May 2, 1990. The Portland Observer, Page 5 _______NATIONAL FORUM Rainbow Lobby Urges Secretary of State Baker to Help Avert “Repression And Bloodshed” In Zaire The executive director o f the Rain­ bow Lobby has written to Secretary of State James Baker to urge that the Bush administration * * use its considerable in­ fluence” with President Mobutu Sese Seko o f Zaire “ to help avert further repression and bloodshed” in the cen­ tral African country. Earlier this year Mr. M obutu, whose 25 year old dictatorship is one of the w orld’s most repressive and corrupt regimes, inaugurated a “ popular con­ sultation” allowing Zairians for virtu­ ally the first time in a generation to express their views publicy. The self- appointed president for life was seek­ ing to mollify his supporters in the Bush administration and on Capitol Hill, who have themselves come under increas­ ingly strong pressure from the anti- Mobutu lobby in this country to w ith­ draw support from the Mobutu “ klep- tocracy.” Recognizing that such a move stemmed from political weakness, Zairi­ ans from all walks of life-in clu d in g students, women, workers, civil ser­ vants and a group o f 12 Catholic bish- o p s-to o k the opportunity to criticize the regime in the strongest terms, urg­ ing the introduction o f a multi-party democracy while dem anding the disso­ lution of the ruling MPR party and the resignation of Mr. Mobutu; some people w ent so far as to invoke the fate of Nicolae Ceausescu. * ‘The State D epartm ent’s continued w hitewash o f the M obutu regime is be­ ginning to strain credulity,” commented Nancy Ross, the Rainbow L obby’s ex­ ecutive director. “ The people o f Zaire are dem anding, in louder and louder voices, dem ocracy and fair e le c tio n s- precisely w hat the U.S. is supposed to stand for. O ur continued deference to the tyrant Mobutu gives him the confi­ dence to shoot down peaceful dem on­ strators. This adm inistrator is practic­ ing a racist double standard: m ulti­ party democracy for Eastern Europe and tyranny for the people o f Southern A frica.” With the situation increasingly tense, the Lobby and other supporters in this country o f Z aire’s pro-dem ocracy m ovem ent are concerned that the re­ gim e is planning a harsh crackdow n against participants in a major dem on­ stration scheduled to take place in the Zairian capital o f Kinshasa on April 15. The State D epartm ent has already con­ firmed that at least two people were killed in a recent dem onstration, and a spokesperson for the opposition party Union for Democracy and Social Prog­ ress has reported that many university students have been forcibly removed from K inshasa and taken to an un­ known location. ‘ ‘Given the U.S. governm ent’s long­ standing support o f the Mobutu regime, itis ratherdisengenuous toclaim , as did one State D epartm ent official, that the United States cannot influence the be­ havior o f the M obutu governm ent,” Ms. Ross w rote in her letter to Mr. Baker. “ A public statem ent from the U.S. governm ent placing M obutu on notice that his aid package will be in jeopardy should he crack down on the dem onstrators could help avert a trag­ edy. “ Recently, a State D epartm ent offi­ cial told me that the U.S. cannot pres­ sure M obutu without losing ‘credibil­ ity,’” Ms. Ross continued. “ W e be­ lieve that the responsibility o f our gov­ ernm ent is not to maintain its credibil­ ity with a brutal and corrupt dictator, but rather with the Am erican people, w hodo not wish their tax dollars to fund this extrem ely repressive and legendar- ily corrupt regim e, and with the 32 m illion people o f Zaire w hose just struggles for democracy and fair elec­ tions have in the past been frustrated by U.S. foreign policy. W e urge you to put Mobutu on notice that we will not toler­ ate continued violations o f human and dem ocratic rights: elim inate all m ili­ tary aid (including training) and all econom ic assistance except for food aid and developm ent projects carried out by non-governmental organiza­ tions.” On April 4 the House A ppropria­ tions Subcommittee on Foreign O pera­ tions heard testimony from Represen­ tatives Harold W olpe (D-OH) and Stephen Solarz (D-NY) as well as from Ab ukari, w ho heads the Lobby ’ s A frica Desk, against the continuation of Ameri­ can aid to the M obutu regime. “ W ith the ebbing of the Cold W ar and the rising worldwide m ovem ent for political liberalization and dem ocrati­ zation . . . we need to distance ourselves from this governm ent as quickly and as clearly as possible,” noted Mr. W olpe, who chairs the Subcom m ittee on Africa o f the Foreign Affairs Com m ittee. “ I believe that it is prudent for us to assume that President Mobutu is no more popular in Zaire than Ceausescu was in Rum ania, Honecker was in East Germ any, Marcos was in the Philip­ pines, or Som oza was in N icaragua, and that sooner or later, M obutu will g o ,” added Mr. Solarz. “ W hen that tim e com es, it will not be in our interest to have been perceived as propping up this discredited dictator.” 37th Annual Lincoln University of Missouri NiTY A wards I n M edia Honoring the best in handicapped and minority affairs reporting It is the “ Pulitzer Prize” o f m inority and handicapped reporting ... the Unity A w ards in M edia sponsored by Lincoln U niversity. O n M onday, April 30, 1990, the 37th annual UA1M will pay tribute to 42 jo u m alistsd cd icalcd tocnlightcning the nation on critical issues facing m in o ri­ ties and the handicapped. UAIM is enriched in tradition. The program was founded in 1949 for the purpose o f acquainting black university and high school students w ith profes­ sionals. T he program , know n then as H eadliner, also prom oted m edia cover­ age o f m inority affairs. T hrough the years the program p ro ­ gressed from a student aw ards c ere­ m ony to that o f recognizing o u tstand­ ing professionals reporting on m inority and handicapped issues. m ony. T he aw ards program will be follow ed by a cocktail hour and dinner. D uring the day, university students, high school students and professionals in the Field o f journalism will interact in various print, radio and television w ork­ shops. G regory B. Freem an, assistant city editor and colum nist for the St. Louis P ost-D ispatch, will present the convo­ cation address. K ansas City C all journalist Donna Stew art will receive the alum ni award and will address the UAIM luncheon. R adio pioneer Jack "T he R apper” G ibson will serve as m aster o f cerem o­ nies. For m ore inform ation telephone (314) 681-5114. T h is year nearly 170 entries from across the nation w ere ju dged in the divisions o f Print: G eneral A udience; Print: M inority A udience; B roadcast­ ing: Radio; and Broadcasting: T e le v i­ sion. M ai Goode, affectionately called the "Dean" of black professional broadcast Journalism, delivered last year's U A IM Convocation address. Six categories w ere judged, includ­ ing reporting o f econom ics, education, politics, public/social affairs, investi gative reporting and editorial w riting. Single entries or scries w ere accepted. For the second straight year the plush Capitol Plaza Hotel in dow ntow n Jef­ ferson City will provide the setting for the aw ards banquet. T he festivities will begin at 6 p.m with lite aw ards ccrc- Carmen Fields, »ward winning anchor of W G B H - T V in Boston, receives the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Lincoln University President Dr. Wendell G. Rayburn at last year's U A IM banquet. Say You Saw It In The . . . . Portland Observer Support Our Advertisers We Can't Spell S_ccess Without UH! New Humanist Declaration Issued By Black Leaders A new Declaration defending the need for humanism in the African- American com m unity has just been released. It has been issued by a newly formed group, African American for Humanism (AAH). It affirm s that the Black com m unity has been am ong the most religious com m unities in A m er­ ica, yet crim e, drugs, violence, unem ­ ployment, econom ic deprivation, and despair perm eate m uch o f that com m u­ nity. The Declaration asserts that the African-American com m unity needs to take radically new directions. It af­ firms that w hat is essential is the need for a critical, rational, and hum ane approach to living. The Declaration was endorsed by many notable Black leaders including: Ishmael Jaffree, the attorney who gained national recognition by winning a Su­ preme Court case in which prayer was prohibited in M obile, A labam a schools (Jaffree now practices law in Y oung­ stown, Ohio); Dr. Charles Faulkner, nationally syndicated columnist, W ash­ ington, D.C.; Norman Hill, human rights activist, New Y ork City; and James Moss, psychiatrist, New York City. The D eclaration lists im portant hu­ manistic principles to be observed in­ cluding: A com m itm ent to the application of reason, science, and critical thinking to the solving o f hum an problem s. A concern w ith securing justice and fairness in society. An em phasis on improving life here and now and in developing the individ­ ual’s creative talents to their fullest. A belief in the cultivation o f m o ra l1 excellence. Skepticism tow ard untested claim s» to knowledge. A commitment to the application of reason, science, and critical thinking to the solving of human problems. A concern with securing justice and fairness in society. An emphasis on improving life here and now and in developing the individual’s creative talents to their fullest. A belief in the cultivation of moral excellence. Skepticism toward untested claims to knowledge. Openness toward new ideas. The need for optimism rather than pessimism, hope rather than despair, and learning in the place of dogma. Humanistic principles from The Declaration confront A frican-A m ericans through education and self-reliance. The need to develop self-help im ­ provem ent groups. The need to em phasize the central im portance o f education at all levels, including humanistic education, devel­ oping a humanistic outlook, but espe­ cially improving the tools for the devel­ opm ent o f critical reason in self-im ­ provem ent and career training. The Declaration was drafted by Norm Allen, executive director o f AAH. A full copy o f the D eclaration and a par­ tial list o f the board m em bers o f AAH is attached. Perm ission to reprint the D eclaration or to excerpt is hereby granted. The D eclaration is published in the Spring issue of Free Inquiry maga­ zine. Do You Have What It Takes to Start Your Own Business? 37th Annual Unity Awards In Media Jefferson City, M O -T h e best in report­ ing o f minority affairs and handicapped issues will be honored during the 37th Annual Lincoln University Awards in Media, April 30, 1990. This year, 42 journalists from a field on 170 nation­ wide entrants will receive their first place trophies for outstanding journal­ ism. The day-long program will feature workshops in both print and broadcast journalism . The day’s activities will be capped with the awards cerem ony and dinner hosted at the Capitol Plaza Ho­ tel. Three distinguished journalists will add their talents to the activities. G re­ gory B. Freeman, A ssistant City Editor & Colum nist for the St. Louis Post Dispatch will deliver the convocation address. Kansas City Call reporter, Donna Stewart, will address the lunch­ eon program . Jack “ The R apper” G ibson, a pioneer in Black oriented radio, will serve as m aster o f cerem o­ nies during the Awards B anquet O penness tow ard new ideas. The need for optim ism rather than pessim ism , hope rather than despair, and learning in the place of dogma. The Declaration also examines some o f the m oral dilem m as plaguing the A frican-A m erican com m unity includ­ ing unwanted pregnancy, health con­ cerns, and substance abuse. T he need to develop self-esteem is also stressed. The Declaration recommends the fol­ lowing aim s for the Black community: The need to develop an appreciation for the great cultural contributions made by people o f African descent to the world. The need to oppose racism . The need to cultivate “ w isdom and good conduct in living” by using the scientific and rational m ethods of in­ quiry. The need to solve problem s that New home video released to help would-be entrepreneurs The award winning producers o f the nationally televised financial affairs se­ ries entitled, “ In the Black: Keys to Success” , which airs over superstation W W O R-TV (Channel 9), and the pro­ ducers of die home video entided, “ Your Personal Financial Guide to Success, Pow er & Security” , will distribute a new two hour video guide entided, “ How to Start Your Own Successful Busi­ ness” . Learn how to effectively: Start, market and manage your own business, set up financing, analyze busi­ ness insurance needs, buy an existing business, evaluate franchising opportu­ nities, set up a Home Based Business or Youth Entrepreneurial program , nego­ tiate a deal and protect your ideals. In addition, we also highlight successful entrepreneurs w ho share their keys to success, plus much more. Caroline R. Jones (Caroline Jones Advertising) a leading m arketing ex­ ecutive and host o f the nationally tele­ vised series, is hosting this Entrepre­ neurial video which also features on- location reporters. Each cassette which retails for $29.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling, will also include a free Entrepreneurial workbook provided by M etropolitan Life Insurance Co. as a bonus. You can order this cassette by send­ ing a check or money order to: In The Black Productions Inc., P .O .B ox 1229, New Y ork.N ew York 10185. Forcredit card orders, fundraising and distribu­ tion opportunities call toll free 1-800- 433-8096. A portion o f the proceeds will go toward the National Entrepre­ neurial Youth Education P ro je c t A Tribute To Black Mothers Presented In recognition o f the month in which all mothers are honored and rem em bered the m o st 12 rem ark­ able women o f courage and strength are featured as part o f “ A Tribute To Black M others” in the May Ebony. Each demonstrating their own dis­ tinctive brand o f “ m other love” , these Black m others, whether the actual biological parents, or just special individuals who mothered som eone along the way, are selfless nurturers w ho’vc mastered the art of love and giving. “ I want to be a strong m other,” says Alison Leland, w idow o f Rep. George (M ickey) L e­ land, and the m other o f three sons. “ But I w ant to balance that with a strong sense o f their father, so they will have a strong sense o f them ­ selves,” she adds. A Houston investment banker, Ms. Leland has assumed the task of raising their son Jarrett, 4, and his twin brothers as a single mother. O ther Black mothers profiled in­ clude Mrs. Corctta Scott King, Ms. Betty Shabazz, M other Clara Hale and poet G w endolyn Brooks. Alison Leland, widow of the late Congressman Mickey Leland, and their four-year old son, Jarrett, highlight Ebony's "Tribute To Black Mothers." CREED OF THE BLACK PRESS 5 Not every I hi ng is worthy fspeech, though all is worthy )f thought. The Black Press believe, that Am erica can best lead the w orld away tra m social and national antagonisms when It accords to every person, regardless of race, color, or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person In the firm belief that all are h u rt as long as anyone Is held back. I