Portland Observer April 25,1990, Page 11 JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fiscal Manager (Salary $24,000, + Benefits) Provide fiscal assistance and technical support to N ortheast C oalition of N eighborhoods, a non-profit agency operating m ultiple program s with funding from a variety o f governm ental e n titie s an d p riv a te fu n d e rs. R esp o n sib le for p rep aratio n and m onitoring o f agency budget, provide program support in financial planning, financial analysis, and special projects. Task w ill include preparation of financial and budget projections, collecting and analyzing financial and other data, prepare reports, and other docum ents. Current experience in working with g o v e rn m e n t-fu n d e d n o n -p ro fits desired. W orking know ledge and skills w ith c o m p u te riz e d a c c o u n tin g system s. A pplications are available at the N EC O ffice, 4815 NE 7th. A pplication deadline is M onday, May 7, 1990. T he N ortheast Coalition o f N eighborhoods, Inc. is an Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity Explore Banking Opportunities with Security Pacific Bank Oregon ♦ C o m m e rc ia l T ellers ♦ T ru s t In v e stm e n t Sales O fficer ♦ S e c re tary III For inform ation regarding available positions, call our Job Line, 796-3878, or visit our Personnel Office 1001 SW Fifth Avenue Second Floor Portland, Oregon A pplicant Hours: M on-Fri. 9-1 p.m. i V l « l ..... ................................................ I II I ................. ... I PC Specialist G eorgia-Pacific C orporation has an im ­ p e d ía te opening for a PC Specialist. Individual will prepare, m aintain and develop various statistical reports and jvill provide clerical/secretarial support in our fast-paced sales d ep artm en t PC experience required, w ith an under­ standing o f DOS and 6 m onths experi­ ence using Lotus 1-2-3. M ust have good statistical and straight copy typ­ ing ability, including the setup o f charts and tables. R equires strong clerical/ secretarial skills, including dictation and 10-key by touch. Prefer applicants apply in person M on­ day, 4/30 to W ednesday, 5/2 from 9:00- 4:00. If unable to apply in person, send resum e by M ay 2nd. Pelase include salary history and indicate specific p o ­ sition. G eo rg ia-P acific C o rp o ra tio n Human R esources D epartm ent - 17th Floor 900 SW Fifth Ave. Portland, O R 97204 Equal O pportunity Em ployer A D M INISTRATIVE Estacada City Recorder. S a la ry : $ 1 6 1 5 -$ 1 9 6 3 /m o n th + e x c e lle n t b en efits. U n d er C ity M anager's direction will supervise com puterized central acctg., payroll, utility billing, budget, bond issues, electio n o fficer. M unicipal & com puter experienc e desired. Request application & jo b description: City M anager, E stacada City Hall, PO Box 958,Estacada, O R 97012 (503) 630- 3223. C loses A pril 27, 1990 Equal O pportunity Em ployer COUNSELING Case Mgr, New Directions Beginning salary $1109-$1200 mo. plus exc, benefits CO D A Inc. seeks qualified Case M an­ ager at New D irections Transitional A dult T reatm ent Facility.. Duties in­ clude diagnosis and treatm ent to a caseload o f clients, individual and group counseling and therapy, therapeutic ac­ tivities for clients, client records. T ypi­ cal work week is M on-Fri, swing and day shift. A ssociates degree in health services related field or CCD C certifi­ cation and one year of supervised human services experience are required. To apply subm it CO D A application and screening question responses to ad­ dress below: A pplication m aterials available at C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Em ployer Account Manager Outgoing, motivated person with ex­ cellent selling skills, 2 years experi­ ence in media sales or agency account work desired. Resumes to Dale Coloma, Local Sales M anager, K PD X -TV , P.O. Box 49, Portland, OR 97207 by M on­ day, April 9, 1990. No phone calls. EOE M AINTENANCE Journey-level Pipefitter/Welder The Jam es River C orporation, W auna M ill, is seeking a journey-level Pipefit­ ter/W elder. Candidates M UST have docum entation o f com pletion o f an ac­ credited apprentice program for Pipe­ fitters. “ Purchased” cards are not ac­ ceptable. Five years o f experience in the Pulp & Paper or Petro-Chem ical in­ dustries preferred, with five or more years experience as a Pipefitter/Welder. M ust be a certified welder in both stain­ less and carbon steel, electric arc, MIG, T IG , all positions. Please provide welding certificates if possible. Proof o f com pletion o f apprentice program and resum e M U ST acom pany applica­ tion. Three references required. Jour­ ney level rate is $20.50 per hour plus fringes. Candidates must apply only at the Oregon Em ploym ent D ivision, 818 C om m er­ cial Street, A storia, or at the W ashing­ ton Em ploym ent Service, 711 Vine Street, Kelso, preferably in person. Post­ ing opens M onday, April 23 from 8 am- 5 pm and closes Friday, M ay 4 at 5 p.m. Equal O pportunity Em ployer m /f James River Corporation Educational Assistant- Multihandicapped To assist in activities as planned and scheduled by the classroom teacher. Appl. Deadline: 05/14/90 by 2 p.m. Call 257-1501 Jeaneen, for M ultnomah Education Service D istrict application form and additional information or come to Recruitm ent O ffice, 11611 N E A ins­ w orth Circle, Portland. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer Teacher, Special Education Multihandicapped Program The City of Salem is recruiting for Police Officers To provide direct instruction to stu­ dents. Qualifications: Valid Oregon T each­ ing Certificate Appi. Deadline: 05/15/90 by 2 p.m. Call 257-2501 Jeaneen, for Multnomah Education Service D istrict application form and additional infromation or come to Personnel, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland. An Equal Opportunity Em ployer $1988-$2536Ano. base + excellent fringe benefits. Live and work in O regon’s capital city in a m odem , well-equipped agency serving a pop. of approx. 100,000. Must be U.S. citizen, high school grad, or possess GED., and 21 yrs. by 6/15/ 90. Additional points may be awarded for bilingual skills, law enforcem ent or corretions experience, and/or college education. W omen and minority appli­ cants are encouraged to apply. Closes: 5/25/90. Request application package at Per­ sonnel Dept., 555 Liberty St. SE, Rm. 225,97301. EO E/A A The Private Industry Council (TPIC) is an organization providing em ploy­ m ent and training services to econom i­ cally disadvantaged individuals. TPIC is recruiting for the following tem po­ rary, full-time position. W ORKSITE M ONITOR (Tem porary) Responsibilities: Monitors worksite and em ployers to ensure com pliance with applicable laws, regulations, contract and agreem ent terms and conditions, and program requirements. M aintains w ritten records. Identifies technical as­ sistance needs. Som e travel required. This is a temporary position; duration approxim ately June 1 through Septem ­ ber 14. 1990. Preferred qualifications: One year post­ secondary education in social science, business, public adm inistration or other closely related field; one year experi­ ence working with econom ically disad­ vantaged populations; demonstrated ef­ fective oral and written com m unica­ tion skills; general accounting or book­ keeping experience; valid driver’s li­ cense, reliable transportation and auto insurance. R elevant experience may be substituted for education. Additonal education may be partially substituted for experience. Hourly wage: $7.35. C losing date 5 p.m ., W ednesday, May 2, 1990. A pplications available at The Private Industry Council, 520 SW 6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. An Affirm ative Action/Equal O p­ portunity Employer Program Technician I M edical Policy Analyst with Departm ent o f Hum an Resources Salary ($2039-$2713- M onthly) Excellent B enefit Package State o f O regon, D epartm ent o f Human Resources, is recruiting for the position o f M edical Policy analyst, located in the O ffice o f M edical A ssistance Pro­ gram s in Salem , Oregon. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : Three years o f experience adm ini­ stering or coordinating part/subsets o f a program or project, A Bachelor’s Degree in Business A dm inistration, M anagem ent, Public A dm inistration, Health Care, Social Services or a related field may be sub­ stituted for up to tw o years o f the re­ quired experience, A Registered Nurse degree and li­ cense, O btain a State o f O regon A pplication (P D 1 0 0 ) and A nnouncem ent # 0 0 9 0 0 4 2 7 from Personnel Center, 775 C ourt St., Salem , O regon 97310. FOLLOW THE DETAILED INSTRUC­ TIONS ON TH E ANNOUNCEM ENT. Y our application m ust be received by the closing date on the announcem ent. AN EQUAL O PPORTUNITY EM PLOYER DRYWALL A com plete texturing service 7 Days per week (503) 233-4133 Portland, O regon Temporary Data Entry Operator Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is seeking applicants for a tem porary/ full-time data entry operator. Qualified applicants will have work ex­ perience in a production oriented envi­ ronment with reverse 10 key experi­ ence and a minimum of 10,000 key strokes per hour. Requires a history of excellent attendance and dependabil­ ity. Position to last approxim ately one month. If qualified, apply in person at: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, O R 97201 TDD #225-6780 E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer W A R E H O U SE Order Selector Fleming Foods, Milwaukie $10.30 per hr. + shift differential and benefits. Join union within 30 days. 20-40 hrs. per week to include w eek­ ends. Drug and alcohol screen & physi­ cal. Req. lifting 30-100 lbs. W omen and minorities encouraged to apply. 10 positions. M ust have phone & tran. Apply Oregon St. Employment Div. 506 High St., Oregon City. Refer toJob #2497549. ENGINEERING Solid Waste Coordinator The Oregon Departm ent o f Transportation in Salem is now accepting applications for the following positions: Engineering Specialist (Entry) - $1232-$1617 M onthly Engineering Specialist 1 - $1411- $1870 M onthly Engineering Specialist 2 - $1539-$2060 M onthly Assoc. Transportation Engineer - $1870-$2506 M onthly This recruitm ent w ill be used to estab­ lish statew ide lists from w hich vacan­ cies w ill be filled. For recruiting an­ nouncem ents and applications, call or write: Executive D epartm ent Person­ nel Center, 775 C ourt Street, Salem, OR (503-378-3146). An A A /EEO Em ployer CLERICAL City o f Kelso Salary $2,220 M onthly (D.O.Q.) This is a professional level position with the City o f Kelso, responsible for th e C ity s’ Solid W aste Program includ­ ing collection, disposal, recycling, and waste reduction. Interested candidates should obtain a jo b description and subm it resumes to: the Director of Public W orks/City Engineer, City o f K elso, Drawer A, Kelso, W A 98626. C losing date May 18, 1990. An Equal Opportunity Employer Programmer Colonial Pacific Leasing, a Pitney Bowes Com pany, is recruiting for an experi­ enced “ PIC K ” program m er. This po­ sition requires a minimum o f two years com puter program m ing/analysis on a “ PIC K ” based system along with suc­ cessful completion o f courses in pro­ gramming and computer operations. For­ ward resum e and salary requirem ents in confidence to M anager, Human Re­ sources - OB, P.O. Box 1100, Tualatin, OR 97062. Colonial Pacific is an equal opportu- nity/affirm ative action employer. MENTAL HEALTH Therapist working with CMI adults. M .S.W . (or m aster's degree in social service field) and experience required. Send resum e by 4/10/90 to: CCMH 6329 N.E. Union Portland, OR 97211 ATTN: Personnel EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT/LPN OTHER HEALTH IM PAIRED PROGRAM SUBSTITUTES ON CALL ONLY T o assist in activities as planned and scheduled by the classroom teacher and to assist in the provision o f school health services under the supervision of the Registered Nurse. Q U ALIFICATIONS: Current LPN License Appl. Deadline: Open Until Filled cal! 257-1501 Jcanecd, for M ultnomah Education Service D istrict application form and additional information or com e to Personnel 220 SE 102nd, Portland. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT- SPECIAL EDUCATION EM OTIONALLY H ANDICAPPED PROGRAM COUNSELING Rehabilitation Counselor C-IV Beginning salary $1393-$1450 per month plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks Rehabilitation C oun­ selor for the STAR methadone outpa­ tient program. Responsbilities include counseling to caseload of 25 clients, liason between program and com m u­ nity vocational resources, delivery of vocational and career services to STAR and CODA residential clients. To qualify a masters degree in counsel­ ing or related discipline and 2 years supervised clinical or rehabilitation ex­ perience are required. Experience with drug dependent populations preferred. Excellent com m unication, treatm ent planning, interpersonal and group ther­ apy skills are required. To apply com plete and submit standard CODA apl ¡cation form including screen­ ing question responses to address be­ low. Application m aterials available at CO D A , INC. 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 96232, 239-8400. Equal Opportunity Employer Affirm ative Action Employer The City o f Canby Has The Following Openings: Cemetery/Sexton Receptionist/Clerk Custodian/M aintenance W orker Com m unity Development Secretary Public W orks-Utility Maintenance W orker A pplications available atC ity Hall, 182 N. Holly (503)266-4021. Closes May 4 , 1990. City of Portland Autom otive M echanic - $2,529/mo. Com m unications Engineer III - to $3,836/mo. Loss Control Officer - to $3,510/mo. Police Officer - to $3,217/mo. For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr. job information) No resum es please. BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 SW 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 apps. also available at: URBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russell M inorities, Fem ales and Disabled encouraged to apply. INFORMATION SPECIALIST II The Port of Portland has immediate openings for two (2) part- time Inform ation Specialists to provide timely inform ation and custom er serv­ ice to the traveling and general public visiting Portland International A irport Preferred qualifications: Availability and willingness to work an average o f 28 hours per week, weekends, holidays, and shifts from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Ability to understand and explain airport activities such as flight sched­ ules, ground transportation information, etc. Knowledge of business telephone etiquette and an ability to speak in a clear, definitive telephone voice. Knowledge of foreign languages help­ ful. Demonstrated cooperative outoing personality. Ability to work in an isolated, inde­ pendent situation. Demonstrated ability to deal with em ergencies in a calm, clear-headed manner. In addition to a starting salary range of $6.39 per hour, the Port offers a com prehensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in per­ son at the Port o f Portland Em ploym ent Office, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tri­ county, Portland metropolitan area, Clark County, and physically disabled appli­ cants may request application m ateri­ als by calling (503) 231-5000, exten­ sion 700. All applications must be re­ ceived by Friday, April 27, 1990at5:00 p.m. The Port is an equal opportunity em ployer. Energy Management Specialist $2,617-$3,176/m onth M inimum o f one year experience in energy m anagem ent plus an Engineer- in-Training (EIT) or equivalent certifi­ cate; or three years experience in en­ ergy management. Experience in w rit­ ing technical reports and proposals; experience in leading projects. Bache­ lor o f Science degree in engineering from a university with a four-year ac­ credited engineering curriculum; or a tw o-year Associate of Science degree in energy m anagem ent and four years experience in the field o f energy man­ agem ent; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Training in building m echanical or electrical sys­ tems and equipm ent, commercial/in- dustrial process energy use and energy use modeling. Valid driver’s license required. Send resume prior to M ay 7 ,1 9 9 0 to: Eugene W ater & Electrical Board P.O. Box 10148 Eugene, O R 97440-2148 Attn: Human Resources Department Equal O pportunity Employer Program Analyst I O pening for a skilled and productive professional to develop and install IBM/ MVS CIDS applications. Strong tech­ nical, com m unication, and team work skills required. IBM, JCL, COBOL AND CICS essential; CA -ID EA L and DATA-COM a plus. Hands on MSA G L, AP, Purchasing and IE experience preferred. Starting salary $2,406-$2,617 / per month. Subm it resum e by May 14,1990 to: Eugene W ater & Electric Board P.O. Box 10148 Eugene, OR 97440-2148 Attn: Human Resources Deptm ent EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER SECRETARIAL Executive Support Specialist I For the Com m ittee O ffice o f the L egis­ lative Administration com m ittee. This full-tim e position provides secretarial and adm in ¡strati ve support to the A ssis­ tant A dm inistrator and Support Serv­ ices M anager. Experience perform ing secretarial and technical functions at an adm inistrative support level required. Salary range $1424-$ 1872 per month. A Legislative Adm inistration Com m it­ tee application is required. Application m aterials m ust be received by 5 p.m., May 14,1990. C ontact Personnel Serv­ ices, Legislative Administration Com ­ mittee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310(503) 378-8530. Equal Opportunity Employer PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE MANAGER E (X7008X*) Beaverton Branch M anager in Adult and Fam ily Services Division (AFS) Salary ($3050-$4298 M onthly) Excellent Benefit Package State o f Oregon, AFS needs an ener­ getic and innovative person with qual­ ity managem ent skills for the Beaver­ ton Branch M anager position in B eav­ erton, Oregon. QUALIFICATIONS: . . . three years o f m anagem ent exp eri­ ence in a public or private organization which included responsibility for d e­ velopment o f program rules and poli­ cies, long and short range plans, p ro ­ gram evaluation and budget prepara­ tion. Graduate level coursew ork in m anage­ ment may be substituted for up to one year o f the required experience. Your background m ust have given you the knowledge, skills, and abilities id e n tifie d in A nnouncem ent # 00900456. Obtain a State o f Oregon Application (P D 1 0 0 ) and A nnouncem ent #OC900456 from Personnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310 APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, APPLICATIONS MUST BE PO ST­ MARKED BY M AY 9, 1990 TO BE ACCEPTED. Follow the detailed instruction on this announcement. An Equal Opportunity Em ployer COUNSELING C-IV Drug Treatment Services 2 Positions Open Starting salary $1393-$1450 plus ex­ cellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks qualified counselors in the Drug Treatm ent Services pro­ gram to provide structured intensive outpatient treatm ent o f complex cases including pregnant women, responsi­ bilities include diagnosis, evaluation and treatment including individual, group and family counseling. Com plex cases requiring advance clinical expertise. Consultation, coordination and fasfcn with com m unity health officials, assis­ tance in clincial supervision o f the program. Preferred applicant will have graduate training in human services and 2 years supervised human services experience. To apply subm it standard CODA application form with screening question responses to address below. Application m aterials available at CODA INC., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 96232, 239-8400. Equal Opportunity Employer Affirm ative Action Employer Project Coordinator O versee the placem ent o f teen mothers and their children in short term (30 days), shelter care with Portland area families. Develop support services for shelter families. Coordinate services with referring social service agencies. Com petent counseling in case coordi­ nations skills. Experience working with foster parents/teen parents desirable. Good organizational and record keep­ ing skills desirable. Bachelor’s degree preferred, or three years human service related experience and som e college acceptable. $8.50-$9.25/per hour, 25/ 30 hours term porary, full time, flex­ ible. Deadline May 4, 1990 Contact Jean, Ext. 277, 222-9661 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Senior Energy Management Specialist $3,059-$3,7221 per month Minimum of three years experience in energy management plus an Engineer- in-Training (EIT) or equivalent c ertifi­ cate; or five years experience in energy management. Experience in w riting technical reports and proposals; exp eri­ ence in leading projects. Bachelor o f Science degree in engineering from a university with a four-year accredited engineering curriculum . T raining in building m echanical or electrical sy s­ tems and equipm ent, com mere ial/in- dustrial process energy use, and build ­ ing energy modeling. V alid d riv er’s license and Enginecr-in-T raining for Oregon required. Send resum e prior to M ay 7 ,1 9 9 0 to: Eugene W ater & Electric Board P.O. Box 10148 Eugene, OR 97440-2148 Attn: Human R esources Dept. EQUAL O PPO RTU N ITY EM PLOYER