Portland Observer, May 2, tw o If Hi SCflPTUff Of 'THE Strengthen ‘Your fa i th ‘Through (Prayer A n d fegufar Church Worship Love And Marriage . . . Hate And Divorce by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Everyday we look into the pages o f the newspapers or magazines, see the stories on the television screen or hear the issues revealed on the air waves o f the radio--all pronouncing the decline o f the H oly Ceremony called marriage, it makes me shudder. Society has dictated how, when, who and why marriage should or should not continue, who you should marry , how long you may stay married and even the when p a rt I hear disturbing reports about safe sex, fo r which there is none outside o f marriage. Man is constantly putting bandages on the symptoms instead o f finding a cure for the cause. Many-a- time the cure is staring them right in the face; but, they don’t want to do that--its too much like RIGHT. W hile mapping out a course fo r correction, we journey through the frezing cold o f the Antartic just to find our way across the street in front o f our house. This, to some, may be extreme; but, this is usually a true analogy o f how man finds answers to his problems. Marriage is no exception. I f one o f the mates is not too tall or too short, they’re too ugly or to o f at or just too- too anything that society considers them to be. The Holy Scriptures reveal the whys and wherefores o f marriage and how man is to enter into its dominions. Whether you be Jew or Gentile, free or slave, Christian believer or sinner, we all repeat the same vows. Some tim id ly and some boldly exclaim, “ I do!” When God first created man, man was alone. He created, for him (man), a help mate (woman). “ This is i t ! ” Adam exclaimed, “ She is part o f my own bone and flesh! Her name is woman because she was taken out o f a man.” This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his w ife in such a way that he two become one person. [Gen. 2:23-24] A t one point in time, man was con­ cerned with the propagation of the human race. Yes! A m a n was considered rich by the number o f wives and children he had; along w ith the cattle and the land. Now here’ s the k ic k e r-a fte r Christ, all law ful marriages were to be monoga­ mous, "C le a v in g o nly to her/him as long as ye both shall live .” This does not mean that you are to go out and do away w ith your spouse so that you can marry someone else who may have caught your fancy. A man / woman who loves themself should, in fact, love their mates be­ cause God has instructed that “ Hus­ bands, show the same kind o f love to your wives as C hrist showed to the church when he died fo r her. A man must love his w ife as a part o f himself. The w ife must w illin g ly obey her hus­ band ju s t as the church obeys C h ris t She must submit herself to her hus­ band’ s leadership in the same way that we submit ourselves to the Lord.” [Eph. 5:21-33] The biggest problem in a marriage is co m m unication. " la m not going to speak to him /her and I don’ t want to even here what he/she m ight have to say. And 1 am not going to listen to anyone who m ight want to make up.” These words have been uttered many a times. B u t . . . listen to these words o f wisdom, not because I said it but be­ cause the Scripture is saying it. “ So be careful how you act; these are d iffic u lt days. D on’ t be fools; be wise: make the most o f every opportunity you have for doing good. D on’ t act thought­ lessly, but try to find out and do what­ ever the L ord wants you to.” [Eph. 5:15-17] As a means to fin d a solution to this problem, sometimes one o f the mates may drink alcohol or take drugs. This is their lament, " I ju s t can’ t take it anymore. Using or taking this stu ff seems to help take the sting out o f what I have to face.” W R O N G ! The Scrip­ ture says, " D o n ’t drink too much wine, for many evils lie along that path; be fille d instead w ith the H oly Spirit, and controlled by him (the H oly Spirit). Learn how to talk w ith each other much about the Lord, quoting psalms and hymns and singing sacred songs, mak­ ing music in your hearts to the Lord. Alw ays give thanks to the Lord for every thing to our God and Father in the name o f our Lord Jesus Christ. Honor Christ by submitting to each other.” [Eph. 5:18-20] Learn how to pray together. Hold hands and pray. Feel one another’ s pain and sorrow. D on’ t leave your mate grieving when you can ease the pain w ith a touch or embrace to be placed at ju s t the right time. " W h a t God has jo in e d together let no one p ut asunder.” Let no man or woman (from outside the marriage) distract the attentiveness o f one from another by words o f envy, jealousy or evil ventures. Rather than turn to oth­ ers outside your u n io n -tu rn to one another and to C hrist’s teachings. The She's making good things happen in Multnomah County! w ife should n't go to another man to be consoled and the husband should not go to another woman for c o m fo rt "Y oung men, listen to me, and never forget what I ’m about to say: Run from her! D on’ t go near her house, lest you fa ll to her temptation and lose your honor, and give the remainder o f your life to the cruel and merciless, lest strangers obtain your wealth, and you become a slave o f foreigners. Lest af­ terwards you groan in anguish and in shame, when syphilis consumes your body, and you say, “ Oh, i f only I had listened! I f only I had not demanded my own way! Oh, why w ouldn’t I take advice? W hy was I so stupid? For now I must face public disgrace. D rink from your own w ell, my s o n - be faithful and true to your own wife. W hy w ould you beget children w ith women o f the street? W hy share your children w ith those outside your home? Let your manhood be a blessing; re­ joice w ith your w ife o f your youth. Love is ordained by God. B u t . . . love has been so misconstrued by man­ kind. It has been used as a means to lure and tempt. This is not o f God. Open your eyes to the changing o f the times. Read your Scripture. D aily. The L O V E that God has for us is a different kind o f love. The Love that man has fo r his w ife is a different kind o f love. "M e n , live happily w ith the woman you love through the fleeting days o f life , fo r the w ife God gives you is your best reward down here for all your earthly to il. Whatever you do, do w ell, fo r in death, where you are going, there is no w orking or planning, or knowing, or understanding.” [Eccles. 9:9-10] To Be Continued Next Week WEEK tPsabns 23 * C haplain Colem an Receives Em ployee H onor—for the 2nd Time! ]ames Coleman receives his Employee of the M onth award from Vice President M ina Stewart. Chaplain James Coleman is the recipient of April's Employee of the Month award. Jim has worked at Emanuel since 1972, and has the special honor of having been chosen an Employee of the Month when the program was first implemented in 1984 The Rev. Coleman is described consistently as compassionate and caring, always available to talk to and console families, patients and staff He never hesitates to come in during the middle of the night. He simply states, "I'll be right in." His career is significant at Eman­ uel. He was the first non-Lutheran chaplain here and as such has performed pioneering work for his denomination, the Church of God. "He demonstrates a variety of skills in addition to direct ministry," roc ■/ elect PORTLAND DEVELOBtLYr COMMISSION JIM DUNCAN Commission Meeting Date: M ay 9,1990 Place: Portland Building 1120 SW Fifth Ave., 11th FI. Portland, OR Time: 9:30 a.m. _____ JIM DUNCAN for State Representative House District 19 says : “ State priorities must reflect the needs of the people. Voters In HD 19 are concerned about Education, Crime, Drugs, Property Taxes, and declining Human Services.” Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC. Call 796-5300. PDC is the C ity of Portland's urban renewal and economic development agency. says the Rev. W illiam Adix, lead chaplain. "H e is also actively involved in staff support. He is seen as a pastoral resource, first for his sensitivity to people and second for his willingness to take a stand on issues and act on them. The staff does turn to him for advice and support." Here is what some of the employ­ ees who nominated Jim have to say about him: "H e is kind and gentle w ith staff and families and patients. He never complains." "A very compassionate, caring ind ivid ua l." "He takes care of patient and fam ily needs while accommodating the needs of busy staff nurses. He deals well w ith grieving and dis­ traught families." "I have heard from so many families what a kind and tru ly interested person he is. He is a great asset to the hospital." JIM DUNCAN knows that : Funding for Education from State must be increased to create an offset to local property taxes. Crime and Drugs are out o f control. Our parks are not safe. More State intervention is needed if we are to remove the “crack houses” in NE Portland. More help and services by HD 19 Elderly and by HD19 Parents with MR & ED Children in the State Hospital at Fairview. Problems in the Workers Compensation System and with State Accident Insurance Fund must be solved. Injured workers and employers are in a hostage, no-win situation, as long as the system remains unchanged. Some of our com m unity leaders, individual citizens, and business owners in HD 19 feel they do not have ACCESS to GOVERNM ENT through the present elected leaders. Berna Plummer for Congress in '90 Republicans and Independents can vote for Berna Plummer for Congress in 1990 U.S. House of Representatives District 3 JIM DUNCAN will make your safety, your concerns, your welfare, his primary emphasis. Call him at 287-9462. A Let H er K n o w Y o u r C o n c e rn s : 13740 N.E. Fremont Ct., Portland, OR 97230 (503) 252-1772 People for Plummer INDEPENDENT VOTERS: Please remember you have the right to vote in the Oregon Republican Primary. Jim Duncan has been endorsed by the 1990 Oregon Black Political Convention. Authorized by ELECT JIM DUNCAN COMMITTEE, P.0. Box 8604, Portland, OR 97207-8604. Ron Hall, Treasurer POTENTIAL BOYCOTT Guess Jeans...Their advertisements may promote male supremacy. Media W a tch -a Santa Cruz. C A company that attempts to call attention to questionable business practices-contends that Guess’ "distorted concepts o f love, self-worth, popularity, and norm alcy" contribute to the incidence o f rape. Paid For And Authorized by People For Plummer Jesus Loves You! ARANATHA HURCH Re-elect Gladys McCoy Multnomah County Chair. Paid tor by Friends of Gladys McCoy, P.O. Box 1809, Portland, OR 97207 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Sunday Services reaching Church With A Caching Ministry. Sunday School 9:00 A.M. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST ------ 1 CHURCH ----- Morning Worship 116 N.E. Schuyler • (503) 284-19 10:30 A.M. 3 M O R N IN G WORSHIP SERVICES 8.00 A M . - W ORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M . - W ORSHIP SER 12 JO P.M. - W ORSHIP SERVICE C H I RCH SCHOOL; SATURDAY M O R N IN G 9 A.M . T O 10 Maranatha School of Ministry 6:30 P.M. Mid-Week Services - Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Dr- James E. Martin, Senior Pastor BIRLE STUDY: 10:30 A.M. - 12 NOON - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8.-00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY Rev. W endell H. Wallace Senior Tastar Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 8.-00 AM . - KBM J