Portland Observer April 25,1990, Page 3 N ews A round T own This Week in History Recently, I went to see ‘ ‘The H and­ maid ’ s Tale ” , a mo vie that is conceptu­ ally rem iniscent o f G eorge O rw ell’s 1984. It depicts a com pletely male- dom inated society. The female charac­ ters were uproarious and rebellious, and could not be “ whipped into shape” . A com m ent from a nearby audience m em ber was to the effect that this as­ pect o f the m ovie was unrealistic, as one could presum e this society of male- dom ination was highly advanced (in that it was m eticulously organized and orderly) and by that time, the women would’ve been more subdued and would m ostly have accepted their role as the repressed. This is a sensible argum ent. H ow ­ ever, history has proven it is not appli­ cable. Just as cream in milk, many fighters o f the status quo have risen up in protest and helped to fight inequality for us all. Many o f these people receive ju st recognition: M alcolm X, M artin L u ­ ther King Jr., Nelson M andella, G loria Steinem; the list goes on and on. Many o f the fighters, though, go unnoticed. You m ight even be one o f them. W e, as a people, can rem edy this with education. (It would be better, o f course, to-instead of applying the band- aid o f education to the w ound o f ine- q u a lity -to heal the scar entirely, but this is idealistic to the point o f unreal­ ism. Until we can w ipe out the w hole problem, education is the greatest step we can make.) As Janet Jackson—a fighter in her own w a y -sa id , “ W e’re in a race between education and catas­ trophe.” A p ril 3 0 ,1958-Defying a 700-year-old C o m m u n it y C alender Parents Without Partners Family Memorial Day Picnic All Portland area single fam i­ lies, and especially PWP Alumni, are Invited to a family Memorial Day picnic on M onday, May 28th from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. a t Laurelhurst Park, SE 39th and Ankeny, in Portland. PWP will provide hotdogs, hamburgers, tablew ear and beverages. Par­ ticipants are requested to bring side dishes and desserts. There will be games, camaraderie, and fun for everyone. This event is ope n to the public. For more in­ by Angelique Sanders tradition (well, restriction), Queen Eliza­ beth passes a la w that perm its women to have voting power in the House of Lords. Previous to this ruling, women could not obtain m em berships to this upper house o f parliament. April 2 5 ,1 9 5 9-A masked lynch mob in Poplarville, M ississippi decides to de­ vise their own system o f justice: they shot and killed a Black man. Mack Charles Parker, accused o f raping a w hite woman. Parker was in jail aw aiting trial, but the mob m em bers didn’t feel like hold­ ing o ff until the verdict. Tow nspeople added to the hysteria, making it clear they did not want a Black m an-Parker’s law yer-q u estioning a white woman (of course, the tow nspeople saw nothing w rong w ith the fact that no African A m ericans were on the jury). M ack Charles Parker’s body was found in Pearl River by a boatman. Though the F.B.I. investigated the case and subsequently subm itted a re­ port, which allegedly detailed who the m em bers o f the mob were, the Justice D epartm ent said no federal laws were violated (then it’s time to change the laws!) and resigned to inaction. The m atter was passed on to a Pearl River County jury, and next to federal grand jury (w ho looked into possible civil rights’ violations): both saw nothing wrong o r imm oral about the m ob’s actions; both failed to indict.A pril 25, 1960-A report on the problem s of aging illustrates the problem s the elderly are having finding work. The 4% unem ­ ploym ent rate o f the time included a disproportionate num ber of elderly. Louis H. Ravin o f the D epartm ent of form ation, call 257-3649. The Jefferson Acting Ensemble Performances The Jefferson Acting Ensemble presents premier perform ances of three one acts. La Pisca (the Harvest), So Much Water So Close To Home and TheThree Little Pigs, A British Panto are ea ch the cul­ m ination of the ensemble's ef­ forts with renow ned guest play­ wrights, choreographers, c o m ­ posers and performers. The Jef­ ferson Acting Ensemble's perform­ a n ce is th e result of a m ulti-ethnic co m p a n y of 12 actors and one American Score D+ On Retirement IQ Quiz M ost American d o n ’t know how much incom e they’ll need to retire, according to a national “ Retirem ent IQ Q uiz” conducted by The G allup O rganization for Fidelity Investm ents earlier this year. “ The average score on the ten ques­ tion test was 67 percent—a D + ,” said Leonard Nelson, vice president and m anager o f Fidelity’s Portland Inves­ tor Center. “ It tells us there is a dangerous gap in A m ericans’ under­ standing of the financial realities of retirem ent.” O ne-half o f Americans expect to live as well in retirem ent as they do now, Nelson pointed out, but they d o n ’t know the price o f m aintaining their lifestyle. Almost tw o-thirds o f those taking the quiz either underesti­ mated or d id n ’t know how much in­ come they will need when theyr ctired. Portland residents who want to check their retirem ent IQs can contact the local Fidelity office at 503/222-5717 to receive a free copy o f the R etire­ m ent IQ Quiz. Financial planners saw we need 60 to 80 percent o f our income a u h e time Health, Education, and W elfare co n ­ ceded that " o ld m en...find alm ost in­ surm ountable com petition from oung m en and y o ung an d a ttra c tiv e w om en...this is the result in large m eas­ ure o f a negative attitude [toward the elderly] in society.” A p ril 27, 1960-Police and soldiers in Johannesburg, South A frica raided the W est bank African settlem ent and a r - rested 312 Blacks on charges of...WORK SHIRKING AND LACK O F PA SS­ BOOKS. In the ten days preceding this, the total arrests in similar circumstances num bered over 3,000. (I w onder what happened to a Black man w ho ja y ­ w alked...?) A p ril 25, 1965-One thousand racist whites m arched in dow ntow n Atlanta, G eorgia, led by Lester M addox, a man known for his bigotry. A w hite non­ racist threw a smoke bomb on the crowd, and police re-routed the m arch (though did not term inate it, despite the fact that the park they used to speak and m arch at had been turned dow n as a possible m arching sight). Lester M addox, during the previous week, was found innocent o f chasing African Americans out o f his restaurant with a pistol. The Blacks w ere attem pt­ ing to desegregate the diner. A p ril 3 0 ,1968-In response to Dr. C har­ les Spray’s offer to establish a m edical clinic for social dropouts, then-com ­ m issioner Francis Ivancie states: “ I’m not interested in helping create any hip­ pie heaven here in P ortland.” IN Port­ land, Ivancie-according to the O rego- n i a n - ” cracked down on long-hairs in the Lovejoy Fountain.” by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. You know, it’s not often when I’m around friends, office mates, or family m em bers where the topic of love does not arise. Everyone wants love in their life and that special person/m ate/or significant other to be by o n e ’s side during those dark moments (the good ones too), and periods o f doubt. It has almost be­ come an obsession with people. W hat people do not realize is that falling in love is the easy part. It is so easy to fall in love. Sometimes, it can even be for all the wrong rea­ sons. Becoming that significant other/ mate/special person is tougher than falling in love. It takes considerable reflection, thought, and time to de­ cide whether or not a person is the one you would like to spend your life with. Some of my friends have known as quick as 90 days that he or she was/is theone and unfortunately, there are those who spent many years to­ gether before concluding that he or she was not the one. For lack of a better analogy, se­ lecting a mate is like buying an auto­ mobile. You check the m arketplace, the history or track record of the car, and more im portantly, does it serve all your needs One can purchase a “ used” car (involve themselves in a ‘ ‘ short term ’ ’ affair) and get the most miles as possible out o f the situation. In doing so, the encounter is de­ signed not for the long term, but for a short period o f time. On the other hand, if one thinks in terms o f having an automobile around for a very long time, it is worth * ‘every dollar’ ’ spent or the “ amount o f tim e” it takes to technician ages 15-18. The ensemble performs a t The Portland Center for the Perfor- m aing Arts, April 28, 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 29, 7:00 p.m. Tickets available a t the Portland Center, Gl Joe's a n d all Ticket Master Outlets. Students $5.00, Adults $8.00. For inform ation call 280-5180. cle an-up will start a t the old Fred Meyer parking lot, NE 7th Ave. and Emerson St. There will be lots of work, fun, fo o d a n d neighbor­ liness, b e there a t 10:00 a.m. C leanup will last until 3:00 p.m. There will be dum p boxes for yard debris, tires (preferably w ithout rims, limit o f 5 per household) Please no garbage or toxic chemi­ cals. King Neighborhood Clean-Up Day AMA Banquet The King N eighborhood Asso­ ciation discussed a t its last m eet­ ing, April 24, the clean-up sched­ uled for May 12. The King annual cultivate a decent relationship with an­ other person. O nce the car is purchased or the re­ lationship established, there is a strong need for m aintenance or proper care. Like the autom obile, relationships need regular “ oil changes” and proper care. Relationships also need tune ups and em otional, spiritual, and psychological check ups. If you allow your relation­ ship to go an extended period of time without an oil change, like the car, the engine will die on you. So many relationships die because they need an “ oil change or a new tire. ’ ’ People need to ask their potential mate/special person/significant other w hat love means to them and vice versa. People have different perceptions about what love is or is not. These things need to be clarified up front as opposed to when the engine goes bad. Selecting a mate is important be­ cause we are talking “ til death do us” part, not the new way of terminating marriages, “ til divorce do us part.” We are talking about sharing personal space, values, habits, and lifestyles. Does he leave the top off the toothpaste? Is she a “ junky” person? Though trivial exam ples, sharing your life means a com m ittm ent to accepting another in­ dividual for who they are and not what you want him or her to be. It’s not about changing someone or ones attitude af­ ter the mate selection process. W e all have family members or good friends in our lives who we know that we can not share the same environm ent with. How many tim es have you told your brother or sister that you love them, but you would find it difficult to live with them? You know their habits, ways, how responsible they are, and w hat you do not like about them. The same scrutiny you put your brothers and sisters through in terms o f developm ent o f a solid rela­ tionship should apply, in my opinion, when selecting a mate. It is so im por­ tant to know who you are going to spend the rest o f your life with. There is no greater feeling than mutual love. Loving som eone that loves you just as much, but can you spend the rest o f your life with that person. Does that person w ant what you w ant when you w ant it? R ela­ tionships or the mate selection proc­ ess not only m ust be in the same page. You can not make an individ­ ual want what you want. They must desire what you want. Sure, a person m ight want the same thing you want in days to come, but do you have the patience or desire to w ait it out? Do you move on to som eone with your same desires? Again, you can not change a person or make them want what you want. Once you and your special person/ maie/significant other have established the tone you desire for positive em o­ tional, intellectual, and psychologi­ cal g ro w th -th en you are on the path to healthy interaction. It is important that you listen, support the goals/ dreams, and respect your partner also. G et the love you want. Do not fall victim to the quick fix or ‘ ‘ used car’ ’ prem ise. Be patient and keep the faith. Rem em ber, the bonds of m at­ rimony aren’t worth much unless the interest is kept up . . . 27, 7:00 p.m. a t the Holiday Inn- Airport (John Q. Hammond Trade Center). Mr. Charles Jordan, Superin­ tendent of Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation will be the speaker. Ticket price is $29.95 a nd can be purchased by call­ ing the AMA office at 285-0493. If your club, church, school or non-profit organizattion has an event you want community support for, please call 288- 0033 or drop by the Portland Observer office at M.L.King Jr. Blvd and N. Wygant to give us the where, when and who. The Portland Observer reserves the right to edit for space and style The Albina Ministerial Alliance will hold its 11th Annual banquet “ C o m m ittm e n t w ith A ction- Agenda For The 90's", Friday, April They're hot! A Wake Up Call To A Pledge of retirem ent. T herefore, a couple with an annual income of $50,000 would need betw een $30,000 and $40,000 annually to have a com fortable retire­ ment. W ith the m axim um Social Se­ curity benefit for a single-income couple today at $17,550, there is an annual gap o f at least $ 12,450 that will have to be filled. O ther findings from the Fiedelity/ G allup research: Scores on the quiz im proved with age. The oldest group taking the quiz, 55 to 64, were the most know ledgeable about the am ount o f income they will need to retire. Regional differences were pro­ nounced, with M idwesterners answ er­ ing the most questions correctly. Knowl­ edge levels tended to be lower in the South and W est. The majority o f Americans (57 per­ cent) arc w orried about w hether the governm ent will have adequate re­ sources to m eet the needs o f retired citizens after the year 2000, com pared to 49 percent who arc worried about health care costs, and 45 percent about inflation. Say You Saw It In The Selecting A Mate For Life Takes Patience And Faith . by U llysses Tucker, Jr. Recently, I was “ faxed” some information from a ms. Peggy Ross of Beaverton, Oregon. She read a story that I wrote several weeks ago (“ Enjoy Y our Parents W hile They A re Still In This W orld” ) and later sent me the fol­ lowing poem by M aya Angelou. Not only did Ms. Ross suggest, as I did, that we enjoy our parents, but everyone in our family. W ithout my editorializing or sharing additional insight, let me suggest to all those reading this poem to cut it out, put it where your fam ily can see, and make a pledge to get back to basics. Thanks, Ms. Ross. Black Fam ily Reunion Pledge BECA U SE we have forgotten our ancestors, our children no longer give us honor. BECA U SE we have lost the path our ancestors cleared, kneeling in perilous undergrow th, our children cannot find their way. BECA U SE we have banished the God o f our ancestors, our children cannot pray- BECA U SE the old wails o f our ancestors have faded beyond our hearing, our children cannot hear us crying. BECA U SE we have abandoned our wisdom o f mothering and fathering, our befuddled chidlren give birth to children they neither want nor understand. BECA U SE we have forgotten.how to love, the adversary is within our gates, and holds up to the m irror o f the world, shouting “ Regard the Loveless. ” TH EREFO RE, we pledge to bind ourselves again to one another, TO em brace our lowliest, TO keep com pany with out loneliest, TO educate our illiterate, TO feed our starving TO clothe our ragged, TO do all good things, know ing that we are more than keepers o f our brothers and sisters. W e are our brothers and sisters. - 1 * ’*•*> ,y Portland Observer! May 1 - 6 8 p.m. Intermediate Theatre Portland Center for the Performing Arts Tickets: $5, $9, $11 PCPA Box Office: 248-4496 Maya Angelou 'tî . The ^ 7 Jefferson . Dancers Electrifying! Don't miss theip.