Page 8, The Portland Obser ver, May 2, 1990 MRS C ’S WIGS fhtftinds %rH A nnual - Celebrity Skins WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES ( «&, • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS BETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR ANO OTHER NAME BAANOS TUIS-SAT 11i3O-6rO0 3E ££ EVERYTHHG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WES UMOUE HAH ORNAMENTS HAM BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES MRS. CS EBONY ESSENCE COSMETES ZUR) COSMETES 2 8 1-6525 > f t> \ BEAUTICIAN 4 STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100% HUMAN HAM FOR BRAIOING & 7th & FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) REACHING BACK TO BRING ONE FORWARD Speedy Service S a lv a t io n A r m y C e n t e r - 5 3 3 5 N . W illia m s Complimentary: Refreshments • Child Care • Information • Entertainment WEAVNG Best Cash Prices Friendly DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils Call for Quote!!! 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 SATURDAY, MAY 12 - N O O N TO 5 P.M . Please W ear Rubber-like Soled Shoes to P rotect Floors o f C enter Please Bring A Young Lady As Your Guest PRINTING COURTESY OF AMERICAN RED CROSS PATHWAYS PROGRAM Triple X Presents: Celebrity Skins appearing at the Satyricon Club May 4, at 125 N.W. 6th. For more information, call 243-2380. FISH! B u ffa lo C a tfis h C $2.99 $3.00 Summer Values - from The Portland Observer Summer Savings. Cason's Fine Meats U - Buy - We - Fry! BBQ Our Specialty 7406 N. V ancouver P o rtla n d , O R 97217 Call - 285-4750 0 C ason’s F ine M eats Love -Lee -Laiee 3606 N. Williams 284-0293 Hair weevlng, Designer Cuts Coloring, Press and Curl, LeLsure Curl, Hawaiian Curl & Perms, and other Relaxers & Blow dry. Nail Care & Service (Art Nails, Manicure, Pedicure, Facial) Just Say You Saw It In The 2 /o r2 Lair Styles A skjfor Mgr Portland O bserver The finest in salon and beauty care for over 26 years in the Portland Metro Area. H air S tyiists / D G erì , esigners : M ar y , A l , J anice M anicurist : P at O wner / m a n a g e r : A lzena D e D e L eveaux & C assie J enkins U n ity o f Love, 6720 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd City ftre each way w ith ro u n d -trip purchase Albany A lbuquerque A llentow n/ B eth leh em , PA fA n ch o rag e A tlanta A ustin, TX B altim ore Bangor, M E ♦B ellingham , WA Billings, M T B irm ingham , AL Boise Boston Buffalo B urbank, CA Burlington, VT C edar Rapids, IA ♦♦C harleston, SC C harlotte, NC Chicago C incinnati Cleveland Colorado Springs ♦♦C olum bia, SC C olum bus, O H Dallas/Ft. W orth Dayton, O H D enver Des M oines Detroit ♦ E ugene f Fairbanks, AK Fargo. N D ♦♦Ft. Lauderdale, FL «213 425 «213 «238 «203 «140 «213 «213 «98 s140 «203 444 «215 «203 451 «213 «182 «149 «213 «185 «192 «203 «140 «149 «203 «182 «192 «141 472 «192 «84 «280 «182 450 Celebrate sum m er with United’s lowest fares going. Just pick your city and have fun! For reservations, call your Travel Agent. O r call United at 226-7211. ♦♦Ft. Myers, FL Ft. W ayne, IN Fresno G rand Rapids, MI G reat Falls, M T ♦♦G reensboro/ High Point, N C H arrisburg, PA Hartford ♦H onolulu H ouston ♦♦H untsville, AL Indianapolis Islip, NY ♦♦Jacksonville, FL K ansas City Knoxville, TN ♦Las Vegas Lexington, KA' Lincoln, N E Little Rock, AR Long Beach, CA Los Angeles Louisville M adison M anchester, N H ♦M edford, O R 450 492 «130 «192 «130 «149 «213 «213 «236 «192 «149 «192 «213 «150 461 «203 409 492 «172 «192 446 446 492 «182 «213 «87 M em phis 492 ♦♦M iam i «150 M ilwaukee «182 M inneapolis/St. Paul «172 M odesto, CA «135 M oline, IL «182 M onterey, CA «130 Nashville, T N «192 N ew ark «213 New O rleans «203 N ew York «213 ♦♦N orfolk, VA «149 O akland 420 O klahom a City «172 O m aha, N E «172 O ntario, CA «146 ♦♦O rlando 406 Palm Springs. CA «150 Peotia, IL 482 Philadelphia «213 Phoenix 404 Pittsburgh «203 Portland, M L «213 Providence «213 ♦ ♦ R aleig h /D u rh am 419 Rapid City, SD «166 ♦Reno «98 ♦ ♦ R ichm ond, VA Rochester, NY S acram ento Saginaw, Ml St. Louis Salt Lake City San .Antonio San Diego San Francisco San Jose Santa A na/ O range County, CA Santa Barbara ♦♦Sarasota, FL ♦♦S avannah, GA Seattle, WA Sioux City, IA Sioux Falls, SD Spokane, WA Springfield, M O Syracuse, NY ♦♦T am pa ♦Tucson Tulsa W ashington, D.C. ♦W enatchee, WA ♦♦W est Palm Beach, FL W hite Plains, NY W ichita. KS «149 «203 420 492 «182 «130 «161 «151 420 «120 «146 440 «150 «149 «83 «172 «172 «108 «182 «213 «150 «130 482 «213 «92 «150 «213 461 RES FRICTIONS: L nited's Summer Savings are gixxi lor trav el from noon Mon­ day through noon Thureday Fares shown are each wav with a round-trip purchase Buy your tickets w ithin a day o f making your resen ations. and at least I I days in advance of your departure Tickets are noil-refundable and vour trip must include a Saturday night stay. Other significant restrictions mav apply and fares are subject to change without notice Seats are lim ited and the llig lit you want mav not lie available w hen vou call, so make vour reservations early. A portion of some trace! mac lie on United Express carriers. These fares are good’ from Portland International CODE: ♦7- day adv ance purchase required.Travel between June 28 and September 4 is $10 higher each way. ♦ Day of week travel restrictions mav vary, f Travel any day of the week 283-5440 Hair Weeving Is The Thing For Everyone!!! Some Like Cosmetic Weeve . . . Others Might Need A Corrective Weeve . . . You May Just Want To Look Good!!! If So Give LONNIE A Call at 283-5440 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. I f ‘Weeving Isn t yo u r Tiling ! L et 's ‘D o ‘E ver your L a ir Desires! 4 R L I n e