CENSUS '90 Stand Right Up for Who You Are Answer the Census. PORTL Volume XX, No. 17 "The Eyes and Ears o f The Community" Africa The Zoo: Hollywood Stars Light Up The Dark Continent My personal opinion is that there is not that degree o f distinction between one trendy European foray upon the culture o f people o f color, and another, as can be readily determ ined by the rhetoric, or by the specific locale o f the prey--but, rather, a good and sufficient criterion is the “ size” o f the contem ­ plated acquisition. In the case at hand we sim ply may assume that the adm onition o f Canadian author, Marshall M cLuan, has been en­ thusiastically a ccep ted -th e world has in d e e d b e c o m e a “ global village.” S o il is no surprise at all that late night televi­ sion hours are heavily interspersed with Hollywood stars beating the drum for support of their particaular program to save African wildlife. C om petition is heavy, for the electronic evangelists are there also, pitching for their millions to save African souls. Never have there been so many platinum blonde om buds­ men for m aurauding elephants, mangy lions, and “ placid, peace-loving goril­ las” , who, like the late Greta G arbo, ju st w ant to “ be left alone.” It is unfortu­ nate that these latter beasts were unable to com m unicate this preference o t Dian Fossey in time (“ Gorillas In The M ist’ ’). Now, I am not such a fool as not to suppose that there is considerable merit in proposals to preserve some endan­ gered species, or to m aintain the integ­ rity o f th biosphere/ecosphere at a time when there are serious concerns about the ozone layer, rain forests, and the dum ping o f toxic waste by European na­ tions. But, I have had a lifetim e o f expe­ rience with these would-be saviors of Africa, and I stand with the American In d ian -th eir motives are always sus­ pect. And, even where the acquisition o f huge acreages, obstensibly for game preserves, does not mask an ultimate in­ tent to acquire a future site for a toxic waste dump, we need look no further than the spotted owl gambit here in Oregon for economic catastrophes in the works. This situation, replicated on the A fri­ can continent (albeit quietly), exem pli­ fies the dam age that apocalypse-now environm entalists can wreak upon the economic infrastructure of a people. Only now is the full financial impact o f em o­ tionally-driven efforts to lock up huge tracts o f old-growth tim ber being fully revealed. The new figures on the result­ ing unemployment, loss o f tax base, and the drastic curtailm ent o f funds avail­ able for education indicate that, w hile the naive were being charmed to tears over the plight o f a few dozen ow ls, the messianic fringe o f a bored middle class pursued the real objective o f their m e­ dia-enhanced crusade-nothing like it since their forefathers hit the popular "abolitionist" circuit. Can A frica be far behind? Let us look at two African nations in particular where the stage is set for sim i­ lar social dram as (read “ tragedies” ). A s a m atter o f fact, the curtain w ent up som e time ago, and the critics’ reviews are coming in fast. We know that these assessm ents are highly controversial and we w elcome letters and comments throughout this series. I had many A fri­ cans among my students during the years at Portland State University, and I cer­ tainly expect to hear from th c m -a n d from both sides o f the “ developmental fence” . Tanzania: “ W ithin an expansive East African ecosystem o f savannas and woodlands, are 5,700 square miles of parkland with rare significance. Long ago, the Masai people named this region sirin g e t-a name that means an extended place. W e know it now as S eren g eti-a land that remains as it might have looked in the Pleistocene epoch. It lies atop a broad plateau, 150 miles south of the equator and 5,000 feet in elevation. Here, in an area roughly the size of the state o f Connecticut, roam more than two million large plains anim als.” This descriptive prose is from a Chev­ ron Oil Company institutional ad in the M arch 1989 issue o f “ National G eo­ graphic” magazine. The reader is asked in a large bold-face heading, “ Will There Be Room For All In E den?” W e w on­ der. I am rem inded of my recent query concerning the availability o f jobs for African Americans under the pressure of the “ new im m igration” . In that article I asked, “ W ill there be room at the inn?” - th is was a take-off on the situ­ ation o f Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. O ther parts o f the Chevron ad state the establishm ent position quite clearly. “ W ildlife or People? In Africa, as else­ where, a grow ing, developing human population com petes with anim als for the basic needs o f existence. The chal­ lenge bacom es one of striking the proper balance--to respect and protect nature while responding to the imperatives of m odem , human life.” W ait a minute now, whose Africa is it? I suppose we should understand the proprietary tone, considering that is was over a hundred years ago that a New York new spaper editor put into words that classic clem ent of the European ethos, “ The M anifest Destiny o f the W hite R ace” . Just as few people are fam iliar with the latter half of the title to Charles D arw in’s classic on evolution, * ‘The Origin of the Species By Means of Natural Selection-And the Preservation o f the Favoured R aces.” In another place we find, “ Crow d­ ing the Serengeti National Park borders are setdem ents o f im poverished villag­ ers. The only humans allowed inside are tourists, Africans who work in and police the park, and a few dedicated en­ vironmentalists and scientists. Around the northern and eastern edges of the park live seminomadic Masai herdsmen and their livestock. They move from place to place seeking good grazing and water. But, as their popu­ lation increases, the Masai are w ander­ ing less, increasing problems o f over- grazing and water shortage. Because o f the conflict betw een do­ mestic demands for agriculture and the needs o f w ildlife, Tanzania established a large multi-use-land area where some farming and grazing by local inhabi­ tants were allowed. But the central plain was reserved exclusively for the wild animals. That was thirty years ago. Today, the growing population has pushed to the very edges of the reserved area.” As we further explore this theme, we will take an unorthodox approach to an evaluation o f poaching, the Safari and the post-m odern G reat White Hunter, and other issues. Again, we want to hear from you. Police Bureau Begins Community Policing Test Run in N/NE Portland Shown above is Police Lt. Mike Garvey (left) and members of the Portland Police Bureau's Community Policing Unit as they begin a test run o f the Community Policing Concept. The unit will operate out of the Northeast and Central Precinct and will concentrate on drugs and parks ecurity during the summer. The project in northeast Portland is currently comprised o f 4 seargents and 12 officers but according to some police officers and community residents, is seriously understaffed. ( Don't Forget to Vote on May 15,1990! See Our Endorsements on Page Eight. May 9,1990 PCC and Fire Bureau Cooperate in Affirmative Action Training By September, 185 women and m i­ nority students are expected to com ­ plete a special affirm ative action learn­ ing experience co-sponsored by the Port­ land Fire Bureau and Pordand Com m u­ nity College. The PCC Fire Science Department is presenting the six-month course to teach basic fire-fighting techniques and to provide the students with an under­ standing of job requirements and stan­ dards for professional fire fighters. The students will complete the train­ ing in time to take the Portland Fire B ureau’s civil service examination September 7. Those who pass the exam will be placed on a list from which new employees will bedraw nf or the next few years, said Leo Krick, a PFB fire fighter and coordiantor of the bureau’s Affirmative Action Training program. Most o f the students are residents of the Portland Metropolitan area, but some com e from much farther afield, becaue the PFB-PCC venture is the only one of its type in the Northwest, Krick said. The students range in age from 18 to 40. About half are women of various races, 30 percent are Black males and fem ales and 30 percent are Hispanic. “ Quite a few Asian students are en­ rolled, too,” said Krick. The PCC Fire Science Department is offering 14 sections o f classes de- signed to meet the needs o f women and minority students who are interested in careers as fire figh ters, said Ed L ind­ sey, the departm ent’s instructional co­ ordinator. An additional 16 sections will be of- ferd this sum m er so that students taking the training for college credit can earn a total o f 25 credit hours toward an as­ sociate degree in Fire Protection Tech­ nology by the time they finish the spe­ cial training. Courses include physical fitness, building construction and blueprint read­ ing, fire apparatus, pump construction, hydraulics and introduction to fire pro­ tection. The classes are being taught by 30 Portland Fire bureau employees who have been hired by PCC as adjunct, or part-time, faculty members. Training is tak ing place at Marshall High school, the PCC Southeast Center and at two fire bureau training centers. The program’s $112,000 cost is being shared by the fire bureau and PCC. Some of the cost will be offset by tui­ tion payments from about one third of the students who are taking the course for college credit. Lindsey said those who have chosen to take the training without receiving college credit will earn certificates o f completion. “800” Telephone Num­ ber To Report Hate Violence And Racial Harassment Started Northeast Training Center Filling Void As Job Training/ Placement Agency The Community Relations Service (CRS) o f the Department o f Justice today announced its new “ 800” tele­ phone service for reporting complaints o f racial violence and harassment that led to racial disputes in communities. The telephone number, which begins operation April 30 will be 1-800-347- HATE. This is the hodine service that President Bush announced at the W hite House Ceremony during the signing of the H ate Statistics Crime A c t “ The establishm ent o f this hotline by CRS for the reporting o f racial incidents and disputes compliments the other DOJ functions in this area such as the collec­ tion o f hate crim e statistics by the FBI and the enforcem ent o f Civil Rights laws by the Civil Rights D ivision,” said CRS Director Grace Flores Hughes. “ Increasing racial violence and har­ assm ent from sm all hate groups in vir­ tually every corner of the country re­ quires a better mechanism for reporting racial disputes for our conciliation and m edication services,” said CRS D irec­ tor Hughes. “ No com m unity should suffer from the fallout o f racial disputes arising out o f hate violent acts at home, school, work, or in their neighborhood. These incidents can now be reported to CRS for resolution of conflict,” Director Hughes said. Calls received by the Community Relations Service’s “ 800” number will be referred to one o f the agency’s 10 re­ gional offices for possible resolution. Those ten offices are located in Boston, New York C ity, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Kansas City, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, San Francisco, or Seattle. The Com m unity Relations Service handles conciliation and mediation of disputes resulting from discrimination based on race, color or national origin. CRS w / ’ nrov;de referral information or refer com plaints regarding non-ra- cially motivated incidents based solely on age, gender, handicap, sexual orien­ tation, or religious discrimination to other appropriate agencies. After less than one year in operation in the area considered as the core area for unemployment, the Private Industry C ouncil’s N ortheast Training Center is showing signs o f dramatically im pact­ ing the job placem ent market in North/ Northeast Portland. The Center proudly boasts success­ fully placing 120 formerly unemployed applicants on jobs with an average be­ ginning salary o f 56.14. And according to center m anager W illiams Jennings, “ W e find that many o f our trainees are from single parent families (mostly fe­ male heads o f households) and once training and placem ent is successfully com pleted, the additional income is welcomed. Recruiting primarily from Colum ­ bia Villa, M aywood Park, North/North- east Portland, the northeast training center offers classes in GED, basic skills and building trades, preparing students for both long and short term employment. Successful placements have been with the Portland Urban League, Blue Bell Products, The W acker Company and Empire Security. O f the 120 applicants places so far, 111 have been minorities. The center is currently developing curriculum for W orkforce 2000. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a I ; Odappy Mother's (Day . . . : from the Z Tortband Observer ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a