TIME FOR A CHANGE Elect David J. Edstrom CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE, DEPT, 18 Experienced Twenty-two years legal experience includes: District Court Judge pro tern since 1984 Harlem Boys Choir Featured on Ebony/JET Shocase Members o f the Boys C hoir o f Harlem lake tim e out from rehearsals to talk about the preparation, s kill and disci- pline required to be one o f the most acclaimed music ensembles in the world. D irector Dr. W alter J. T urnbull de- scribes the rigorous pace o f the 30 to 35 member perform ing choir whose an­ nual itinerary includes stops from the United States to China to Bermuda. Did Turnbull, who founded the choir in 1968, also talks about the importance o f the organization as a vehicle fo r fu r­ ther musical as well academic develop­ ment. George Polk Award Winner! Robert Knight, radio news reporter for W B A l-F m Radio in New Y o rk C ity, center, accepts congratulations from Reese Stone, Manager, Corporate M edia R elations, P h ilip M o rris Companies Inc., left, on w inning the long Island U niversity George Polk A w a rd fo r his coverage o f the American m ilita ry invasion o f Panama last year. Joining them at a P h ilip Morris-sponsored reception for award winners is Dr. Robert Spector, D irector o f the D ivision o f Humanities, L IU . Judges chose Knight, the Executive D ire c to r fo r U nd ercu rren ts, an investigative news radio service, because o f his enterprising reporting o f events before, during and after the invasion o f Panama. MAILROOM Northwest Natural Gas Company Are you interested in learning about a I company from the ground up, in a fast- paced, physically active and varied- task m ailroom environment? I f you are -- a valid Ore/Wash d river’s license w ith an excellent d riving his­ tory is required. Desired skills would include operation o f postal and other business machines as well as other cleri­ cal skills. A fu ll benefit package is included in this fu ll-tim e position that has a starting salary o f $ 1 120/month. I f you are interested in becoming a part o f this m ailroom team, please send/ F A X your resume identifying this spe­ c ific jo b by M ay 4, 1990. N o rth w e st N a tu ra l Gas 220 N .W . Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 F A X : 721-2506 E.O.E. INSURANCE + MEDICAL CLAIMS + M ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsi­ ble for accurate and timely payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon's medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task will include: O ’ 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor's office or hospital setting O ’ Demonstrated knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience O ’ ICD-9/CPT 4 Coding O ’ A minimum of 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production oriented environment O Fast, accurate use of a 10-key calcula­ tor Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, fle x ­ time work hours, and competitive salary Pre­ employment drug screening required To as­ sure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #185 at the top ot your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield o f Oregon 11iiman Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 RhjeCnxu I i/iu tl < ip p o r lu n llr r m p h t y t r iv n » CITY OF PORTLAND A utom otive Mechanic - $2,529/mo B uilding Maintenance Supervisor - to $3,305/mo Communications Engineer III - to S3,836/mo Police O ffice r - to $3,217/mo For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr. jo b inform ation). No resumes please. BU R EAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 SW 5th Avenue., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 Apps. also available at: URBAN LEAG UE 10 N. Russell M inorities, females and disabled en­ couraged to apply. By law, Edstrom's oppo­ nent, Judge Deiz, could You only complete one-third Know of a new term if elected. When we go to the polls •> we usually have only one judicial candidate per position to choose from, the incumbent judge. The incumbent Deiz has the second-low­ est ratings of all our circuit judges for fairness, legal ability, and temperament. She is also second-lowest rated for over­ allperformance of all our judges, circuit and district, in Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties.* Results from last lawyer's poll conducted by the Oregonian, 1988. Takes Crime Seriously Endorsed and recom­ mended by: Portland Police Association (Mem­ bers voted 266 to 11 to endorse Edstrom over the incumbent) Cares About People From coaching youth to help­ ing the poor and the home­ less, he's always been in­ volved. ‘ Victim's Rights Advocate ‘Senior Law Project volunteer Authorized by David J. Edstrom for Judge Committee P.O. Box 9188, Portland, OR 97207 M ENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST 3 C h ild /A d o le s c e n t Crisis In te r v e n tio n $14.98 to $19.00 per hour (part-tim e) Plus some benefits Is your expertise with severely disturbed chil­ dren and adolescents? Do you possess strong case manogoment and interagoncy coordina­ tion experience? Clackamas County's Mental Health Division is seeking a talented, well- organized individual to provide crisis interven­ tion services to a complex caseload of children and adolescents and tneir families. Competitive candidates will bo soasoned clini­ cians skilled in the diagnosis and development of treatment plans with this population. Candi­ dates must possess a Master's degree in a be­ havioral science area plus relevant experience. This position is anticipated to become full-time. COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION REQUIRED. Application materiais available M o n -Fri ot Clackc kamas County Personnel, 904 Main St., Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Closing date May 14, 1 990, 5:00pm. CLACKAMAS COUNTY WANT TO BUY YOUR OWN HOME? M O VE SIX SPACES FORWARD. (It'll take just a few minutes to see if you can afford a H U D home!) An Equal Opportunity Employer r CASHIER The Oregon Department of Transportation in Salem is now accepting applications fo r the fo llo w in g positions: Engineering Specialist (Entry) - $1232-51617 M onthly Engineering Specialist 1 - $1411- $1870 M onthly Engineering Specialist 2 - $1539-$2060 M onthly Assoc. Transportation Engineer - S1870-S2506 M onthly This recruitment w ill be used to estab­ lish statewide lists from which vacan­ cies w ili be Filled. For recruiting an­ nouncements and applications, call or write: Executive Department Person­ nel Center, 775 C ourt Street, Salem, OR (503-378-3146). An A A /E E O Employer If you've worked for two years for the same employer (or in the some occupation) and you have a good credit record, move ahead 1 space Colonial Pacific Leasing, a Pitney Bowes Company, is recruiting for an experi­ enced “ P IC K ” programmer. This po­ sition requires a m inim um o f tw o years computer programming/analysis on a “ P IC K ” based system along w ith suc­ cessful completion o f courses in pro­ gramming and computer operations. For­ ward resume and salary requirements in confidence to Manager, Human Re­ sources - O B, P.O. Box 1100, Tualatin, OR 97062. Colonial Pacific is an equal opportu- n ity/a ffirm a tivc action employer. e • Write the smaller amount of either space 3 or spoce 5 here As a general rule, that's the maximum amount you con afford for a monthly house payment (including property taxes). CASHIERS WANTED We are seeking energetic, dynamic, h ighly m o tiv a te d individuals with proven office skills to apply for cashier positions. We can provide you career opportuni­ ties, an excellent benefit package, d e ­ tailed training and the opportunity to b e c o m e part of Oregon's largest hom e furnishings com pany com m itted to growth and success. Im m ediate openings available at our Tigard and Mall 205 stores. Please a p ­ ?O5 si ply at any store Stop here and compute your Adjusted Income. That's your total gross monthly income, less federal withhold­ ing taxes Write your answer here and move on. Autom otive Mechanic - $2,529/mo. Communications Engineer III - to $3,836/mo. Loss Control O ffice r - to $3,510/mo. Police O ffice r - to $3,217/mo. For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr. job inform ation) No resumes please. BU R EA U OF PERSONNEL 1220 SW 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 apps. also available at: U R BAN L E A G U E 10N Russell Minorities, Females and Disabled encouraged to apply. YOU DID IT! h the number in space 6 is more ihon $ 5 5 0 . then chances ore good that HUD has on affordoble home for you Your nexl move is to coll your real eslote ogent Low monthly payments a n d 3% down! Multiply your Adjusted Income (from space 2) by 0 38, then subtract $150 and write the answer here. Then move on to the next space ^ SMITH'S HOME FURNISHINGS/ City of Portland Programmer START Add up all your monthly debts (cor, loan, credit purchose, credit cord, child support ond alimony payments you owe every month) ond then add $150. Fill in the total here ond go to spoce 5. Most of our HUD homes ore opproved for FHA Mortgoge Insurance, which makes them more afford able Ihon ever Plus, H U D ’s bid process is easy. For listings of HUD homes ovoiloble now, look for our big real eslate classified ud in every Sunday Oregonio.i. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT < 1989 by HUD. Portlond ORxe You're olmost home. Multiply your Ad|usted Income ffram space 2) by 0.53, subtract the amount on space 4, and write the result here. N ow move along P L IA S I NO TE : irtdtvtdvol ctrcutmtotKei *o»y hon ot * appf-et »O O home pvrehote fo r further mformohor o r Ipor r>qw»remen»t tok to your r*o l ethrte ogent or tecoi tender