P ag e 8 P o r tla n d O b s e rv e r A p r il 2 5 , 1990 The Prince H a ll Shriners Welcome Oregon to the... ARMOUR MEATS W e s te rn R eg io n V I I G a la D a y P a r a d e A .E A .O .N .M .S . PAN SIZE BACON REGULAR o r LO W SALT SAVE 30e GRAND MARSHALL: S a tu rd a y M a y 26, 1990 1 0 :0 0 a a n . H o n o r a b le J .E . B u d C la r k 1 2 oz PKG M ayor E AC H P o rtla n d , O re g o n JUMBO HOT DOGS * B ands MEAT or BEEF 1 6 M arching U nits oz. vfc D rill T eam s EAC H PKG. MARGARINE M ini Cars * B ikes FLEISCHMANN'S R e g u la r o r U n s a lte d F or mort information or official entry blank, please call: P O U N D OF FOUR QUARTERS “ THE RIGHT N ot everything is worthy o f speech, though all is worthy o f thought. TOWN SINCE I 90S 29 1990 S P E C IA L S E F F E C T IV E A P R IL 2 o " TO LIMIT QUANTITIES O fficial Parade R oute: Parade aaaerobty w ill be at th e M em o rial C o liseu m n o t h lot. I n x n j north bound on W illiam » Rd. using north and S o u th bound lanea. Thro right an F re m o n t to M .L .K . Blvd. South an M .L .K . B ird , to H ie t a la West an Haaaalo to C o iiaeu m lot G a te 283-3091 8AM TPM SU\OAv M E M B E R O F U N IT E D G R O C E R S 9A M • 8 PV O P IN IRE EAT STEROL FOR LIFE! r 7Wf AMO A U TO CCMTXffJ F O R S E R V IC E E X C E P T W H E R E P R O H IB IT E D A m e ric a n H eart A ssociation M in o rity H ealth Conference M a y 3-4 S etting O re g o n ’s M in o rity H ealth A genda F o r The 1990s is the theme o f the first annual statewide m in o rity health conference to be held on M a y 3-4, 1990, at the Red L io n L lo y d C enter in Portland. The conference w ill b rin g people fro m a ll o ve r the state together to share in fo rm a tio n about the health o f racial and ethnic m in o ritie s in O regon, and p ro vid e an o p p o rtu n ity fo r net­ w o rk in g and c o a litio n b u ild in g . K eynote presenters include: Reed V . Tuckson, M .D ., Senior Vice- President o f P rogram s, N a tio n al M arch o f D im es, W h ite P lains, N .Y . D r. T uckson was fo rm e rly the H ealth C o m ­ missioner o f the Washington, D.C. Health D epartm ent, and p re v io u s ly was A d ­ m in is tra to r o f the M e n ta l R etardation and D e ve lo p m e n t D is a b ilitie s A d m in i­ stration in W ash in g to n . He w ill discuss the p ro b le m o f in fa n t m o rta lity in m i­ n o rity populations. Deborah P rothrow -S tith, M .D ., V ice- President and M e d ic a l D ire c to r o f C o m m u n ity Care S ystem s, In c ., B os­ ton, M .A . D r. P ro th ro w -S tith was fo r­ m e rly the C o m m issio n e r o f the M assa­ chusetts D e partm ent o f H ealth. She LET US SATISFY YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS O U R P R IC IN G P L E D G E . We II meet competition's current advertised price on identical items Bring their ad to us Otter applies to current merchandise in our Auto Centers only Excludes clearance, factory closeouts Sears catalogs and services P R O F E S S IO N A L S E R V IC E S ¡tmocESTone « Starting, charging • Wheel balancing and tire services • Engine maintenance - Oil change lubrication - Cooling system (lush • Suspension repair • Fuel injeclion service • Many more just ask ENTER TODAY! , fc°Mf rO HP41 AS LOW AS AS LOW AS PI75 ’OMR 13 Larger SiZiS P’lcefl Migner P185-70*4* 13 PI 95. 70*4*14 »195. 7O»4*14 P205 7O*4«14 O U R T IR E A D V A N T A G E S • • • • FREE inspection FREE mounting FREE 5 0 0 0 mile rotations Mileage wearout warranties on all Sears brands and some name brands • High performance, light truck and passenger tires available - Road hazard protection available Rancho RS 5000 Unique 10- stage valving for light tru cks' SHOCKS SteadyRider Gas SteadyRider Get that new car feeling back again1 7 7 9 , Gas-charged for superb handling1 I « * Reg $32 99 Through 4 28 90 L trail S u m Pnce« mum 97100 94400 STEADYRIDER GAS STRUTS-INSTALLED! Many cars O THER ADVANTAGES • Professionally trained mechanics 2 89?? v f lu o i r Rears extra Gas charged for INSTANT response • Service, warranties honored nationwide • Parts service tor most imports, light trucks ■ Famous name brands hacked by Sears • FREE 12-pt Inspection Alignment recommended extra RoadHandler Gas Struts Cartridges As low as 129 9 9 pair installed OUR GREAT BUYING POWER MEANS 15% TO 20% OFF Already Low Prices on RoadHandler Response Radials :R0NT )ISC BRAKES Semi metallic menai imports extra 24" Thrust line 39" Total 4 wheel 49” U S * « VwJfEx Every txake alignment ioti is different Because additional services parts! 50 000 mile wearout warranty PTS5BO813 »1 8575*1« »1*5/75*1« »705 75*1« »705/75*15 »715/75*15 »275/75*15 P235/75W15 . ■ ^ ^ P 1 5 5 SEARS 60-month* AS LOW AS P155 8GR13 OFFER ENDS 4 28 90 z A. are often needed, at extra cost we prepare estimates up-tront £ RoadHandler Response Alter 5 0.000 test miles we subiected them to Federal tests for NEW tires THEY EXCEEDED ALL R E Q U IR EM EN TS' Ask US' WHEEL ALIGNMENT Front end 80R13 MORE POWER THAN MANY ORIGINAL EQUIP. BATTERIES! OUR LOWEST PRICED STEEL BELTED RADIA Medicine at the Boston University School o f M e d icin e . She w ill discuss adoles­ * 2 steel belts for durability • 25.000-m ile wearout warranty cent v io le n ce as a p u b lic health issue, status o f m in o rity health at the n a tio n a l level. O ve r 80 presenters w ill be a v a ila b le S471 52" also served as an A ssista n t Professor o f and its consequences on m in o rity health. W illia m R o b in so n , M .D .,E x e c u tiv e D ire cto r, O ffic e o f M in o rity H e a lth , U.S. P u b lic H ealth S ervice, W a s h in g ­ ton, D .C . D r. R obinson w ill discuss the YOUR CHOICE S e e rs W ill M atch Any C o m p e tito r s A d ve rtise d P rice On T h es e S u e s 39” . ■ ■ ■ ■ TTTTT . Guafdsm Up to 5 0 0 cold-cranking amps. Up to 8 0 m inutes reserve capacity AUTO BATTERY PRICES INCLUDE INSTALLATION! 25 000 mite wearout warranty CAR TOP CARRIER SAVE *7! Ttrougn 4 29 90 "1488 ft* Roomy aerodynamic design1 Includes 2 padlocks key Fits most cars 15 cu It 43160 ll - c i H carrier 94 89 Reg »102 8« í T pw , th roughout the conference, o ffe rin g w orkshops on H isp a n ic, A s ia n , In d ia n , A fric a n and refugee health issues. The conference is open to p u b lic and private health care p ro vid e rs , c o m m u ­ nity-based orga n iza tio n s and groups, legislators and ke y decision m akers, and anyone interested in m in o rity health issues. The conference is co-sponsored by O regon H ealth D iv is io n , U.S. P u b lic H ealth S ervice, M a rch of Jtt Guardimi»! Performance Pirelli Response RoadHandler SCR RoadHandler 50 ?5 000 mi»« wearout warranty 30 000-mde wearout warranty 50 000 miip wearout warranty 50 000 mHe wtarout warranty AS LOW AS PW 5 70SR13 »195/701*13 »198/701*1« »1 *5 /70 1*1 « » 7 0 5 /7 0 **'« »2is/tsin is 9Q88 AS LOW AS P156/SW12 la a .a i «4.88 «7.M aa.M M .ra Pirelli P6 185 6 0H R I4 01*4» Sizes CompaiiHy P1*.« D im e s, '45 8*1 1 155/1*13 175/1*1« 195/5*14 ,9 5'701*13 175/701*13 195 701*13 195 701*14 1*5/701*14 705 701*14 ’ *5 609*14 1*5/801*15 3 4 98 AS LOW AS PISS SOR 13 P185'9O*13 PI 75/» 0 *13 »195 90*11 »145/75*1« »1*1/75*1« »205'75*1« »205 75*15 »215-75*15 »225/75*15 »235/75*15 3 7 9Z © ^ G o o d ric h Trail Hand 1er S a a r* W ill M atch Any C o /n p etrto* s A d ve ritae d Pric« On T h e» « S izes 35 000 mHe wearout warranty Radial T A Comp T /A IHR» AS LOW AS 5 1 95 8 6 95 PIZ» ’ 08813 lii*e rS tfis P"C»9 MsgN«r »2O5< 701*14 »215/701*1« »215/701*15 »225/701*15 »235/701*15 P1BS ROM* 14 l9r*arSi7*i Prict* Muhet 195 90*4*1« 1*5/90*4*15 205/80*4*15 215/«O*4»1S manente, Portland State U n iv e ris ty , Oregon P rim ary C are A sso cia tio n , M u ltn o m a h C ounty H ealth D iv is io n , and Sisters o f P rovidence in O regon. F or registrationinform ation, ca ll 229- 6627 in Portland. 4 1 122 DieHard marine save not TrailHandler STR i ' W ’S»'« 197 — 81 8* «4 •• TrailHandler LT »215 75*15 D ieH ard 8*7 JO 77 22 3 1 .in 50*15 LT215. 75*15 LT235 75*15 »4 27 TrailHandler AT 1 ■ ‘ » «aa aa 11*10 50*15 a«aa 17715 75*15 a t 74 LT235/75R15 88 8« Oi*«' Sizes Com»4K0i) Pncw •limited warranty tor months miles specified See Auto Center tor details Some tire sizes available by special order only A m erican Cancer S o cie ty, K a ise r Per- M a rio n C o u n ty H ealth D epartm ent, AS LOW AS 9658 DieHard Utility 59” 24” 9619 with trade i Not all products/services available at all Auto Centers DHCeVFR — Aul° C«"1» ' ° nl* E"cl“* » ’4 p ro d u c ts '™ " Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back Auto 'center* to?detail's clearance closeouts Sears catalogs Merchandise in this Cen e r l Un ,SS ,ua " Pd • " prices ,re S e,,s «»dryday regular prices Installation available on many i0 u S k , ,o? , * e ’ IhQu’ tb Stock ol advertised items io meet demand One to circumstances beyond our control, on occasion out 01 slocks occur When this happens Sears will at Its option substitute an equal or heller item at the advertised once or provide a rarncheck Excludes limned oners c Sears, Roebuck and Co., 1990 I four money's worth and a whole lot more. 89” -. Through 4 28 90 Marine starting 39 97 w trade m