April 18, 1990, Page 6 • II Hi a Strengt fien fo u r f a i th ‘Through ‘P rayer A n d R ‘ egular Church ‘Warship Bush Administration Declares Drug War in D.C. A Failure Congregation Beth Israel to Host “I Have A Dream” Scholarship Program Creator Eugene Lang, who created the “ I Have a Dream ” scholarship program in a sixth-grade graduation speech in Harlem, will be the 1990 Cohn Lecturer at Temple Beth Israel, Friday, April 20. Lang will discuss his experiences, and how to set up a similar program in Portland, in the Daniel J. and Elizabeth O. Cohn Lecture at 8:30 p.m. in the Blumauer Auditorium. Lang, an international high-tech entrepreneuer and philanthropist, has said that he began the program after looking at his audience and realizing that nothing he had planned to say would matter much. In­ stead, he pledged the graduates that if they continued in school and received their high school diplomas, he would provide their college tuition. He also set up mentoring and tutoring programs to help the class through junior high and high school, a step which he has called far more important than providing the tuition. The program has received wide media attention and has been copied in many cities. In Portland, Lang will be meeting with various community leaders to share his experiences and discuss the potential for a similar program in Portland. Mr. Lang will be available for personal interviews by appointment April 20, 10:00 a.m .-l 1:30 a.m. <...........................................................> IT MATTERS NOT OBITUARY Do not remind me, gentle friend, "I shall not pass this way again," It matters not to me today, Wholoved each step along the way. Thank God I have not been deprived Of windy hills when Spring arrived. Nor missed the Summer twilight when The stars lit up the night again. Carole Ann Martin Gone From U s: April 17,1990 Little Chapel of the Chimes N.E. Killingsworth For more information call 283-1976 The sweetest moments I recall. Were down a golden lane in Fall, The dearest face I'll ever know, Looked down at me through Winter snow. A heart wherein such things remain. Cares not to pass this way again. Grace E. Easley W ashington-Just one day after a group o f United M ethodist bishops and other church leaders met here April 4 with a top official from the office o f U.S. drug czar W illiam Bennett, Bush adm ini­ stration officials declared the war on drugs in the nation’s capital a failure. But at his W hite House meeting with United M ethodist church leaders, Jose O. M arquez o f the O ffice o f National Drug Control Policy had been more op­ tim istic in his assessm ent o f the na­ tional drug p o licy’s first year: “ We still have a serious problem (with illicit drug use), but we are headed in the right direction.” Two w eeks prior, Mr. M arquez and Reggie B. W alton o f the O ffice of National Drug Control Policy m et with Bishop Felton E. May, who heads the denom ination’s first drug initiative; Bishop Jack Tuell, Los Angeles, presi­ dent o f the council; and retired Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly of San Mateo, Calif. Attending the April 3-5 sem inar on drug aw areness were Bishops Ernest A. Fitzgerald, Atlanta; W illiam B. G rove, Charleston, W. Va.; Woodrow J. Hearn, Lincoln, Neb.; Thom as B. Stockton, Richm ond, Va.; and C. Dale W hite, W hite Plains, N.Y. O ther participants included Don W. M endenhall, Des M oines, Iowa, adm inistrative assistant CHRIST MEMORIAL WOMEN AFFAIRS 1552 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 286-9624 Quality Used Carpet April 25-29,1990 2716 Nl' Marlin I.ulher King, Jr. Blvd 7:00 pm Nightly 9:45-3:00 pm Saturday Seminar 3:00 pm Sunday afternoon service Camel Cut & Loop Carpet w ill conduct the 8th A nnual W omen Fellow ship & Sem inar Services presenting 1990's original $2295 New NOW "Powerful Problems-Powerful Solutions II Chronicles 7:14 like new large pieces 1800 yards available! Example: If you have a room 12 ft wide and 12 ft long- it will cost you only $40.00 RACISM DRUGS ALCOHOLISM CORRUPTION HOMOSEXUALITY CRIME SINGLE PARENTS AIDS GANGS O utstanding Speakers: M issio n a r Ida S im p so n D a n ie ls E v a n g elist Flora P eterson M issio n a r y M attie W ells D y n a m ic C o m m u n ity P articipants Hair weeving, Designer Cuts Coloring, Press and Curl, Leisure Curl, Hawaiian Curl & Perms, and other Relaxers & Blow dry. Hair Weeving Is The Thing For Everyone!!! Some Like Cosmetic Weeve . . . Others Might Need A Corrective Weeve . . . You May Just Want To Look Good!!! Nail Care & Service Just Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Metro Area. G eri , "What really works (is). . . local ownership of the drug problem, com­ munity programs." o f the scope o f the drug problem , but it is im portant,” Bishop G rove told Mr. Marquez. W hen the visiting church leaders learned of reports o f the Bush admini­ stration’s admission o f failure in the W ashington drug effort, m any said they were not surprised. Despite governm ent efforts to make the nation’s capital a “ test case” dur­ ing the first year o f the strategy, policy say drugs are still plentiful and cheap and drug-related deaths have not de­ clined in the city that has gained the title “ murder capital.” PROVE GOD NOW Miracle and Healing Seminar Teacher- Evangelist W. Pritchett, Radio, TV, And Crusade Speaker With A Proven Nationwide Mir­ acle Ministry. Evangelist W. Prtichett will be teaching how to claim God’s prom­ ises, how to be healed of all your diseases and sickness, by trusing God’s Word and His Name through th epower of the Holy Ghost. This is your opportunity to be healed, delivered and set free by learning to trust God and His promises. EVANGELIST W. PRITICHETT Place: O.B. WILLIAM CONVENTION CENTER See “ Prove God Now” , Cable TV Ministry each Sunday, Channel 11, 1:00 pm Friday, Channel 17, 4:00 pm Saturday, Channel 33, 11:00 am If So Give LONNIE A Call at 283-5440 The finest in salon and beauty care for over 26 years in the Portland H air S tylists / D drug effort: “ The United Methodist Church has more churches than (the governm ent has) post offices; we have people committed and we are experts at doing jobs at low cost or no cost.” The leaders left the m eeting with a promise from Mr. Marquez to ‘ ‘do all we can” for the church’s drug initia­ tive. “ Our initiative is very sm all in light T ime : 2:00-5:30 p . m . D ate : S aturday , A pril 28, 1990 283-5440 (Art Nalls, Manicure, Pedicure, Facial) to Bishop Rueben P. Job; the Rev. George T. Johnson, pastor o f Hanson Place Central United M ethodist Church; and the Rev. Ruthenia Finley and the Rev. W ilson T. Boots, staff members o f the denomination’s New York Annual Con­ ference. Several o f the bishops and leaders said the 35 minute-m eeting with Mr. Marquez revealed few insights or suc­ cesses o f the highly publicized national drug strategy, but said he did not con­ firm somewhat the need for a com pre­ hensive and community-based approach to fighting drugs, like the one created by the council. A fter justifying the Bush adm ini­ stration’s $12 million allocation for drug interdiction and prison construction, to the first year o f the program in the W ashington area alone, Mr, Marquez said, “ W hat really works ( is ) . . . local ow nership o f the drug problem, com ­ munity program s.” W hen Bishops Hearn and Matthews questioned availability of federal fund­ ing for such program s, Mr. Marquez said the “ reality is that such local pro­ gram s will have to be self-sufficient.” Bishop M atthews urged Mr. M ar­ quez not to overlook the 8.9 million- m em ber denom ination’s connectional system ’s potential value to the anti­ 220 NE Beech St. Portland, Oregon Unity of Love 3606 N. Williams 284-0293 2 fo r l 9-Cair Styles A s k ffo r 9dgr HOMELESS CHILD ABUSE UNEMPLOYMENT ABORTION DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DIVORCE Something For Everyone Including The Men!!! L ove -L ee -L o L ee • DON’T MISS IT! I f ‘Weeving Isn't fo u r ‘Thing! Let's Do ‘What Lver fo u r Slair Desires! esigners : M ar y , A l , Jesus Loves You! J anice M anicurist : P at O wner / m a n a g e r : A lzena ARANATHA H U RCH D e D e L eveaux & C assie J enkins MRS C’S WIGS 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (corner o f 8th & S k id m ore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon W H O L E S A L E & RETAIL H U N D R E D S O F W IG S áte fewfc H S' Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES N A O M I SIM S • B O R N FR E E • M IC H A E L W EEKS BETTY CABIN! PROPRIE TOM AND OTHER NAME BRANDS TUfS-SAT EVERYTHWG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WES UNDUE HAM ORNAMENTS HAM BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLES MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETES ZURICOSMETES 281-6525 BEAUTICIAN STUDENT DISCOUNTS 4 100*/. HUMAN HAM FOR 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) BRAIDING WfAVMG A Sunday Services Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. Maranatha School of Ministry 6:30 P.M. Mid-Week Services • Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Teaching Church W ith A Teaching Ministry. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST -----1 CHURCH — I Dr. Jam es E. M artin, S en io r Pastor 116 N.E. Schuyler • (503) 284-1954 3 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES 8:00 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M. - WORSHIP SERV1C 12:30 P.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE CHURCH SCHOOL: SATURDAY MORNING 9 A M. TO 10 A.M BIBLE STUDY: R ev. W e n d e ll H. W allace S e n io r Pastor - 7 .• * *>. . / ’ 10:30 A.M. - 12 N O O N - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY Radio M inistry Each Sunday, 8.00 A M . - KBMS I