bar, 5200 SW Meadows Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97035-0889. Deadline for Applications is Friday, May 14, 1990 An Equal Opportunity Employer •Commercial Tellers ♦Trust Investment Sales Officer ♦Secretary III EOE APPLICATION PROCESS Committed to Career Opportunity f o r A d Americans Finance & Administration Division Explore Banking Opportunities with Security Pacific Bank Oregon W ith the Oregon Water Resources Department to assist in water distribu­ tion, informational inquiries and com­ plaints. Background in engineering is essential. Salary S2243-S2983 per month. For more information contact Terry Olbekson, 378-3741 by May 11, 1990. Retirement Plan Stock Ownership Plan Life Insurance 11 Paid Holidays Disability Insurance Employees Assistance Plan NO PHONE CALLS OR WALK-IN APPLICATIONS WILL UE ACCEPTED AT THE PLANT. Hculth System DATA PROCESSING ASSISTANT WATER MASTER 2 • • • • • • Comprehensive Medical Plan with Wellness Account Dental Assistance Plan Education Aid Reimbursement 2 to 6 wks/yr Vacation Oascd on Service Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Bonus Plan based on Return of Assets Retirement Savings Plan All responses to this ad must be postmarked no later than May 31,1990, Holladay Park Medical Center An Equal O pportunity Employer P ortland Inte rn a tio n a l A irp o rt • • • • • • • 4 Existence A Legacy Member Equal O pportunity Employer, MFH. ADP offers a competitive salary and benefits package, including stock sharing and tuition reim­ bursem ent Please send your resume, including salary history, to: ADP Dealer Services, Dept. JMT-PO, 2525 S.W. First Ave., Suite 450, Portland, OR 97201. An equal opportunity employer. POLICE OFFICER Applications arc being accepted for Electrical maintenance positions at A rm ­ strong's newest ceiling materials plant in St. Helens. These special opportu­ nities are for the starting-up of the company’s West Coast ceiling plant and distribution center, serving the Pacific Rim and West Coast marketing areas. Successful candidates will be a vital part of the plant manufacturing team in the development and operation of the new equipment, technology, and processes. Armstrong W orld Industries, Inc. is a Fortune 200 company with 1909 sales. of $2,5 billion and 129 years experience in manufacturing. O ur products include building products, vinyl, flooring, Ceramic tile, furniture and a variety of specialty products. Maintenance position responsibilities include planning and performing w ork requests to maintain a safe, highly productive and reliable process; use of computerized maintenance management systems; and assisting in the im­ plementation of preventative maintenance procedures. The potential to de­ velop and broaden crafts skills and manufacturing process knowledge will be an exciting part o f the job. The positions provide opportunities for experienced clccticians w ith skills in maintaining m otor controls; programmable logic controllers (PLC’s); ac and dc varible speed drives; and maintaining and calibrating process control loops. Industrial electrical maintenance or similar experience with applicable licenses is required. E M A N U E L H O S P ITA L & H E A L T H CENTER cal focus w ill be on maintenance and developm ent o f application interfaces follow ing OSI standards. Successful candidates should have 2-3 years' program m ing experi­ ence, w ith 2 years' comm unica­ tions experience. Knowledge of various com m unications in a PICK o r DEC background preferred; PC experience helpful. tio n s EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WITH WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURER These challenging positions o ffe r a safe and tob a cco -fre e (no sm oking) e nvi­ ro n m e n t, and an excellent salary and benefits package including: JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. ADP Dealer Services provides fully integrated com puting, com m unica­ tions and management inform ation systems to m ore than 8,000 auto, truck and farm equipm ent dealers throughout the U.S. and Canada. If you like a fast-paced environment, look into one o f these op- portunities. E L E C T R IC IA N RECEPTIONIST I !,, An c? 6? 4 s- Equal Opportunity Ein,»loyer A Legacy Member INSURANCE a M MEDICAL C L A IM S ^ ANALYSTS M Blue Cross and Blue Shield o l O rogon is currently accepting applications for Modical Claims Analysts. ysts. This Thii position is responsi­ ble for accurate and timely paym ent ol Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon's modical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task will include: EZ 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor's oflice or hospital setting E Z Demonstrated knowledge of medical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or oflice experience E Z ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding E Z A minimum of 6-12 m onths experience using a CRT in a production oriented environment E Z Fast, accurate use o l a 10-koy calcula­ tor Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon otters an excellent employee benefits package, (lex- time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre- employment drug screening required J. To as- sure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #185 at the top o l your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: WANT TO BUY YOUR OWN HOME? M O V E SIX SPACES FORWARD (It'll take just a few minutes to see if you can afford a HUD home!) Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon H you've worked for two yean for the some employer (or in the same occupation) and you have a good credit record, move ahead 1 space. Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 I Dk» Croats Equal Opportunity Employer 71)0 * 2 2 Ï6 7 M Carolyn Lewis United Way/Columbia-Wilamette 718 W. Burnside Portland, Oregon 97209 228-9131 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER • - LÍ Write the smaller amount of either space 3 or space 5 here. As a general rule, that's the maximum amount you can afford for a monthly house payment (including properly taxes). YOU DID IT! If the number in spoce 6 is more than $ 5 5 0 , then chances ore good that H UD has on affordable home for you. Your next move is to call your real estate agent Low monthly payments and 3% down! Multiply your Adjusted Income (from space 2) by 0.38, then subtract $150 and write the answer here. Then move on to the next space. Most ol our HUD homes ore approved for FHA Mortgage Insurance, which makes them more afford­ able than ever Plus, HUD's bid process is easy. For listings of HUD homes available now, look for our big real estate classified od in every Sunday Oregonian I ■ Add up all your monthly debts (car, loan, credit purchase, credit cord, child support and olimony payments you owe every month) and then odd $150. Fill in the total here ond go to space 5. ^HUD f t DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT € 1989 by HUD, Portfond 1 ■ You're almost home. Multiply your Ad|usted Income (from space 2) by 0.53, subtract the amount on space 4, ond write the result here. N ow move along. * - - -. f - Y- F • Stop here and compute your Adjusted Income. That's your total gross monthly income, less federal withhold­ ing taxes. Write your answer here and move on. Supply Clerk Responsible position maintaining in­ ventory, control and distribution of campaign supplies and equipment. Duties include counting and sorting ma­ terials and control and maintainance of audio-visual equipment and films. Maust hve high school education or equiva­ lent and ability to manage time and ac­ tivities efficiently. A b ility to apply basic math and use computerized recordkeeping system required. Must be able to perform tasks requiring manual dexterity and lift up to 50 lbs. Prior experience working with a large num­ ber and variety o f people in a high ac­ tivity environment preferred. Must have valid driver’ s license. Salary $14,000 plus excellent benefits. Send resume by May 4th to: START - e - • O ff*. P t-IA S I N O T |; Indrwduol (« u m ito n c e i v©ry Ot ‘• n