Page 6 Portland Observer April 25, 1990 S c flD T lT frE O f ‘TTTE ‘W E E K Strengthen fo u r fa i th ‘Through ‘P rayer A n d ‘J ugular Church ‘Worship Lighting The Torch of Conscience In Oregon The Religious Community Confronts the Death Penalty The O regon C oalition to Abolish the D eath Penalty will hold an observance w hich will bring together O regon’s re­ ligious leaders, and other justice lead­ ers, to cerem oniously sign the “ Light­ ing the Torch o f C onscience” declara­ tion. A m arch from the church to O re­ gon State Penitentiary will follow the observance to be held on: Sunday, A pril 29th at 3:00 p.m., First United M ethodist Church, State and Church Streets, Salem , Oregon. “ Lighting the Torch of Conscience” is a nationw ide campaign designed to rekindle the religious community’s long- held com m itm ent to the abolition of capital punishment and to provide people o f faith with resources for study and action. .Many peace and justice groups have sponsored this effort, including the National C oalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, the National Interre­ ligious Task Force on Crim inal Justice, Amnesty Intem ational-U SA , and the Southern Christian Leadership Confer­ ence (SCLC). The campaign was launched on April 14th, 1989 in Atlanta, G eorgia when national leaders from religious com ­ munions and other organizations came together to sign the declaration. The cam paign will culm inate with a 330 mile m arch from Starke, Florida (site o f F lorida’s death row) to inner city A t­ lanta, G eorgia on May 5 -19th. As part o f the Salem observance, O CA D P will com m ission Scott Printz to participate in the march as O regon’s representative. Scott Printz is Chair o f O C A D P’s Vigil Committee. The following religous com m u­ nities have endorsed the Lighting the Torch o f Conscience D eclara­ tion: National Council o f Churches of Christ in the USA American Baptist Churches Presbyterian Church USA Union of American Hebrew Con­ gregations United Church o f Christ United Methodist Church A merican Friends Service Com ­ mittee M ennonite Central Committee, USA Unitarian Universalist Association Central Conference o f American Rabbis _ 5 Shadow Masters & Sound P salm s 91 The 6th Annual Sickle Cel, Anemia Extravaganza CHORAL CROSS-TIES The event will be April 28, 1990 at 6:00p.m . in the M aranthaChurch, 1222 NE Skidmore, Portland, OR. Participating groups will incude out- of-town guests: Emmanuel Apostolic Church Choir of Bremerton, WA; In­ spirational Sounds of Eugene, OR; and the Generators of Seattle, WA. Lcoal groups will feature the Portlandaires, Alpha O ne, Portland Metro Area Choir, M aranatha Choir, Emmanuel Temple Full Gospel Choir, Mattie Ann Callier- Spears, and celloist, Karen Patterson. Sickle Cell Anemia interferes with the developm ent of a human being. Physical and emotional changes impact Sickle Cell Anemia patients by causing continued disruptions in routine activi­ ties. The purpose of “ Bloodline A w are­ ness through Gospel Music Transfu­ sion” is to increase community aw are­ ness about teh devastating efects of Sickle Cell Anemia. Presents ITE, MISSA EST a special benefu concert featuring the music o f Lassus, Palestrina, Rachmaninoff, Bruckner, Victoria on Pentecost Sunday, June 3, 1990 3:00 p.m. at The Church o f St. Philip Neri SE 18th & Division Portland, Oregon Admission: $10 adult $ 8 senior or student $25 family Photography THE PORTLAND CHAPTER OF JACK AND JILL INC. PRESENTS ITS ANNUAL SPRING TEA í--. Portland Observer! 1552 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 286-9624 SUNDAY, APRIL 29,1990 2:00-4:00 PM, TOW N HALL 3425 Kaiser C enter W ay D onations will benefit: TLC/TNT Youth I n t e rv e n t i o n P ro gra rn The Jack & Jill N ational Foundation A pril 25-29,1990 7:00 p m N ig h tly 9:45-3:00 p m S a tu rd a y S e m in a r 3:00 p m S u n d a y a fte rn o o n se rv ic e w ill conduct the 8th Annual Women Fellowship & Seminar Services presenting 1990's " P o w e r fu l P ro b le m s-P o w e rfu l S o lu tio n s AN II Chronicles 7:14 HOMELESS CHILD ABUSE UNEMPLOYMENT ABORTION DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DIVORCE RACISM AIDS GANGS DRUGS ALCOHOLISM CORRUPTION HOMOSEXUALITY CRIME SINGLE PARENTS O utstanding Speaker M is s io n a r I d a S im p s o n D a n ie ls E v a n g e lis t F lo ra P e te rs o n M is s io n a r y M a ttie W e lls D y n a m ic C o m m u n ity P a r tic ip a n ts 't i 'L x 'K r Proceeds to benefit FISH EM ERG EN CY SERVICE, INC., which provides food, clothing, and information for people in crisis in the Portland Metropolitan area Lesley E. Hammond A-J , Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The CHRIST MEMORIAL WOMEN AFFAIRS 'S U N COUNTRY“ i'J. Free, ample parking is available, or ride Tri-Met bus route #4 (503) 629-5930 P.O. Box 6311 Aloha, OR 97006 Rick P ratt PROVE GOD NOW Miracle and Healing Seminar Teacher - Evangelist W. Pritchett, Radio, TV, And Crusade Speaker With A Proven Nationwide Mir­ acle Ministry. Evangelist W. Prtichett will be teaching how to claim God’s prom­ ises, how to be healed of all your diseases and sickness, by trusing God’s Word and His Name through th epower of the Holy Ghost. This is your opportunity to be healed, delivered and set free by learning to trust God and His promises. Something For Everyone Including The Men!!! Love,-Lee.-Ladce Just Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer If So G ive LONNIE A Call at 283-5440 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. The finest in salon and beauty care for over 26 years in the Portland Metro Area. G eri , See “ Prove God Now’’, Cable TV Ministry each Sunday, Channel 11, 1:00 pm Friday, Channel 17, 4:00 pm Saturday, Channel 33, 11:00 am Hair Weeving is The Thing For Everyone!!! Some Like Cosmetic Weeve . . . Others Might Need A Corrective Weeve . . . You May Just Want To Look Good!!! (Art Nails, Manicure, Pedicure, Facial) H air S tylists / D T ime : 2:00-5:30 p . m . D ate : S aturday , A pril 28,1990 283-5440 Nail Care & Service 2 fo r 1 Siair S ty íes A s hi f o r M gr 220 NE Beech St. Portland, Oregon 6720 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. Hair weeving, Designer Cuts Coloring, Press and Curl, Leisure Curl, Hawaiian Curl & Perms, and other Relaxers & Blow dry. DON’T MISS IT! I f ‘Weeving Isn't fo u r ‘Thing! Let's Do ‘What Ever fo u r ffa ir Desires! esigners : M ar y , A l , Jesus Loves You! J anice M anicurist : P at O wner / m a n a g e r : A lzena D e D e L eveaux & C assie EVANGELIST W. PRITICH ETT Place: O.B. WILLIAM CONVENTION CENTER Unity of Love 3606 N. Williams 284-0293 Child care provided fes ARANATHA HURCH J enkins MRS C ’S WIGS 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (c o rn e r o f 8 th & S k id m o re ) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS BETTY CABINE PROPRIE TO'" ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS Turs-SAT 1 1:30-6 HX; X CS- UNBUE HAB ORNAMENTS BEAUTICIAN A STUDENT DISCOUNTS ZURI COSMETICS BRAIDING WFAVBG & 6:30 P.M. BIBLE STUDY: Mid-Week Services - Wednesday 7:30 P.M. • (503) 284-19 3 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES 8:00 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A M. - WORSHIP SER 12:30 P.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE CHURCH SCHOOL: SATURDAY MORNING 9 A.M. TO 10 Maranatha School o l Ministry 100% HUMAN HAB FOR MT. OLIVET BAPTIST —1 ’ Dr. CHURCH = Jam es E. M artin, S en io r P astor 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 A.M. MRS C'S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETKS 1 Í Morning Worship HAB BEAOS A BEAUTY SUPPUES 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E FREMONT) Teaching Church W ith A Hf aching Ministry. Sunday School 9:00 A.M. EVERYTHWG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WfcS [ 2fi 1-6525 Sunday Services R ev. W en d ell H. W allace S en io r Pastor 10:30 A.M. -12 NOON - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY Radio M inistry Each Sunday, 8.00 A M . - KBM