b* *• « -• » » April 18, 1990, Page 4 ENTERTAINMENT Singer Jody Watley to Release 45 Minute “Dance to Fitness” Video on April 8 Th ey're hot! 'V M ay 1 - 6 «M Platinum record selling artist Jody W atley and PPI E n te rta in m e n t Grouphave announced the release of the star’s exercise video, Jody W atley: Dance to Fitness. T he45 minute video, which com bines exercise and choreo­ graphed dance steps, will feature music from the singer’s two platinum albums, Jody Watley (1988) and Larger than Life (1989). The video wil ship plati­ num and will be available at major video retail outlet s on April 23. “ I think the time is right for a new music video concept,” said W atley. ‘‘Everyone likes to dance and learn the steps of their favorite performers. Dance to Fitness is the ultimate video experi­ ence because it com bines dance, fitness and the excitem ent of my life perform ­ ances.” W atley, who won a Grammy Award for Best Artist in 1988, has quickly established herself as one o f the more important new entertainers in the music industry. Her hits include, ‘‘Looking For a New Love,” ‘‘D on’t You Want Me,” “ Some Kind of Lover,” and “ Real L ove,” all o f which will be 8 p .m . Intermediate Theatre ftjrtlantd Center tor the Performing Arts T ick ets: $5, $9, $11 PCPA Box Office: 248-4496 The Jefferson Dancers ♦i- <• .'>• African American Festival June During the Rose Festival t . Electrifying! Don't miss them. See Page O ne-- AETEE T h e r e s a PARTY g o i n g o n a t t h e P . I . T . S a tu rd a y th e 2 1 s t. We w i l l h a v e A new g r o u p P r o d u c e d b y L a r r y B e l l o f t h e U-KREW p e r f o r m i n g tw o s h o r t s e t s i n a d d i t i o n t o o u r g r e a t R&B f o r m a t e . A f t e r h o u r s t i l "4" e v e r y F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y j u s t f o r "U" n à ~ For y o u r e n te r ta in m e n t and d a n cin g p le a s u r e y o u r D .J . h o s t T .C . R ockm aster p ro v id e s th e b e s t in R&B m usic, See "U" a t th e P . I . T . C lub. W M 'S i < o CL omedy*R&B* New Age Soundtracks • Inte C lassical • Opera • s • Spoken W ord • Rap Posters • Collectabl Soul • Pop • J a z z • R L7L& B • New Age Soundtracks • IntemaTipn » C lassical • Opera oken W ord • Rap Posters • Collectabl Soul • Pop - J a z z * y • R & B • New Age Soundtracks • Intern C lassical • o p e ra • p o ke n W ord • Rap i • Posters • Collectabl Soul • Pop - J a z z dy • R & B • New Age Soundtracks • Interna C lassical • Opera Spoken W ord • Rap 1 0 16 S .W . T A Y L O R Posters • Collectabl S T. Play Ball! Northwest Theatre of the Deaf and the IFCC will present the west coast premiere o f The Signal S ea­ son of D um m y Hoy by Allen Meyer and Michael Nowak. The year is 1886 and W illiam Ellsworth Hoy is about to becom e the first deaf player in the history o f professional base­ ball. In his 14 year major league career Hoy becam e one o f the top base stealers o f all time and broke a National Leguc fielding record. But he is most remembered for creating the familiar hand signals that um­ pires use. Directed by Michael Nowak, the show features Dean Patrick Cannav- ino of the National Theatre of the D eaf in the title role. T he Signal Season of D um m y Hoy runs April 20-May 13 at the IFCC Theatre, Fridays and Satur­ days at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. General admission is SIO. Students, seniors and groups of ten or more pay S8. Discount coupons and Artseards are accepted at all Sunday matinees. Call (503) 243-7931 for information and reservations. All performances will be sign interpreted. The 1990 Ebony Fashion Fair Fashion Magic The 32nd Annual Ebony Fashion Fair will appear in Portland at the Earle A. Chiles Center, University of Port­ land, on Friday, April 27, at 8:00 p.m. This famed traveling fashion show is produced by Ebony m agazine and is sponsored by the Portland Chapter of Links, Inc., for the benefit of L inks’ Educational and Scholarship Fund. Mrs. Eunice W. Johnson, Producer and D irector o f the show, personaly selects fashions from the exclusive collections o f famed designers such as Frank Composto, Bill Blass, Bob Mackie, G iorgio Sant’Angelo, Fabrice, Patrick Kelly and Bruce Oldfield. Mrs. Johnson is meticulous and thor­ ough in purchasing the m ost spectacu­ lar fashions available for Ebony Fash­ ion Fair audiences. M ore than 200 exquisite garments com plete with the latest accessories, 10 female and 2 male models, commenta- tor, music director, stage and business managers, and wardrobe staff travel from coast to to a st on a special char­ tered Greyhound bus. Because o f the unprecedented demand for sponsorship of the show by charitable organizations around the country, Ebony Fashion Fair now tours two seasons. The east and midwest from September through De­ cember and the southwest from January through May, appearing in more than 191 cities. Mrs. Jacquelyn Brown, General Chairperson o f the benefit performance indicates ticket sales are going excep­ tionally well and expects an even larger attendance than last year. Tickets may be purchased at Mrs. C ’s W igs (707 NE Fremont), House of Sound (3606 N. W illiams Ave.), and Earle A. Chiles Center, University of Portland (5000 N. W illamette Boulevard). Proceeds from previous shows made it possible to make contributions to many local charities such as: POIC (Portland Opportunities Industrializa­ tion Center); NAACP - locally and nationally; St. V incent De Paul Child Development Center; Volunteers of America Day Nursery Fund; Multnomah Association for Retarded Children; Un ited N egro College Fund-locally and nationally; American Cancer Society, Oregon Division; Kidney Association of Oregon; UN1CF; Ethiopian Aid (Afrieare, Inc.); American Heart A sso­ ciation, Oregon Affiliate, Inc.; Kerr Young Parents Program; Self Enhance­ ment; American Dance Theatre (E liza­ beth ABTS); Interestate Firehouse C ul­ tural Center; and many other groups and organizations. The 32nd Annual EBONY Fashion Fair Presents asili on 'QQ/QO Sponsored by Portland Chapter The Links, Inc. Benefit of LINKS EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND University of Portland Earle A. Chiles Center 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, Oregon Shadow Masters & Sound 3&S =^=" Photography (503) 629-5930 P.O. Box 6311 Aloha, OR 97006 Rick Pratt Lesley E. Hammond 31 NW FIRST C lassical • O p era • Local • Electronic • C ards • Posters • Collectabl Soul • Pop • J a z z • R ock • B lues • Folk • Comedy • R & B • New Age S oundtracks • International • C o u n tr v r J fe ^ 155 • Spoken W ord • Rap C lassical • O pera • Local • E lS c j^ T y ard s • Posters • Collectabl Soul • Pop • J a z z • | 000000000000000 Friday, April 27, 1990 8:00 p.m. Ticket Prices: $20.00, $25.00 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Mrs. C's Wigs, 707 N.E. Fremont House of Sound, 3606 N. Williams Ave. Earle A. Chiles Center Ticket prices include one year subscription to EBONY, EM, or six months to JET. W IN A TRIP FOR TWO TO ANY DESTINATION SERVED BY AMERICAN AIRLINES A N D/O R AMERICAN EAGLE IN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES Baker Cajun Style P.I.T. Club Is lo cate d at 231 SW Ankeny on the com er of 3rd & Ankeny, one block south of Burnside 228-2237 S.W.Jci included on Dance to Fitness. W atley, who is known for her high- energy performances, was recently named one o f A m erica’s Ten M ost Beautiful W omen by Harper’s Bazaar in 1989 and chosen by People m aga­ zine as one o f the Fifty Most Beautiful People in the W orld in 1990. C lu b , KROWD K O N T R O L rr Jody W atley 000000000000000 2 "7 <4 — 0 6 9 0 223-9919 Sauce Suprem e is now available to all TJs Sentry Markets as well as many other area stores. SEE APRIL the display at Strohecker’s this weekend Thurs. 19th Roisin D ubb Fri-Sat. 20th & 21st Curtis S a lga d o & The Stillettos For more information call 284-4004 (Ch. 8-KGW Live From Key Largo, Fri) Sun. 22nd BBC & M other Jones a a a ■ 1VIOI1. z o t u H eart of Darkness Tues. 24th D ave Berg Band Wed. 25th Big House KEY LARGO: 31 NW FIRST 223-9919 MT HO O D COM MUNITY COLLEGE ----------------------- ------------------------------------ 7