■i April 18, 1990, Page 8 JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING C O U N SE L IN G nursing RN Pre-Certification Coordinator The M edical Affairs Dept., is currently seeking a RN professional to fill a Pre- C ertification C oordinator position. PRE-CERTIFICA TIO N CO O RD IN A ­ TO R The Pre-Certification Coordinator will conduct review s for pre-certification program including pre-certifying 2nd opinion, discharge planning, and bene­ fit extension review. Successful candidate must be an RN currently licensed in the state o f O re­ gon with 3-5 years recent hospital ex­ perience. U tilization review and qual­ ify assurance background desirable. G ood com m unication skills a must. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package and com petitive salary. Pre- em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im ­ m ediately, place ad #174 at the top o f your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 SW M arket Portland, OR 97201 E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer PHYSICAL THERAPIST 1 Day W eek for 1990-91 School Year T o assess fine motor/functional skills; to develop prescriptive program s and to provide instruction and/or therapy as indicated. Appl. Deadline: 05/25/90 by 2 p.m. C all257-1501 Jeaneen, for Multnomah Education Service D istrict application form and additional information or come to M ultnomah Education Service D is­ trict Recruitment Office, 11611 NE Ains­ worth Circle, Portland, OR. An E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er REGISTERED NURSE S C H O O L H E A L T H SE R V IC E S T E M P O R A R Y AS N E E D E D Corrected Ad o f April 1, 1990 Providing health care to students en­ rolled in public schools, pre-kindergar­ ten-12th grade in M ultnomah County. Hours, Days and Sites negotiable. As­ signed to cover for staff absence. Appl. Deadline: Open Recruitm ent Call 257-1501 Jeaneen, for Multnomah Education Service District application form and additional information or come to R ecruitm ent O ffice, 11611 NE A ins­ worth Circle, Portland, OR. An E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 190 DAYS F O R 1990-91 S C H O O L Y EA R 1 DAY A W E E K F O R 1990-91 S C H O O L Y EA R To assess fine m otor/functional skills; to develop prescriptive program s and to provide instruction and/or therapy as indicated. Appl Deadline: 05/25/90 by 2 p.m. Call 257-1501 Jeaneen, for Multnomah Education Service District application form and additional information or come to M ultnomah Education Service Dis­ trict Recruitment Office, 11611 NE Ains­ worth Circle, Portland, OR. An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er DEPUTY DIRECTOR/ DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS The O regon State Fair and Exposition Center is seeking qualified applicants for the position o f Deputy Director/Di- rector of O perations. M ust have four years o f m anagem ent experience includ­ ing background in m anaging m ultifac­ eted program s and dem onstrated skills in communications. Duties include over­ seeing Facilities Maintenance, Construc­ tion, Horse Racing, Food Concessions, Janitorial, and Security Program s. This is a full-tim e State o f O regon Executive Position. Job A nnouncem ent is avail­ able by contacting O regon State Fair and Exposition C en­ ter, PH: 378-3247, 2330- 17th Street NE. Salem, O R 97310-0140. Recruitm ent closes on A p ril 25, 1990. Attention Excellent Income For Home Assembly Work For information call: 504-646-1700, Dept. P848 Entry Counselor - STAR C O D A Inc. seeksentry level C ounselor II in the STAR methadone maintenance program. Responsibilities include caseload o f 25 clients, provision of individual and group therapy, m ainte­ nance o f clinical records, assistance with other program functions. C oun­ selor may occasionally be required to work early evenings or on Sat. m orn­ ing. To qualify, applicant m ust possess associates degree in health services; psychology or related field. CCDC certfication may be substituted for as­ sociates degree. At least 1 year super­ vised human services experience is also required. Experience in methadone treatm ent preferred. To apply com plete and subm it standard CO D A application form including screening question responses to address below: A pplication materials and screening questions available at CO D A , Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. E q u a l O pportunity/A fT irm ative A ction E m ployer C O U N SE L IN G C-IV Drug Treatment Services 2 Positions Open Starting salary $1393-51450 plus ex­ cellent benefits. CO D A Inc. seeks qualified counselors in the Drug Treatm ent Services pro­ gram to provide structured intensive outpatient treatm ent o f com plex cases including pregnant women, responsi­ bilities include diagnosis, evaluation and treatment including individual, group and family counseling. Com plex cases requiring advance clinical expertise. C onsultation, coordination and liason with com m unity health officials, assis­ tance in clincial supervision o f the program . Preferred applicant will have graduate training in human services and 2 years supervised human services experience. To apply subm it standard CODA application form with screening question responses to address below. Application materials available at CO D A INC., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 96232, 239-8400. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer A ffirm ative A ction E m ployer C O U N SE L IN G Rehabilitation Counselor C-IV Beginning salary $1393-$ 1450 per m onth plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks Rehabilitation C oun­ selor for the STAR m ethadone outpa­ tient program. Responsbilities include counseling to caseload o f 25 clients, liason between program and com m u­ nity vocational resources, delivery o f vocational and career services to STAR and CO D A residential clients. To qualify a m asters degree in counsel­ ing or related discipline and 2 years supervised clinical or rehabilitation ex­ perience are required. Experience with drug dependent populations preferred. Excellent com m unication, treatm ent planning, interpersonal and group ther­ apy skills are required. To apply com plete and subm it standard CODA aplication form including screen­ ing question responses to address be­ low. Application materials available at CO D A , INC. 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 96232, 239-8400. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer A ffirm ative A ction E m ployer C O U N SE L IN G Case Mgr, New Directions Beginning salary $1109-$ 1200 mo. plus excl benefits CODA Inc. seeks qualified Case M an­ ager at New Directions Transitional Adult Treatm ent Facility.. Duties in­ clude diagnosis and treatm ent to a caseload o f clients, individual and group counseling and therapy, therapeutic a c ­ tivities forclients, client records. T ypi­ cal work week is M on-Fri, swing and day shift. A ssociates degree in health services related field or CCDC certifi­ cation and one year of supervised human services experience are required. To apply subm it CODA application and screening question responses to ad ­ dress below: Application materials available at CO D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ction E m ployer A C C O U N T IN G General Ledger Accountant I Q ualified candidates m ust have a m ini­ mum o f 1 year accounting experience or an equivalent com bination o f educa­ tion and/or experience, including a minimum o f 15 credit hours o f college level accounting. G ood oral and w rit­ ten com m unication skills, ability to use a 10-key by touch, CRT and PC experi­ ence including Lotus 1-2-3 are required. The G eneral Ledger Accountant I is responsible for maintaining, updating and providing control over accounting records for Blue Cross Blue Shield o f Oregon and its subsidiaries to provide tim ely, accurate financial information to the corporation and various outside entities. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and a com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resum e is processed im mediately, please include your salary requirements, and place ad #192 at the top o f your resum e o r in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 SW M arket Portland, O R 97201 E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer PUBLIC SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 4 $1,694-2,255 The Oregon Public Utility Commission is recruiting for a person to work di­ rectly with the public, providing analy­ sis and interpretation of rules and regu­ lations, and collecting taxes and fees. Responsibilities include determining and issuing PU C, highway variance, and DMV m otor carrier perm its, and re­ sponding to questions regarding all phases o f m otor carrier regulation, in­ cluding w eight-m ile tax, economic regulation, and motor carrier safety. To qualify, you m ust have three years o f service as a public service represen­ tative (providing information about serv­ ices and programs; explaining rules, program s, and procedures; dealing with the public in person or on the phone; and/or providing assistance, explaining requirements, and gaining compliance). Positions statewide. For application materials, call 503/ 373-7949, or write Public Utility Com m ission, Personnel Services, 450 Labor & Industries Bldg, Salem, OR 97310-0335. E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/GENERALIST, CURRICULUM A ssistant the Riverdale School District superintendent/principal in administra- tive program s and to act as advisor and consultant to local district adm inistra­ tors regarding general curriculum serv­ ice in assigned local districts for M ultnom ah Education Service District. Appl. Deadline: 05/04/90 by 4:30 p.m. Call 636-4511 for D istrict application form or additional information. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer 9-1-1 Call Taker/Dispatcher Salary Range: $1429 - $2013/m o.) (Eligible for incentive pay after 3 years) The City o f Eugene is accepting applica­ tions for entry level or lateral position in public safety com m unications center. Requires quick, efficient, and accurate receiving and processing o f information for police, fire, and m edical calls. Prior communications experience is preferred. Public contact or telephone experience required. M ust be able to speak clearly and distinctly, to effectively com m uni­ cate with the public in em ergency situ­ ations, and to type 30 w pm . 24 - hour op­ eration, shift work required. CLOSING DATE: April 27,1990. O btain applica­ tion packet at Human R esource/Risk Services, City o f Eugene, 111 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eugene, Oregon. (503-687-5061) A A /E O E r CITY OF PORTLAND Accounting Assistant-to $l,889/mo. A dm inistrative A ssistant II-Building Codes Training C oordinator-to $3,267/ mo. Automotive M echanic-$2,529/m o Communications Engineer IH-to $3,836/ mo. Police O fficer-to $3,217/m o. Fore m ore info/closing dates call (503)248-4573 (24 hr. job inform a­ tion) N o Resum es Please B U R EA U O F PE R S O N N E L 1220 SW 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 A pps also available at: URBA N L E A G U E 10 N. Russell M in o rities, fem ales a n d disabled en co u ra g e d to apply. FACILITIES ENGINEER O SU Physical Plant, Engineering. Po- siuow is responsible for m anaging en ­ ergy conservation opportunities and ac­ tivities. Includes all energy forms such as steam, electricity, natural gas, water, solar, etc. To qualify, must have equivalency o f a Bachelor’s Degree with at least 30 hours in one o f the fundam ental areas o f engineering, and 4 years engineering experience. Preference will be given to those registered as a professional engi­ neer. A pplications will be accepted through April 23, 1990. Apply through Human Resources, OSU, A dm inistrative Services, B I 22, CorvalL )R, 97331-2132, or phone 503-737-3103. O SU is an A ffirm ative A ction/ E E O E a n d com plies w ith Section 504 o f th e R eh ab ilitatio n A ct of 1973. FINANCE Program Development Assistant (Development) Salary Range (1-7) $25,536-$33,072 Provides progam assistance and techni­ cal support to D evelopm ent D epart­ ment. Responsible for preparation and m onitoring o f departm ent budget, pro­ vide program support in financial plan­ ning, financial analysis, bond sales, 5- year financing plan, and special proj­ ects. Task will include preparation of financial and budget projections, col­ lecting and analyzing financial and other data, prepare reports, and other docu­ ments. M ust possess know ledge of organiza­ tion, functions, and activities o f local governm ent. Knowledge of budgeting concepts and principles. Knowledge o f statistics. Skill in use o f MS-DOS based com puter program s, particularly L otus 1-2-3. Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relation­ ships with other em ployees, public and private officials and the general public. Please call 796-6819 to request an ap­ plication packet. A pplication deadline May 4, 1990. PORTLAND D EVELOPM ENT COM M ISSION 1120 SW Fifth, Suite 1100 Portland, OR 97204 An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer W om en a n d m in o rities a re en c o u ra g e d to apply. Financial Specialist 1 - Aging Services Divison $12.59 per hour R esponsibilities include preparing and processing accounting docum ents for Public G uardian clients; tracking and reconciling client accounts, program budget and petty cash; and preparing financial docum entation, reports and procedures; requires one year of related experience; a BS and experience with accounting-related PC softw are is pre­ ferred; apply by April 27, 1990. W here to Apply: M ultnom ah County Em ployee Serv­ ices, Room 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204. “ An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r” ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/GENERALIST, CURRICULUM A ssistant the Riverdale School D istrict superintendent/principal in adm inistra­ tive program s and to act as advisor and consultant to local district adm inistra­ tors regarding general curriculum serv­ ice in assigned loçal districts for M ultnomah Education Service District. Appl. Deadline: 05/04/90 by 4:30 p.m. Call 636-4511 for District application form or additional information. An E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer PHYSICAL THERAPIST \ \ M l,ABI I RI (¡ARDUI SS OU ( RUDI I . . . PR O C ESSED IN 48 HOI RS! ( A l I 1309) 8 2 8 -6 0 4 8 < * ’« L an e C o m m u n ity College BROADCAST/VISUAL DESIGN & PRODUCTION INSTRUCTOR 1 Day W eek for 1990-91 School Year To assess fine m otor/functional skills; to develop prescriptive program s and to provide instruction and/or therapy as indicated. Appl. Deadline: 05/25/90 by 2 p.m. Call 257-1501 Jeaneen, for M ultnomah Education Service D istrict application form and additional information or come to M ultnom ah Education Service D is­ trict Recruitment Office, 11611 NE Ains­ worth Circle, Portland, OR. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer Mass com m unications Application Deadline: May 16, 1990 Application and job description are avail­ able at Personnel Services, Lane C om ­ munity College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405. 1-503-726-2211. LCC application must be postm arked no later than deadline date. An A ffirm ative A ction /E q u al O p ­ p o rtu n ity In stitu tio n E N G IN E E R Adams County D epartm ent o f Public W orks will be accepting applications and resum es for the position o f County Engineer through April 30, 1990. The position requires licensed W ashington State P.E. certification. Salary range $32,OOO-$37,OOO, depending on experi­ ence. Com plete job description and applications are available at 210 W. Broadw ay, Ritzville W A 99169, ph. (509) 659 0090. Adams County is an Eaual O pportunity Employer. This long established steel pipe m anu­ facturer has im m ediate openings for skilled: E L E C T R IC IA N S-M ust have Oregon State Supervisors License HEAVY DUTY MAINTENANCE M ECHANIC/M ILL W RIGHT A pplications available at: 12005 N. Burgard Shop office is located in plant area adjacent to the entrance o f Term inal 4. Drug screening will occur. A labor dis­ pute is in progress. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer P rin c ip a l E x ecu tiv e/M an ag er C (X7004*) N ew port B ran ch M a n a g e r w ith A d u lt a n d F am ily Services Division (AFS) Salary (42513-$3538-M onthly) Excellent B enefit Package State o f Oregon, AFS needs an ener­ getic and innovative person with the ability to manage people and program s for a position as the New port Branch m anger in N ew port, Oregon. QUALIFICATIONS: . . . five years o f progressively respon­ sible experience in supervision or staff technical or professional level work re­ lated to a program o f the em ploying agency. Experience must have included at least one year o f supervision and m anagem ent o f a program , section or unit which included such areas as: developm ent o f program rules and poli­ cies, long and short range goals and plans, program evaluation or budget preparation. A B achelor’s Degree in a field related to m anagem ent (such as Business or Public A dm inistration), OR a field re­ lated to a program o f the em ploying agency, may be substituted for up to three years o f the required experience. Obtain a State o f O regon Application (P D 1 0 0 ) and A nnouncem ent #00900403 from Personnel Center, 775 C ourt Street, Salem , O regon 97310. APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, APPLICATIONS MUST BE PO ST­ M ARKED BY M AY 7, 1990 TO BE ACCEPTED. FOLLOW TH E DETAILED IN ­ STRUCTIONS ON THE A N ­ NOUNCEM ENT. AN E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLOYER. PART-TIME ON CALL CLERICAL H ere’s the ideal job for the hom em aker with clerical skills who wants to make some extra money on occasions through­ out the year. W e’re looking for som e­ one to cover for vacation and sick leave for our office personnel. If you have good typing skills (45 w pm ), excellent telephone com m unications skills and an outgoing personality, call Pam at The Halton Com pany, 288-6411 ext. 309. E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLOYER ADOPT! H appily m a rrie d , financially se c u re couple w a n ts to sh a re o u r love, hom e a n d stuffed a n i­ m al collection w ith an infant. Please an sw er o u r p ra y e rs. R elated expenses. C onfidential. C all M a rth a & M a rk collect a fte r 4:00 p.m ., (215) 248-1595. SIG N A TU R E L O W S PRINTING SALES Fast growing full service printer seek sa self-m otivated organized person with graphic arts sales experience. We com ­ bine the best in quick print and com ­ m ercial offset printing, both sheet-fed and sm all web. Excellent com pensa­ tion and benefit program. E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer. Please send resum e to: P.O. Box 231299 Tigard, OR 97223 NORTHWEST PIPE & CASING CO. DISPATCHER The City o f Forest G rove is accepting applications for both full and part-tim e positions. Salary: S8.40-S10.51 per hour (Training Rate: $7.22 per hour). I Duties include centralized receiving, routing and dispatching o f emergency communications as well as clerical duties involving both manual and com puter­ ized record keeping systems. M ini­ mum Qualifications: High School di­ plom a or G ED plus six m onths’ previ­ ous work experience, typing ability, and experience dealing with the public. O btain materials from: City o f Forest G rove, Personnel Office, 1924 Council Street, PO Box 326, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116. Application m ust be received by 5:00 p.m. on May 4, 1990. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer SECRETARY N o rth w est N a tu ra l G as C om pany W e are searching for individuals with strong secretarial skills to work in a variety o f departm ents. Ideal candi­ dates will have a history o f working successfully in a multiple-task environ­ ment w hile m aintaining a professional and custom er-oriented im age to other Com pany personnel and the general public. A minimum of 3 years secretarial back­ ground will be preferred, plus strong statistical and time m anagem ent skills. IBM PC experience using W ordPerfect 5.0 and Sym phony/Lotus 1-2-3 will be essential. Manual Dictation skills will be utilized. Starling salary is $1527 and includes a full benefit package. Only those se­ lected to be interview ed will be co n ­ tacted. Please send your resum c/data sheet identifying your skills and applicable background by April 20, 1990: N o rth w est N a tu ra l (¡a s C om pany P.O. Box 3410 Portland, Oregon 97208-3410 FAX (503) 721-2506 Job Information Line- 503/220-2434 Recorder. Salary: $1615- $1963/month t excellent bene­ fits. Under City Manager's di­ rection will supervise compu­ terized central acctg, payroll, utility billing, budget, bond is­ sues, election olficer. Municlpa f* computer experience desired Request application 8 job de­ scription: City Manager, Estaca­ da City Hall, Po Box 950, Estaca­ da, OR 9/073. (503) 630-3223 Closes April 27, 1990. Equal Opportunity Employer HMM